Colleen is knitting a scarf. For every 45 pieces of blue yarn she uses, she uses 18 pieces of red yard. What equation can be used to represent the proportional relationship between the amount of blue yarn, b, and red yard, r, that Colleen uses when knitting a scarf?


Answer 1


For every 45 pieces of blue yarn, Colleen uses 18 pieces of red yard.

To find:

The equation that can be used to represent the proportional relationship between the amount of blue yarn, b, and red yard, r, that Colleen uses when knitting a scarf.


We have,

Blue yarn = 45 pieces

Red yarn = 18 pieces

It is given that there is a proportional relationship between the amount of blue yarn, b, and red yard, r, that Colleen uses when knitting a scarf. So,




Therefore, the required equation is [tex]r=\dfrac{2}{5}b[/tex].

Related Questions

Use the function below to find f(-2).

F(x)= 3^x

A. 1/6
B. -9
C. -6
D. 1/9



D. 1/9

General Formulas and Concepts:


Order of Operations: BPEMDAS

Brackets Parenthesis Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction Left to Right

Algebra I

FunctionsFunction NotationExponential Rule [Rewrite]: [tex]\displaystyle b^{-m} = \frac{1}{b^m}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Define


f(x) = 3ˣ

f(-2) is x = -2 for function f(x)

Step 2: Evaluate

Substitute in x [Function f(x)]:                                                                           f(-2) = 3⁻²Exponents:                                                                                                        f(-2) = 1/9

Helllpppppp please





23, 48, 49, 55, 57, 63, 72

after arranging in ascending (or descending) we see the middle term and in this case, 55 is the middle number of the data and hence,

55 is the median

Hope this helps! have a great day ahead! :D

Tony invested $5,500 in a four-year CD that paid 4.8% interest, but later needed to withdraw $475 early. If the CD’s penalty for early withdrawal was three months’ worth of interest on the amount withdrawn, how much of a penalty did Tony pay?


Please select the best answer from the choices provided



Your answer would be a

4. A rental car agency charges a fee of $25 plus $0.20 for every mile driven. Write a function rule to determine the cost of renting a car.
a. What is the cost of driving a rental car 150 miles?
b. If I have $145, how far many miles can I drive the rental car?
Besties help please



a. $25 + ($0.20 × 150) = $25 + $30 = $55

b. $145 ÷ $0.20 = 725 miles

An electrician earns $110 after his first hour of working for a client. His total pay based on the number of hours worked can be represented using the sequence shown.

110, 130, 150, 170, ...
Which recursive formula can be used to determine the total amount of money earned for each successive hour worked based on the amount of money currently earned?

f(n + 1) = f(n) + 20
f(n + 1) = f(n) + 110
f(n + 1) = f(n + 1) + 20
f(n + 1) = f(n + 1) + 110


Answer:my guess would be A because B and D there was already a start-up salary of 110$, but it could be c, i just wanted to choose the simplest answer choice.

Step-by-step explanation: it just makes sense that it is not B or D

The recursive formula that could be used for measuring the total amount of money is f(n+1) = f(n)+20.

What is a recursive formula?

A recursive is a type of function or expression stating some concept or property of one or more variables, which is specified by a procedure that yields values or instances of that function by repeatedly applying a given relation or routine operation to known values of the function.

Given that,

The electrician earns $110.

And the sequence should be 110, 130, 150, 170, and so on.

Here we assume that f(x) represent pay.

And x be the number of hours worked.

Based on the above information, we can see that there are 20 increments in every next number.

So, the equation should be f(n+1) = f(n)+20

hence, the recursive formula that could be used for measuring the total amount of money is f(n+1) = f(n)+20.

Learn more about recursive formula click;


Brooke and lamont ran a half marathon. Brooke finished in 1 hour 50 minutes, lamont finished in 100 minute. Who had the faster time



Brooke and Lamont ran a half marathon. Brooke finished in 1 hour 50 minutes, Lamont finished in 100 minute.

To find:

Who had the faster time?


