NO LINKS OR ELSE YOU'LL BE REPORTED! Only answer if you're very good at English.No guessing please.

Recently,I read a post calling for a crackdown on video games.While I'm sure the author had good intentions,he painted a distorted picture of tennage video - game users.This picture was of lazy, socially inept teenagers who did poorly in school.Well, I'm one of those teenagers who play video games a lot, and I can tell you that I couldn't disagree more with the guy's point of view.I am a healthy, straight A student, and this is actually in part because of video games, not in spite of them.

Which word or phrase in the introduction BEST expresses an offended tone?

A: Distorted

B: Lazy

C: Socially Inept

D: Healthy


Answer 1
A:Distorted ...............................,.,,...
Answer 2


C) Socially Inept


Related Questions

Each plot has it's own exposition and rising action, as well as its own source of what?


Source of references and evidence

In which sentence is okay to abbreviate the word doctor?

According to Dr. Patel, toenails make take months to grow back.

I asked my mom if a dr. visit was really necessary to fix my toenail.

When my toenail was mashed by a falling log, I went to the dr. for advice.

Some drs. recommend wearing two pairs of socks until the injury heals.



1st sentence


According to Dr. Patel, toenails make take months to grow back.

Dr. is the abbreviation of Doctor.

2. The speaker shares a number of personal stories. What are some of the similarities or connecting points between the different stories the speaker shares?



Option A


Complete Question



C.Brings Laugther

D.Share Important personal story​


The speaker here intends to inspire people by sharing the Personal story of speakers. He wants to Sympathize  with the speaker and inspire others to feel motivated in order to not to worry from the struggles of their life and be brave and fight through the difficult situation.


All of the stories are connected by people who have low income and prospectively harder lives, working to better themselves. The creative ways that people with lower incomes come together as a community to lift others up and help better each other.

Explanation: trust me i got it right on a test

What is a serial killer


Answer: A serial killer is typically a person who murders three or more people, usually in service of abnormal psychological gratification, with the murders taking place over more than a month and including a significant period of time between them. ... The murders may be attempted or completed in a similar fashion.



a person who commits a series of murders, often with no apparent motive and typically following a characteristic, predictable behavior pattern

Which best defines the word repetition in epic poetry?
the recurrence of words and phrases for a specific effect
the duplication of main ideas for development
the reproduction of images for emphasis
the reappearance of characters for a surprise reaction


the recurrence of words and phrases for a specific effect.

The word repetition in epic poetry is best defined as the recurrence of words and phrases for a specific effect. Thus the correct option is A.

What is repetition?

In order for repetition to be recognizable, the words or phrases must appear close together. The repetition of the same words or phrases in a poem or piece of prose can help the reader understand and/or remember the theme.

Repetition a point to highlight it and make the presentation simpler to comprehend is a popular strategy used by rhetoricians. According to studies, repeating a phrase can convince audiences that it is true, increasing the persuasiveness of language.

The result is a repetitive pattern. It underlines important ideas. Poets can remember and recite their poetry because of it. It facilitates the audience's understanding of the poem.

Therefore, option A is appropriate.

Learn more about  repetition, here:


The hill we climb poem


When day comes we ask ourselves, where can we find light in this never- ending shade? The loss we carry, a sea we must wade. We’ve braved the belly of the beast, we’ve learned that quiet isn’t always peace and the norms and notions of what just is, isn’t always justice. And yet the dawn is ours before we knew it, somehow we do it, somehow we’ve weathered and witnessed a nation that isn’t broken but simply unfinished.

We, the successors of a country and a time where a skinny black girl descended from slaves and raised by a single mother can dream of becoming president only to find herself reciting for one. And, yes, we are far from polished, far from pristine, but that doesn’t mean we are striving to form a union that is perfect, we are striving to forge a union with purpose, to compose a country committed to all cultures, colors, characters and conditions of man.

So we lift our gazes not to what stands between us, but what stands before us. We close the divide because we know to put our future first, we must first put our differences aside. We lay down our arms so we can reach out our arms to one another, we seek harm to none and harmony for all.

