Match each description with the correct person from this time period.

adopted a peace policy meant to help Native Americans stay on their reservations

leader of the Comanche tribe who fought in the Red River War

led an attack on a peaceful Cheyenne settlement near the w River

Cheyenne chief killed at the Battle of w

Chief Black Kettle

George Armstrong Custer

Quanah Parker

Ulyses S. Grant


Answer 1


Chief Black Kettle: Cheyenne chief killed at the Battle of w

George Armstrong Custer: led an attack on a peaceful Cheyenne settlement near the w River

Quanah Parker: leader of the Comanche tribe who fought in the Red River War

Ulyses S. Grant : adopted a peace policy meant to help Native Americans stay on their reservations

Related Questions

How did the judiciary act of 1789 change the Supreme Court



The Judiciary Act of 1789 established a Supreme Court with one chief justice and five associate justices. The act further defined the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court to include appellate jurisdiction in larger civil cases and cases in which state courts ruled on federal statutes.

Which of the following Native Americans acted as both a guide and a
translator for Lewis and Clark as they explored the Louisiana Territory?
A. Pontiac
O B. Squanto
O C. Sacajawea
O D. Pocahontas


The answer is C. Sacajawea.
good luck!

Which statement about British actions following the signing of the Treaty of Paris is correct?

Select the best answer from the choices provided.
Many British commanders did not return fugitive enslaved African Americans to their enslavers.
A British campaign re-settled many enslaved workers to Sierra Leone.
British ships took around 20,000 former enslaved workers away from the colonies.
All answers are correct.


D. I believe because it all happened

Would Columbus have been able to reach the Caribbean islands had the Institute at Sagres not
been created? Support your position with evidence.

(One paragraph, 7 sentences at least)


Answer: I’m tryna figure out too somebody put it.


The left side of things matches with the words on the drop down menu.





Struggle between France and Britain - French and Indian War

For a Bill of Rights - Anti-Federalists

for a strong national or central government - Federalists

not in the Articles of Confederation - Executive branch

requirement of democracy - majority rule

plan for government - constitution

king, queen, or emperor rules - monarchy

the state evolved from family - evolutionary theory

social contract theorist - John Locke

From the purpose and characteristics of the people's war to protect the country, what will you do when there is a war?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

From the purpose and characteristics of the people's war to protect the country, what will you do when there is a war?

Well, if you are referring to the concept of people's war as explained by author Howard Zinn in the book "A People's History of the United States," we can comment on the following.

This author wrote that World War II was considered to be a people's war in that it united different parts of society, different belief systems, different religions, through a common goal: to defend the country against the threat of Adolph Hitler and fascism.

What I would do in a situation like this would be to surrender my total cooperation to the indications and legislation enacted by the government in order to be ready to support the country in any way I can. If it is for a major cause and to defend our freedom and democracy, people should cooperate and support government decisions. The only exception is that these decisions and legislation suppress human rights and basic liberties

The full name of the capital of the United States (no abbreviations) is________


Answer: Washington

Explanation: aka

Washington D.C/ D.C


Washington District of Columbia


Washington D.C. is short for Washington District of Columbia. I hope this helped!


Your friend in answering,


Which of the following best describes the first battle of bull run?



what are the choices


i don't know the following

Given a cone with a height of 6 cm and a base diameter of 6 cm, what is the volume of the cone? Use 3.14 for π.

*math and plss hurry



the volume of the cone is 6


The volume of cone is the amount of space occupied by the cone. Cone has a circular base that tapers down smoothly to a point called the.....We are aware of the fact that a cone is formed by a set of line segments that connect to a common point. In a cone, the line segments do not cross the circular base.

What best explains why there is poverty in developing nations?

totalitarian regimes; lack of education; no farmland

trade barriers; totalitarian regimes; lack of working-age population

lack of education; high national debt; trade barriers

trade barriers; non-English-speaking population; environmental issues


The option that best explains why there is poverty in developing nations is totalitarian regimes; lack of education; no farmland.