We know that,

1 hour = 60 minutes

Time taken by Brooke = 1 hour 50 minutes

                                     = 60 minutes + 50 minutes

                                     = 110 minutes

Time taken by Lamont = 100 minutes.

Since the time taken by Lamont is less than the Brooke, therefore Lamont had the faster time.

Can u guys help me answer these 2 questions


i don’t know how to do the other one but ..

Could Someone Please help me with this? Im really struggling




Step-by-step explanation:

she is asking what subject do the 9th grades prefer, so asking the 9th graders in her school sound like the best answer

Find the missing side of this right
x= [?]
Enter the number that belongs in the green box.



2 is the correct answer because 14 ÷7 is 2


the answer in your question is √245

15.6524 ≈ 15.7

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]x = \sqrt{{14}^{2} + {7}^{2} } \: = 15.6524 = 15.7[/tex]

Someone help dont scam or you get report. :)



Hi there!

The correct answer should be: $2.99 per kilogram!

Step-by-step explanation:

17.94 ÷ 6 = 2.99

F(x) = -x² + 7x - 12
One factor of this is (x - 4). Find the other factor.



(3-x) is the other factor.

Step-by-step explanation:

The given function is :


One of the factor is (x-4)

We need to find the other factor.

It can be solved as follows :


So, the other factor is (3-x).

Please look at the image



3=1+2 because An exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the opposite interior angles

when 2=1

we can also write it as


3=21(this means twice of angle 1)

Can a regular polygon have an interior angle of 169°



The answer is [tex] \sf \huge \underline \red{No}[/tex] , Because If it's a regular polygon, then the sum of it's exterior angles is add up to 360°.

if the dimention of a right rectangular prism are 7cm,9cm and 3cm then find the total surface area,its volume and the length of it diagonals​




Step-by-step explanation:

a = 2(7*9+7*3+9*3) = 222 v = 7*9*3 = 189 d = √(7^2+9^2+3^2) = √139

Find the center and radius of the circle whose equation is x 2 + y 2 - 6x - 2y + 4 = 0
(3,1), r = /6
(-3,-1), r = /6
(3,1) r = 6
(9,1), r = 36



Solution given:

the equation of a circle is:





comparing above equation with


we get

centre (h,k)=(3,1)


option first

(3,1), r = 6 is a required answer.


(3,1), r = √6 is a required answer.

Step-by-step explanation:

a. Rs.180
b. Rs.240
c. Rs.220
d. Rs.320​


Step-by-step explanation:





Can someone please solve Q32, 37 and 47, they are related to quadratic equations.



Q32) we have:

x² - Px + P = x(x - P) + P

but x² - Px + P is divisible of x - P

=> P must be divisible of x - P

=> P = 0

Q37) 3x² + Px + 54 = 0

a = 3 b = P c = 54

=> delta = b² - 4ac = P² - 648

because this equation have 2 solutions => delta > 0

=> P² - 648 > 0

[tex] = > p < - 18 \sqrt{2} \: or \: p > 18 \sqrt{2} [/tex]

x1, x2 are 2 solutions of this equation

=> x1 = 2.x2

=> x1 - 2.x2 = 0

Using Viète theorem, we have:

x1 + x2 = -P/3

x1.x2 = 18

but x1 = 2.x2 => 3.x2= -P/3

2.x2² = 18

=> -9.x2 = P

x2² = 9 => x2 = 3 or - 3

=> P = 27 or - 27

Q47) because Px² + 2x³ + qx + c is divided by x+ 1 and x-2

=> P - 2 - q + c = 0

4P + 16 + 2q + c = 0

=> 3p + 3q = - 18

=> p + q = -6

Which of the following is the solution set for -3t + 11 > 20?

A. t < 3
B. t > 3
C. t < -3
D. t > -3


answer A.


What is 3.055 rounded to the nearest hundredth




Step-by-step explanation:

3 is in the ones place, then theres the decimal, the tenths place, and the hundredths place. When rounding, you must make the number larger when its 5 or over. So the answer is 3.06


3.055 rounded to the nearest hundredth = 3.06

Calculate cos0 to two decimal places.


i see the picture but its really bad so 5.-2

Imee has captured many three-toed tree toads. She weighs each one and
then counts the number of yellow spots on its back. Which trend line best fits
the data?




