how do you feel whan you hear the musical accompaniment of some Philippine festivals?


Answer 1
Happy and it’s cool to hear some type of music from another culture

Related Questions

patulong Naman po .. please​




pic is very blurry



The photo is not clear :(


please answer!!!
Nigeria's government is like which country? *
A. Japan
B. Great Britain
C. United States
D. Australia



I think it's great Britain?

I hope its right:)

I think D or B, I don’t know which one though

¿Cómo debemos actuar en una sociedad que practica la igualdad de oportunidades entre mujeres y hombres?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no anexas opciones o incisos para responder, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

¿Cómo debemos actuar en una sociedad que practica la igualdad de oportunidades entre mujeres y hombres?

La forma en la que debemos actuar en una sociedad que practica la igualdad de oportunidades entre mujeres y hombres es la siguiente.

Debemos actuar con congruencia, respeto y responsabilidad.

Ante la ley, hombres y mujeres son iguales. No hay distintivos ni limitaciones que aparten a la mujer de obtener las mismas oportunidades laborales o sociales que tienen los hombres.

Si esa sociedad practica la igualdad y el respeto entre ambos géneros, entonces en la práctica, esa igualdad debe hacerse presente en las empresas, en el gobierno, en los centros de trabajo, en las escuelas, y en todas las instituciones que conforman la sociedad.

okayyyyyyyyyyy help pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


The answer is c

I did it

What did Alexander Hamilton accomplish during the Revolutionary War ?


You can look it up online but what Alexander Hamilton accomplish during the Revolutionary War was that he helped draft the Constitution, became a supporter of colonial protests against British imperial policy

Answer: Alexander Hamilton was a founding father of the United States, who fought in the American Revolutionary War, helped draft the Constitution, and served as the first secretary of the treasury. While in New York, Hamilton became a supporter of colonial protests against British imperial policy.


Hope it helps

Compare the G7 summit to the ASEAN summits. Is one more important or less important? Are both important? Are neither important?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Compare the G7 summit to the ASEAN summits.

Both summits are important, but the most important, far better, is the G/ summit because its members include the seven most powerful countries of the world. On the other hand, ASEAN only comprises countries from the South Asian region.

The members of the G7 are Germany, the United States, France, Canada, the United Kingdom, Japan, and Italy. When these countries meet, they decide on political and economic terms that affect the world.

ASEAN is a regional organization created to promote growth in Southeast Asia.

ASEAN is the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, whose main purpose is to promote economic growth and stability in the region.

Actual ASEAN members are Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia, Philippines, Myanmar, Singapore, Vietnam, and Thailand.

What is the Bill Nye Cells Video Worksheet Answers?



what do you mean? Are you asking for a copy?

Large particles (or large quantities of smaller particles)
are moved across the cell membrane with the use of


A large particle, however, cannot pass through the membrane, even with energy supplied by the cell. Instead, cells use one of two primary mechanisms that transport these large particles: endocytosis and exocytosis.

The interest rate banks charge their customers is known as the
A. securities
B. mortgage
C. discount
D. prime


d. prime
the prime rate (prime) is the interest rate that commercial banks charge their most credit worthy customers generally large corporations.

during the revolutionary war the americas had support from france and spain these alliances helped the americas defeat the british by



During the Revolutionary War, the best benefit that Spain and France provided to the patriots was the fact that they did not have to fight alone. The British Empire could not devote its entire force against the colonists since Spain and France could threaten British territories and maybe Britain itself. Spain and France aided the Americans financially during the war and provided a morale boost to those who believed their chances of freedom were slim. Marquis de Lafayette, one of America's best generals, was a French citizen. The French navy also proved invaluable, especially in the siege of Yorktown when the French navy and Washington's army kept the British army from escaping.  While at that time both Spain and France did not have any close ties to American republican thought, both nations were interested in seeing the British Empire suffer.  The French naval was extremely crucial, particularly during the siege of Yorktown when the French fleet and Washington's army prevented the British army from fleeing. While neither Spain nor France had direct ties to American republican ideas at the time, both countries were interested in seeing the British Empire suffer.


If cucumber and sugar taste like watermelon so does watermelon and salt taste like cucumbers or watermelon without sugar taste like cucumber


Hmm i think so, maybe try it, it would be a fun experiment! If you do, let me know please haha

Use the drop-down menus to answer the questions
about the document.
This declaration was issued by [axis leaders or allied leaders]
Which Potsdam Conference attendee failed to sign
this declaration? [the USSR or The United States or Great Britain]



1: the allied leaders

2: the USSR


Which generalization is best supported by the events described above?


I'm gonna assume the events described above means you being born, since the only thing I see above the question is you. You being born was a mistake is likely the answer.

