¿Cómo debemos actuar en una sociedad que practica la igualdad de oportunidades entre mujeres y hombres?


Answer 1

La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no anexas opciones o incisos para responder, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

¿Cómo debemos actuar en una sociedad que practica la igualdad de oportunidades entre mujeres y hombres?

La forma en la que debemos actuar en una sociedad que practica la igualdad de oportunidades entre mujeres y hombres es la siguiente.

Debemos actuar con congruencia, respeto y responsabilidad.

Ante la ley, hombres y mujeres son iguales. No hay distintivos ni limitaciones que aparten a la mujer de obtener las mismas oportunidades laborales o sociales que tienen los hombres.

Si esa sociedad practica la igualdad y el respeto entre ambos géneros, entonces en la práctica, esa igualdad debe hacerse presente en las empresas, en el gobierno, en los centros de trabajo, en las escuelas, y en todas las instituciones que conforman la sociedad.

Related Questions

Describe whether or not the decisions made by the Congress of Vienna were able to prevent war.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

The decisions made by the Congress of Vienna were able to prevent war although, in reality, different conditions and situations presented that made the decisions made in the Congress of Vienna difficult to follow up and prevent war in Europe.

​The Congress of Viena was held to provide peace in western Europe after all the consequences of the Napoleonic Wars and the French wars.

One of the goals of the Congress of Vienna (1814-1815) was to restore Europe to the way it was before the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars.

When Napoleon was defeated, the victorious countries met to establish a plan that could offer a relative past to Europe after so many years of conflict. So they met in Vienna, Austria in the so-called Congress of Vienna, to change things after the reorder of the Napoleonic wars, trying to reestablish some monarchies. Peace and understanding functioned relatively well until the previous years of World War 1.

Austria was the host of the Congress of Vienna, held from November 1814 to June 1815. During this time, European ambassadors met to discuss the plans for peace in Europe after so much damage and destruction due to the French Revolution and later, to the Napoleonic Wars. The delegates reached agreements about the reorganization of territories in Europe and the balance of power in the region.


The Bourbon Dynasty was restored to power. A series of states were set up on the boundaries of France to prevent French expansion in the future. Thus, all the monarchies that were overthrown by Napolean were restored and a new conservative order was created in EuropeExplanation:

Why did Spain set-up colonies in the New World?
To set up a fur trading industry.
To make homes for people in Spain.
To capture slaves to sell to other countries.
To protect its claim on New World wealth and gold.



D. To protect its claim on New World wealth and gold.


Spain set up colonies in New World after Christopher Columbus discovered it in 1492. After the discovery of the New World, Spain sends conquistadors and soldiers in search of gold and riches. Spanish found mines in Bolivia, Mexico, and Peru of gold and silver. Founding gold and silver encouraged Spanish setters to settle here to bring wealth to their empire to fill a coffer.

El deterioro de la calidad de las aguas continentales y marinas a originado...
ayúdeme por favor ❤️❤️



Deterioro de la calidad de las aguas continentales y marinas. Esta situación ha originado la

disminución de los recursos pesqueros debido

a diversos procesos de contaminación. En el Perú,

las principales causas

de este fenómeno son la contaminación industrial, la falta de tratamiento

de las aguas servidas, el uso indiscriminado de agroquimicos y el deterioro de las cuencas de

los rios. Una gran ciudad como Lima, por ejemplo, arroja al año cerca de 400 millones de m2 de

aguas servidas al mar. La contaminación del agua no solamente perjudica la calidad de vida de

la población urbana, sino que también afecta la producción agrícola y la actividad ganadera en

el campo.

Disminución del número y varledad de especies anlmales y vegetales en los distintos continentes

como resultado del desarrollo de actividades que depredan el ambiente. En nuestro pals, las

amenazas más graves sobre la diversidad biológica son la deforestación, la contaminación, la

pesca y caza excesivas y la extinción de las etnias originarlas y su riqueza cultural.

