If you could change one thing
that happened this year, what
would it be? Why?


Answer 1
i would change the topic of book i read. this is because as the year went on i learned to like different topics in english.
Answer 2
Literally eat without gaining weight obviously, and have my dad literally leave me alone. Why? Because he’s a toxic manipulative lying mf and always up in my business when I’m trying to do my own thing..

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what are the 4 human blood types and how can they be donated and received




group A

group B

group AB

group O

group AB is a universal acceptor.

group O is a universal donor.

Which of the following would be an appropriate time to use a classification
A. Telling your mom what your three favorite dishes are
B. Explaining the parts that make up a molecule of fat
C. Telling your mom about the three bags of mixed groceries in the
D. Explaining the three kinds of different fats - saturated,
unsaturated, and trans fats


The answer is D. Explaining the three kinds of different fats - saturated,

unsaturated, and trans fats Hope it helps :3

The correct answer would be D.

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Тонкие блины на молоке — это английский вариант традиционных пышных русских блинов, выпеченных на дрожжах. В Европе блинчики имеют вид тонких, почти прозрачных салфеток. Во Франции их называют «крепы» и подают с сотней разнообразных начинок. Никаких особых уловок в приготовлении нет: чем более жидкое тесто, тем тоньше получается блинчики. Ажурный вариант, в дырочку, получится, если часть молока из рецепта добавить в тесто немного горячим. Перед тем как залить первый блин, следует хорошо прокалить сковороду. Блинчик готов, когда он начинает зарумяниваться до хрустящих краев.

What type of writing requires you to follow the format outlined in the AP (Associated Press) Stylebook?

a news article for an online magazine
a persuasive essay for school
a historical essay for a local context
a business letter


The Answer would be A


news article for an online magazone

Where does the Receiver live? (The Giver)



House of the Old


Summary. Jonas reports to the Annex of the House of the Old for his first day of training. An Attendant admits him to the Receiver's living area, which is locked to ensure the Receiver's privacy, even though no one else in the community locks their doors.

which theme is reflected in this excerpt from the adventure of the speckled band by sir Arthur Conan Doyle


Which theme is reflected in this excerpt from "The Adventure of the Speckled Band" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle?

"It is a swamp adder!" cried Holmes; "the deadliest snake in India. He has died within ten seconds of being bitten. Violence does, in truth, recoil upon the violent, and the schemer falls into the pit which he digs for another. Let us thrust this creature back into its den, and we can then remove Miss Stoner to some place of shelter and let the county police know what has happened."

A. the dangers of biased thinking

B. cruelty toward animals

C. the value of kindness

D. crime backfires on a criminal

E. the importance of seeking help


E. the importance of seeking help


According to the given excerpt from "The Adventure of the Speckled Band" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes discovers a swamp adder, which happens to be the deadliest snake in India bite a man to death within ten seconds. However, the person which the snake bites is describes as a schemer and violent person who fell into "the pit he dug for another."

With that, Sherlock proceeds to help Miss Stoner from danger and take her to a place of safety.

Therefore, the theme that is reflected in this excerpt is the importance of seeking help.


the answer is c i did  plato test


have a great day

Leaders have many roles to help motivate the team. Which of the following is the LEAST important role of a leader?

-Provide technical feedback to teammates to help them improve
-Help create team goals to bring the team together
-Being the link between the coach and the players
-Motivate each teammate in a personalized way



the third one..all the others are important

Answer: It is A provide technical feedback to teammates to help them improve


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Maybe Say greetings


Say greetings everyone and go straight to your point and say who your thankful for ect.


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Which word below is an antonym for insolent?



Answer: Your answer would be : Polite

Explanation: Insolent means:  Showing a rude and arrogant, lack of respect.

So this gives you enough information to determine what is the antonym. So that would be (Polite), since its the opposite of rude.

~hope this helps, have a gr8 day/night my friend!~

what examples of moral complexity for scout in to kill a mockingbird




They shouldn't kill the guy being convicted but he chooses to die other than stay in jail for something he didn't do

Scout feels bad for him a lot for hw he is being treated but she can't reaally do anything because she is just a kid

Select the correct answer.
Which sentence best states two themes of the passage?
The Tiger in the trap



can you write passage on your answer please sister

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Since the 1970s, humanity has been in ecological overshoot, with annual demand on resources exceeding Earth's biocapacity. Today humanity uses the equivalent of 1.6 Earths to provide the resources we use and absorb our waste.


