How did the attack on Pearl Harbor change the course of World War II?


Answer 1


making the Allies stronger and better equipped to defeat the Axis powers.

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What do you think the election of JFK represented in America?



In a closely contested election, Democratic United States Senator John F. Kennedy defeated incumbent Vice President Richard Nixon, the Republican Party nominee. ... Kennedy won a 303 to 219 Electoral College victory and is generally considered to have won the national popular vote by 112,827, a margin of 0.17 percent.

Which of the following can NOT destroy DNA?
Question 9 options:










Bacteria/ mold


Bacteria/mold Hope this helps

Hey!! Can anyone PLZ help the picture is down below .Thank you!!


[tex]\huge\bold{Given :}[/tex]

Angle CBA = 60°

Angle BAC = 40°

Angle BCA = [tex]x[/tex]

[tex]\huge\bold{To\:find :}[/tex]

The measure of angle [tex]x[/tex].


[tex]\implies {\blue {\boxed {\boxed {\purple {\sf {x\:=\:80°}}}}}}[/tex]


We know that,


➪ ∠ CBA + ∠ BAC + ∠ BCA = 180°

➪ 60° + 40° + [tex]x[/tex] = 180°

➪ 100° + [tex]x[/tex] = 180°

➪ [tex]x[/tex] = 180° - 100°

➪ [tex]x[/tex] = 80°

Therefore, the measure of angle [tex]x[/tex] is 80°.

Now, the three angles of the triangle are 60°, 40° and 80° respectively.


∠ CBA + ∠ BAC + ∠ BCA = 180°

✒ 60° + 40° + 80° = 180°

✒ 180° = 180°

✒ L. H. S. = R. H. S.



When was the American revolution?



1775 – 1783



Answer: April 19, 1775 – September 3, 1783

Why did George Washington want the United States to stay out of foreign wars?
He did not believe that any nation needed to fight wars.
He thought the nation needed to be stronger before fighting wars.
He thought the nation did not need any allies.
He wanted the nation to remain independent of Britain.



Option C


George Washington believed that the nation did not need any allies and hence it must remain neutral in the war especially when the war is between France and Britain. Most of his cabinet members such as Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson were against the war.

George also wants to restore national unity and hence he wanted USA to be away from foreign agendas of other countries.

Why did George Washington want the United States to stay out of foreign wars?

x He did not believe that any nation needed to fight wars.

x  He thought the nation needed to be stronger before fighting wars.

✔ He thought the nation did not need any allies.

x He wanted the nation to remain independent of Britain.

The space race competition between the United States and the Soviet Union led to which of these? Select all that apply.
spy satellites
the first humans landing on the moon
V-2 rockets
the Cuban missile crisis
the first artificial satellite in orbit
the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty



The first humans landing on the moon.

spy satellites

the first artificial satellite in orbit


These 3 events directly followed the Space Race and was what ended the race as the finish line

Answer: the first humans landing on the moon  

spy satellites

the first artificial satellite in orbit


What are small things you could do in your daily life that would waste fewer resources like water, food, trees and energy


Buy eco friendly items, turn of the lights in your house, start a compost bin, only buy things you know you Weill eat.

Which of the following is the best example of voter suppression?
A voter receives an absentee ballot from the state election commission.
A voter receives a voting information booklet from the state election commission.
O c.
A voter receives a phone call providing unclear information about voting times.
A voter loses a mail-in ballot but votes in person at his or her polling place.



A voter receives a phone call providing unclear information about voting times



Its C


Senator McCarthy’s influence might have died quickly following his 1950 accusations had it not been for



tu sabes


tu sabes

yo no se

What does Tavington from The Patriot Movie and his men do with the freedom of working for Martin, Martin’s son Thomas, Martin’s home, the wounded patriots, and Martins Son Gabriel


Answer:Tavington shot him for trying to save his older brother.

What was the Domino Theory? What did the United States government fear would happen if a country became communist?



The domino theory was a Cold War policy that suggested a communist government in one nation would quickly lead to communist takeovers in neighboring states, each falling like a perfectly aligned row of dominos.


