
Answer 1


Haha, I’ll be your volunteer :) I know English is my first language and Spanish is my maternal language

We can practice whenever you want :)

Answer 2
i can ! if you need me to help lmk , i love spanish !

Related Questions

Number the stars chapter 6

What was Mama’s true reason for choosing the country path to Uncle Henrik’s house?

A. She said the longer way is nicer, but really she forgot how to get there.
B. She said the longer way is nicer, but really she wants to avoid being seen.
C. She said the longer way is nicer, but really she is trying to waste time.



It's: B. She said the longer way is better, but she really wants to avoid being seen.

The answers is B, because she said the longer way is nicer

What are the keys to an effective interview? (List at least three examples)



1. Make sure you know what you're going to ask the person you're going to interview. Write down a list of questions you would like ask them and narrow the list down to maybe ten questions or more depending on how long you plan to interview them.

2. Practice what you're going to say. Get some flash cards and write your questions down on them and look through them and imprint them into your memory. That way when you do the interview you won't be stumbling on your words looking for what to say.

3. Don't be too pushy with your questions. There may be a point during the interview where you will ask about the interviewee about an aspect of their personal life. They may answer that question but there is also a chance they may not because it may be something that they aren't very comfortable sharing with you. If they aren't willing to answer the question, respect their refusal and move on to a less personal one.

Ask questions about your position. Also ask what the person interviewing you likes about the job. Ask what challenges you may face.

Which of these items belongs in your revision plan?
A details that you can add to make your report more interesting
B other topics you would like to learn about
C words that you have misspelled or left out





A revision plane include all the details that you can add to make your report more interesting belongs in your revision plan. The correct option is A.

What is a revision plan?

A revision plan is a method of organizing your revision work. It's a blueprint for how you'll manage your time and effort, as well as a guideline for how you'll approach each topic. A revision plan is a schedule that allows you to map out your review time, prioritize your coursework, and prepare your approach to learning. Your revision plan should be customized to your unique learning style and goals, and it should include a variety of study methods.

Make a list of topics and break them down into more manageable chunks. Schedule your time realistically. Establish a regular study routine. Make use of a variety of study methods and techniques. Set goals and track your progress. Gather feedback and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Therefore, the correct option is A.

Learn more about Revision plan here:



20 pointss


Croissant at the bottom omelette at the top





How do podcast/blog/vlog differs from hard news stories and editorials in how the deliver information? Name a topic/story that would be better served by a series like a podcast/blog/vlog and why.


They deliver information by the quality.
Podcast/ blog/ blog are more opinion based than those of hard news story’s and editorial as where is more based on fact. A story that would be more appropriate for a podcast would be “cancel culture of 2021”

here JP you can answer this​






14. metaphor
15. personification

I will mark brainliest for the correst answer!





The correct response is - Silda can think about someone she knows who acts sarcastic and rude. Therefore option C is the correct response.

Who is R. J. Palacio?

Author and graphic artist Raquel Jaramillo Palacio hails from the United States. The best-selling Wonder, which was made into a 2017 movie starring Julia Roberts and Owen Wilson, is one of her many children's books.

It thus felt natural for me to use lowercase letters to portray Justin's thoughts in a highly visual way while I was writing from his point of view because he is a musician and thinks in musical terms.

Wonder's major topic is kindness. It teaches us that we have the power to CHOOSE KINDNESS and that even a tiny, uncomplicated act of kindness may have a significant impact. Consider if you want to CHOOSE KIND and join the national movement.

Wonder's author, Palacio R.J. Palacio was inspired to create a book about a kid who was born with altered facial characteristics after having a chance encounter with a little girl in an ice cream shop. It made her consider what it could be like to "have to confront a world every day that doesn't know how to face you back," she adds.

To read more about R. J. Palacio, refer to -


I need help! HELP a boy out


i would use speedwrite

Use speedwrite I use it and it helps me keep my grades up

In "the Most dangerous game" Does Rainsford's perspective on hunting shift throughout the story?



At the beginning of the story, Rainsford's attitude is fairly cold toward the animals that he hunts. Rainsford loves hunting, and he feels no sympathy for the animals that he hunts and kills. But when general Zaroff starts hunting him he started to know how the hunted feels like.

hope this helps

have a good day :)



Now that you have a better understanding of the differences between the male and female hero story, let’s get creative! Your task is to develop an outline for a contemporary female hero story. You must:

1. Create a female hero
2. Develop a goal for your hero to achieve
3. Detail the stages of your hero’s journey
4. Reflect on the significance of your hero’s story in our current society (Why is the story important?)
Use the following organizer to help you create your outline.


