In the carbon cycle, plants convert carbon dioxide from the air in to
a. proteins
b. nitrogen
c. carbohydrates
d. nucleic acids​


Answer 1




because form carbon is change to carbonhydrates

Related Questions

For rabbits, having long hair is an advantage over having short hair in environments with?
O high levels of rain
a large number of competitors
low temperatures
O few predators


Answer:low temps


For rabbits, having long hair is an advantage over having short hair in environments with low temperatures. Thus, the correct option is C.

What is the Environment?

The Environment may be defined as anything which is present in the surrounding of living entities.

The Long hair of rabbits provides them resistance against lower temperatures. Long hair maintains the warmth of rabbits in colder temperatures.

Therefore, the correct option for this question is C.

To learn more about Rabbit adaptations, refer to the link:


Which is an example of a biotic factor
A water
B rocks
C) soil
D) trees



d trees





because a biotic factor is living, while an abiotic factor is non-living.

hope this helps

have a great day/night

which of the following is a scientific question?
A. should commercial fisheries be regulated to protect dolphin habitats.
B. do dolphins emit characteristic whistles in response to their offspring.
C. Are dolphins more interesting than whales.
D. why don't people eat more dolphin meat.


Answer: b


B. do dolphins emit characteristic whistles in response to their offspring.

Which of the following organ systems perform interrelated functions within the human body?
I. excretory and digestive
II. circulatory and respiratory
III. muscular and nervous
IV. skeletal and muscular

A.IV only
B. I,II, and IV only
C. I, II, III, and IV
D.II and IV only





cause it interacts with you hear pumps and helps the body stay alive

Which process produces two genetically identical somatic cells?
A. Mitosis

B. Meiosis



mitosis make somatic cells


A. Mitosis


Mitosis produces two genetically identical somatic cells.

Tides on Earth are influenced by

both the moon and the sun
the sun only
the moon only
neither the moon nor the sun​



The moon only


The moon's gravitational pull generates something called the tidal force. The tidal force causes Earth—and its water—to bulge out on the side closest to the moon and the side farthest from the moon. These bulges of water are high tides.

Which of the following occurs during meiosis II?
A) the separation of sister chromatids
B) the formation of two diploid daughter cells
C) crossing over of homologous pairs
D) the doubling of genetic information



A. The seperation of sister chromatids.


During meiosis II the sister chromatids that are in the two daughter cells become separated, leading to the formation of four new haploid gametes.

Which is NOT a lipid?
A. water

B. wax

C. butter

D. oil


Answer: A



In short the correct answer is A. Water


First off what is a lipid?

A lipid is any of a class of organic compounds that are fatty acids or their derivatives and are insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents. They include many natural oils, waxes, and steroids.

water does not fit into those classifications which makes water the odd 1 out.

what does it mean when the pH increases or decreases​



how acidic or basic a solution is


the lower the pH level the more acidic and the hight the pH level the more basic it is

Which characteristics demonstrate that sea anemones are animals and not plants? Select two that apply.

A. The cells do not contain a membrane-bound nucleus; that is, they are prokaryotic.

B. The organism depends on other organisms for nutrition; that is, it is heterotrophic

C. The organism does not have cell walls, which are rigid structures that provide support and protection

D. The organism consists of cells that perform chemosynthesis



it is a and d thanks and sorry if it's not correct

Characteristics demonstrate that sea anemones are animals and not plants are;

The cells do not contain a membrane-bound nucleus; that is, they are  prokaryotic.The organism consists of cells that perform chemosynthesis.

What are sea anemones?

. They are soft-bodied, sedentary colourful flower-like animals. They are attached to the sea bed with the help of a fleshy foot.