To end the cycles of existence one must practice asceticism, meditation , and strive for moral perfection in the context of ahimsa. The soul then rises up to the top of the universe where it remains forever , motionless and free of suffering


Answer:Hinduism Jainism and Buddhism



The mass murder of a group of people on the basis of their race, beliefs, or culture is known as





for an example, the legit explanation(from the dictonary) is "the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group". This is what you are looking for. :-)

22. How many governments in exile based themselves in London in World War II?

No links , no spam ! just answer... ASAP !​



Eight governments


I plead the 5th


Eight governments


Eight governments-in-exile based them -selves in London during World War II.

what did the three-fifths compromise at the constitutional convention determine


Basically the south wanted more people to count for votes including slaves since that would give them an advantage against the north so every 5 slaves counted as 3 people of the population

Why would a government not be legitimate? (Site 1)




Political legitimacy is considered a basic condition for governing, without which a government will suffer legislative deadlock(s) and collapse. In political systems where this is not the case, unpopular régimes survive because they are considered legitimate by a small, influential élite.

At Border Cave, cooking, light and warmth were advantages to ___________________. a. moving from plae to place. b. cave paintings. c. stone tools. d. controlling fire.





At Border Cave, cooking, light and warmth were advantages to controlling fire. The correct option is d.

Controlling fire was advantageous for early human populations at Border Cave. Their chances of survival and the quality of their lives were both improved by fire. First, fire made it possible to cook food improving its flavor, safety and nutritional content. Cooked food gives the body more energy because it is simpler to digest.

Second, fire kept people warm and protected them from the cold, especially in environments like caves. This made it possible for humans to live in and make better use of caves. Last but not least, fire provided light during the night, enabling activities like communication, toolmaking and the creation of cave paintings. Overall, managing fire at Border Cave provided early humans with significant advantages assisting in their survival and cultural development.

learn more about Controlling fire here


El feminismo es la noción de que deberíamos see libre de desarrollar nuestros propios talentos y no ser limitadas por barreras creadas por un hombre???


La respuesta correcta es Sí.


El feminismo es un movimiento social que protesta para establecer un sistema en el que exista el principio de igualdad entre los géneros (femenino y masculino) debido a que consideran que desde la antigüedad el papel de la mujer en la sociedad ha sido relegado y ocultado por una sociedad machista. Este movimiento tomó fuerza desde la década de los setentas y ha tomado relevancia a través de los años, un ejemplo de esto es la visibilidad que han logrado algunas activistas como Ruth Joan Bader Ginsburg, quien expresó su posición de igualdad entre los géneros al decir "Deberíamos ser libres para desarrollar nuestros propios talentos, sean los que sean y no ser retenidos por barreras artificiales" Entonces, la respuesta correcta es Sí.

Question 14 (1 point)
To His Excellency William McKinley, President and the Senate of the United States of America. We the undersigned, notive Hawaiian citizens... who
are members of the Hawaiian Patriotic League of the Hawaiian Islands, and others who are in sympathy with the said League earnestly protest against
the... [addition of the said Hawaiian Islands to the said United States of America in any form or shape – Petition, 1897
What were these Hawaiian citizens protesting?
O a
The forced annexation of the islands as a U.S. territory after the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy
The classification of the islands as a protectorate after the Hawaiian government signed a treaty with the United States
The granting of U.S. statehood to the islands after they were purchased from the Hawaiian monarch
The colonization of the islands by political refugees from the United States


Answer: The forced annexation of the islands as a U.S. territory after the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy


Before 1893, Hawaii was ruled by a monarch, the last of which was Queen  Liliuokalani. A strong leader, she was tired of the crippling influence of American businesses on the Hawaiian people and so wanted to establish a stronger monarchy to deal with the Americans.

American businessmen found out and using bribery and force, removed her from the throne in 1893. They then applied to the U.S. for annexation the next year. Under a new president in 1898, this was given support and passed through Congress such that Hawaii became a U.S. territory in 1900.

how do you think this water also the turn cold or a solid​




Yes, when water becomes cold enough or reached zero degrees or negative zero degrees it will become solid. This is what we call ice, or the solid form of water.

This happens because when there is too much frigidity the water molecules will start to freeze as well, causing them to become tight and closely packed or frozen, producing solid ice.


Water behaves differently to most other substances because, in its solid state (ice), its particles are less densely packed than in its liquid state. This is why ice floats. When the liquid cools down, the amount of potential energy is reduced and the molecules start to move slower. When the water temperature reaches around 0°C, the molecules stick together and form a solid – ice.

