Why might this short story be set symbolically in a train station with trains heading in different
directions on either side of the station?


Answer 1


Which short story?

Answer 2


Which story sister?

We do my know

Related Questions

How do these documents work together to help a reader who is traveling for work?

Both documents give readers information about the rules for booking travel.
Both documents help readers understand why using Incur to book travel is important.
Both documents help explain the company’s restrictions on reimbursement.
Both documents give readers helpful suggestions for booking affordable transit options.



A. Both documents give readers information about the rules for booking travel.

(Photo for proof at the bottom.)


The first document gives information about the rules for booking travel, because it tells you that employees are required to use Incur when traveling. Then, it tells you how to get Incur and how to use it.

The second document gives information about the rules for booking travel, because it tells you the rules for using ground transportation. It also tells you specific rules for specific scenarios in traveling.

Here's a photo of Edge just incase.


A.) Both documents give readers information about the rules for booking travel.


Why does
himself to a
hungry tiger or
the raging sea?



Because he his describing his intentions to his servant to convince him.


Hope this helps.

How are the writing styles of Romeo and Juliet and Ovid’s "Pyramus and Thisbe" similar?


Answer: abahahsjsjjsjssjnsnssbsbhdbdnd
Step-by-step explanation: ehehejjejsjwjwjskaoaoaooasoosos

What are the 12 steps of the Hero’s Journey in the book The Adoration of Jenna Fox?



the 12 steps of the Hero’s Journey in the book The Adoration of Jenna Fox are:

1. The Ordinary World

2. The Call of Adventure

3. Refusal of the Call

4. Meeting the Mentor

5. Crossing the First Threshold

6. Tests, Allies, Enemies

7. Approach to the Inmost Cave

8. The Ordeal

9. Reward (Seizing the Sword)

10. The Road Back

11. Resurrection

12. Return with the Elixir





which of laura's misquoted idioms from daughter of invention is intended to mean that it makes no difference to her?


The person Above is correct lol sorry just trying to get points

To enter data on this form, use the table folds or annotation tools
4. When Diane takes her beagle for a walk, Santana enjoys sniffing for edible garbage,
and lunging at squirrels.
A. howls at bicyclists
B. howling at bicyclists
C. she howls at bicyclists
What is the correct answer



Letter B is the best option to complete the sentence:

When Diane takes her beagle for a walk, Santana enjoys sniffing for edible garbage, howling at bicyclists, and lunging at squirrels.


This question concerns the use of parallelism in a sentence. Parallelism occurs when we repeat the same grammatical structure in a sentence, which helps with the organization and understanding of that sentence. Parallelism is especially useful when listing items, ideas, or examples.

In the sentence we are analyzing here, three behaviors of Santana are listed. The two behaviors mentioned in the sentence use the structure "verb + ing + object". Therefore, to keep the structure parallel, we must choose the option that uses the same grammatical structure. That would be letter B. howling at bicyclists.

1."The assignment was a breeze!" is an example of a(n)... *

1 point




2. "The water well is as dry as a bone."is an example of a(n)... *

1 point




3. What is an example of an alliteration? *

1 point

The vase flew off of the shelf.

Powerful pandas punch parrots.

The plant liked to fly.

I like to eat pie.

4.. "The firework exploded in the air, making a big BOOM in the air."is an example of *

1 point




5. "He was as cool as a cucumber." is an example of a(n) *

1 point




6. What's the meaning of this personification?"The camera loves me!" *

1 point

Photography is one of my hobbies.

I own an expensive camera.

Photos of me are always really good.

I like to visit art museums.

7."The stars will cry." The kind of figurative language used here is _______ *

1 point




8. What does the statement below mean The?" The car is a dinosaur so we better buy a new one". *

1 point

The car is very old.

The car was truly made in prehistoric times.

The car is very new.

9. "I am as hungry as a bear!" The kind of figurative language used here is ______ *

1 point




10. Simile or Metaphor:The city is a sea of sadness. *

1 point




11. What is being personified? The moon guided me through the forest. *

0 points




12.Fall Fridays feel fantastic *

1 point





13. She sells sea shells by the sea shore is an example of: *

1 point




14. BAM! The door shut behind me. *

1 point







1. Metaphor


3. Powerful pandas punch parrots


5. Metaphor

6. Photos of me are always really good

7. Personification

8. The car is very old

9. Metaphor


11. Moon

12. Alliteration

13. Alliteration

14. Onomatopeia

1. One and one….two
A. will be
B. is
C. are
2. The poor….. often honest.



one and one is two

the poor are often honest

One and one two

The poor often honest

passiv voice to she washes the plates ​


Plates were washed by her

Select all of the sentences with errors in the following paragraph.
1 While waiting for our plane to take off I noticed that one of my friends was a passenger. 2 Joe the passenger I knew
was someone that I met last summer at basketball camp. 3 The camp was held at Cleveland college, and it was a lot of
fun 4 Everyone learned how to shoot, pass and dribble the ball with more intensity and skill. 5. "How's it going Joe?" |
said. 6. "It's going great!" he replied. "I just got recruited to play for a great school!" 7 I was excited for Joe even though
I hadn't been recruited to play for anyone yet. 8. "I hope you have a great time but don't forget about all of us 'little
people' on your climb to the top!" I said. "I won't," Joe said, "but do you want to be my manager?" 10. I just smiled.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.



