iii) pounding paddy (धान कुट्न) iv) cook food (खाना पकाउन)
1 in the blanks with suitable words.
ली ठाउँहरुमा मिल्ने शब्द भर।
balance the water in the cell.
ले कोषमा पानीको मात्रा सन्तुलन गछ ।
Habitat of monkeys is
बाँदरहरुको बासस्थान
Smoke from vehicles and industries cause
मोटर गाडी र उद्योगबाट निस्किएको धुवाले
Freezing is opposite process of
को उल्टो प्र
We need........... address to send an email.
इमेलमा पठाउन
ठेगाना आवश्यक पर्छ ।
हुन्छ ।​


Answer 1


I can't read Hindi

I can read English

Related Questions

Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann made which contribution to science?
A. Discovered that new organisms do not spontaneously arrive in suitable conditions, but must be brought there.
B. Discovered the process plants use for energy, photosynthesis.
C. Discovered a basic principle of chemistry, that all matter is composed of atoms.
D. Discovered a basic principle of biology, that all plants and animals are made of cells.


The answer might be D

Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann made a significant contribution to science as they discovered a basic principle of biology, that all plants and animals are made of cells. So the correct option is option D.

Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann made the contribution of discovering a fundamental principle in biology known as the cell theory. In the 1830s, they independently proposed that all plants and animals are composed of cells. Their work laid the foundation for our understanding of the structural and functional units of life. Together, the contributions of Schleiden and Schwann formed the basis of the cell theory, The correct option is option D.

Learn more about the cell theory here.



What is the relation between leaf venation and the type
of roots?



When the veins in leaves are irregularly distributed to form a channel, it is known as reticulate Venation. Plants with reticulate venation in their leaves are likely to have tap roots. Plants like carrot or rose have leaves with reticulate venation and tap roots.


hope it helps :D



those plants that have parallel venation leaves have fibrous root system and the plant that have reticulate venation of leaves have tap root system.

What replaces peptidoglycan in the cell wall of Archaebacteria?





What form is DNA in during mitosis?
A. protein
B. ribosome
C. chromatin
D. chromosomes



Chromosomes form is DNA in during mitosis.


In the context of the cell cycle, mitosis is the part of the division process in which the DNA of the cell's nucleus is split into two equal sets of chromosomes.

During mitosis, DNA is in the form of chromosomes, which is option D, as the chromosomes are condensed and highly coiled structures made up of DNA and associated proteins called histones.

During mitosis, a cell divides into two daughter cells that are genetically identical to the parent cell. Chromosomes are critical to this process because they carry the genetic information necessary for the formation of the new cells, and before mitosis begins, the chromatin (a complex of DNA and proteins) in the nucleus of the cell condenses into visible chromosomes. This condensation process involves the compaction of chromatin into a more compact and organized structure.

Learn more about the chromosome here.



What plasma membrane component can be either found on its surface or embedded in the membrane structure?



Carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the third major component of plasma membranes. They are always found on the exterior surface of cells and are bound either to proteins (forming glycoproteins) or to lipids

¿Qué tipo de célula apareció primero en la Tierra?:___, y se presentan en seres vivos como las:___ y se caracterizan porque:___. *



Célula procariota y procariotas.


La célula procariota es un tipo de célula que apareció por primera vez en la Tierra hace unos mil millones de años. Estos tipos de células están presentes en los procariotas, lo que significa que estos organismos no tienen un núcleo verdadero o una membrana nuclear alrededor del núcleo y otros orgánulos de la célula. El ADN del organismo procariótico se encuentra en una parte central de la célula que se conoce como nucleoide. La pared celular de un procariota actúa como una capa adicional de protección, ayuda a mantener la forma y estructura celular y previene la deshidratación.

This type of gland may be associated with polythelia
O A. Merocrine gland
B. Sebaceous gland
C. Apocrine gland
D. Mammary gland
E. Ceruminous gland



functions with the mammary gland



Hi Letter D is the correct answer to your question !!

what effect will an invasive species have on the carrying capacity of an ecosystem?
a) the carrying capacity will increase for those in competition
b) the carrying capacity for all animals will stay the same
c) the carrying capacity for everyone will decrease and then increase rapidly
d) the carrying capacity will decrease for those in competition for same resource


the answer to this question should be D) the carrying capacity will decrease for those in competition for the same resource.
An invasive species will consume food resources that the native species require. As a result, the maximum population that can be sustained will be lessened, since there is new competition and less food.

The effect an invasive species will have on the carrying capacity of an ecosystem is the carrying capacity will decrease for those in competition for same resource.

What is invasive species?

An invasive species refers to an organisms such as amphibians,plant, insect, fish, fungus, bacteria that is not native to an ecosystem but it is introduced into the ecosystem and causes harm to the native species. They can harm the environment and also humans.

Therefore, The effect an invasive species will have on the carrying capacity of an ecosystem is the carrying capacity will decrease for those in competition for same resource.

Learn more about invasive species below.


Viruses can't replicate without a host cell.
A. True

B. False




hope this helps

have a good day :)


Viruses cannot reproduce by themselves, they must have a living host cell in order to multiply.

It would be true. :)

The data table below shows the presence or absence of DNA in four different cell organelles.
Information in the table suggests that DNA functions
A. within cytoplasm and outside of the cell membrane
B. both inside and outside of the nucleus
C. only within energy-releasing structures
D. within cell vacuoles


The answer is B. I hoped this helped!
The answer B I am sure

What is the main function of the nervous system? How does it do its main job? (USE YOUR OWN WORDS)​



The nervous system is the major controlling, regulatory, and communicating system in the body.


It is the center of all mental activity including thought, learning, and memory. Together with the endocrine system, the nervous system is responsible for regulating and maintaining homeostasis.