Identify the best answer to complete each sentence.

defeated the Aztec Empire.

defeated the Inca Empire.





I learned abt this a while ago cheif

no taxation without representation was a slogan that was part of the run-up to the a. American revolutionary war b. American civil war c. French revolution d. Mexico revolution​


The correct answer is A

Which of the following describes how slavery changed the life of Africans in
North America
A Many slaves learned how to speak English but they were
encouraged to keep speaking their native languages
O B Many slaves learned how to read and write, but they wrote only
about traditions in their home country
Many slaves moved from plantation to plantation, but they were
allowed to bring their families with them.
Many slaves converted to Christianity but they integrated
traditions like singing and dancing into their services



The answer is " Many slaves moved from plantation to plantation, but they were allowed to bring their families with.


Which best describes the main action called for by the Declaration of Independence?



To give the United States the power of self-government best describes the main action called for by the Declaration of Independence.


Your welcome


to give the United States the power of self-government



Image the Freedman's Bureau was in the 20-20's. The would use probably use Tweets, Tic Tok and other social media platforms to communicate their message. Create a tweet that lits answers to the following criteria. You can answer each question in short, to the point sentences.

1. Describe daily life in the late 1860s-1870s.

2. Opportunities freed slaves had in the South.

3. Challenges freed slaves had in the South.

4. Compare life before, during, and after the war.

5. List the greatest change (good or bad) caused by the war.

6. Describe your hopes for the future.



1. Life is slow to change, we are now freed from the shackles and bonds of slavery but we are still imprisioned by the unrealistic thinking of our former masters. We work long hours for minimal pay, live in bad conditions, and have little to eat. Obtaining an education and figiting for our rights is difficult.

2. We were offered free land and a mule. but is it enough to support our families. Schools have been started but we need our kids help to work the lands.

3. Our challenges are many, we struggle with making enough money to support our families, we live in the worst conditions and are ridiculed everywhere we go. Our education is lacking and we have no way to better ourselves.

4. Before the war we woke early and worked the fields, we were slaves and had no choice in our lives, we were sold at the will of our masters and often seperated from our families. During the war we struggles to know what to do, many of our masters are serving in the war, we are offered the opportunity to fight for the north but must leave behind our women and children and what will become of them. After the war while on the surface much has changed when you look closer you see that it really has not, many of us continue to work for our former masters for meager pay, we can not support our families and work long hours.

5. The greastest change from the war is we are now free and if we have the means we can seek better opportunities for ourselves.

6. My hopes for the future is to be free of this cycle we are in, working for our former masters, not having an education. My hopes is to truly be free and equal to those around me.


What can someone do in addition to cutting all unnecessary expenses to make sure expenses don't exceed income?

Reduce discretionary spending.

Use savings to make up the difference.

Get another job to increase income.

Start cutting fixed expenses.



Get another job to increase income.


If expenses exceed income then one needs to get another job to create more income

help :') um ye its about government​





The definition of a polity is a mix between several of the different types of goverment.

This is basically where both the rich and poor have equal rights, and the most suited citizens rule.

So ye, C is the answer, where a group of selective(best qualified out of both rich and poor) people govenor over others.

Hope this helps!

Which of the following was NOT occurring in Italy during the interwar

Enjoyed territorial expansion into Asia

Growing fascist movement

Secret police arrest and punished people who opposed the Government

Suffered from massive economic downturn



The answer would have to be; secret police arrest and punish people who opposed the government.


The reason for this is because they suffer from massive economic downturn during the Great depression, there was a growing fastest movement and they did enjoy territory expansion into Asia.

What is one impact of colonization in brazil ??


Colonialism affected trading partners. Colonialism badly affected the pattern of trade in Brazil. Most of its exports went to just three main markets: Portugal, other European countries and the U.S. This prevented economic growth in Brazil.

What is the goal of many immigrants who come to the United States?
A. To join the armed forces
B. To get medical help
C. To find employment
D. To enjoy a vacation


Many immigrants came to America seeking greater economic opportunity, while some, such as the Pilgrims in the early 1600s, arrived in search of religious freedom. From the 17th to 19th centuries, hundreds of thousands of enslaved Africans came to America against their will.
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