The "time-zone fallout" problem is most likely to discourage voter turnout in the

A- Midwest.
B- South.
C- East.
D- West.


I think It’s the east

The "time-zone fallout" problem is most likely to discourage voter turnout in the East. The phenomenon known as "time-zone fallout" describes how presidential election polls in the East close before polls in the West. Thus, option C is correct.

Before all of the voters in the West have cast their ballots, the press frequently forecasts the outcome of a contest based on early returns from the East. Some individuals worry that these rumors may have stopped Western voters from casting voting or may have impacted their choices.

The gradual expansion of voting rights, from initial limitations to white male property owners aged 21 or older in the early years of the independence of the nation to all citizens aged 18 or older in the middle of the 20th century, has determined the historical trends in voter turnout in the United States election for president. United States voter turnout.

Therefore, option C is the ideal selection.

Learn more about voter turnout here:


name and discribe the types of skeleton found in animals​



endoskeleton found inside the body

exoskeleton found outside the body

Mark Brainliest please


Hydrostatic skeleton




Hydrostatic skeleton

Many animals have a water-based skeleton, or hydrostatic skeleton. Hydrostatic skeletons do not contain hard structures, such as bone, for muscles to pull against. Rather, the muscles surround a fluid-filled body cavity. In a worm, for example, movement occurs when muscle cells contract, and the contractions squeeze internal fluid (the hydrostatic skeleton) against the skin, causing the worm to stiffen and the body to shorten and widen. The squirming motion of a worm also depends on a hydrostatic skeleton.


A second type of skeleton, the exoskeleton, exists in arthropods and mollusks. In mollusks, the exoskeleton is a hard, protective outer covering. An example is a clamshell; when a clam’s muscles contract, they close the shell rapidly, creating a spurt of water that propels the clam. In arthropods, the exoskeleton also provides protection and movement. Usually, wings are attached by muscles in the hard body surface, which provides a foundation for the muscle contractions. Muscle contractions raise and lower the wings, allowing flight.


Vertebrates have an internal skeleton called the endoskeleton, a framework of bones and cartilage (see Figure 27-1) that serves as a point of attachment for muscle. The endoskeleton thus transmits the force of muscle contractions. The endoskeleton also provides support for the body (for example, the legs) and protection (the skull).

Bone contains concentric rings of tissue in which bone cells called osteoblasts produce the inorganic materials (fibers and matrix) of bone. Much of this material is calcium phosphate, formed from calcium and phosphorus delivered by the blood. Living, mature bone cells called osteocytes are also located in the bone. Bone-destroying cells called osteoclasts break down bone, thus providing a turnover of bone material needed in other areas. The combination of bone cells and bone tissue comprises a unit called a Haversian system. Blood vessels and nerves also exist within the Haversian system.

Bones come together to form a joint, which may be immovable, such as in the sutures of the skull, or movable, such as in the joints of the elbow and shoulder. In a movable joint, a capsule of synovial fluid provides lubrication. Tough, fibrous tissues, known as ligaments, link bones to one another. Connective tissues, called tendons, attach muscles to bones.

difference between social problems and social evils​



The distinction between social problems and social evils is as follows: A social problem is a term used to describe a set of problems that many people in a group, region, or even a country are experiencing. While social evil is a term used to describe actions such as violence, bigotry, and drunkenness, among others.

Hope I can help <3

Answer: The issues that all people in a society encounter are known as social problems. Social evils, on the other hand, are infractions that harm just a small segment of the population. The person who suffers and his allies are opposed to social evils. Sati, child marriage, female feticide, and infanticide, to name a few examples.

How was the decision in Dred Scott v. Sandford changed? Be sure to provide the name and a brief description of the congressional act, constitutional amendment, or subsequent Supreme Court ruling that overturned the decision




In Dred Scott v. Sandford (argued 1856 -- decided 1857), the Supreme Court ruled that Americans of African descent, whether free or slave, were not American citizens and could not sue in federal court. The Court also ruled that Congress lacked power to ban slavery in the U.S. territories. Finally, the Court declared that the rights of slaveowners were constitutionally protected by the Fifth Amendment because slaves were categorized as property.

In this case, the rights of slave owners to transport their captives into western areas were protected. The Missouri Compromise of 1820, which had restricted the practice of slavery in a few American territories, was also declared invalid by the court.

What was  Dred Scott v. Sandford case?

On March 6, 1857, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the Dred Scott decision that Dred Scott, an enslaved man, was not entitled to independence since he had lived in a free state and territory.

According to the courts, no one with African ancestry will ever be able to vote in federal elections or become a citizen of the United States.