My female hero is dragula her job as a hero is to aid in the stopping of the destruction of nature! Whenever she hears of a new demolition project in rainforest or large forests she’s quick to sabotage the project, either breaking machinery or scaring off the workers! This helps the wildlife and plants around us stay healthy and thrive! We need living things and killing them off at such a high rate will create a terrible end for our world!


1. Icelandia

2. Trying to stop a mysterious criminal organization

3. Icelandia is a superhero with ice powers. So her base is in the Arctic. However, someone detstroys her base. She soon finds out that other well-known superheros' bases are getting detroyed, some superheros even dying in the process. With her smart detective skills she traces the events back to an orginazation called the Anti-One-Percenters. An organization that destroys the bases of rich and successful individuals, including superheroes.

4. This story is important because it talks about how people want to be mad at rich people for being successful, however not doing anything to become successful themselves or even try to help others who are disadvantaged like themselves.

In “A Struggle for Better Working Conditions," the mill workers in Lowell tried to make their lives better. Write 3
or 4 sentences summarizing how they tried to achieve this goal. Use information from the passage and time line
to support your ideas.
Select to begin writing.



The Lowell System was a labor production model invented by Francis Cabot Lowell in Massachusetts in the 19th century.

The system was designed so that every step of the manufacturing process was done under one roof and the work was performed by young adult women instead of children or young men.

The Lowell System, which is also sometimes called the Waltham-Lowell System, was first used in the Waltham and Lowell textile mills during the industrial revolution.

This model was so successful that Lowell’s business associates expanded and opened numerous textile mills in Massachusetts using this model.

What kind of action does the perfect tense describe?
1. actions that were started and completed in the past
2. actions that probably will not happen
3. actions that will happen in the future
4. actions that are better than anyone else could do





if it was started and completed in the past that makes it the perfect tense because there's no change in the tense

Answer:its 1 i did it and got 100%


Write two paragraphs in which you compare and contrast the characters of Meg and Androcles in relation to the theme of survival. Think about what the lesson of each story seems to be. Provide text evidence to support your ideas.


;-; well, the guy actually wrote two paragraphs, schools hard isn’t it?

help me with this please ​


You have to show the video or something

this is 6th grade writing PLEASE HELP
on question 9 the last answer in the bottom is a idiom ​





Answer: Yes it is an idiom


How would you rewrite this sentence with more precise verbs? Explain why you made the changes. My favorite thing to do is read books about different countries.



I like to readd books about diffrent country's because i love to learn about them


i love reading books about different countries because i like to travel and learn

20 pts pls look at the image below
thank you


7:30 it’s enough time to change eat relax and spend some family time, it’s sufficient for their health and will make life easier for parents too
Children should go to bed early so they can grow better, get enough sleep and have enthusiasm at school. When a child goes to sleep it helps with growth because that’s when kids grow. My second reason is that the get enough sleep. kids need 9+ hours of sleep and with most kids waking up early in the morning, that’s not an easy task to complete. Finally, I think students would have more enthusiasm at school if they were energized

Make up a situation that other people might find funny. Make sure your description includes these elements:

1. an explanation of the situation that suggests why it will be funny
details that create suspense by making readers wait for the most funny parts
2. vivid images or sensory details that help readers imagine the funny scenes
one or two literary devices that are typically used to create humor

Just remember that the situation and outcome need to seem plausible, or believable, in the end.



I tried to think of something that a school would like-


I thought my house was haunted so I spent hours getting ready to protect myself, but it turned out it was just a stray cat.

You won’t BELIEVE what happens the other day! So I was with my brother in the shops and he was screaming and crying because my mum when to pay for the items so there I was just holding my crying brother and standing there and I could feel a lot of frowns just looking at me with disgust and then a woman walks in and says would you please quiet down your child! And I said my child?! And she said well yeah he’s making quite a racket and I say HES NOT MY CHILD HES MY BROTHER!!! Honestly at the end I felt old and embarrassed (hope you liked this)

Why do you think Mr. Frank breaks down crying when he picks up the woman’s white glove?

From The Diary of Anne Frank



Mr. Frank breaks down crying because there's a lot of memory in that place and finding that white glove just made them all come back to him. According to the text it states, "As he starts back for his rucksack, his eye is caught by something lying on the floor.

