I need a drawing of the secret garden entrance from, The Secret Garden. I need it done quickly though as I don't have much time. I need the drawing to not look professional and don't need the drawing to be drawn from an average drawer. That's all I need thanks.


Answer 1


sorry im not good with this


i hope you understand

Related Questions

writing ;
write a letter to your friend about important of reading books?



I gotchu..


Dear (insert friends name),

Reading a book is more important than you can imagine. Reading  develops our thoughts, and challenges us to think more deeply. Books give us endless knowledge and lessons, all while keeping our minds active. Reading is often very therapeutic, and had been proven to reduce stress. Reading also broadens  our vocabulary and knowledge. Besides all this, reading a good book that interest you can past the time and keep you interested for long periods of time.


(your name)

Accidentally add lemon juice to your milk, causing bubbles and solid clumps to form. is it chemical change or physical change



chemical I think

No new substances are produced; therefore, no chemical change occurred. Sometimes combining two liquids, such as lemon juice and milk, can produce a curd- like solid. ... This causes proteins in the milk to clump together, creating curds.

Can you u help me fine the definitions on number 1 or 2



Chamber music is a form of classical music that is composed for a small group of instruments, traditionally a group that could fit in a place chamber or a large room.

Brass quintet is a five-piece musical ensemble composed of brass instruments. The instrumentation for a brass quintet typically includes two trumpets or cornets.

Hope this helped.

which of these best describes a dramatic monologue

only the narrator speaks
written in poetic style
focuses on human nature
has a fully developed plot



has a fully developed plot


15. How does Creon deal with Haemon's suggestion to yield?




How does Creon react to Haimon's arguments? He says he everyone should "obey" him or the leader success of the city.

In the seven stages ages of man the man who is full of wise saws is the


Modern human


because it is modern human

What does the number of bonds tell you about the oxygen atoms?



Because hydrogen atoms only have one valence electron to couple, they only form one covalent bond. Because oxygen atoms have 6 valence electrons, they form two covalent bonds.


The number of bonds between oxygen atoms is two. Two single bonds were formed which means that oxygen has six valence electrons.

What is oxygen?

The periodic table's Group 16 (also known as the oxygen group) contains the nonmetallic chemical element oxygen (O). Oxygen is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that is necessary for all living things. Animals take it up and then change it into carbon dioxide, which plants then use as a source of carbon and release the oxygen back into the atmosphere.

As well as reactions that remove components from their arrangements with one another, oxygen may react with nearly any other element to produce compounds. These reactions, which are frequently accompanied by the development of heat and light, are known as combustions.

Water is its main constituent. The most prevalent element in the crust of the Earth is oxygen, which makes up 46% of its mass. The percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere's volume is 21%, whereas the percentage in seawater's weight is 89%.

Therefore, oxygen has six electrons in its valence shell.

Read more about oxygen, here



what is the definition of strees​



stress is an anxious feeling you get when you are overwhelmed or overworked



pressure externally applied to a body which cause internal stress within the body.


What are some possible results if a speaker's presentation includes only reading from the slides? Select all that apply.
The audience may become disinterested.
The audience will stay focused on the topic.
The speaker may lose the audience's respect.
The speaker will lose opportunities to connect with the audience.



1. The audience will become disinterested.

4. The speaker will lose opportunities to connect with the audience.


possibly the third option too

help plssssssssssssssssssssss


Hey we need to know what you read and the characters perspectives if you want us to answer the question. Otherwise it’s hard to answer without context

my sister was cleaning the office​





what is the object pronoun for all the stars and planets are remarkably interested me



in Chapter 21 of Chinese Cinderella, What did Wu Mei's friends vote her to be?​



theres no pic i dont know the story


Which two events would be evidence that a nation has an authoritarian government?
An anti-government rally was held in the national capital and it was swiftly put down by state police.
A recent election was held but there was only one political party on the ballot.
The nation’s top court ruled that a recent ballot referendum was unconstitutional.
The nation’s head of state recently died and was succeeded by her eldest son.



a recent election was held but there was only one political party on the ballot and the nations top court ruled that a recent ballot referendum was unconstitutional.




is there a book to read before answering?


1. (noun) an expression of admiration or praise
2. (verb) to praise somebody

1. (noun) something that completes, makes up a whole
2. (verb) to complete something

Read the sentence.

The bronze statue was a lovely __________ to her collection.

Which word correctly completes the sentence?
compliment (noun)
compliment (verb)
complement (noun)
complement (verb)




1.(noun) something that completes, makes up a whole


other answers are incorrect

1, nothing is being admired

2, nothing is being praised

3, the sentence is not being used where the word compliment would be a verb

The bronze statue was a lovely complement (noun) to her collection. So, the correct option is C.

What is called as Noun?

In a sentence, a noun is a word that refers to a specific people, place, thing, or animal. Depending on the context, a noun may serve as a subject, definite article, indirect object, topic complement, item supplement, appositive, adverb, or adjective. Many nouns in English do not take gender into account.

