How could the Flood have been responsible for the formation of fossils?


Answer 1

flood brings water and makes the soil wet that turn into a mud.

where the species trapped or any of them step on it and when it dries it turns into fossils

Related Questions

1. The model shown is known as the galactic city model, sometimes described as the contemporary urban model of the North
American metropolitan area. Among the features within this model are edge cities. Edge cities are large centers of
development on the urban periphery.
A. Describe TWO factors that led to the development of the galactic city as an urban landscape in North America.
B. Describe TWO ways that the spatial organization of commercial land use is different between the original central
business district (CBD) and an edge city.
C. Describe ONE negative impact of edge city development on the environment.
D. Explain one way sustainable design initiatives or smart growth policies could address negative impacts of edge city
development on the environment.
E. Explain one way in which brownfields can be redeveloped in postindustrial cities.


Answer and Explanation:


Question 2

A. Describe TWO factors which led to the development of the galactic city as an urban landscape in

7 points: 2 + 2 + 1 + 2

North America. (2 points: 1 description + 1 description)

A1. Decentralization and suburbanization: population shift from the center city into the suburbs A2. Nuclei form around improved transportation that includes highways, interstates, and airports A3. Economic shift from industrialization to service-sector office parks

A4. Economic shift from industrialization or industries to high-technology operations or advanced


A5. Urban growth stimulated specialization and specialized centers outside the central business district


A6. Suburbs took on the roles more typically associated with CBDs

A7. Cheaper, more available, and easier to develop land in suburban areas

A8. Shifts in the spatial organization of production or the spatial organization of manufacturing

A9. Lack of planning or reduced regulation of land use in the urban periphery or unincorporated areas

B. Describe TWO ways that the spatial organization of commercial land use is different between the original CBD and an edge city. (2 points)

 Original CBD

B. 1. High-density buildings and/or land use; skyscrapers

B. 2. Mixed land use (residential, commercial, office)

B. 3. More walkable, pedestrian oriented B. 4. Smaller shops and retail

B. 5. Older, more historic

B. 6. Brownfields

B. 7. Greater access to public transit B. 8. Parking garages

B. 9. Grid pattern

Edge City

a. Low density buildings and/or land use; low-rise office buildings, “campus” architecture

b. Specialized land use; dedicated to office buildings and retailing (little to no residential land use)

c. Pedestrian unfriendly (lack of sidewalks) d. Big box stores

e. Newer construction

f. Greenfield development

g. Dominated by automobile

h. Large, open parking lots

i. Curvilinear or nonlinear pattern

                   C. Describe ONE negative impact of edge city development on the environment. (1 point)

C1. New construction areas, or urban sprawl, may replace open space or farms

C2. Loss of natural and/or animal habitats, introduction of invasive or nonnative species

C3. Dependence on automobile or lack of public transportation can result in increased air pollution and

greenhouse gas emissions or a larger carbon footprint

C4. Impact on land because low-density development occupies more land than a high-density development

(more land used for roads, larger building footprints)

C5. Lack of parks, green spaces, and trees causes heat island effect

C6. Numerous roads and parking lots absorb heat and contribute to the heat island effect

C7. Waste, soil erosion, or pollution from construction sites

C8. More impervious surfaces created by new construction (buildings, roads, parking lots) cause more

storm water runoff and flooding

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Galactic city model is defined as the model that become popular with post-industrial cities.

What are the factors that led to development of galactic city?

A. Decentralization and subsidization: population shift from the center city into the suburbs. Nuclei form around improved transportation that includes highways, interstates, and airports.

B. 1. High-density buildings and/or land use; skyscrapers

   2. Mixed land use (residential, commercial, office)

    3. More walkable, pedestrian oriented

    4. Smaller shops and retail

C. 1. New construction areas, or urban sprawl, may replace open space or farms.

2. Loss of natural and/or animal habitats, introduction of invasive or nonnative species.

D. Impact on land because low-density development occupies more land than a high-density development (more land used for roads, larger building footprints)

E. More impervious surfaces created by new construction (buildings, roads, parking lots) cause more storm water runoff and flooding.

Learn more about galactic city, refer to the link:

HELPPPP pleaseee thank youuu



cumulus, fair weather

These have flat bases and are often described as "puffy", "cotton-like" or "fluffy" in appearance.

and It looks so much like a cotton:D

discribe figure A and figure B?​



But where are the figures

How do currents move?what effect do they have?



The direction of an electric current is by convention the direction in which a positive charge would move. Thus, the current in the external circuit is directed away from the positive terminal and toward the negative terminal of the battery. Electrons would actually move through the wires in the opposite direction.When current flows in a circuit it exhibits various effects. The main effects are heating, chemical and magnetic effects.

As wind or an ocean current moves, the Earth spins underneath it. ... The Coriolis effect bends the direction of surface currents to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and left in the Southern Hemisphere. The Coriolis effect causes winds and currents to form circular patterns.