1. 2. 4. 5. 8.


Most of the errors are misplaced commas, so it´s important to remember that a comma should be placed be between independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction, and it can also be used to separate independent clauses inside a sentence.

Here are the sentences with the errors corrected:

1. While waiting for our plane to take off, I noticed that one of my friends was a passenger.

2. Joe, the passenger I knew, was someone that I met last summer at basketball camp.

4. Everyone learned how to shoot, pass, and dribble the ball with more intensity and skill.

5. "How's it going, Joe?" I said.

8. "I hope you have a great time, but don't forget about all of us 'little

people' on your climb to the top!" I said.

What happened to scouts mother



A heart condition was hereditary in their mother's family. In the absence of Scout's mother, Calpurnia became a mother-like figure for the Finch children.


Write to or too.
___whom you speaking?

10 points. No bit links or links that don’t work.


*To whom are you speaking*



I'm so sorry for not getting this sooner! But yes, I believe you are correct. The correct way to say the sentence is indeed: "I like that boulder," Donkey exclaimed! "That is a nice boulder." However, you could also say it as: "I like that boulder," Donkey exclaimed. "That it a nice boulder." Unfortunately, after I read all the answer choices, I did not quite see one like this. Hope this helps!! :))

Shylock murmurs that Antonio looks like
fawning publican. How does he
justify his hate for Explain it briefly.



A fawning publician in the given Text refers to Antonio . Fawning publician means servile Roman tax collector . Here , a publician is a much hated person i.e. a tax collector .

In Act I, Scene iii of The Merchant of Venice, explain the stanza, " How like a fawning publican he looks! I hate him for he is a Christian; But more, for that in low simplicity ..... Which he calls...

In Act I, Scene iii of The Merchant of Venice, explain the stanza, " How like a fawning publican he looks! I hate him for he is a Christian;

One of the main contentious issues in The Merchant of Venice, is the hatred between Shylock and Antonio. Each treats the other contemptuously. In this scene, Shylock and Bassanio have just made an agreement for Antonio to obtain a loan and now they will meet to discuss the terms. Shylock, aside to the audience, makes it clear how he feels about him.

He is like "a fawning publican" a grovelling tax collector. Although a publican is traditionally someone who owns a bar or a tavern as it would have been called in those days, in ancient times a publican was the hated and much-aligned collector of taxes so Shylock is comparing Antonio to that. Shylock goes on to say "but more for that.." his contempt goes much further. "He is a Christian." He also lends money to others "gratis;" in other words, free of any charges or interest. The "rate of usance" is the rate at which money lenders are allowed to claim interest on the loans.


Which sentence in this excerpt from “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe reflects the narrator’s sarcastic view of his attendants?



Your answer is: "These orders were sufficient, I well knew, to insure their immediate disappearance, one and all, as soon as my back was turned."


[tex]i \: am \: waiting \: for \: a \: moment \\ \\ change \: this \: sentence \: in \: negative \: [/tex]



I am not waiting for a movement

hope it is helpful to you

Which line in this excerpt from act 1, scene 1, of Richard 111 is a stage direction? Richard 111 (Duke of Gloucester): . . .


This question is missing the excerpt. I was able to find the complete question online. The excerpt is the following:

RICHARD III (Duke of Gloucester):

. . . And if King Edward be as true and just

As I am subtle, false and treacherous,

This day should Clarence closely me mew'd up,

About a prophecy, which say that 'G'

Of Edward's heirs the murderer shall be.

Dive, thoughts, down to my soul: here

Clarence comes.

(Enter CLARENCE, guarded, and BRAKENBURY)

Brother, good day; what means this armed guard

That waits upon your grace?

GEORGE PLANTAGENET (Duke of Clarence): His majesty

Tendering my person's safety, hath appointed

This conduct to convey me to the Tower.

RICHARD III (Duke of Gloucester): Upon what cause?


The line from the excerpt that is a stage direction is:

(Enter CLARENCE, guarded, and BRAKENBURY).


"Richard III" is a tragic play written by English playwright William Shakespeare which tells the story of how Richard III, king of England, rose to power.

When we write a play, we need to add instructions concerning different aspects such as the actors' positioning on stage or their tone when speaking, the lighting, the sound effects, etc. Those instructions are called stage directions.

In the excerpt we are analyzing here, there is a stage direction indicating when two other characters must come onto the stage, and even indicating that one of them will be accompanied by a guard. Therefore, the stage direction is:

(Enter CLARENCE, guarded, and BRAKENBURY)

Answer:(Enter CLARENCE, guarded, and BRAKENBURY)


Which of the following adverbs is a “how much" adverb?
A. Regularly
B. Unfortunately
C. Very
D. Later



The defenate answer is C

From the following adverbs, the adverb that is used as a 'how much' adverb is the word 'very'.

Option C is correct.

What is an adverb?

