But if the world was ending
You'd come over, right?
You'd come over and you'd stay the night
Would you love me for the hell of it?
All our fears would be irrelevant
If the world was ending


Answer 1



I was distracted

And in traffic

I didn't feel it

When the earthquake happened

But it really got me thinkin'

Were you out drinkin'

Were you in the living room

Chillin' watchin' television

It's been a year now

Think I've figured out how

How to let you go and let communication die out

I know you know we know you weren't down for forever and it's fine

I know you know we know we weren't meant for each other and it's fine

But if the world was ending

You'd come over right

You'd come over and you'd stay the night

Would you love me for the hell of it

All our fears would be irrelevant

If the world was ending

You'd come over right

The sky'd be falling and I'd hold you tight

And there wouldn't be a reason why

We would even have to say goodbye

If the world was ending

You'd come over right


If the world was ending

You'd come over right


I tried to imagine

Your reaction

It didn't scare me when the earthquake happened

But it really got me thinkin'

That night we went drinkin'

Stumbled in the house

And didn't make it past the kitchen

Ah it's been a year now

Think I've figured out how

How to think about you without it rippin' my heart out

And I know you know we know you weren't down for forever and it's fine

I know you know we know we weren't meant for each other and it's fine

But if the world was ending

You'd come over right

You'd come over and you'd stay the night

Would you love me for the hell of it

All our fears would be irrelevant

If the world was ending

You'd come over right

The sky'd be falling while I'd hold you tight

No there wouldn't be a reason why

We would even have to say goodbye

If the world was ending

You'd come over right

You'd come over right

You'd come over, you'd come over, you'd come over right

I know you know we know you weren't down for forever and it's fine

I know you know we know we weren't meant for each other and it's fine

But if the world was ending

You'd come over right

You'd come over and you'd stay the night

Would you love me for the hell of it

All our fears would be irrelevant

If the world was ending

You'd come over right

The sky'd be falling while I'd hold you tight

No there wouldn't be a reason why

We would even have to say goodbye

If the world was ending

You'd come over right

You'd come over, you'd come over, you'd come over right

If the world was ending

You'd come over right

Answer 2


If the world was ending would you hold me tight?

Would you kiss just one more time?

Would your forget the past, and let me in?

Or would you hurt me this time again?

If the world was ending~


Related Questions

Prejudging or making a decision about a person or group of people without sufficient knowledge. This thinking is
frequently base on stereotypes.





This is prejudice
Explanation is the definition “preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.”

While reflecting on the previous lessons regarding social skills, communication, handling conflicts, and understanding biases, respond to the prompts below as you analyze your OWN biases. Many of us do not realize we have certain biases; keep in mind, having a bias does not necessarily mean someone is "bigoted" or "racist;" yet, many of us have certain prejudices based on personal experience, and/or media. The purpose of the preceeding acitvities, as well as this assignment below, is to identy our biases and/or behaviors so that we can put into practice how to treat everyone with respect, regardless of our differences.

Below are common student examples to help guide your answers. Keep in mind that these examples are in relation to racism, prejudice, stereotyping, discrimination, oppression, etc.; not just being mean.

Write your responses in the box below:

Name ________________________________________ Date _____________ Period ____________

Four Quadrants of Bias


Describe a time when you experienced for yourself, or witnessed someone being a victim of racism, prejudice, stereotyping, etc. (example: I walked into a liquor store to buy a candy bar and the cashier followed me around. I think he thought I was gonna steal something because I was wearing baggy pants and a plaid shirt.”)


Describe a time when YOU were the one that did something that was racist, showed prejudice, stereotyped someone, etc. (example: I call my friends "g**" or "f**s,” but we are just messing around. I realized it was disrespectful and could be offensive to others once we discussed it in class.”)


Describe a time when you stood by and watched racism, prejudice, stereotyping, etc.

(example: I hear people calling each other the “N-word” in the hallways and it makes me feel uncomfortable.)


Describe a time when you stood up for someone, or witnessed someone standing up for someone being mistreated in one of the ways that we have discussed.

(example: There was a kid being bullied because he began dressing in “girl” clothes. I stood up and told the kids to leave him alone ‘cuz he wasn’t hurting anyone.)



what exactly am i answering? there is a lot and not really specific.


what exactly am i answering?


Which of the following statements about su1c1de is TRUE?