What is under development?

This is when a nation does not have what it takes to take care of its citizen and also compete with outside world.

A nation would be under developed when it has:

Wide spread poverty No technologyLow real per capital income

Hence, the option that best explains why there is poverty in developing nations is totalitarian regimes; lack of education; no farmland.

Learn more about under development here :


What was Henry Ford's reason for paying his workers so well?

Question 1 options:

-He wanted them to be able to afford the cars they were making

-He wanted to keep the union out

-He was a really nice guy

-None of these answers are correct



-He wanted them to be able to afford the cars they were making


He wanted them to be able to afford the cars they were making. This was reasonable to do considering Henry Ford is the one who came up with the assembly line and was able to make lots of cars in less time.

Which detail best supports the idea that only immigrants with good health were allowed entrance into the United States?




This probably has choices, but I can give you a hint of what to look for. Those who landed at Ellis Island were met by doctors who checked them for all kinds of diseases, for raspatory (having to do with the breathing system) to other contagious diseases. Immigrants usually have stories about what was found and sometimes those that loved were sent back or isolated (think something like our current virus.

How has the history of Western intervention in the Middle East affected the development of the region?


The Middle East has had and still has conflicts. Some of the main reason are due to Western intervention. Some secular states favor the Western ideals and developments. Others want to keep traditional practices and do things they they had been in the past.

Describe the military and cultural factors that led to the Mongol conquests of China and the Muslim kingdoms. Include what you remember about the environment and early life of Genghis Khan and his descendants. What were their goals, values, and strategies for conquest?



They ought to unify the Clans.

Skilled military, knew how to deceive their enemies.

They were good at organizing.


Mongol leader Genghis Khan (1162-1227) rose from humble beginnings to establish the largest land empire in history.

They did have a strong moral code

They enforced through their own legal system

The code forbade theft, lying, betrayal, and defiance of authority

The penalty for violating this code could be death

¿Qué relación existe entre el aumento demográfico y la mayor disponibilidad de alimentos en la sociedad agraria?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no se anexan opciones o incisos para responder, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

La relación que existe entre el aumento demográfico y la mayor disponibilidad de alimentos en la sociedad agraria es la siguiente.

Hablamos de una relación directa entre la disponibilidad de alimentos y el crecimiento de la población ya que conforme aumenta la población, disminuye la capacidad de producir suficientes alimentos para tanta gente. Y esto, de manera desmedida, provoca escases de alimentos debido al alto nivel de demanda por el número de pobladores existentes.

Este problema es agudo si pensamos en la población en Latinoamérica es desigual y se concentra, fundamentalmente, en los márgenes del continente.

La desigualdad es notoria. Una pequeña porción de clase alta controla el 80% de la riqueza de un país. Mientras que la mayoría de pobladores se anda peleando por el 20% restante.

Which of the following applies to the Roosevelt Corollary?

A. The United States would give up its territories in the Pacific
B. The United States would not seek any new territories in the Americas
C. The United States would limit business investments in Latin America



that would be B because I belive he wanted to stop that


B. The United States would not seek any new territories in the Americas

As poleis governadas pela aristocracia incentivaram o desenvolvimento filosofico por causa de suas caracteristicas urbanas. oque ta errado?



Não foram as pólis governadas pela aristocracia que encorajou o desenvolvimento filosófico, mas a geografia física que encorajou primeiro o desenvolvimento da pólis e depois o desenvolvimento da cidade ou do espaço urbano. A geografia física compreende montanhas e terrenos acidentados que incentivaram o desenvolvimento das características da cidade de acordo com a exigência de um terreno acidentado.


Não foram as pólis governadas pela aristocracia que encorajou o desenvolvimento filosófico, mas a geografia física que encorajou primeiro o desenvolvimento da pólis e depois o desenvolvimento da cidade ou do espaço urbano. A geografia física compreende montanhas e terrenos acidentados que incentivaram o desenvolvimento das características da cidade de acordo com a exigência de um terreno acidentado.