An adverb is referring to the word which is being placed in such a way that changes the verb, adjective or sometimes the entire sentence. It is usually end with letters 'ly' at the last.

The adverbs indicating the phrase 'how much' is referring to the words which could be determined from their meaning. They are also called as intensifiers or adverbs of degree. it is used to signify the strength of the related verb. For instance, very much, very diligently, etc.According to the provided options,  'very' is the adverb which is referring to the adverb stating how much. It is defined as extremely or in its highest degree. It is one of the adverb that is commonly used to indicate the degree of the related verb being used after it.

Therefore, the adverb being written in option C is correct.

Learn more about the adverbs in the related link:



Because Jeremy's arm was clearly injured, the play clock was stopped.

Which type of clause is underlined?

independent clause
noun clause
adverb clause
adjective clause



The correct answer is C. adverb Clause. First of all, you have to know that this is also known as dependent clause , meaning that it cannot stand on it's own ( the way independent clauses can), but rather it has to belong to another sentence

How will the campaign be run​



write your question properly


Which of the following is not example of a Gothic setting?

a graveyard at midnight
an abandoned cathedral
a dark cabin in the woods
a nuclear power plant


d. a nuclear power plant.
Nuclear power plant

I reapproached the wall; I replied to the yells of him who clamoured. What does the word clamoured likely mean in the sentence?



so clamoured has multiple definitions, one being..(of a group of people) shout loudly and insistently. And the other being to make a vehement protest or demand. Having no answer choices or further contexts of the story, poem, ??

i beleive the answer may be shout loudly and insistently.


your welcome ig


a loud noise, especially that of people shouting.

Ralph claims that the author of a well‑documented study on lead impacts is unqualified, discounting the author's results. This approach is an example ofJenny claims that a pesticide is safe because it replaces a pesticide that was toxic to exposed children. This statement is an example ofSebastian argues that a chemical is unsafe and should be banned because it has demonstrated toxicity at some concentrations. This argument is an example ofEloise states that a chemical is safe because it was approved by the federal government under the Toxic Substances Control Act. This statement is an example ofNadine argues against action on lead contamination in drinking water because it is impossible to fully understand the many factors that affect levels of lead in drinking water. This argument is an example ofAnton claims that a pesticide is safe because exposed humans did not display acute symptoms of adverse effects. This claim is an example of



adhominem attack red herring false dichotomy appeal to authority appeal to ignorance hasty generalization


All the sentences shown in the question above are examples of logical fallacies, which are confusing and poorly organized arguments that seek to present a false concept as true, deceiving the listener. The explanation for each of these fallacies is:

Adhominem attack: Occurs when the argument criticizes the author of an opposing argument rather than criticizing the content of that argument.

Red herring: Occurs in arguments that seek to divert the listeners' attention from a very important subject, citing random things and out of context.

False dichotomy: It is an argument that presents a false dilemma, that is, this type of argument presents two situations that are opposite options, as the only possible options.

Appeal to authority: Occurs when the argument appeals to the reputation of something or someone, instead of the quality of content that these elements present.

Appeal to ignorance: Occurs when the argument tries to present something false as true, using incorrect evidence, the result of ignorance, that is, lack of knowledge about something.

Hasty generalization: Occurs when the arrangement presents a foregone conclusion about something or someone, without evaluating all the elements that must be observed for a conclusion to be made.

What are some Text connotations in the song ‘keep your head up’ by Tupac



make study not cheating on your read


thank you

Read the sentence Mia wrote.

The rain poured down and hit the roof.

Which word would you suggest that Mia replace "hit" with to give her sentence a sensory description?

landed on
fell on





I would say pounded, as one can hear pounding. One cant hear the others.

A. Pounded

Not only is it a synonym for “hit” you can almost feel or hear someone pound on a door or pound you in a fight

Even though we can't travel backwards in time (only forwards) let's pretend that we can.

If you could travel back in time to any period or event in history what would you choose?  Why would you choose that period or event?  What would you do while in the past?  Would you be worried about changing the present or is that your goal?



I would go back in time to slavery


the reason y I would do this because to actually see what they went through

Identify the type of the sentence. "What a great man he is!" a) Declarative b) Exclamatory c) Interrogative d) Imperative



B. Explamatory


What does this excerpt imply about how Charlotte has changed as a character?

She doesn’t believe in herself anymore.
She has become more confident.
She still wants to impress her elders.
She is worried about manners.


She has become more confident

scorn is to disdain as friend is to



roar out loud yet cheer one on

Friend is to companion, buddy, pal, playmate

Should humans colonize mars? Explain why?


Humans shouldn't colonize mars. The reason people would go there is because humans have trashed our planet so badly. If people want a new planet they can help fix the one they and the ancestors ruined. You don't deserve a new chance if you don't have a good background to back you up. For example, if you tell a person who lies and can't keep a secret ever a secret. Lets say they tell someone. Why would you give them another chance if you know they just lie. Same thing goes for going to mars. Why give humans another planet if they will just ruin that one too?


No we shouldnt because the entier human population is runing earth and were just gonna end up ruing mars as well  

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