Hope this helps! :> <3

Pls mark brainliest if correct


Answer:bc he was sad that they was wining

Explanation:just read and i hope i helped you

Imagine that you wake up one day and discover that you are invisible Write a story about what happened to you that day, and be sure to include a lot of information in your story


The piercing sound of the alarm clock brought me back from the dead of sleep. I started to wriggle and stretch within my cosy, warm, haven that is my bed. As parts of my body were gradually turning on, I realised today was the last day of school. I leaned over at the bulky black clock. I was already ten minutes late.

As I flopped across my bed, I glanced at the mirror behind the door. What I saw shocked me beyond what I had ever felt before. As I stared at the mirror, I couldn’t believe my eyes. There was nothing on the bed! I was sitting right there, yet I couldn’t see myself in the mirror. How could this be! I thought to myself. There’s no way people can just disappear. I looked again. There was my indentation on the bed, but there was nothing above where I was supposed to be and in that moment I realized that I was invisible. Overwhelmed with fear, I sat still for minutes, unable to comprehend the situation. It was just impossible. Suddenly, my mind was flooded with thoughts and ideas. The variety of things I could do without being seen. It was a scary yet exciting feeling. My attempts to reach out to my family resulted in nothing but failure. Just as I thought being invisible was bad, the fact that I could not be heard was even worse. A wave of sadness hit like a truck. I tried everything in my power to leave my family a message. I was left with nothing but disappointment.

I was considered missing after that exact day. Eventually, days turned into weeks and weeks into months. Nothing had changed. Family and friends mourned as though I had passed away. Never seen again and I still wonder about that peculiar day.

( yeah this kinda sucks :"(( but I tried, feel free to improve it as much to your liking. I pretty much lack ideas and creativity. Ps. I'm not sure how short this was supposed to be :")) Hope this kinda helped x )

I’m me and had a fun day hahaha

what's the defenition of reputation please help i will mark brainlest



the beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something.



The beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something.

After the city was built... how do I make it independent complete the sentence



After the city was being built up many people / citizens came finding for houses for them to live and so forth


You also can add more to this after...

Hope this answer helps you :)

Have a great day

Mark brainliest

After the city was built many people came looks for houses that they can live in.

The short story "septimus" is set in which country​



The short story "Septimus" is set in Barbados.


The story takes place in Barbados

Which sentence from the selection from A Long Way Home is the best example of the author’s use of descriptive details about his emotions?

A. I watched as the town unpixelated before my eyes. It was quite small. Too small, surely. But with a child's perspective…

B. I finished work with Dad at five p.m., and by five-thirty I would be back at the laptop, slowly advancing along train tracks and studying the towns they led to.

C. I thought my Indian friends from college might be able to help, especially Amreen, whose father would likely have a more educated guess, so I got in touch with them.

D. The first time I zoomed in on Howrah Station, looking at the rows of ridged gray platform roofs and all the tracks spilling out of it like the fraying end of a rope, I was amazed and shocked that I'd once trod barefoot along these walkways.



I read this book try c


Hope this helps

The answer is d in the problem below

Literary Essay
For this assignment, you choose between two different types of essays:
An essay that focuses on what a character learns over the course of a story, or
An essay that focuses on a particular theme in a story.
Remember to turn in your rough and final drafts.
Your essay should be five paragraphs. It should include
An introduction, thesis statement, supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion.
Supporting evidence, such as quotations, examples, or evidence from the story.
At least one correctly cited quotation from the story.
A consistent voice and tone.
The final draft should show evidence of revising and proofreading.




Um ok I try to help you if I find a story

Imagine that you wake up one day and discover that you are invisible Write a story about what happened to you that day, and be sure to include a lot of information in your story
i need 50 words


Hi I'll give this a go :D

I woke up and got out of bed, combed my hair, and brushed my teeth. It was like any other day, I thought. It wasn't. "Good morning!" I called out to my mom. No response. "Mom?" It's like I wasn't even there. Strange, but maybe she was mad at me for something and giving me the silent treatment. Who knew? I gathered up my backpack and water bottle and went out in front of my house to wait for the bus. It finally arrived and the driver stopped and looked around the sidewalk. His eyes passed right over me. What was going on? Then he drove off! Without me- I was right there! It was like I was invisible- maybe I was invisible. I ran to my garage, got on my bike, and headed to school. When I got there, I was twenty minutes late. I went up to the office to get my late pass and go to class. Nobody looked up. I said hi. Nobody noticed. I was invisible. I realized that day, when nobody noticed I existed, how important it was to be seen. Nobody deserves to be invisible.