- Aumento de las áreas desérticas, tanto por procesos naturales (sequías, desertificación, etc.)

como por procesos vinculados con la producción.

-Pérdida de la capacidad productiva de los suelos, debido en gran medida a prácticas agrícolas

intensivas que no permiten una adecuada regeneración del suelo. En el territorio peruano, este

problema es una grave amenaza por la escasez de suelo aptos para la agricultura. El deterioro

del suelo se manifiesta en procesos como la salinización en la costa, la erosión paulatina en la

sierra y la pérdida de fertilidad en la Amazonia.

- Aumento de la producción de residuos tóxicos, así como su transporte y depósito. Nuestro pals

carece de políticas para gestionar los residuos sólidos y liquidos. Por lo general, son depositados

en el ambiente sin tratamiento alguno.

- Deterioro creciente de las condiciones ambientales en las grandes ciudades, debido, entre

otras causas, a la producción de residuos, al aumento de los niveles de ruido, al aire contaminado

y a la contaminación de las aguas que utiliza la población.

En el Perú, los lugares con mayor contaminación del aire están concentrados en las grandes

ciudades, especialmente en Lima y Callao, y en algunos lugares con industrias contaminantes

como las mineras y pesqueras. Durante algunos años, La Oroya (Junín) fue considerada una de las

diez ciudades más contaminadas del mundo.

Tad and Lilly were standing in line to get coffee with about three other people. Within 10 seconds of waiting, Tad started complaining to anyone who would listen about the wait time and how ridiculous it was. Lilly was embarrassed by Tad's outburst of emotion. Which of the Eysenck traits are likely being described here



The answer is "neuroticism ".


It can be characterized as a person who tends to also have unpleasant feelings such as gloomy sorrow or anxiety.Thus, individuals with all these personality characteristics often are smooth and have a sign or feeling of angst, feel worried, afraid, the rage among others that is why people with more depressed moods are much more likely to encounter them, like in the case of Tad, that also simply shows that they have neurotic characteristics. The Erickson characteristic aspect describing Tad's behavior.

I will make you the Brainiest if you get it right PLEASE!!
Select the correct answer.
How did the United States try to stop Iran from funding what US officials believe are terrorist organizations?
by signing a new defensive treaty with Iran
OB. by placing sanctions on trade with Iran
by launching a military invasion of Iran
by forming an alliance of nations against Iran


I believe it B because terrorism financing through and by Iran had a nuclear industry in exchange for some sanctions relief

Effect of costs and revenue​



en qué consiste el crecimiento económico​



El crecimiento económico es un aumento en la producción de bienes y servicios económicos.


in english: Economic growth is an increase in the production of economic goods and services

A political structure was provided by ________ in north Africa.
d.)stateless societies


The answer is c............

Describe how lobbyists affect economics.




lobbyists write many laws

they indirectly pay politicians to have them pass

these laws are favorable to the companies the lobbyists work for

so economics are not put in consideration when these laws are passed

The society of route tribe of Nepal is considered as an example of hunting and gathering society.why write in your opinion in a sentence.



This said tribe is likely considered to be a hunter gatherer tribe because of the traits it shares with those of typical hunter gatherer tribes.


مرادف كلمه ( دقيق الفن ) ؟ عندي اختبار اليومم


Answer:فن دقيق

please make as the branliest

i need help with all these





English, 22.06.2019 06:10

Read the excerpt from holes. mr. sir laughed. "you see any guard towers? " "no." "how about an electric fence? " "no, mr. sir." "there's no fence at all, is there? " "no, mr. sir." "you want to run away? " mr. sir asked him. stanley looked back at him, unsure what he meant. "if you want to run away, go ahead, start running. i'm not going to stop you." in this excerpt, the author provides details about the character of mr. sir primarily through what he says. what he does. others’ thoughts. others’ reactions.