Asking a person if they are thinking about su1cide increases the likelihood they will go through with it.
Su1cide is the leading cause of death for people age 15-24.
Schools and communities can offer little in the way of su1cide-prevention resources.
Having good problem-solving skills helps to protect a person from the risk of su1cide.



Su1cide is the leading cause of death for people age 15-24.


Su1cide is the leading cause of death for people age 15-24z

Explain the difference between respiratory distress, and respiratory arrest.



the common respiratory arrest definition is the cessation of breathing. Respiratory arrest is usually the endpoint of respiratory distress that leads to respiratory failure. Respiratory distress and failure have multiple causes, all of which, if left untreated, can deteriorate into respiratory arrest.

Simple answer plz
N.o. l.i.n.k.s pretty please



The co-vid vaccine is made of dead material that is in Co-vid-19 already, which our immune system senses is not right, so it fights it out of the system.

(Hope this was simple!)

Question 8 of 10
All of the following represent appropriate speech in the workplace except.
O A. informal language.
O B. use of correct grammar.
C. good pronunciation.
O D. no use of slang or swear words.


A I’m pretty sure. Hope that helps

The use of slang and swear words is not appropriate to use in a workspace. Therefore option "D" is the correct option.

What are the appropriate things to do in a workspace?

For working in a professional workspace, there are a few things to keep in mind to avoid misunderstanding and increase productivity.

Always treat the managers, clients, and team leaders with respect. Always show a positive attitude toward the projects. Always talk politely in every situation at the workspace.

Dressing appropriately is the most important part of the workspace. Always be on time as it is an indication of professional behavior. The use of social media is not allowed in the workspace.

Workspace ethics are very important. It also helps in developing a good personality.

Learn more about work ethics, here:



do you prefer cats or dogs ?​



I prefer dogs

what do you prefer?


I prefer neither I need a rabbit.

but if I have to choose one I could say anyone will be okay for me.

as we all know cats and dogs are lovely animals cats I could play with whole day rubbing the skin play hug them, feed them, dogs we do the same.

What body system does the heart belong to?





because circulatory involves blood

The circulatory system is composed of the heart and blood vessels, including arteries, veins, and capillaries.

10 factors to fight sleep​


Playing games
Taking a shower
Watching a movie
Getting ready
Starting your day early basically.

Nail shape that is completely straight across with
no rounding at the edges past the tip of




Term aromatherapy Definition use of aromatic fragrances to induce relaxation; therapy through aroma

Term square nail Definition nail shape that is completely straight across with no rounding at the edges, the length of the nail can vary


Square Nail



Journal prompt to be answered in 2 fully developed paragraphs

Prompt: Why is it important to participate in challenging but fun physical activities? Write about a time you have participated in a fun physical activity. Use specific examples from your experience.


I feel it is important to participate in such activities because it motivates you to challenge yourself, and be educated while still being entertained. One time i have experienced this was when I went on a hiking trip! we had to climb up a trail to read the top of a rather large hill... it was difficult and physically challenging but in the end I made it, and it was a fun experience, seeing the birds fly above me, hearing the sounds of nature, all while working towards my goal (to reach to top) So yes i find these types of challenges fun and useful.

Which of the following is good advice for setting objectives?
Only write down things that have to be done, not what you would like to do.
You only need to set objectives once a year and then review that list about every month.
You should write down your objectives where you can see them often throughout the day.
OD. All of the above



all of the above


all of the above


Changes to the global climate could include _______.
changes to temperature
changes to pressure
changes to precipitation
all of the above



d. all of the above


Answer: “All of the above”

Explanation: The answer would be all of the above because changes to the global climate effect everything regarding weather.

Question 12 5 points) Use the steps of the decision making process to put the following sequence in order. 1. You throw the test away so you won't be tempted to use it. 2. You found a history test that you brother kept from last year and you are currently taking the same class. 3. You feel good about the decision you made and would make the same decision next time. 4 you get caught you will get a zero on the test and your family would be disappointed in you. 15. You decide fyou should look at the answers, throw it away, and/or share it with your friends, Next Page Back​


2, 5, 4, 1, 3

hope this helps :)

describe the things that make you smile



seeing all people happy who I care for ✌️

Watching a wholesome movie

Select the correct answer.
As the body adapts to a fitness routine, it becomes more efficient and ____________ slow.
Recovery times


Resistances start to slow

Select the correct answer.
Achilles tendonitis can be caused by all of the following except:
Tight calf and hamstring muscles
Excessive pronation
Improper shoes
Interval training


D. Interval Training

Which is a possible consequence of poor decision-making associated with drug abuse?

decreased conflict with friends
increased safety in automobiles
decreased involvement in violence
increased risk of an unplanned pregnancy


Answer: d increased risk of unplanned pregnancy



increased risk of an unplanned pregnancy


The other answers are wrong.

