A psychological illness exists when

a person has delusions, thoughts or beliefs without a basis in reality.
thoughts and/or emotions prevent a person from functioning normally.
emotions like nervousness or sadness get out of control.
a person’s genetics cause him or her to develop schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.


Answer 1
Thoughts and/or emotions prevent a person from functioning normally. The first one isn’t right as a person with mental illnesses may not have delusions, the same with the third one a person with mental illness may not be nervous or sad, and schizophrenia and bipolar are mental disorders but it is not limited to those.

Related Questions

pls help me ill give u 10 points!!!!! ....



what is a habitat


please help ASAP
Which of the following is not included in the sandwich method?
Pointing out something they are doing correctly
Demonstrating the exercise to the client
Giving corrections for mistakes
Pointing out another thing they are doing correctly


The sandwich feedback technique is a popular three-step procedure to help managers who are ill at ease with providing corrective feedback. The sandwich feedback method consists of praise followed by corrective feedback followed by more praise.

Why are the veins under my tongue black? I’m still a teenager so it shouldn’t be the stuff my grandma has



It is normal for there to be veins visible underneath the tongue, partly because the mucous membrane is so thin and translucent in this region, but where these vessels become dilated and tortuous, they may appear round and black like caviar.

it's normal! they just become more dilated in the area where the tongue is, so it appears black.

Why is it important to become more aware of influences that affect you and of the way you influence others?



its important because it can affect your mental health/physical health and it can have the same impact on people around you.


Affects both mental and physical health which can cause problems for you socially

which of the following is not a healthy snack choice? please help me I need it now

bananas, oranges, and raisins
apple with low-fat peanut butter
potato chips with low-fat dip
whole-grain crackers or bread



whole grain crackers or bread

potato chips with low-fat dip is unhealthy

Which of the following is not included in the GREAT decision making model?

Evaluate the pros and cons of each option
Review your options
Make a decision based on your values
Reflect on your choice
Correct the situation



Make a decision based on your values


C) Making a decision based on your values is not included in the GREAT decision-making model.

What are the decision-making models?

The 4 one-of-a-kind decision-making fashions are rational, bounded rationality, intuitive, and innovative range in terms of ways skilled or prompted a selection maker is to make a desire. Selecting the right technique will make you more effective at work and enhance your potential to perform all of the P-O-L-C features.

A choice-making model describes the technique a crew will use to make choices. The maximum vital aspect in a hit choice-making is that each group member is clear approximately how a selected decision might be made.

Your question is incomplete. Please find below the complete question.

Which of the following is not included in the GREAT decision-making model?

A)Evaluate the pros and cons of each option

B)Review your options

C)Make a decision based on your values

D)Reflect on your choice

E)Correct the situation

Learn more about decision-making models here: https://brainly.com/question/25870371


Which of the following statements about su1c1de is TRUE?

Asking a person if they are thinking about su1cide increases the likelihood they will go through with it.
Su1cide is the leading cause of death for people age 15-24.
Schools and communities can offer little in the way of su1cide-prevention resources.
Having good problem-solving skills helps to protect a person from the risk of su1cide.



Su1cide is the leading cause of death for people age 15-24.


Su1cide is the leading cause of death for people age 15-24z

John comes to work on time every day. He is always friendly and kind to the others that work in his lab. Which characteristic best fits John's behavior?

A) diligence
B) reliability
C) intelligence
D) dependability


The answer is D. Dependability
Answer is D

Hope this helped

Explain the difference between respiratory distress, and respiratory arrest.



the common respiratory arrest definition is the cessation of breathing. Respiratory arrest is usually the endpoint of respiratory distress that leads to respiratory failure. Respiratory distress and failure have multiple causes, all of which, if left untreated, can deteriorate into respiratory arrest.

Why is women empowerment important for quality life? Explain


Women empowerment helps to eradicate various negative norms and values prevailing in the family and society which is directly affecting the quality of life of the family and society.

It involves the action of boosting the status of women through literacy, education, training and raising awareness (Alvarez and Lopez, 2013). Hence, women's empowerment is all about allowing and equipping women to make life-determining choices across different issues in the country.

Which set of symptoms describes the short-term effects of amphetamines?

detached, dream-like state
fast heart rate with extreme alertness and high energy
feelings of relaxation or anxiety with possible hallucinations
altered senses with difficulty in thinking and impaired memory



fast heart rate with extreme alertness and high energy


Amphetamines are drugs that act by stimulating the central nervous system, thereby speeding up the chemical signals that travel between the brain and the body. These substances (amphetamines) can be legal or illegal. For example,  Adderall and Dexedrine are amphetamine drugs currently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for therapeutic use, whereas 'ecstasy is an illegal drug used for recreation. Amphetamines can increase heart rate and blood pressure and thus cause cardiovascular diseases (causing inflammation and artery spasms). Moreover, amphetamines also increase energy by stimulating the release of dopamine (a neurotransmitter) in the frontal cortex, which causes feelings of happiness, increases alertness and decreases fatigue.


fast heart rate with extreme alertness and high energy


Simple answer plz
N.o. l.i.n.k.s pretty please



The co-vid vaccine is made of dead material that is in Co-vid-19 already, which our immune system senses is not right, so it fights it out of the system.