What is the main idea of this proclamation?
a. To proclaim the attack on Pearl Harbor significant.
b. To make an American promise.
c. To terminate an outdated and historically discriminatory Executive Order.
d. To begin the war on terror.



not enough info, which proclamation?

I will give u brainliest and 5 stars and thanks if its correct

True or False: Humans depend on other plant and animal species to survive.





All humans rely on other things to survive, stay clean,, ect



Write a acrostic using the word adolescent
D -
O -
L -
E -
S -
C -
E -
N -



No theme provided, just write whatever.


A = Apollo, Champion of the Skies

D = Demeter, Goddess of the harvest

O = Octo, Bearer of the Digit 8

L = Lord, Ruler of the Land

E = Evolution, Forward Despite Everything

S = Soviet Moon, Flag implanted in space's guardian

C = Challenger, They Flew too close to the sun

E = Eons, Centuries Past and Landscapes Forged

N = Neurons, Power to the Computer of the Mind

T = Time, The Machine Man Cannot Stop

state two agricultural that are contributing the destruction of natural environment​



Some of the environmental effects that have been associated with meat production are pollution through fossil fuel usage, animal methane, effluent waste, and water and land consumption. ... Meat is considered one of the prime factors contributing to the current biodiversity loss crisis.

[tex]\fbox\red{Hope This Helps}[/tex]

According to the United States Supreme Court, when is it acceptable for schools to
limit freedom of the press?
A. When a school staff member is offended by a political viewpoint.
B. When written parental approval is given to a building administrator.
C. When the student author is not yet old enough to be granted adult rights.
D. When what is written conflicts with the educational mission of the school.



D. When what is written conflicts with the educational mission of the school.


The First Amendment to the United States Constitution states that "Congress shall make no law ... prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; ... and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." This, in short, refers to the freedom of speech and press.

In circumstances relating to academic institutions, the Supreme Court finds it acceptable to allow the limiting of such freedom of the press when what is written or expressed is against the educational mission of the school. This means that when what's been written goes against the objective of the school's educational system, then the school can limit the student's freedom of the press.

Thus, the correct answer is option D.

Some one can help me find the answer I don't have the knowledge to answer. ​


The correct answers to these open questions are the following.

1.- St. Augustine's teaching on Creation.

St. Augustine taught that the Almighty God was the creation of everything that existed on planet earth. God had the power to create everything out of nothing. So at the beginning of times, there was nothing and then, all of the sudden, God created the world and everything that exists.

2.- The teachings of Genesis 1 and Genesis 2.

The teachings of Genesis 1 and 2 are metaphors aimed to explain the creation process according to the Bible. Knowing that it is a very complex issue, the Bible tries to use metaphors to explain complex things so everybody can understand the meaning.

This is the case with Genesis 1 and 2, which refers to the "Six Days of Creation," when God created light, land, plants, the sun, the planets, the animals, and finally, humans.

3.-"God created everything in six days."

As I wrote above in point number 2, these are metaphors that help the authors of the Bible to explain complex issues, like the creation.

Of course, this is the version of the church, expressed in Genesis, the first book of the Old Testament.

There is the counter-perspective, Darwinism, that creation was a process of evolution, from the very start to the end, when humans appeared on earth.

So both visions have their supporters. One is scientific and the other is religious. One is based on science and the other, on faith.

A woman is at a large event with lots of music and conversations going on simultaneously. While talking to a friend about his latest romantic breakup, she hears her name spoken from the other side of the room. She immediately looks in the direction of the voice and sees the person who spoke her name. This ability to detect one's name being spoken in this situation is an example of: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. narcolepsy. inattentional blindness. consciousness. the cocktail party effect.



the cocktail party effect (pls give me brainliest)


Observing, collecting data, surveying, and making inferences are all examples of an attempt to: a. learn about your audience b. analyze diversity c. make presentational adaptations d. None of the above. Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D Ma



The correct answer is - a. learn about your audience.