.Thus, the move of sea anemones is restricted. They are good predators and catch prey with their tentacles. Sea anemones possess features of animals thus, cell wall is absent in their cells

To learn more about  sea anemones click here:

which two processes would most likely cause metamorphic rocks to change into sediments


compaction and erosion

help please
Two children and their dog are outside. The children are skating, and the dog is eating. It begins to rain, and the children and dog rush inside so quickly that it causes them to breathe more rapidly. When they are inside, the children dry their hair using towels, and the dog dries it's fur by shaking it's fur.
Look at the list of actions below:
1. The children skating
2. The dog eating
3. The children breathing more rapidly
4. The dog breathing more rapidly
5. The children using towels to dry their hair
6. The dog shaking it's fur to dry it's fur
Which actions best represent inherited behaviors?
A - 2,3,4,6
B - 2,4,6
C - 1,5
D - 1,2,3,4,5,6



The answer is A because the other actions the child thinks of doing or was taught to do


D - 1,2,3,4,5,6.

The what
system proyides structure to the body and protects
internal organs.



Skeletal System


The skeletal system works as a support structure for your body. It gives the body its shape, allows movement, makes blood cells, provides protection for organs and stores minerals.

What is a codon?
A. Group of 6 bases that codes for an amino acid

B. Group of 3 bases that codes for an amino acid

C. Group of 4 bases that codes for an amino acid

D. Group of 2 bases that codes for an amino acid


answer:a unit that consists of three adjacent bases on a DNA molecule and that determines the position of a specific amino acid in a protein molecule during protein synthesis.

The answer is B because if you want to make amino acids you can’t have more than 3 codon to find the amino acid in the codon chart

Why is the elimination of feaces not an excretory process?​



Feaces is a product of egestion. It is not directly formed from the major organs responsible for excretion (liver, kidneys, lungs and skin) and hence is not a result of metabolic reactions. That is why, feaces are not an excretory product.


What is sprouting?
Why do we need to have calcium rich foods?



(i) Sprouting is the natural process by which seeds or spores germinate and put out shoots, and already established plants produce new leaves or buds or other newly developing parts experience further growth.

(ii) It makes up much of your bones and teeth and plays a role in heart health, muscle function and nerve signaling

TWO evidence of global warming in South Africa​



Observable effects of climate change on water resources in Africa include: flooding, drought, change in distribution of rainfall, drying-up of rivers, melting of glaciers and the receding of bodies of water.


thank me later

What gas in the atmosphere reacts with sulfur dioxide to create sulfur trioxide?
O nitrogen
o hydrogen
O acid rain


o hydrogen, hoped this helped!
Hydrogen:) I hope it help

I'll give brainlist!! Please helppp‼️‼️

1. How many years does the table include, from the first species to the last?

2. From the fossil evidence shown, how did the forefeet change over time?

3. From the fossil evidence shown, how did the skills change over time?

4. How might the environment in which each of these species lived have affected the evolution of horses?



1: 50 million years

2: The forefeet changed over time by the bones merging into one to create the hoofed feet that we are used to today.

3: Their teeth and skull changed over time to better fit the environment and food they fed on. Their feet and hight changed based on the physical requirements of the environment like walking across dense forests vs open prairies and how they had to move to access food.

4: The environment affected the way the horses evolved because they had to evolve to better fit and survive/thrive the new environments they lived in.

Sinkholes and caves are an example of:
A. Climate Change
B. Mechanical Weathering
C. Sediment Deposition
D. Karst Topography



I think it's D. Karst Topography


Karst is a topography formed from the dissolution of soluble rocks such as limestone, dolomite, and gypsum. It is characterized by underground drainage systems with sinkholes and caves. It has also been documented for more weathering-resistant rocks, such as quartzite, given the right conditions.

What is the measured output force of a pulley system if the Mechanical Advantage is 0.48 and measured input force is 10N?



Output force is 4.8 N


A pulley is a simple machine made of a grooved wheel with a rope or cable wrapped around it. Pulleys are used in the transmission of energy or motion.

The input force is also known as the applied force while the output force is the force exerted on an object by a simple machine.

The mechanical advantage of a pulley is the ratio of the output force to the input force.

Mechanical advantage = output force / input force


0.48 = output force / 10

Output force = 4.8 N

how is cholera more of a result of politics, socio-economic conditions and infrastructure than biology?