(meow) <3

My brother snigs playing cricket by using used to or ing​



wht. I don't even understand

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rosie the riverter:

motivated young women to work in previously male dominated jobs because many men were fighting in the world war two

Why does ramosjoanna209 post garbage and incorrect answers? Stick it in your a$s


Answer:                       i dont know


Essay on pros and cons of online dating.



Pros: Have a higher chance of getting a girl

con: Getting catfished


what sentence structure is it best to use when writing to explain a process?



Compound-complex sentences.


Compound-complex sentences would be best for explaing a step by step process,because you can more than two independent clause.plus two ,or more dependent clauses as well.

write an essay on my aim in life is to be a doctor in about 200 words(plsssss heeeellppp!?!?)(╥_╥)​



explanation is in the attachment

hope it is helpful to you

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horror and suspense
science and horror
mystery and suspense
fantasy and mystery


Horror and suspense

Read each passage. Compare Eurymachus, the speaker in the first passage, to Odysseus, the speaker in the second passage.

How are Odysseus and Eurymachus similar?

Both are in charge of a group.
Both are powerful motivators.
Both are loyal to their families.
Both believe that the gods will help them.


Both are powerful motivators.

Alannah wants to attend university to study law. She has a high GPA, so she is sure that she will be accepted. The only issue is that she cannot afford the college tuition. What option could allow Alannah to attend the university?

Alannah could write to the university and ask for a discount.

Alannah could apply for a scholarship to help pay for her education.

Alannah’s parents could sell their house to pay her tuition.

Alannah could offer to intern for one of the professors.


The answer is B bc since she has a high gp it is easy to get scholar ship!!




I don't know if you still need this, but here it is!!

Make It Parallel!

Rewrite the following sentences below following the correct parallelism.

1. My son loves video games, musical instruments and to play soccer.

2. Jerry likes to play with ball, to jump rope and running outside.

3. I saw a girl in a fancy red dress, high-heeled shoes and long shiny hair.

4. The president advised the people to stay home, spending time with family and to pray for the country.

5. Grandpa usually walked carefully, move as slow manner, and sitting quietly in the park.

don't spam! don't use ggle!​



The parts that were changed to make the sentences parallel are bolded below:

1. My son loves video games, musical instruments, and soccer.

2. Jerry like to play with ball, to jump rope, and to run outside.

3. I saw a girl wearing a fancy red dress, high-heeled shoes, and long shiny hair.

4. The president advised the people to stay home, to spend time with family, and to pray for the country.

5. Grandpa usually walked carefully, moved slowly, and sat quietly in the park.


Parallelism refers to the repetition of structures inside a sentence to make it sound better and less confusing. Let's use sentence number 1 to better illustrate this concept. Take a look at the original sentence:

- My son loves video games, musical instruments, and to play soccer.

Even though it is perfectly possible to understand the sentence, we can sense a lack of repetition in the structure. What does the son love? Video games (no verb), musical instruments (no verb), and to play soccer (verb + noun). The last item listed breaks the pattern. To make it less different, so to speak, let's remove the verb and use only the noun:

- My son loves video games, musical instruments, and soccer.

Now, the three items listed sound more similar, more parallel.

Other types of changes can be made depending on the sentence. In sentence 3, for example, the preposition "in" does not work well with the three items listed. That is why we can substitute it for "wearing", which can be used with the three items without a problem.

Select the correct answer.
John Snow's nonfiction work "On the Mode of Communication of Cholera" and Edgar Allan Poe's fictional work "The Masque of the Red Death" both describe a fatal epidemic. Which is the most suitable comparison of the two works?
Snow's work looks at how the disease spreads geographically, while Poe's work looks at how it affects different classes of society.
Snow's work looks for the cause of the disease to prevent it, while Poe's work personifies it to entertain his audience.
Snow's work focuses on the number of deaths caused by the disease, while Poe's work focuses on the nature of deaths it causes.
Snow uses technical words to add credibility to his work, while Poe uses simple language to maintain clarity in his work.
Snow's work stresses that the disease is fatal to many, while Poe's work stresses that the disease is fatal to all.



B). Snow's work looks for the cause of the disease to prevent it, while Poe's work personifies it to entertain his audience.