Let the globe, if nothing else, say this is true: that even as we grieved, we grew, even as we hurt, we hoped, that even as we tired, we tried, that we’ll forever be tied together victorious, not because we will never again know defeat but because we will never again sow division.

Scripture tells us to envision that everyone shall sit under their own vine and fig tree and no one should make them afraid. If we’re to live up to our own time, then victory won’t lie in the blade, but in in all of the bridges we’ve made.

That is the promise to glade, the hill we climb if only we dare it because being American is more than a pride we inherit, it’s the past we step into and how we repair it. We’ve seen a force that would shatter our nation rather than share it. That would destroy our country if it meant delaying democracy, and this effort very nearly succeeded. But while democracy can periodically be delayed, but it can never be permanently defeated.

In this truth, in this faith, we trust, for while we have our eyes on the future, history has its eyes on us, this is the era of just redemption we feared in its inception we did not feel prepared to be the heirs of such a terrifying hour but within it we found the power to author a new chapter, to offer hope and laughter to ourselves, so while once we asked how can we possibly prevail over catastrophe, now we assert how could catastrophe possibly prevail over us.

We will not march back to what was but move to what shall be, a country that is bruised but whole, benevolent but bold, fierce and free, we will not be turned around or interrupted by intimidation because we know our inaction and inertia will be the inheritance of the next generation, our blunders become their burden. But one thing is certain: if we merge mercy with might and might with right, then love becomes our legacy and change our children’s birthright.

So let us leave behind a country better than the one we were left, with every breath from my bronze, pounded chest, we will raise this wounded world into a wondrous one, we will rise from the golden hills of the West, we will rise from the windswept Northeast where our forefathers first realized revolution, we will rise from the lake-rimmed cities of the Midwestern states, we will rise from the sunbaked South, we will rebuild, reconcile, and recover in every known nook of our nation in every corner called our country our people diverse and beautiful will emerge battered and beautiful, when the day comes we step out of the shade aflame and unafraid, the new dawn blooms as we free it, for there is always light if only we’re brave enough to see it, if only we’re brave enough to be it.

3. Whitman's repetition of the word singing emphasizes his main idea that


Answer: Music inspires people from all professions and walks of life.


In "I Hear America Singing”, the major theme of the poem include growth, dignity and freedom. The poem is simply about the freedom that Americans enjoy. In the poem, we can infer that everyone has their own songs and this means that every profession is important.

The repetition of the word singing implies that every profession has their song and it gives them pleasure when they're singing as they are happy doing so whether they're mechanics, carpenters etc.

Read these lines from “Sonnet 18” by William Shakespeare.



where is the lines???


What is this example of propaganda is trying to convince others to believe?
A. technology has become the only thing that influences people anymore
B. when you use a computer you have to try and figure out what parts influence you
C. what you do and read on your devices influences what you do and what you think
D. if you use a laptop you are being influenced to believe certain things



Answer is C


The correct answer is:

                    C. what you do and read on your devices influences what you do and what you think

What is the propaganda being mentioned here?

With the availability of technology to almost everyone, people spend a lot of time on their devices. The number of content makers and viewers are increasing day by day. And what is shown is what people believe.

Here, the device is the laptop and whatever is viewed on the screen are the ideas which drive people to do and to think. So the propaganda promoted is that you are what you see.

Learn more about propaganda:


She was a writer into yes or no​


Answer: Is she a writer ?

There are several courses available to train, teach, and prepare students for their field of choice; none of which are directed towards Mental Health awareness, which should be included in every school's curriculum. fix this thesis statement for me please ​



Although there are several courses which teach, train and prepare students for their fields of choice, however, mental health awareness is not a part of this which is a necessity and should be included in every school's curriculum


A thesis statement usually appears at the end of the introductory part of a piece of writing and is quite simply the summary of the main point of the essay or writing.

Therefore, to correct the given thesis statement above would give us a clear summary of the main points which would be something like this: "Although there are several courses which teach, train and prepare students for their fields of choice, however, mental health awareness is not a part of this which is a necessity and should be included in every school's curriculum"

Which evidence from the text shows how Gregor feels about the change in his father?


He really ought to have expected things to have changed, but still, still, was that really his father

Answer: The Answer is A.