Which of these factors below was not a factor in the collapse of the East Coast fishery?


Here is ur answer

Lack of plankton growth

lack of plankton growth

Scores 64 69 73 maintains 90 feet x 7 feet requires 1/2 a fluid ounce solution per square foot how much cleaning solution is needed for the hallway



315 fl oz  cleaning solution is needed for the hallway


Area of the hallway floor = length * breadth

A = l * b  

A = 90 ft * 7 ft = 630 square feet

Amount of cleaning solution required = total area *  Amount of cleaning solution required per square feet.

Amount = 0.5 fl oz/ft^2 * 630 square feet

= 315 fl oz

In which two ways can you tell if an earthquake is going to happen?

A. A series of small earthquakes

B. A very large thunderstorm

C. A decrease in air pressure

D. A change of the slope of the ground





D is the right answer for sure

List the countries from MOST to LEAST developed




Countries from MOST to LEAST developed :-

Country 2Country 4Country 3Country 1

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# ꧁❣ RainbowSalt2²2² ࿐


2, 4, 3, 1


Country 2 has the most money and life expectancy, even if there are less people who can read. It means that country 2 has a good economy and good income of money. Country 4 has the second best income of money and life expectancy. Even if there are more people who can read, the per capita is much less than country 2. Country 3 may have a lower literacy rate, than country 1, the life expectancy and per capita out-weighs that. Country 1 is the worst as the people don't live long and the per capita is very low.

(Per capita = comparing to one person) (literacy rate = rate of people who can read and write) (life expectancy = how long someone is expected to live)

1) (IBADE – 2020 - Adaptada) O pensamento computacional está formando uma linguagem tão importante quanto a oral ou a escrita para as crianças e jovens de hoje.
A construção dessa linguagem já é uma realidade e sua solidificação é uma consequência inevitável. A necessidade de desenvolver tecnologia e educação digital com crianças e jovens na escola está, inclusive, prevista em uma das competências da Base Nacional Comum Curricular, a BNCC. Ela diz que todo jovem precisa compreender, utilizar e criar tecnologia de forma reflexiva, significativa e ética. Mais do que uma ferramenta facilitadora de absorção de conhecimentos, da forma como funcionou no que se convencionou chamar de inclusão digital, a tecnologia digital hoje abriga um conjunto de conhecimentos e competências que precisam ser desenvolvidos com os alunos.
Para os estudiosos dessa temática, é fundamental que toda criança ou adolescente, compreenda:
a) a lógica da programação e como funcionam os algoritmos
b) o manuseio e a função dos aplicativos digitais.
c) o valor dos projetos colaborativos para a globalização


Resposta: letra (a)

Explicação: acertei no CMSP!!!

¿Qué aspectos caracterizan al mundo económico global?



-  Recursos naturales

-  Infraestructura

- Población

- Labor

- Capital humano

-  Tecnología

- Ley


Espero que sea de ayuda

Erosion, deposition, compression ist the THREE major rock types that make up the Earth's crust. (3 x 1) (3) ow can one distinguish between igneous rock and sedimentary rock with le naked eye? (2x 1) ) iefly explain how igneous rock and sedimentary rock can be changed to metamorphic rock. (2 x 2) itline how metamorphic rocks can be changed back into sedimentary ck (2x2) Je ONE way in which humans can make use of metamorphic rock, (1 x 2) (2)​



left to right


can i get some help with these please


Sorry I do not know.

How can improving healthcare improve Indian life expectancy



By improving healthcare in India life expectancy would improve as:

- An improve in child mortality rates.

- Less diseases would be caught and untreated.

- Better sanitation reduces spread of diseases.


The fundamental principle of geology put forth by James Hutton is called _______. The fundamental principle of geology put forth by James Hutton is called _______. the principle of uniformitarianism the principle of original horizontality the principle of superposition the principle of catastrophism the principle of cross-cutting relationships



The correct answer is - the principle of uniformitarianism.


The principle of uniformitarianism is the principle that helps in understanding the history of the earth. This concept developed by James Hutton has an idea that Earth has always changed in uniform ways and that the present is the key to the past.

According to this theory, the earth is always a geological process that developing as it was developed or change in past in a uniform manner. It is one of the fundamental principle.

Which representation of Earth would not have any distortions?
A. A cylindrical projection
B. A topographic map
C. A planar projection
D. A three-dimensional representation



D. A three-dimensional representation


Because you have to have everything proportional in order to accurately make it into a globe, a 3-dimensional representation would be the most accurate.

whats the answer cause i dont get it.





A tangent is a straight line that just touches the top of a circle.

However, a sector looks like a slice of pizza (sorry not the most mathematical explanation haha) and the diameter is a straight line through the centre on a circle.

So it would be a tangent.