The key distinction among the works of John Snow and Edgar Allan Poe is that the former lays emphasis on displaying the causes of the epidemic along with the necessary measures to prevent it while the latter focuses on the personification of the epidemic plague to show how it killed a huge number of people and depicts the way he began to kill his sufferers in an entertaining manner. Thus, Snow aimed to inform the readers while Poe wished to entertain his audience. Hence, option B is the correct answer.

What is the difference between present perfect tense and past simple tense ?



Present perfect tense is related to the present in some way, while past simple tense happened at a specific time in the past and is a finished action.


Present perfect tense describes something that happened in the past, but that is related to something in the present (example: I have read 5 books by Ernest Hemingway).

Past simple tense is used for things that happened at a definite time in the past (example: I met my friend when I was seventeen).

How does the story' Yudhisthira's wisdom ' highlights the value of human virtues like patience , wisdom and righ.​



The story shows how by having the patience to answer Yaksha's questions and by promoting wise and fair answers, Yudhisthira not only managed to quench his thirst but also managed to save his brothers.


"Yudhisthira's wisdom" tells the story of how Yudhisthira was walking along with his brothers when everyone felt thirsty. Yudhisthira asked the younger brother to find water so that everyone could drink. His younger brother found a river with high quality water, but before he could catch it, he heard Yaksha's voice, stating that he could only touch the water if he answered a few questions. Impatient due to thirst, the young man decided to ignore the questions and touched the water trying to drink it, but Yaksha made him pass out. Yudhisthira's other brothers also went in search of water and also didn't have the patience to answer Yaksha's questions and they all fainted. Yudhisthira found the brothers passed out by the river and also heard Yaksha's voice stating that he needed to answer some questions before he could touch the water. Yudhisthira answers all questions wisely, which impressed Yaksha, allowing Yudhisthira not only to drink from the water, but allowing his brothers to wake up healthy.

What does arcade mean



An arcade is a place that you go to, to play games.


Answer: a covered passageway with arches along one or both sides

or a video game arcade-an indoor area containing coin-operated video games


13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Which excerpt from “The Maori: Genealogies and Origins in New Zealand” best shows how the Maori perceive their parents?

“We should kill our parents,” he suggested, for he was the god of war. “It will be difficult, but it is the only way we can truly be free!”
“We cannot do this,” he said. “Rangi and Papa are our parents. They have created us, made us who we are.”
“The Sky Father will watch us from above, while the Earth Mother nourishes us from below.”
“It is impossible!” cried Tû. “We should kill them. There is no other way to be free.”



“We cannot do this,” he said. “Rangi and Papa are our parents. They have created us, made us who we are.”


The Maori mythological narrative of their creation belief is presented in the text "The Maori: Genealogies and Origins in New Zealand". This text narrates how the popular belief of the creation story, how the Maori people came to be.

Among the given excerpts from the text, the third option best shows how the Maori people perceive their parents. The refusal to kill their parents, stating that they are the ones who gave us life and "made us who we are" clearly shows how parents are perceived to be, revered and important.

Thus, the correct answer is the third option.

What is the authors purpose in The Eager Mercuti? How do you know? Write your answer in a few sentences.



So in this instance, Mercutio's purpose is to deter Romeo from pursuing love – which builds up Romeo's momentum to pursue love – which ends in disaster.


I chose “The Eager Mercutio” because it sounded more interesting to read. The author’s purpose might be to show how anger and resentment can lead to violence. Mercutio seems only to want to fight and be angry. The author uses Benvolio to show how Mercutio is not being rational.


After reading about the Winchester house, what other questions do you have about the house and Sarah Winchester?



actually the Winchester's were the first people who made the Winchester rifle and the woman Sarah Winchester who was also hearing the dead people that have died by the rifle then her husband died tragically then she lost her baby girl only that was born on 5th weeks didn't live a long life but also the Winchester House was built by Sarah Winchester she built it for years and kept on building where she believed she would die if she finished it

Answer: After reading the Winchester house, I concluded that Sarah Winchester was not in the right state of mind. She lost her family and longed for her family, and she was obsessed with the number 13. Sarah kept building the house to keep her family close to her in spirit so they wouldn't leave her behind.


full form of CPU,RAM,ROM,ATM,GIGO​


[tex] \huge \mathfrak \red{Answer}[/tex]

Full form of:-

CPU:-Central processing unitRAM:-Random Access memoryROM:-Ready only memoryATM:-Automated teller machineGIGO:-Garbage in Garbage out

hello dear


central processing unit


dont know


automated teller machine

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