One can conclude that the are benefited by the . The triggerfish are



• One can conclude that the Small Fishes are benefited by the Titan Triggerfish.

• The Triggerfish are Neither Harmed Not Helped.


How do fossils demonstrate evidence of evolution?
A. They show that ancient species share similarities with species now on Earth.

B. They show evidence of species that are now extinct.

C. They are the primary source of evidence of natural selection.

D. Fossils reveal that many species have remained unchanged for millions of years.





A is the answer because it shows that evolutionary change over time


They show that species have changed from ancient times

all of the following are part of the three principles of natural selection except
A.) competition
B.) variation and adaptation
C.) fitness
D.) genetic recombination



D: genetic recombination



D: genetic recombination

mars has ice caps containing frozen CO2 and H2O, and little to no atmosphere. It’s lack of atmosphere causes it to very hot in the day and very cold at night. Which of the following would not occurs on mars if the ice caps are heated to a gas?

A. Increased greenhouse gases
B. Less extreme temperature differences between day and night
C. Cooling of the planet
D. CO2 Gas available to grow plants





What is the main difference between a scientific law and a theory?


Answer:A scientific law  is something that will happen 100 percent of the time

but a thoery is something u think will happen like a hypothsis


Elaborar un Mapa Conceptual con datos cualitativos y cuantitativos procesados sobre los cromosomas, la terminología genética y caracteres hereditarios.



Los cromosomas son ​​componentes de células complejas (eucariotas) en las que se almacena la información genética necesaria para la herencia de propiedades. Un cromosoma contiene ácido desoxirribonucleico (ADN), en el que se codifican los genes, así como varias proteínas, especialmente histonas. En los organismos eucariotas, que incluyen plantas, hongos, animales y, por tanto, también seres humanos, los cromosomas son componentes regulares en el núcleo celular.

Humans grow, develop, and heal because cells can reproduce themselves. This cellular reproduction is called ______________. *


The cellular reproduction where cells grow and heal themselves is called mitosis.

How could an error during transcription affect the protein that is produced



The protein might be unable to function if an error during transcription occurs. Explanation: During transcription, the mRNA is formed. If the error encountered in the transcription, mRNA formed would be a transient one and would eventually get degraded.


‼️I NEED HELP WITH THIS RIGHT NOW⁉️. A student is trying to determine if a solution is acid or basic. She does not have any litmus paper. Which would she most likely use to get a reading on her solution? Vinegar, soap, cabbage juice, aquarium water.



Cabbage juice


Red cabbage has pH indicator pigment. It changes color when mixed with acid or basic solution.

For acidic solution, the juice turns red.

For neutral, it shows purple color.

For basic solution have pH 8-9 : Blue

                                    pH 10-11: Green

For strong basic solutions:  yellow in color.




In which phase of cell division does the DNA exist as chromatin


It occurs in interphase 1 and condenses in prophase 1. Hope this helps.

Which of the following is formed when a
cancerous cell replicates uncontrollably?
A. a blood clot
B. a tumor
C. tuberculosis
D. organ death



a tumor



B: a tumor is formed


a tumor is formed

what are the causes of cancer????​




Cancer is caused by changes (mutations) to the DNA within cells. The DNA inside a cell is packaged into a large number of individual genes, each of which contains a set of instructions telling the cell what functions to perform, as well as how to grow and divide

Which event is an example of vegetative reproduction, a form of asexual
reproduction, in plants?



Explanation: I'm smart lol trust me

Answer: B Spider plants produce plantlets.

Explanation: I took the test and the other guy is wrong

All organisms have the same amount of chromosomes.

A. True

B. False



B. False


The chromosomes of different organisms can vary.

What happens if a person has one kidney removed? 1 point a. They will continue as normal b. They will stop making urine c. They will accumulate excess urea D. They will die.​


Joe I think cause joe is pretty cool if u know joe then you know joe if u don’t know joe then u should ask who joe is

Please help :( I don’t wanna fail



You need to create a food chain with a producer, consumer, and decomposer. an example of this would be grass > zebra > lion.

It is believed that neutral mutations (mutations that have neither a positive or negative effect) accumulate at a exponential rate over time.




The statement 'neutral mutations (mutations that have neither a positive or negative effect) accumulate at an exponential rate over time' is False.

What is a mutation?

A mutation is any alteration in the nucleotide (DNA) sequence of an organism's genome.

Mutations can be neutral, beneficial, or deleterious depending on the environment in which an organism lives.

In conclusion, the statement 'neutral mutations (mutations that have neither a positive or negative effect) accumulate at an exponential rate over time' is False.

Learn more about mutations here:



Cuáles son las condiciones ambientales, factores abióticos, que pueden presentar variaciones en los diferentes ambientes?


Respuesta y explicación:

Los factores abióticos son aquellos componentes no vivos que determinan las condiciones ambientales en las que los seres vivos (factores bióticos) van a vivir.

Estos factores abióticos pueden ser el pH, la temperatura, los niveles de oxígeno y otros gases, y la humedad, entre otros. Todas estas variables pueden presentar variaciones que van a determinar si es viable o no para diferentes especies el subsistir en esa área.

Cada ser vivo se desarrolla en regiones geográficas definidas y sobrevive ahí mismo gracias a rangos de tolerancia que poseen para resistir pequeños cambios en los factores ambientales. Cuando los cambios sean muy pronunciados, es entonces que la vida para ciertas especies se verá amenazada y por eso deberán encontrar otro lugar donde vivir.

what factor is often responsible for the other three

1 increase in levels of toxins in freshwater

2 increased poverty and malnutrition

3 increase in human population

4 increased depletion of finite resources



I think it's 4 hope it's correct

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