The following are some examples of non-gender specific nouns: professor, writer, doctor, or nurse. Certain nouns have the potential to be gendered.

A few examples of gender-specific nouns are steward/stewardess, waiter/waitress, and actor/actress. For above given example, the bronze statue was a lovely complement (noun) to her collection, here complement is in noun form.

Therefore, the correct option is C.

Learn more about Noun, here:



1. Rewrite the following sentence correctly:
Yes, I am aware of it, I saw it yesterday.

If you do as your parents say, there will be no trouble, it helps to have a good relationship with your parents.

You still have time to go to the store, but you must hurry, it closes at eight o’clock.

Once again he heard the same loud bang, this time it seemed to come from the kitchen, what could it be?

What was wrong, the door was locked up tightly, and everyone had left the place.

2. Correct the following run-on and fragmentary sentence:
Now that spring is here, I thought that I would visit you, it has been a whole year since I have seen you and I have
missed you terribly.

Our class gave a performance for our parents. At the end of the year. Which everyone says was the best ever.

I played the flute. Although I have only been taking lessons for six months. Everyone says that I played well. With Mr.Selman, our music teacher, conducting.

Can you guess what I am doing during August this summer, I am going across the country for a vacation, my uncle promised me for my sixteenth birthday that he would take me.

I am also trying to practice my flute all summer, even though it will be hard to practice in the car going across the
country, it will probably work out though.




Yes, I'm aware of it; I saw it the day before yesterday.

There will be no problems if you follow your parents' instructions; it also helps to have a good relationship with your parents.

You still have time to go to the store, but you'll have to hurry because it closes at 8:00 p.m.

What could it be if he heard the same huge bang again, this time coming from the kitchen?

The door was locked, so what was the problem?


Now that spring has here, I thought I'd pay you a visit; it's been a year since I last saw you, and I've been missing you badly.

Our class put on a show for our parents.  Towards the end of the calendar year.  Everyone agrees that it was the best ever.

I was a flute player.   Despite the fact that I've only been learning for six months.  Everyone feels I did a good job.  Our music teacher, Mr. Selman

Can you guess what I'm doing this summer in August? I'm taking a vacation across the country, which my uncle promised me for my sixteenth birthday.

I'm also trying to practice my flute during the summer, despite the fact that practicing in the car while driving across the nation will be difficult.


Question 1 of 10
Which sentence from "The Pedestrian" helps convey Bradbury's message that
a TV-obsessed world is a place where people do not think carefully about
much of anything?
A. "I guess you'd call me a writer."
B. "Magazines and books didn't sell anymore."
C. "There was a good crystal frost in the air."
O D. "And there is air in your house... Mr. Mead?"



The answer is B


Just took the test

where do I put mayor and local newspaper?


Mayor in the middle
Newspaper on the bottom

What are the direct and indirect reasons behind Wes making these decisions? Were there alternate decisions he could have made in that situation?


Hello, You have not informed which decision the question refers to. However, when searching for your question on the internet, I was able to find another question exactly like yours, which featured the text "The Other Wes Moore" and asked for an explanation of Wes' decision to chase Ray down a street while shooting at him. If that's the case for you, I hope the answer below will help you.


Wes makes this decision to get revenge on Ray and not appear weak in front of the community, but to command respect and fear. He might not have made such a violent decision, but he could have looked for legal ways to resolve this situation.


Wes was beaten by Ray. In addition to the pain and shame he went through in that situation, he felt that it would make him a weak person and for that reason, he should get revenge, but to make him strong and respectable, revenge should be something much bigger than what Ray did and so he decided to use a gun and run after Ray while firing shots at him, trying to kill him. Wes could have made more peaceful and legal decisions, such as denouncing Ray's actions, but the fear of losing a reputation made him take extreme actions.

"The Other Wes Moore" shows how people's fates can be completely different when they have access to positive or negative resources. This idea is presented by the lives of two boys named Wes Moore, who were born in dysfunctional environments, but who took different approaches to the world around them, totally changing their destiny.

What happened to the people of Magala island Maine check all that apply



They were evicted from the island


In 1912, after 50 years eking out a living on Malaga, islanders were evicted by order of Gov. Plaisted. When state officials showed up on the evacuation deadline, residents were already gone. They had taken their houses with them.

The speaker becomes a man after...
his mother tells him he must.
he turns 18.
the loss of a family member.
D his mom leaves his family.



C). the loss of a family member.


In the context of the poem 'David's Old Soul,' the speaker turns into a man post the 'loss of a loved one, a family member.' However, the speaker seems filled with frustration as he is unable to alter the circumstances but it is then, he is able to accept and acknowledge the new responsibilities that he has now. He derives strength and power from his past to fulfill his responsibilities properly which helps his 'soul grow deep like rivers.' Thus, option C is the correct answer.