Observing, collecting data, doing surveys and making inferences all are examples to know about the audience how they react, what they like, what influences them. These all research methods are very useful to learn about an audience.

For analyzing diversity they must be a comparison of types of diversity present. Observation, surveys, interview or making inferences are not something can be used in make presentational adaptations.

what is the true meaning of life?​





He is life, He came to give us life, it's up to us to accept it.

Hope this helps :)


People consider it “freedom from suffering” which is correct. Our meaning or intention is to be happy, we don’t have the desire to suffer. Being surrounded by the people and things that we love.


If you look it up “freedom from suffering” appears which is actually correct. As well as what I stated in wanting to be happy. Anyways, I hope this is a good answer :)

personality psychologist who is interested in studying the characteristics of people who report being abducted by UFOs. She finds several people in an online support group for UFO abductees to participate and asks them if they can provide the names and contact information of other people who have also been abducted. Upon contacting these new participants, she asks them to refer her to even more people they may know who have been abducted. This is an example of what kind of sampling



Snowball sampling


A snowball sampling technique is a type of sampling where the researcher gets other members to recruit participants for the study. Bringing this to thee question here, this psychologist after getting several people in the online support, asks them to refer her to other abductees that can be used as participants in her study

Has any satellites have gone out of Solar System? If yes can you tell which satellites have gone out. Will give brainliest. :)​


Voyager 2
On November 5, 2018, Voyager 2 officially left the solar system as it crossed the heliopause, the boundary that marks the end of the heliosphere and the beginning of interstellar space.

When did the Tulsa Race Massacre occur?



C. Post World War I.


The infamous Tulsa Race Massacre is an event that occurred from the night of May 31 to June 1, 1921, in the Oklahoma city of Tulsa. This horrific event lasted for 18 hours during which white mobs attacked and killed hundreds of black people and rendered thousands homeless.

This event would remain one of the worst incidents of racial discrimination in the history of America. A white mob gathered and then systematically attacked, destroyed, and killed black residents and damaged businesses owned by black owners in the residential Black Greenwood neighborhood of Tulsa. This event happened after the First World War (1914-18).

Thus, the correct answer is option C.

What 3 white supremacist groups formed during Reconstruction



I think one was the KKK?


explain to which extent ideology about responsible usage of Environmental resources could ensure the survival of human race ​



The correct answer is - support a sustainable wellbeing approach for the health of this generation and future generations.


Using the environmental resources responsibly in order to support a sustainable wellbeing approach for the health of this generation and future generations.

Increased population growth and human activities have raised serious concerns for the sustainability of Earth's natural resources and natural resources are being over-exploited by human activities. Environmental sustainability is the way to preserve natural resources and thus ensure the wellbeing and health of future generations.

The responsible usage of environmental resources involves making decisions and addressing actions aimed at protecting the global ecosystem, so it is vital that measures take into consideration three major factors: environmental protection, economic viability, and social equity.

Give me a list of all the hurricanes from 2020 from first to last












During the voyage how would you feel about being a crew member for Magellan?



This is a question the I think you should answer. It's how you would feel, not how somebody else would feel.

Edward L. Thorndike's research with cats demonstrated that behavior changes because of its consequences. Favorable consequences lead to the behavior being repeated, while unfavorable consequences make the behavior less likely. Thorndike referred to this as:



law of effect


Thorndike referred to this as the law of effect. In simple terms, Thorndike explains that if a certain stimulus/behavior has a favorable consequence, the subject will want to repeat this behavior. If it continues to have a favorable consequence then the subject will continue to repeat this behavior until it becomes a continuous pattern. The opposite applies to behaviors that have unfavorable consequences, the subject in question will associate the unfavorable consequence with the behavior and cease performing the behavior. The worse the consequence, the faster the subject will stop the behavior.

i need the answer 12 help



it up to him to know how he feel


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