Step-by-step explanation:

Some photos look cut off but from what I can see the trend line in graph A fits the best since the line is the correct slope and captures the most data points out of all the answers.

Graph (A) shows the best fit of the line because it has a positive slope and the line is very close to the dots, option (A) is correct.

What is the line of best fit?

A mathematical notion called the line of the best fit connects points spread throughout a graph. It's a type of linear regression that uses scatter data to figure out the best way to define the dots' relationship.

[tex]\rm m = \dfrac{n\sum xy-\sum x \sum y}{n\sum x^2 - (\sum x)^2}[/tex]

[tex]\rm c = \dfrac{\sum y -m \sum x}{n}[/tex]

We have a dot plot shown in the picture.

As we can see in the given picture, the values of independent and dependent variables increase, which means the slope of the line should be positive.

In graph (A) the line of the best fit is very close to the dots and best describes the data.

Thus, graph (A) shows the best fit of the line because it has a positive slope and the line is very close to the dots option (A) is correct.

Learn more about the line of best fit here:


How many solutions does this linear system have?

y = 2x – 5

–8x – 4y = –20

A- one solution: (–2.5, 0)
B- one solution: (2.5, 0)
C- no solution
D- infinite number of solutions


The answer would be A: -2.5, 0

The equation of a circle is x2 + y2 + 6y = 7. What are the coordinates of the center and the length of the radius of the circle? O A. center (0, -3) and radius 16 O B. center (0, -3) and radius 4 C. center (0, 3) and radius 4 O D. center (0, 3) and radius 16 STEM ++ 32:36​



c=(0,–3) , R= 4

choose (B)

Complete these ordered pairs for this equation.
(0, ), (-1,), (1, ) y=2x+1



The completed ordered pair are;

(0, 1), (-1, -1), and (1, 3)

Step-by-step explanation:

The ordered pair, (x, y), presents the corresponding values of 'x' and 'y' based on a given relationship, or equation

The given relationship between 'x', and 'y' is, y = 2·x + 1

Therefore, given that the x-values (first of two values, separated by the coma) are given, we have;

In the given incomplete pair (0, ), when x = 0, therefore, y = 2 × 0 + 1 = 1

The complete ordered pair is (0, 1)

Similarly, for (-1, ), we have;

When x = -1, y = 2 × (-1) + 1  = -1

The complete ordered pair is (-1, -1)

We also have for the incomplete pair, (1, )

When x = 1, y = 2 × 1 + 1 = 3

The complete ordered pair is (1, 3)

The completed ordered pair for the equation, y = 2·x + 1, are therefore;

(0, 1), (-1, -1), and (1, 3).

An object In geometry with no width,length or height is a:

A. angle

B. line

C. point

D. ray



C. Point

Step-by-step explanation:

a point would just be a dot on a graph and it won't have an exact height or size or shape

The answer is c a point

which expression represents the phrase eight time the difference of n and two?

C.8 x n x2
D.(8-n) x 2




Step-by-step explanation:

Difference means subtraction

Times is multiply

First find the difference of n and 2


Then multiply by 8


the answer is B. 8(n-2)

please help me
please look at both of the questions if you can



answer for parabola is pink

Your local dry cleaners is running a special. The dry cleaner is offering a 13% discount for any drop off that is over
$40. Also, they are running a neighborhood special of an additional 5% off. Given this information, determine the
decay factor corresponding to each percent decrease.
a. 34.8; 33.06
0.87: 0.95
b. 0.384; 0.3306
d. 87, 95




Step-by-step explan


it's C I took the test and put a and got it wrong

Step-by-step explanation:

Helppppppppppppppppppp I’ll mark you brainlist don’t respond if you’re going to put something random I will report you :)




Step-by-step explanation:

Angles on a straight line add up to 180, so 180-145 is equal to

help me I have hard times in algebra


See what’s on -3 and there’s ya answer jejjrheggehehudjeytwgegbsnwj
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