The 13th and 14th amendments to the Constitution, which prohibited slavery and declared all people born in the United States to be citizens, overturned the Scott v. Sandford judgment, which many legal scholars believe to be the worst ever made by the Supreme Court.

The ruling added that Congress lacked the power to outlaw slavery on government property. The nation advanced one step closer to the Civil War as a result of this decision.

Learn more about Dred Scott v. Sandford, here:


help plz ?????no wrong answer​



11. a

12. b

13. d

14. a

15. c


11.thermal puberty in girls




15.material that does not allow electric current ro pass through it.

electricity is a form of energy which is produced due to continuous flows of electrons or charges.

the material that allow the electricity to flow easily is called conductor.

hope it helps

I will give you brainliest and 5 star and thanks if its correct








It makes sense to me.

Identify a real world issue that affects our global economy and develop a solution to the problem to present in a 5 paragraph essay.
1.brainstorm one real world problem and generate ideas that you think will help solve it
2.make a list of your top ideas for ways to resolve the selected issue
3. Narrow your list three proposed solutions to your selected issue. 4. Draft your 5 paragraph essay with an introduction, three body paragraphs( one paragraph per proposed solution) and a conclusion.

Please help it’s worth 40 points for the assignment



Global Warming.


For solutions there's plenty of examples online such as electric cars and producing less gas into the air. Stop using natural resources(coal,oil,petroleum). Use solar panels for your house. any of those ideas would work. explain each idea and finalize it into the solution.

Where on the timeline does the rise of the Texas cattle industry and the "long drive" of cattle across the open range belong?


Answer: I’m not really sure but I think 2

Explanation : long drive was on 1865

Kerala is famous in the world trade map since the early centuries”. Why



The term Kerala was first epigraphically recorded as Ketalaputo (Cheras) in a 3rd-century BCE rock inscription by

Giavanna came to counseling because she was anxious in social situations. After working together for 6 weeks, Giavanna has made a lot of progress and she and her clinician have decided it is time to stop their work together after two more meetings. At the next session, Giavanna reports that she finds herself once again becoming anxious in social situations. This is an example of:



Regression under stress


From the question we are informed about Giavanna who came to counseling because she was anxious in social situations. After working together for 6 weeks, Giavanna has made a lot of progress and she and her clinician have decided it is time to stop their work together after two more meetings. At the next session, Giavanna reports that she finds herself once again becoming anxious in social situations. This case, is an example of

Regression under stress.

In psychology ,Regression can be regarded as coping mechanism that is been utilized in time of exhibition of stressful moments in individual live.

These coping mechanisms can said to have come as a behaviour which comes up during our childhood stages or earlier stages as we develop.

regression can as well be regarded as act of returning psychosexual stage , which early stage of development due to overwhelming anxiety or stress.

5 difference between citizen and non citizen​



citizens have rights.

they are freely born in and out of the country.

A citizen is a member of his or her state or country

What challenges may a country face while working for human resources development ? Explain. ​


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

The challenges a country may face while working for human resources development are the following.

First, the attitude of the people to really be willing and able to make deep changes in their conduct and habits. This is the premise to develop people's skills, abilities, in order to improve the effectiveness and productivity of people's work.

So the challenges working with human resources development are,, first of all, the unwillingness of people to change.

Another challenge is that people do not like to be evaluated, some of them do not like to be challenged in order to grow. Many people like to inhabit ina comfort zone.

Another challenge is accountability. Today, nobody likes to be accountable for something that is well worth it.

Another issue is to obey the laws and the compliance with regulations imposed by different governmental institutions.

Is education is key to helping reduce racism?



no it actually increases it


how should the manpower plan be prepared in order to upgrade our country as a developed country?​



In the manpower, the people of the industry to form independent councils plans that will help industry provide jobs to the millions of people that is SkillsPlans to carry out random sampling to ensure quality and better prices. They are possible in the tea industry and also to tell them to make clean and compliant.

Why did many African Americans in the South not vote even after the passage of the 15th
- They had little interest in politics.
- The Federal Government did not enforce the amendment.
- They boycotted elections to protest their lack of civil rights.
-They were not considered citizens, so they could not vote.


The third one is the correct answer
They boycotted elections to protest their lack of civil rights

Describe whether or not the decisions made by the Congress of Vienna were able to prevent war.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

The decisions made by the Congress of Vienna were able to prevent war although, in reality, different conditions and situations presented that made the decisions made in the Congress of Vienna difficult to follow up and prevent war in Europe.

​The Congress of Viena was held to provide peace in western Europe after all the consequences of the Napoleonic Wars and the French wars.

One of the goals of the Congress of Vienna (1814-1815) was to restore Europe to the way it was before the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars.