Hope this helps :)

how does Palin differ form a plateau pls help​



Plains and plateaus are both flat areas of land; the main difference between plain and plateau lies in their elevation. A plateau is a flat land that is raised significantly above the ground whereas plain is a flat, low-lying area.



Plains is an un-raised flat area. The slope of the plain is gradual and not abrupt.Plains generally have favourable living conditions and have many uses.Plain is called lowlands.The soil in a plain is typically fertile and supports agriculture.


Plateau is a raised area of land with a flat top.A plateau rises abruptly from the surrounding area.Plateaus offer harsh and bleak living conditions.Plateau is called high plains, tabletops or flat-topped mountains.The climate at the top of the plateau may not be supportive towards agriculture.

Which of the following best
explains how refracting
telescopes work?
A. uses curved mirrors to gather and focus light
B. uses curved surfaces to detect radio waves
C. uses sound waves to measure distances
D. uses a convex lens to gather and focus light


Answer: Here is the answer: D. uses a convex lens to gather and focus light


I hope I was able to help you!

How do producers think of workers?



I am not sure but i think it is B


As per I know that producers think of worker are of 2 ways

1. Producers of service and goods

2. As Consumers

I hope it helps...Thank you

Which two countries' populations consist of less than three percent (3%) Shia (Shiite) Muslim followers?



joe mama


The American Sam and Greenland countries' populations consist of less than three percent (3%) Shia  Muslim followers.

Who are Muslims?

The Muslims follow the religion of Islam. Islam is a monotheistic religion that was founded by the Prophet Muhammad in the Arabian Peninsula in the 7th century. Muslims believe in one God (Allah) and follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, as revealed to him through the holy book of Islam, the Quran.

Muslims believe in the five pillars of Islam, which are the basic practices and beliefs of the religion. These include the declaration of faith,,\ performing ritual prayers , giving to charity (zakat), fasting during the month of Ramadan  and making a pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj) at least once in a lifetime.

The two countries' populations consist of less than three percent (3%) Shia  Muslim followers is American Sam and Greenland.

Learn more about Muslims here:


what currency does france use



they use Euro

Explanation: I took french


1 Euro 1.00

$1.21 in U.S money


I did some research. Hope this helps

what does it mean when it's said that "this voucher admits up to 4 visitors"? does it mean that no more than 4 people could visit?


yes what you said is correct

what are the cultures of europe



The culture of Europe is rooted in the art, architecture, film, different types of music, economics, literature, and philosophy that originated from the continent of Europe. European culture is largely rooted in what is often referred to as its "common cultural heritage".


Hope it helpful

The cultire of Europe is rooted in the art,archietecture,film,different types of music,economics,literature and philosophy that originated from the continent of Europe. European culture os largely rooted in what is often referred to as its "common cultural heritage"

1. In the diagram, what season is it in North America?
2. Would a person at each of the points A, B, and C see the sun? If so, where
would the sun be in the sky?
3. Which is a person standing at point B seeing, sunrise or sunset? Explain.



where is the diagram? I need to see it to answer.


Many of the world's great fisheries are located in ....?



los paises con mayor produccion y empresas pesqueras son china, vietnam, india, corea del sur, peru, taiwan, indonesia, estados unidos, japon, españa y rusia.


what could be a reason viruses are considered nonliving things


Answer:They do have DNA and also some proteins but they are not considered as cells because they do not do any cellular machinery as they do not have any organelles.

What is the purpose of using a
A. to communicate with far away planets
B. to add light to objects and brighten them
C. to make distant objects seem larger and
D. to enlarge something that is very tiny


Answer: d

Explanation: Early telescopes focused light using pieces of curved, clear glass, called lenses. However, most telescopes today use curved mirrors to gather light from the night sky. The shape of the mirror or lens in a telescope concentrates light. That light is what we see when we look into a telescope.

Ocean circulation is the large scale movement of water in the ocean. It involves the transport of heat through convection, which is the movement of heat through liquids and gases.

Which statement describes how convection moves he in the ocean during non-El Niño(normal) years?

A.Convection moves he towards the west
B. Convection moves heat towards the east
C. Convection moves heat towards the north
D. Convection moves he towards the south



A. Convection moves he towards the west


Convection moves towards the west in the ocean during non-El Niño or normal years because during El Niño years, the convection moves towards the eastern side. During an El Niño event, westward-movement of trade winds weaken along the Equator. The changes in air pressure and wind speed lead the warm surface water to move eastward along the Equator so during normal condition, it moves towards western direction.


A) Convection moves heat toward the west.


have a nice day.

Name the Asian country which is polluted by the trash due to commercial mountaineering and also called the world’s highest rubbish dump.​



Hello There!!


I believe the country is Nepal.

hope this helps,have a great day!!


Donde se encuentran los cordones montañosos de america?


En la Cordillera de los Andes, la cual atraviesa los países Andinos
La respuesta: Los cordones montañosos en América se ubican en la cordillera de los andes la cual atraviesa los llamados países andinos
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