The end! sorry if it's bad it's really late at night. I just love writing :]

Help what dose amended mean



to make a change


make a change or see the idea

Research 4 main ideas about the remains of 215 First Nation children that were found in B.C earlier this week.



Chief Rosanne Casimir of the Tk’emlups te Secwépemc First Nation said in a news release Thursday that the remains were confirmed last weekend with the help of a ground-penetrating radar specialist.

Casimir called the discovery an "unthinkable loss that was spoken about but never documented at the Kamloops Indian Residential School."

She said it’s believed the deaths are undocumented, although a local museum archivist is working with the Royal British Columbia Museum to see if any records of the deaths can be found.

Some of the children were as young as three, she said.

The school was once the largest in Canada’s residential school system.

"Given the size of the school, with up to 500 students registered and attending at any one time, we understand that this confirmed loss affects First Nations communities across British Columbia and beyond," Casimir said in the release.

The chief said work to identify the site was led by the First Nation's language and cultural department alongside ceremonial knowledge keepers, who made sure the work was done was in line with cultural protocols.

The leadership of the Tk’emlups community "acknowledges their responsibility to caretake for these lost children," Casimir said.

Access to the latest technology allows for a true accounting of the missing children and will hopefully bring some peace and closure to those lives lost, she said in the release.

The reclamation work was paid for by a Pathway to Healing provincial government grant, she said.

Casimir said band officials are informing community members and surrounding communities that had children who attended the school.


Questions about the song "Graduation" from Vitamin C
What is the message of the song?
When would you listen to this type of song?
What would this form of communication be used for?



1. You would listen to this song after college while your at home to remember the good times when you were with your friends in school.

2. The message of the song is that no matter the circumstances you will always be friends no matter what.

3. This type of communication would be used for your friends when you want to remind them of the good times.


You would liseten to it after college in your dorm and think about your friends

Which rhetorical appeal do both excerpts use?
A. logos: the use of logic to convince the audience
B. pathos: the use of emotional appeals to affect the audience’s feelings
C. brevity: writing or speaking that is short, brief, and to the point
D. ethos: the use of authority to persuade the audience to act the right way


Rhetorical appeals are the characteristics of an argument that make it truly convincing. A writer engages a reader in a variety of ways to build an argument.

What is the definition of brevity in writing?

The use of few words in speaking is referred to as brevity or conciseness. Shortness stresses the brief duration of speech: an exceptional brevity response. Conciseness promotes compactness of expression: despite her extraordinary conciseness, her text is comprehensible.

Thus, Option C is correct.

For more information about Rhetorical appeals refer to the link:

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what do i need to do if i want to master the genetics section Sample of 200mls of 0.5 sulphuric acid,was asked to produce 1.2M of the new solution.Calculate the volume of the new solution What's changed into alcohol while in brew How many 1 ft by 1ft tiles would it take to cover the Washington Monument? What's X in the diagram?? Read these, then go to part 2 for the other questons :) brainliest if your right! 3. What do you call the process by which humans extracts stones fron the mountains forconstruaction purposes Find the value of x. Write your answer in simplest form. cual es el pasado simple de go You enter a patient room and find the patient huddling on the floor and mumbling incoherently. What should you do? Algebra 2 plz help me out A reindeer runs 2014 miles in 3 hours. At that rate, how many miles does it run in 1 hour? A company is designing a new cylindrical water bottle. The volume of the bottle will be 205 cm to the square root of 3 cm. The height of the water bottle is 8.9 cm. What is the radius of the water bottle? Help needed only if you can explain!! 2. (05.02 MC)What is the mass of a sample of NHz containing 7.20 x 1024 molecules of NH3? (5 points)161 grams187 grams203 grams214 gramsHELPPPPPP Solve for x. Round your answer to the nearest tenth. sodium chloride (NaCl) is an ionic compound that we consume everyday as a table salt,what is the reason that the structure of the ionic compound causes the compound to be hardand shiny? * How does Napoleon demonstrate his commitment to the education of the young? He encourages the pigs to teach the others animals to read and write. He promises milk and apples to whichever animals learn how to read and write. He forms problem-solving committees on re-education and egg production. He takes Jessie and Bluebell's puppies away to teach them himself. Based on your research, explain the significance of genetics to fetal development. (2 points) Read the example sentence. The Grandview Warriors football team did not make it to the playoffs, but they felt a sense of schadenfreude when their main rivals, the Burlington Bulldogs, were soundly beaten 3110 in the first playoff game. Based on the context, what is the meaning of schadenfreude?