When Napoleon was defeated, the victorious countries met to establish a plan that could offer a relative past to Europe after so many years of conflict. So they met in Vienna, Austria in the so-called Congress of Vienna, to change things after the reorder of the Napoleonic wars, trying to reestablish some monarchies. Peace and understanding functioned relatively well until the previous years of World War 1.

Austria was the host of the Congress of Vienna, held from November 1814 to June 1815. During this time, European ambassadors met to discuss the plans for peace in Europe after so much damage and destruction due to the French Revolution and later, to the Napoleonic Wars. The delegates reached agreements about the reorganization of territories in Europe and the balance of power in the region.


The Bourbon Dynasty was restored to power. A series of states were set up on the boundaries of France to prevent French expansion in the future. Thus, all the monarchies that were overthrown by Napolean were restored and a new conservative order was created in EuropeExplanation:

Why did Spain set-up colonies in the New World?
To set up a fur trading industry.
To make homes for people in Spain.
To capture slaves to sell to other countries.
To protect its claim on New World wealth and gold.



D. To protect its claim on New World wealth and gold.


Spain set up colonies in New World after Christopher Columbus discovered it in 1492. After the discovery of the New World, Spain sends conquistadors and soldiers in search of gold and riches. Spanish found mines in Bolivia, Mexico, and Peru of gold and silver. Founding gold and silver encouraged Spanish setters to settle here to bring wealth to their empire to fill a coffer.

Other Questions
Please help :( please Which of the following was a significant challenge in building the Panama Canal? A.Mosquitoes spread diseases to workers. B. Engineering plans were often wrong. C. Workers went on strike to get extra pay.D. Congress did not provide enough money. What happens when you leave sugar and water for a day or two ? Matthew changes $770 into rupees. He receives 40 000 rupees.How many rupees did he receive for each dollar? _DEF and _FEG are supplementary, m_DEF=(3x+5)*, and m_FEG=(2x)". What is the measure of DEF? The stem and leaf plot shows the number of minutes Cal talked on his phone each day for the past 14 days what is the area, in square feet, of the figure ? What is the authors primary purpose in this passage Where does the Receiver live? (The Giver) What happens when an atom loses an electron What is the measure of a. 64 b. cannot be determined c. 32 d. 40 The blue dot is at what value on the number line?PLEASE HELP FAST A1 Consulting Services (A1CS) provides various types of consulting services throughout Fiji. Ituses job costing system to accumulate the cost of client projects.Traceable costs are charged directly to individual clients.Other costs incurred by A1CS, but not identifiable with specific clients, are charged to jobs byusing a predetermined overhead rate.Clients are billed for directly chargeable costs, overhead and a markup for the profit margin.The following costs have been anticipated for the coming year:Cost Percentage of cost directlytraceable to clientsProfessional staff salaries $3 000 000 85%Administrative support staff 800 000 60%Travel 400 000 80%Photocopying 90 000 90%Other operating costs 200 000 75%Total $4 490 000. A1CSs management wishes to make a profit of $1 250 000 for the firm and plans to addpercentage markup on total cost to achieve that figure.On 23 May, A1CS completed work on a project for Mango Manufacturing. The following costswere incurred:CostProfessional staff salaries $55 000Administrative support staff 5 000Travel 6 000Photocopying 1 200Other operating costs 2 800Note: If rounding off is required, round off your figures to 2 d.p.Required:1. Determine A1CSs total traceable costs for the coming year and the firms totalanticipated overhead. (4 marks)2. Calculate the predetermined overhead rate, assuming the cost driver is traceable costs.(3 marks)3. What percentage of cost will A1CS add to each job to achieve its profit target? (3 marks)4. Determine the total cost of the Mango Manufacturing project. (5 marks)5. How much Mango Manufacturing would be billed for the services performed? (5 marks)6. Compare the approach used in requirement 5 with client billing system described inTopic 8. (4 marks)7. Only 75 per cent of A1CSs other operating cost is directly traceable to specific clientprojects. Identify three costs that would be included in other operating costs and wouldbe difficult to trace to clients. (3 marks)8. 85 per cent of the professional staff cost is directly traceable to specific client projects.Give two reasons that would explain why this figure isnt 100 per cent. (3 marks) The circumference of a circle is 5 m. Find its diameter, in meters. What did hernando cortes do when he was in the battle? Why did both John C. Calhoun and Daniel Webster suggest that a civil war would result if a state tried to secede Completa el espacio en blanco con la forma correcta del verbo en el imperfecto progresivo.Yomsica cuando vino mi amigo. (escuchar)estabo escuchandoestaba escuchiendoestaba escuchandoestoy escuchando Helpppp me !!!!! Please biology question on enzymes Why is women empowerment important for quality life? Explain