Can someone help me with this, please?

What are the eight major mineral groups?


Answer 1


calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, chloride, zinc, sodium, sulfur


Related Questions

Why is the elimination of feaces not an excretory process?​



Feaces is a product of egestion. It is not directly formed from the major organs responsible for excretion (liver, kidneys, lungs and skin) and hence is not a result of metabolic reactions. That is why, feaces are not an excretory product.


What is sprouting?
Why do we need to have calcium rich foods?



(i) Sprouting is the natural process by which seeds or spores germinate and put out shoots, and already established plants produce new leaves or buds or other newly developing parts experience further growth.

(ii) It makes up much of your bones and teeth and plays a role in heart health, muscle function and nerve signaling

Why could a loss of chlorophyll limit cellular respiration in plants?
A. there would be too much oxygen to produce.
B. there would be less glucose produce for respiration.
C. there would be too much carbon dioxide produced.
D. there would be more ATP molecules produce.



the answer is option B as chlorophyll is used to.mske glucose whivh is later utilized in respiration

Which of the following would be the best definition of diffusion? The movement of molecules....

- from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration
-using energy
-down the concentration gradient

-from an area of lower concentration to an area of higher concentration
-using energy
-up a concentration gradient

-from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration
- without energy
- up the concentration gradient

-from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration
-without energy
-down the concentration gradient



-from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration

-without energy

-down the concentration gradient


Simple diffusion does not require energy. This is likely what the question is referring to.

An example of simple diffusion:

If you blow up a balloon and then poke a small hole in it. The air will leak out from the high concentration inside the balloon to the low concentration outside of the balloon. It does not require any energy to be put it--it leaks out on its own as long as there is a hole.


-from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration

- without energy

- down the concentration gradient


The movement of molecules from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration, without energy, down the concentration gradient is correct.

TWO evidence of global warming in South Africa​



Observable effects of climate change on water resources in Africa include: flooding, drought, change in distribution of rainfall, drying-up of rivers, melting of glaciers and the receding of bodies of water.


thank me later

onment is brought into the area. It has no predato
ation. Overpopulation can use up the resources ir
oes not impact the environment in any way.
Ltion because they are an additional species in the
lation. However, overpopulation has a positive effe
Session Timer: 5:44

Over the years humans have killed most of the coyotes in a grassland habitat the coyotes were the natural predators of deer living in the grassland how will this most likely change competition for resources in the grassland


Answer: Humans killing a majority of the natural predators will cause a drastic increase of the prey populations and make food,shelter and other resources scarce.

What are sustainable use practices?
any materials that exist in nature and that are used by humans
the managed consumption of natural resources to prevent their depletion or environmental destruction
the deployment of fossil fuels to environments that previously did not have access to such resources
ways in which individuals are able to conserve native animal and plant species





Sustainable practices are all about the managed consumption of natural resources to prevent their depletion or environmental destruction.

What is sustainability?

It refers to the management of resources in such a way that their depletion is prevented and the environment is conserved in the process.

Sustainable practices include actions targeted at conserving resources to prevent abusive or wanton use and ensure that the future heritage is intact.

For example, cutting down trees for construction and following it up with the planting of other trees is a sustainable practice.  By doing so, trees will not get depleted in the forest.

The correct option is, therefore, the first option.

More on sustainability can be found here:


A steady increase in global temperature has been recorded
between 1900 and today. Before concluding that this rise in
temperature is the result of the increased burning of fossil
fuels since that same time, which of the following questions
would have to be answered?

A What is the CO2 content in one metric ton of fossil
B Which gases are released when burning fossil fuels?
C What, if any, temperature rise was occurring prior to
D How have humans adapted to temperature change?





C What, if any, temperature rise was occurring prior to 1900?

What gas in the atmosphere reacts with sulfur dioxide to create sulfur trioxide?
O nitrogen
o hydrogen
O acid rain


o hydrogen, hoped this helped!
Hydrogen:) I hope it help

what happens if plant protoplasts are placed in distilled water​



Protoplasts are plant cells that have had their cell walls removed. What happens if plant protoplasts are placed in distilled water? A They get larger and become turgid.