15 point question.
When comparing an individual with low muscular fitness to an individual with high muscular fitness, we would very likely find that __________.
the individual with low muscular fitness would also have less trouble sleeping
the individual with high muscular fitness would have a higher rate of illnesses
the individual with high muscular fitness would also have a lower chance of becoming injured
the individual with low muscular fitness would have better physical performance

Please select the best answer from the choices provided.



C. The individual with high muscular fitness would also have a lower chance of becoming injured.


D. The individual with low muscular fitness would have better physical performance.

A person who is emotionally, physically and/or romantically attracted to some other people of the same gender. Can
be used to refer to people of all genders, though it is used most commonly to refer to males, and sometimes,
females as well _____?


Well Im gonna assume gay choice 1 but I’m 100% straight so take this answer with a grain of salt
Gay or lesbian depending on the gender. Lesbian for females and gay for males

What rules do they need to know to clean the facility properly without causing any food-safety hazards?
list 3-5 rules


Wash your hands the right away

Wash surfaces and utensils after each use:

Wash cutting boards, dishes, utensils, and
Wash dish cloths often in the hot cycle of your washing machine.

Wash fruits and vegetables, but not meat, poultry, or eggs


You answered it


The reason why I said you answered it is because you already know this even without my help

Typically a volleyball match winner is the first team to win how many games/sets?​



The games go to 21 points instead of the 25 points used in indoor volleyball. The winning team has to lead by 2 points to win the set and there's no limit. So the first team to lead by 2 after a total of 21, wins the set. Beach volleyball is designed to be won by the best of 3 sets.

hope this helps

have a good day :)


Help (for volley ball)



The two most common offensive systems in volleyball are the 5-1 system, which uses five hitters and one setter for all six rotations, and the 6-2 system, which uses a total of six hitters and two different setters, depending on where they are in the rotation.


i think im not so sure

Select the correct answer.
Changing the variables to periodize a program can be done by any of the following except:
Changing the rest period
Changing the number of sets or repetitions
Increasing or decreasing speed
Changing the workout day


I think A. Sorry if I am wrong
And plz tell me if I am right
A I believe, goodluck




question three's answer is b




Teens during pregnancy appear to be at increased risk of high blood pressure, anemia, premature birth, having low birth weight babies and experiencing postpartum depression.

hope this helps

Identifying Options
Which safe and legal options do teen parents have if they think they are not ready to be parents? Check all that
Leave the baby in front of someone's door
Surrender the baby under their state's safe haven laws.
Place the baby for adoption
Release custody to the baby's grandparents,
Give the baby to a stranger



Surrender the baby under their state's safe-haven laws.

Place the baby for adoption.

Release custody to the baby's grandparents.


Of the options given, the safe haven law is one of the safe and legal options parents can take if they aren't yet prepared, this involves leaving the baby in a stste approved protective custody where the baby is provided with immediate medical care the baby may require.

Another option is to place the baby in the custody of the parents grandparent, this may be either the mother of father's grandparent.

Similarly, the baby may be placed up for adoption which involves giving the baby to another family who may be suffering from inability to conceive or for other reasons. As adoption is also backed by legal papers though not in all cases.

Which of these provide endocrine functions for both males and females
1. Pituitary glands
2. LH
3. Testicles
4. Placenta
5. FSH


Pituitary Glands, hope this helps :)

Answer please. ʕ•ﻌ•ʔ​



Explanation:i can't see the picture good

1. List two ways that families help their members
develop social health.
2. What is an extended family?
3. Why is it important for family members to give
affirmation to one another?



1. One way family members can help their members develop social health is to have them meet new people. It's important for them to know that everyone may not be like them, and that helps prepare them to work with different people in the future. A second way family members can help develop social health is to teach them to talk through problems. Teaching them good communication skills helps them be able to hurtle misunderstandings that will arise during their lifetime.

2. An extended family is a family that goes beyond the nuclear family unit that consits of a mother, father, and children. This can include, aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents.

3. It is important for family members to give affirmation to one another because it helps raise self-eteeem and self-worth. Without any sort of affirmation from parental figures and loved ones, the child may not flourish the way that they need to.

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