How many iambs are found in this line from “Sonnet 18”?



Hi. You did not enter the line of the sonnet the question refers to. This makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, when searching for your question on the internet, I was able to find another question exactly like yours, which showed the line "Rough winds from shake the darling buds of May." If that's the case for you, I hope the answer below will help you.

This line has five iambs and this can be seen because it has five pairs formed by an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable.

The iamb is a set of unstressed syllables and stressed syllables. Stressed syllables are the longest syllables and have the strongest sound. If you read the line of the sonnet aloud, you can get a pattern of 10 syllables, in which pairs of an unstressed syllable and a stressed syllable form. Five pairs are formed, so the line has five iambs.


its 5


Which statements best interpret the allusion used in the passage? Choose five options.

The ides means “bad news.”
The ides of March is March 15.
This is a cultural and historical allusion.
The soothsayer is the only character to mention the ides of March.
Caesar’s death happened on the ides of March.
Shakespeare was unfamiliar with the cultural and historical meanings of the ides of March when writing his play.
The play was based on historical events surrounding the murder of Julius Caesar.



1. The ides means “bad news.”

2. The ides of March is March 15.

3. This is a cultural and historical allusion.

5. Caesar’s death happened on the ides of March.

7. The play was based on historical events surrounding the murder of Julius Caesar.

(Photo for proof at the bottom.)


An allusion is a reference in a text to another well-known text, person, event, or thing. Here, the passage is referring to the ides of March, or Caesar's death. Julius Caesar's death is a very well-known event in history, so the ides of March is considered an allusion.

This is a cultural allusion because ides means the 15th of a month, but it also means a bad omen or a threat. This is a historical allusion because the ides of March is when Caesar was assassinated.

Here's a photo of Edge to make things easier.

An allusion is a figure of speech, in which an object or circumstance from an unrelated context is referred to covertly or indirectly.

Which statements best interpret the allusion used in the passage?

An allusion is a reference in a text to another well-known text, person, event, or thing.

Here, the passage is referring to the ides of March or Caesar's death. Julius Caesar's death is a very well-known event in history, so the ides of March is considered an allusion.

This is a cultural allusion because ides mean the 15th of a month, but it also means a bad omen or a threat.

This is a historical allusion because the ides of March is when Caesar was assassinated.

For more information about allusion, refer to the link:-


Andrew and derek were the closet of friends. They met each other when they were in the first grade and had been best friends ever since. Their was a very right bond.

Which is the same meaning of bond as it is used in the passage?









attachment can replace bond and still work none of the other ones can


A, Attachment


Andrew and Derek were good friends, so if they had a right bond, it would mean their friendship was attached

Which of the following best describes a theme of the story?
A people sometimes grieve in mysterious ways

B guilt can cause great changes in a person

C family supports each other no matter what

D death can force a person to grow up more quickly



ok so describe the story a little bit and I can tell ya

Which appeal is John Dickinson using in his letter rejecting British taxes?
Logos pathos or ethos?


Answer: i would say ethos


can you send the letter??

Ethos appeal is what John Dickinson uses in his letter rejecting British taxes.

The writer's personality is drawn to ethos. Ethos can alternatively be seen as the author's position inside the argument and the strength of the writer's case.

What did John Dickinson argue in his letters from a Pennsylvania farmer?

These letters, which were all signed "A Farmer," presented evidence against the acts. Within the framework of the imperial system, Dickinson claimed that the British parliament had the authority to control trade with the colonies, but that the colonies themselves were sovereign over their own internal affairs. This includes generating income.

In the years leading up to the American Revolution, John Dickinson influenced popular opinion in America. He opposed both the use of force against the motherland of England and the British taxation of the colonies.

Thus, John Dickinson uses ethos appeal in his letter to reject British taxes.

Learn more about John Dickinson here:



If I have 3 classes and school ends at 2:18 P.M. How long should I work on each class for.



when do you start?


subtraxt that from where you end then divide by 3

Add suitable words to complete the following and rewrite as sentence:
1. as soon as you reach home
2. a new dress
3. if you help me
4. because the test was difficult.
5.until I come back
Plssss fast



call me as soon as you reach home

I have bought a new dress

I can complete the task if you help me

I failed because the test was difficult

stay at home until I come back


1. Please call us as soon as you reach home.

2. I need a new dress.

3. I will pay you if you help me.

4. I didn't do well on the test because it was difficult.

5. Do not start the movie until I come back.


I'm just making complete sentences.

Read the sentence.

Many American writers, lots of times, talk about the topic of American personality.

Which is the best revision of this sentence using academic vocabulary?



Numerous American writers reference the theme of the so-called "American personality" periodically through literature.


Academic vocabulary just means to make it sound more sophisticated through vocab, and with better use of language.

Edit: If this is a multiple choice question, I'll need to see the choices, if my answer is not helpful.


on my own view

The topic american personality it is commonly talked about by many american writers

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