Answer: Vibrio cholerae is a natural inhabitant of the aquatic environment, which with ... infrastructures aiding in mixing of overflowing sewers with flood waters, result in an ... temperature and likelihood of an outbreak of cholera were then determined. ... Figure 4 shows that about 50% or more cholera outbreaks


Ribosomes are only found in prokaryotes.





They're also found in eukaryotes.

true it only can be found in prokaryotes

Is lettuce a leaf plant?





Yes. Why? Because it is


Which two scientists used x-ray diffraction to try to determine the 3-dimensional structure of DNA?



The discovery of the Double Dna Helix was done by Watson and Crick.


Chargaff's realization that A = T and C = G, combined with the vital work of X-ray crystallography by English researchers Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins, contributed to the discovery of Watson and Crick a three-dimensional, two-helical DNA model.


When warm air exists above cold air, thereby trapping the cold air, this is referred to as a __________

Question 2 options:

Altitude inversion

Temperature inversion

Convection cell

Heat gradient



I think it's temperature inversion

But not sure....


temperature inversion

Ferns have vascular tissue, an adaptation to life on land, but they have an ancestral reproductive trait that tends to limit them to moist habitats. What is it?



The correct answer is - flagellated sperm.


In ancestral trait that is flagellated sperm in ferns that were limited to moist habitat has sperms that must swim to the eggs. This is why ferns often require splashing water for the movement of sperm to points near female gametangia during reproduction.

Fern now adapted the vascular system to get life on the life and they are not limited to the water bodies, however, flagellated sperm is the ancestral reproductive trait.

The majority of nitrogen fixation happens when _____ converts atmospheric nitrogen(N2) into ammonia(NH3).

1. Fungi

2. Plants

3. Bacteria





The majority of nitrogen fixation happens when bacteria converts atmospheric nitrogen(N2) into ammonia(NH3).

hope it is helpful to you

The majority of nitrogen fixation happens when bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen (N2) into ammonia (NH3). Bacteria live in symbiotic associations such as Rhizobium, but some live freely and fix nitrogen.

How is atmospheric nitrogen fixed?

The atmospheric nitrogen is fixed by bacteria, which convert the atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia. There are many bacteria involved in this process.

Some bacteria live in symbiotic relationships with the roots of legume plants and capture nitrogen. Example: Rhizobium converts the nitrogen into ammonia, and the nitrogen enters living creatures when they eat the legumes. The leguminous plant makes the soil more fertile due to this process.

This process is aided by bacteria such as Azotobacter and Clostridium. Azotobacter is an aerobic bacteria, while Clostridium is an anaerobic one. The nitrogen is important for living organisms, as nitrogen is important for DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis.

Hence, Bacteria is the correct answer, as bacteria convert the atmospheric nitrogen (N2) into ammonia (NH3). option 3 is correct.

To learn more about the nitrogen fixation, refer the link


The chart lists coordinates that describe the locations of
four cities.
Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo 4° S/15° E
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Lagos, Nigeria
6°N/3° E
Oran, Algeria
35° N/0°W
Which city listed in the chart is farthest south?





i took the test

which of the following is the best definition of Technology?
A. the most recent electronic devices.
B. The scientific process
C. The pursuit of scientific knowledge.
D. Practice applications of scientific knoledge.



I believe its D, technology is to make life easier with new resources, so using that definition, I think that D falls under it


The best definition of technology is the practice applications of the scientific knowledge. The correct option is D.

What is Technology?

Technology involves the practical use of scientific knowledge to create tools, machines, and systems that improve our lives and solve problems. It is not limited to just electronic devices, but encompasses a wide range of fields including engineering, medicine, and agriculture.

Technology is the means through which we put scientific knowledge to use. It encompasses both tools (like computers) and methods (like how we make computer chips), as well as both. Although the majority of contemporary technology is electronic, this does not mean that all technology is.

While the pursuit of scientific knowledge is important, it is the application of that knowledge that defines technology.

Therefore, the correct option is D.

Learn more about Technology here:


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