When the plant protoplast is placed in distilled water ; It becomes Turgid

When protoplast is placed in a distilled water, the distilled water flows into the protoplast and this makes the protoplast to become turgid and this is due to absence of the plants cell wall and also the difference in the concentration of the contents of the protoplast and the distilled water. Protoplast represents the plant cell without the presence of the cell wall.

Hence we can conclude that when the plant protoplast is placed in distilled water it becomes Turgid.

Learn more :

Barrera que delimita a la celula y que contiene sus organelos y los productos generados dentro de la misma , a traves de ella entran nutrientes y expulsan desechos



Membrana celular


La membrana plasmática o membrana celular, presente en todas la céluas, la protege y encierra a distintas organelas, que al estar aisladas deñexterior, funcionan como una unidad difereciada. Aun asi, cada célula mantiene comunicación con otras células a partir de esta membrana. Esta estructura, a parte, permite el paso de sustancias desde y hacia el iterior celular. Moleculas necesarias para el adecuado funcionamiento de la celula ingresan a la misma, mientras que otras destinadas a exportación, desechos, mentenimiento del equilibrio, etc, salen al espacio intercelular. Las membranas biológicas estan formadas por una bicapa lipídica. los lípidos se posicionan de manera tal que las cabezas hidrofilicas apuntan hacia el exterio e interior celular, mientras que las colas hidrofóbicas se disponen hacia el interior de la bicapa. Las membranas celulares son fluidas, es decir que las moleculas que la componen tienen la capacidad de moverse.

Dentro de la célula, e incluidas en el citoplasma, hay varias organelas que también se encuentran delimitadas por membrana, tales como nucleo, reticulo endoplasmático, aparato de golgi, mitocondrias, cloroplastos, vacuolas y vesiculas. El contenido de estas organelas se encuentra aislado del citoplasma gracias a la contención de la membra.  

The food manufactured by the photosynthetic process is ____.



The answer is B because sugar is one of the products of photosynthesis.

In the carbon cycle, plants convert carbon dioxide from the air in to
a. proteins
b. nitrogen
c. carbohydrates
d. nucleic acids​





because form carbon is change to carbonhydrates

I'll give brainlist!! Please helppp‼️‼️

1. How many years does the table include, from the first species to the last?

2. From the fossil evidence shown, how did the forefeet change over time?

3. From the fossil evidence shown, how did the skills change over time?

4. How might the environment in which each of these species lived have affected the evolution of horses?



1: 50 million years

2: The forefeet changed over time by the bones merging into one to create the hoofed feet that we are used to today.

3: Their teeth and skull changed over time to better fit the environment and food they fed on. Their feet and hight changed based on the physical requirements of the environment like walking across dense forests vs open prairies and how they had to move to access food.

4: The environment affected the way the horses evolved because they had to evolve to better fit and survive/thrive the new environments they lived in.

[tex]what \: is \: cell \: membrane \: {?} [/tex]



The living layer of a cell is called cell membrane.

it is also called plasma membrane .

hope it is helpful to you


Hello There!!


Cell membrane is↬A thin layer outside of a cell and controls all the movements and functions into and out of the cell and it protects the cell.

hope this helps,have a great day!!


pls help me and nooo links

Asian carp were originally brought to the US to help mitigate algal blooms. However, they soon took over the waterways of the Mississippi and threaten the Great Lakes. Millions of dollars are being spent to combat these invasive species. Why are invasive species a threat to ecosystems?

invasive species lack natural predators and take resources away from native species

invasive species release toxins into the environment

invasive species cannot adapt to their new environment

invasive species like to proliferate (reproduce)



Invasive species lack natural predators and take resources away from native species. They pretty much kill much of the natural animals.


What process is shown in the diagram below?