(Hope this was simple!)

what are the packaging materials for storing dessert?​



please send the full question


yaeh send the full ok n!!!!!!!!!!!

The process by which the structure labeled Bis released from the structure labeled Ais
known as



The process by which the egg cell (i.e., structure labeled B) is released from the ovary (i.e., structure labeled A) is known as ovulation


The egg cell, also known as an ovum, is the female gamete (i.e., the female reproductive sex cell), which is produced in the ovaries. The ovaries are the female gonads that contain many follicles, and each of them contains a single oocyte (immature egg cell). Ovulation occurs when a mature egg is released from the ovary during the menstrual cycle. During this process, the ovum moves to the fallopian tube where it can be fertilized by a sperm cell (male reproductive cell or male gamete). If fertilization occurs, the ovum moves to get implanted in the uterus and develop an embryo.

The overall pattern of the body's blood consist of two loops .What is the purpose of the two loops ​


One loop pumps the blood to the lungs to get oxygen and the other is where the oxygenated blood is pumped around for the rest of the body

Order of organs involved in digestion

Reorder answers
Reorder answers
Reorder answers
3.liver makes bile
Reorder answers
Reorder answers
Reorder answers
Reorder answers
7.large intestine
Reorder answers
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9.small intestine
Reorder answers

Quick hurry



The correct answer is - mouth > chewing > bolus > stomach > churning > liver makes bile > small intestine > large intestine > anus.


The digestive system of humans starts with the buccal cavity or mouth and digestion starts from here. After food intake, food is chewed in the mouth and converted into a bolus by mixing it with saliva.

From here this bolus moves into the stomach through the esophagus. In the stomach, food is digested by enzymes and HCl while it churns or mixes the bolus with the secretion that takes place in the stomach.

The Liver makes bile juice that helps in the digestion of fat in the small intestine. From there food moves to the large intestine and here complete digestion takes place and waste move out from the anus.

(Caution, Bodily fluid imagery)

Subject - Health
Extra points!

A 19 year old female has been experiencing for the last 2 days, a soar throat, pain when she talks, and a mild fever (99.5 - 100.5) that is on and off. She also lacks an appetite. She thinks she has symptoms of sinusitis. She has bloody yellow mucus when she blows her nose.

Question: What is bloody yellow mucus usually a sign of?

Answer needs to be at least one sentence long.



Bloody yellow mucus may be a sign that the nasal passageway is irritated and could be a result of congestion, dryness or inflammation in the area caused by a possible infection. Hope this helps!

Which of the following statements about sexual orientation is TRUE according to all of the scientific data available on the subject?
A. People do not choose their sexual orientation.
B. Medical and mental health experts do not agree on the nature of sexual orientation.
C. People can change their sexual orientation.

ee need it to be 100% correct pls and ty :D





As a gay person myself, you can't just choose to be gay or straight. Many people like myself have tried to be straight but it just doesn't feel right. So, with that out of the way, C is incorrect. B is false because many medical and mental health experts have agreed that it isn't a choice, which is why testosterone and other lgbt medical products and therapy has been available. So, it's A :) Hoped this helps :D

The statement which is true about Sexual orientation according to all of the scientific data available on the subject is as follows:

People do not choose their sexual orientation.

Thus, the correct option is A.

What is Sexual orientation?

Sexual orientation may be defined as a person's recognition in association with the gender or genders to which they are sexually fascinated.

People can not change their sexual orientation in real life. This is because it is decided at the time of birth itself. Every individual is categorized under specific gender and allowed to be oriented sexually to it only.

Medical and mental health experts also agreed on the nature of sexual orientation as per the latest reports and data.

Therefore, the correct option for this question is A.

To learn more about Sexual orientation, refer to the link:



In your own words describe all the words listed ( ik that this isn't health class but plz help me answer the questions)
1. Flavor profile-

2. Taste bud fatigue-

3. Palate cleansing-

4. Ice cream-

5. Gelato-

6. Sorbet-

7. Simple syrup-

8. Churning-

9. Aeration (in culinary)-

10. Emulsion ( in culinary)-


Answer and Explanation:

1. Flavor profile: refers to the mixture of flavors and aromas that a food presents, that is, it is a description of the flavors of the ingredients and seasonings used, as well as a description of the aromas and textures of the food.

2. Taste bud fatigue: refers to a food that is tasty to a person, but that has been consumed repeatedly, to the point of causing fatigue in the taste buds, causing that person to lose the desire to eat that food again.

3. Palate cleansing: refers to the act of ingesting something between meals that removes the taste of the previous meal from inside the mouth. It is usually made with water or ice cream.

4. Ice cream: It is a icy and creamy sweet, served in desserts. It is made from milk or cream and is usually sweetened and may have the presence of fruit.