How is science useful or helpful in Peru?


well the periodic table if helpful because it could tell u where are the elements and what they are useful for. they also tell u the number of the element

How are the suffragettes and muckrakers connected?


The suffrage movement was part of this wave of Progressive Era reforms. Prominent suffragists led other progressive causes as well. ... By turning women's traditional social roles into public and political ones, this generation of reformers began to win broader support for women's votes

What is one way the American Civil War differed from other wars in U.S. history?



It focused on America itself.


Throuighout the history of United states of American wars, we noticed one thing, we were too busy focusing on other countries wars, we wanted to help out, or it had nothing to do with us. The civil war was an American issue on American land, both sides of the isle fighting for what they believe is right.

What is the festival that express friendliness,enthusiasm and good will to all people?



festival is the system of celebrating on occasion of doing something good by person (that we say hod to that person)

What is the correct definition of a citizen



a legally recognized subject or national of a state or commonwealth, either native or naturalized.

Which statement best describes governmental reform in SC during the late 1800s and early
A .Although government officials worked to disenfranchise mill workers, SC Progressives did support a
fair tax system
B. Because SC Progressive movement was controlled by political bosses, very little changed.
C. Sc Progressives were able to pass laws that protected African-American voters and mill workers
D.Unlike the national Progressive movement, SC Progressives tried to stop any changes being made to
SC's government


The answer will be D


Who first discovered America?



Cristóbal Colón

Descubrimiento de América en resumen El continente americano según cuenta la historia oficial fue descubierto por Cristóbal Colón allá por el 1492. Aunque no son pocas las interrogantes que han surgido sobre si en realidad, este visionario fue el primero en posar sus pies en tierras del Nuevo Mundo.



Hello! Marie Here~!!


The answer is here --->

The Explorer Christopher Columbus found America first.



Columbus and his friends set sail from Spain in three ships. The ships soon made a landfall on America!


Hope This Helps!Have A GREATTT Day!


Whyz tha cheeken watch tha reed



because its needz to


How has Washington met the water needs of its residents, businesses, and farms?

It built desalination plants to convert salt water into fresh water.
It imported fresh water from other states where it is more abundant.
It passed laws protecting the state’s scarce fresh water supplies.
It constructed a series of dams and canals to hold and transport water.



It built desalination plants to convert salt water into fresh water.

How did Wyoming contribute to the women's suffrage movement.



It was the first United States territory to give women the vote, showing that they should be included and were capable of things such as voting.

What did the Compromise of 1877 accomplish for both political parties? Explain.
Be sure to include a topic sentence, historical evidence that supports what the
compromise provided for both major political parties at this time in history, and a
concluding sentence.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached, we can welp you sharing the following ideas.

With the Compromise of 1877, Democrats agreed to let Rutherford B. Hayes become the President of the United States and Republicans agreed to the withdrawal of federal soldiers from the South.

To settle the differences that resulted from the presidential election of 1876,  Republicans and Democrats negotiated to get an agreement that was called the Compromise of 1877. They decided that Rutherford B. Hayes become president, and Republicans agreed to the withdrawal of federal soldiers from the South. Democrat candidate Samuel Tilden accepted and the compromise was reached. This agreement also represented the end of Reconstruction in the southern states.

Please help I don’t get these



What was not a belief held by Andrew Jackson about Native Americans?
They were a lesser people.
O They should have full citizenship and voting rights.
O They stood in the way of land acquisition by white men.
O They had no rights to their lands.



Which is not a belief held by Andrew Jackson about Native Americans? They should have full citizenship and voting rights. What was the purpose of the Indian Removal Act? Which of the following was not true of the Indian Removal Act of 1830?


They should have full citizenship and voting rights.

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