Freedom of speech essay examples/things to talk about.
For my English finals HELP




Maybe look at the news and find a topic that you feel passionate about, if that is allowed. Freedom of speech is something but going on and being seen in society lately, especially with all the protests. I’d try to link a modern day topic or issue with something in the past that shows the issue that is still relevant today and has been an important topic in topic for many years. I know this English but if you can look through a history textbook for points that might be good to cover. Anyways hope this helps good luck!

Early in the novella, Hemingway establishes Manolin as a sympathetic figure by __________.



showing readers the ways in which Manolin treats Santiago with great respect and affection

This is the correct answer on the test!

Good luck!!

please solve fast please fast​



Briefly , intentionally


Adverbs are verbs and adjectives combined, and describe how something was done. Most adverbs end in -ly.

At what point in the research process should you compose a thesis statement?



before writing the report


Your thesis statement should be based on what you found out during your research--and your own thoughts about that information.

state three ways by which choice of reading can affect our writing​



1)perfects our spelling and grammer

2)makes us learn new words

3)help us memorize the words to wrtie them lol


The sinister and frightening tone indicates that this passage MOST likely belongs to which literary genre?
an autobiography
a suspense story
a historical text
a political speech


Answer: B) A suspense story

Explanation: I'm not sure what the passage is, but typically sinister and frightening tones are found in a suspense story to increase its effect. I hope this helped :)

Study this still image from the National Geographic video "How Flu Viruses
Which statement most accurately describes how the image supports the
explicit message of the video?
A. The fact that the sick person is a child helps underscore the point
that anyone can spread the flu.
B. The red coloration of the lungs looks alarming and adds to the
overall message that the flu is threatening.
O C. The blue filter and the setting on the airplane evokes thoughts of
exotic vacations.
D. The child's clothing looks inexpensive, which reinforces the point
that flu is more dangerous to the poor.


Answer: A. The fact that the sick person is a child helps underscore the point  that anyone can spread the flu.


People are generally more likely to take notice of something if it affects children because that means it can affect anyone including those same children and there is a general consensus that children must be protected until they hit adulthood.

In using this poster, National Geographic wanted to invoke more feelings of fear, care and empathy in the subject because people watching would try to find out how to prevent the disease to reduce the number of children and by extension, adults getting it.

The statement that most accurately describes how the image supports the message of the video is:

A. The fact that the sick person is a child helps underscore the point that anyone can spread the flu.

The flu

The flu is a respiratory illness. It is very contagious and it affects your throat, lungs and nose: the respiratory system. The flu is caused by the influenza viruses.

It is shown in the picture that the flu can affect people from all ages because it is so easily spread.

Check more information about the flu here

we all ___ to the school farm to ___ the local manure (match, marsh) ?​



I believe its 1. match 2. marsh


we all match to the school farm to marsh the local manure

definition of marsh -an area of low-lying land which is flooded in wet seasons or at high tide, and typically remains waterlogged at all times.

Which statement best describes the situation in the United States after the Holocaust?

The government faced a backlash from the American people after allowing unrestricted numbers of Jewish refugees to immigrate.
Jewish immigrants were only allowed to seek asylum in the United States if they converted to Christianity upon arrival.
Anti-Semitism was so high in the United States that the government forbade any Jewish refugees from immigrating.
The United States provided some refuge, but discrimination guided the laws and prevented many Jewish refugees from immigrating.
After learning about the horrors of the Holocaust, the United States welcomed all Jewish refugees with open arms.



Option D is the right answer.


The main reason why U. S joined the Allies against the Axis powers was that it wanted to defend democracy and not to save the lives of the Jewish victims of the Nazi government.  US government in the year 1944, formed the War Refugee Board,  accredited with attempting to protect and grant aid for Jews and other minorities who were targeted by the Nazis. At the conclusion of the War, the rescue efforts of the United States protected tens of thousands of lives. But after the end of Holocaust differentiation led the laws and prevented thousands of Jews from migrating.

why is it that intermolecular forces increases with vapor pressure also increases



Vapor pressure is a measure of the pressure exerted by a gas above a liquid in a sealed container. ...