5. Gelato: It is almost the same as ice cream, but it has lower amounts of sugar and fat.

6. Sorbet: It is also similar to ice cream, there is no milk in its composition.

7. Simple syrup: It is a liquid obtained through the dissolution of sugar, through heat. It has a thick consistency and is used in cocktails.

8. Churning: is the act of mechanically stirring milk, with the objective of producing butter or cheese.

9. Aeration (in culinary) is the act of adding very small air bubbles to some foods. This affects the texture and flavor of foods, which can enhance them.

10. Emulsion (in culinary): is a mixture of water and fat. It is generally used to prepare sauces and creams.

Im doing an assignment on Human Sexuality and I have a question. My question is "List three alternatives about seeing your friend shoplift."



1) talk to your friend about why they are doing this. They might not have money at home or they might just like the thrill of it.

2) Tell them not to do it again because of the consequences that can happen if they are caught and why it’s morally incorrect.

3) speak with An adult if possible. There might be some things going on that might be causing them to do this.


Refers to people who are in the process of understanding and exploring their sexual orientation or gender identity.
They are often seeking information and support during this stage of their identity development.


This is questioning. They don’t know if they are sure of there decision

Which best lists what a nursing assistant should give to a patient who is dehydrated?
water, juice, soup
milk, coffee, water
O tea, juice, gelatin
soda, soup, milk


Water, juice and soup 100%. The key principle of dehydration is the need of water

Which of the following statements is FALSE?

A. Time management and planning is a crucial component of the research paper process.

B. Research cybercards are an online method of taking notes and tracking sources.

C. Research note cards should be reserved for facts and data information only.

D. A weekly planner or calendar is an excellent timeline device for organizing tasks and due dates.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D


The statement 'research note cards should be reserved for facts and data information only.' is FALSE (Option C).

Research note cards are useful to collect different data and information about a given process.

These cards may also include a bibliography and useful references.

The preparation of research note cards represents an excellent starting point to write a research publication (a paper).

In conclusion, the statement 'research note cards should be reserved for facts and data information only.' is FALSE (Option C).

Learn more in:


Question 8 of 10
All of the following represent appropriate speech in the workplace except.
O A. informal language.
O B. use of correct grammar.
C. good pronunciation.
O D. no use of slang or swear words.


A I’m pretty sure. Hope that helps

The use of slang and swear words is not appropriate to use in a workspace. Therefore option "D" is the correct option.

What are the appropriate things to do in a workspace?

For working in a professional workspace, there are a few things to keep in mind to avoid misunderstanding and increase productivity.

Always treat the managers, clients, and team leaders with respect. Always show a positive attitude toward the projects. Always talk politely in every situation at the workspace.

Dressing appropriately is the most important part of the workspace. Always be on time as it is an indication of professional behavior. The use of social media is not allowed in the workspace.

Workspace ethics are very important. It also helps in developing a good personality.

Learn more about work ethics, here:



I can't do homework, know nothing at all, come to assignment, mind switch off, play, and turn on.


I can’t do homework, know nothing at all, come to assignment, mind switch off, play, and turn on

How the media reacted to HIV and AIDS in the 80’s and 90’s to how the media is reacting to C0VID 19 today.


Um, no….. absolutely not. HIV was never treated as a highly contagious virus that caused a health crisis across the planet. It was never reported by multiple news outlets every single day. It never had the same stigma.

How do impulses cross synapses between neurons? *

1. through osmosis
2. by a cell body
3. by a chemical (neurotransmitter)
4. it jumps across


I believe the answers is 1 through asmosis
I believe the answer is 1

My left hand when rotated clockwise always cracks like it's rolling off another joint. Any other direction of movement hurts.

What condition is this, why does it happen, and how do I repair?



it really depends on if you have recently had an injury to that hand or possibly over extended it doing an activity that you normally don't do. if there is no known injury you may want to have it checked out by your primary care doctor there's numerous different reasons that would cause the symptoms that you have listed and without more evaluation it would be hard to pinpoint the 3xact cause or how to repair or remedy this problem. more information would be highly appreciated and recommended.

Could be hyper extension if this person played sports or already had an injury there

Project: Creating a Sanitation Area: 50 P O I N T S ! ! ! !
Assignment Directions: ( i just need the questions answered correctly) NO LINKS

1) Hand-draw or draft a storage area for your cleaning supplies. How much space do you need? How many shelves? Where will the hooks for the mops be? How far is it from the food-prep areas?

2) Next, create a shopping list and look for supplies on the Internet. What kind of cleaning chemicals and supplies do you need? Create a budget and decide how much you will spend. After you have selected items from various suppliers on the Internet, add up the projected costs. Did you budget enough? Will you purchase any items to help you reclaim water? If so, estimate your savings.

3)Finally, create a policy sheet for employees. What rules do they need to know to clean the facility properly without causing any food-safety hazards?


do you have a picture for this problem

Sugar that comes from Fruits
O Fructose



Fruits contain two types of sugar.

Glucose and Fructose



hope this helps

have a good day :)


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