B Polymerase



D. Use of restrictive enzymes


Just took the quiz

Which characteristics are used to differentiate among the six kingdoms?
a. body type, coelom, cell type, movement, size
b. body type, cell type, cell structure, nutrition
c .cell structure, movement, cell type, nutrition
d . nutrition, coelom, cell structure, cell type, size





cells help you live




Answer above

during which phase of meiosis does crossing over of chromosomes occur



prophase 1 and metaphase



Select the sequence that matches the following DNA sequence?!


c or the third option
It’s c because your converting DNA into RNA

1. How are seasons connected to the annual CO2 cycle?


CO2 in the atmosphere decreases during the growing season and increases during the rest of the year, which leads to maximum buildup in April and May before photosynthesis begins to take over again.

There's more carbon dioxide in the winter and a bit less in the summer. That's the collective breathing of all the plants in the Northern Hemisphere. "Plants are accumulating carbon in the spring and summer when they're active, and they're releasing carbon back to the air in the fall and winter," Graven explains.

Using the drawing, which function of the skeletal system does the joint between the humerus
and scapula mainly perform?
A.Sending sensory signals in pulses

В.Allowing movement

C.Storing fat cells

D.Excreting waste and fluid


Answer: a  


The answer you are looking for is A

Give any 2 significance of nitrogen cycle to green plant


Nitrogen is the most abundant element in our planet’s atmosphere. Approximately 78% of the atmosphere is made up of nitrogen gas (N2).

Plant uptake of nitrogen compounds

Once nitrogen is converted into compounds like ammonium and nitrate, these can be taken up from soils by plants and then the nitrogen can be used to form macromolecules like proteins and nucleic acids.

Nitrogen is a crucially important component for all life. It is an important part of many cells and processes such as amino acids, proteins and even our DNA. It is also needed to make chlorophyll in plants, which is used in photosynthesis to make their food.

As part of these life processes, nitrogen is transformed from one chemical form to another. The transformations that nitrogen undergoes as it moves between the atmosphere, the land and living things make up the nitrogen cycle.


Nitrogen in its gaseous form (N2) can’t be used by most living things. It has to be converted or ‘fixed’ to a more usable form through a process called fixation. There are three ways nitrogen can be fixed to be useful for living things:

What happens when an atom loses an electron



An atom that gains or loses an electron becomes an ion. If it gains a negative electron, it becomes a negative ion. If it loses an electron it becomes a positive ion (see page 10 for more on ions).


biology question on enzymes​





because it have a shape like that and the optimum temperature is at 37 ish which Is right the other are not right.


Option D


Because the max reaction rate of a majority of enzymes in homeotherms is about 40 degrees C, they will start to denature at higher temperatures. Of course enzyme activity will vary compared to other organisms, i think with these options that option D is your best bet.

Photosynthesis needs a pigment called
A. chlorophyll

B. hemoglobin

C. melanin

D. keratin



Photosynthesis needs a pigment called Chlorophyll




Chlorophyll, the primary pigment used in photosynthesis, reflects green light and absorbs red and blue light most strongly. In plants, photosynthesis takes place in chloroplasts, which contain the chlorophyll.

the simulation of sea ice from 1979- to 2020.
what is happening.


nothing babsshhssshdhhdgdnzdjjjjsssfsssnsmffmsssssgdgsd

This signal in the male body to stop producing testosterone is an example of?





1. Name three substances that are not mixtures.
2. Name three substances that are mixtures.



1.carbon ,oxygen,nitrogen ,hydrogen


2.carbon dioxide,water,all compound

Las plantas transforman la luz del sol a través de unas células llamadas: a) Estomas. b) Cloroplastos. c) Raíces. d)Clorofila.



La respuesta correcta es: b) Cloroplastos.


Los cloroplastos son organelas que se encuentran en las células vegetales y son responsables de realizar el proceso clave para la supervivencia de estos seres vivos: la fotosíntesis.

La fotosíntesis consiste en la transformación de sustancias inorgánicas a materia orgánica gracias a la energía proveniente de la luz solar. Esta materia orgánica será utilizada para la producción de los nutrientes requeridos por las células de la planta.

Los cloroplastos constan de una envoltura conformada por dos membranas y por unas vesículas llamadas tilacoides donde se encuentran las moléculas que participan en la transformación de energía lumínica a energía química que ocurre durante la fotosíntesis, por ejemplo la clorofila (que es un pigmento verde que le da a la planta su característico color).

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