Weak intermolecular forces produce a higher rate of evaporation and a higher vapor pressure. As the temperature increases, the vapor pressure increases.

In this passage from Julius Caesar, why does Mark Antony say this to the crowd? A. To establish credibility with the crowd B. To ask the crowd a rhetorical question a C. To stir up the emotions of the audience D. To present facts about Caesar's death PREVIOUS DAL​



To stir up the emotions of the audience


ape x

C. To stir up the emotions of the audience.

Marc Antony's speech subtly reminds that the crowds of all the positive things Caesar did for Rome and argues against Brutus's claim that hisself was dangerous due to ambition. The speech is important in the play because it signals the turning point for the Brutus, who is now labeled a traitor by fellow Romans due to Antony's rhetoric and showmanship.

What does Brutus find suspicious about Marc Antony's speech?

After Marc Antony is allowed to address to the crowd, the unsuspecting Brutus finds that it's he and the others who are suspected of being the too ambitious. In his oration Marc Antony claims that he has come to "bury Caesar, not to praise him"; in other words, he has been come to put  the an end to the discussion of Caesar's ambitions and tyranny.

Learn more about Marc Antony here


Televised talent show have become popular in many societies today. Are these shows a good method of finding talented people, or are they just entertainment?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Indeed, televised talent shows have become popular in many societies today. These shows serve both purposes: they are good methods of finding talented people, and they are very entertained.

However, we must say the following. In general terms. these TV shows are big businesses that are sponsored by large companies and produced millions of dollars in advertisements. They serve as light entertainment and they compete to get a larger audience.

Very talented people indeed compete to get an opportunity to become the next "bright star" in the show business industry. But just a few people are really supported to start a career in mass media or to sign a lucrative record deal.

Is mushroom a compound noun?





It contains two words that can be separated "mush" and "room". :)

Read this line from the prologue of Romeo and Juliet.
A pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life;

What is the most likely reason the prologue reveals this detail about the play?


The most likely reason that the prologue reveals the above detail about the play is:
to engage the audience in the tragic story
The prologue of the play “Romeo and Juliet” tells the audience about the place where the play will revolve on. The feud between the Montagues and the Capulets is also been introduced to the audience. The love between the two who belong to these families is also told in the prologue. It is also being told to the audience that if ever the two families would unite together, their unity will be the result of the death of the lovers.

3 Which of the following sentences is all example of a logical fallacy?
A People of all generations are constantly seeking the popular vote to maintain their
status as social media royalty.
B In 2009, the "like" button was added.
C Social media users have billions of others to compare and rate themselves
D Social media is not the cause of low self-esteem or a lack of confidence.



Social media is not the cause of low self-esteem or a lack of confidence

What does the word punctilious most likely suggest



If someone is punctilious, they are extremely attentive to details, formalities, or conduct.


Which replacement corrects the spelling error in this sentence?
My little sister wants to work in television news when she grows up, because she
says its a way to affect people's lives.
My little sister wants to work in television news when she grows up,
because she says its a way to effect people's lives.
My little sister wants to work in television news when she grows up.
because she says its a way too affect people's lives.
My little sister wants to work in television news when the grows up,
because she says it's a way to affect people's lives.
My little sister wants to work in television news when she grows up,
because she says its' a way to affect people's lives.



My little sister wants to work in television news when she grows up,  because she says it's a way to affect people's lives.


In grammar, the use of correct tenses, as well as the spellings and punctuation, are all part of the 'error detection and elimination' process. This means that a check in the spelling and punctuation used will ensure that any sentence is correct and constructed.

In the given original sentence, the spelling error is found in the word "its". Here, the word "its" should be replaced with "it's", referring to the "it is" in the contracted form. This is because the word "it is" refers to the act of working in the television news.

Thus, the correct answer is the third option.

In the previous act, Romeo and Juliet have fallen in love, even though their families despise one another. Based on the excerpt, what are the two main purposes of this prologue?

1-It foreshadows what is yet to happen to the main characters in the play.
2- It creates an ominous mood that hints at the conflicts of the play
3- It recaps past events that happened in the play or offstage
4- It describes the setting where the play takes place.
5- It gives Instructions about the stage props and the stage layout.



oots oots oots


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