okayyyyyyyyyyy help pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Answer 1
The answer is c

I did it

Related Questions

A political structure was provided by ________ in north Africa.
d.)stateless societies


The answer is c............

Describe how lobbyists affect economics.




lobbyists write many laws

they indirectly pay politicians to have them pass

these laws are favorable to the companies the lobbyists work for

so economics are not put in consideration when these laws are passed

The society of route tribe of Nepal is considered as an example of hunting and gathering society.why write in your opinion in a sentence.



This said tribe is likely considered to be a hunter gatherer tribe because of the traits it shares with those of typical hunter gatherer tribes.


مرادف كلمه ( دقيق الفن ) ؟ عندي اختبار اليومم


Answer:فن دقيق

please make as the branliest

What is the main idea of this proclamation?
a. To proclaim the attack on Pearl Harbor significant.
b. To make an American promise.
c. To terminate an outdated and historically discriminatory Executive Order.
d. To begin the war on terror.



not enough info, which proclamation?

Write a acrostic using the word adolescent
D -
O -
L -
E -
S -
C -
E -
N -



No theme provided, just write whatever.


A = Apollo, Champion of the Skies

D = Demeter, Goddess of the harvest

O = Octo, Bearer of the Digit 8

L = Lord, Ruler of the Land

E = Evolution, Forward Despite Everything

S = Soviet Moon, Flag implanted in space's guardian

C = Challenger, They Flew too close to the sun

E = Eons, Centuries Past and Landscapes Forged

N = Neurons, Power to the Computer of the Mind

T = Time, The Machine Man Cannot Stop

According to the United States Supreme Court, when is it acceptable for schools to
limit freedom of the press?
A. When a school staff member is offended by a political viewpoint.
B. When written parental approval is given to a building administrator.
C. When the student author is not yet old enough to be granted adult rights.
D. When what is written conflicts with the educational mission of the school.



D. When what is written conflicts with the educational mission of the school.


The First Amendment to the United States Constitution states that "Congress shall make no law ... prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; ... and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." This, in short, refers to the freedom of speech and press.

In circumstances relating to academic institutions, the Supreme Court finds it acceptable to allow the limiting of such freedom of the press when what is written or expressed is against the educational mission of the school. This means that when what's been written goes against the objective of the school's educational system, then the school can limit the student's freedom of the press.

Thus, the correct answer is option D.

Some one can help me find the answer I don't have the knowledge to answer. ​


The correct answers to these open questions are the following.

1.- St. Augustine's teaching on Creation.

St. Augustine taught that the Almighty God was the creation of everything that existed on planet earth. God had the power to create everything out of nothing. So at the beginning of times, there was nothing and then, all of the sudden, God created the world and everything that exists.

2.- The teachings of Genesis 1 and Genesis 2.

The teachings of Genesis 1 and 2 are metaphors aimed to explain the creation process according to the Bible. Knowing that it is a very complex issue, the Bible tries to use metaphors to explain complex things so everybody can understand the meaning.

This is the case with Genesis 1 and 2, which refers to the "Six Days of Creation," when God created light, land, plants, the sun, the planets, the animals, and finally, humans.

3.-"God created everything in six days."

As I wrote above in point number 2, these are metaphors that help the authors of the Bible to explain complex issues, like the creation.

Of course, this is the version of the church, expressed in Genesis, the first book of the Old Testament.

There is the counter-perspective, Darwinism, that creation was a process of evolution, from the very start to the end, when humans appeared on earth.

So both visions have their supporters. One is scientific and the other is religious. One is based on science and the other, on faith.

Observing, collecting data, surveying, and making inferences are all examples of an attempt to: a. learn about your audience b. analyze diversity c. make presentational adaptations d. None of the above. Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D Ma



The correct answer is - a. learn about your audience.


Observing, collecting data, doing surveys and making inferences all are examples to know about the audience how they react, what they like, what influences them. These all research methods are very useful to learn about an audience.

For analyzing diversity they must be a comparison of types of diversity present. Observation, surveys, interview or making inferences are not something can be used in make presentational adaptations.

what is the true meaning of life?​





He is life, He came to give us life, it's up to us to accept it.

Hope this helps :)


People consider it “freedom from suffering” which is correct. Our meaning or intention is to be happy, we don’t have the desire to suffer. Being surrounded by the people and things that we love.


If you look it up “freedom from suffering” appears which is actually correct. As well as what I stated in wanting to be happy. Anyways, I hope this is a good answer :)

personality psychologist who is interested in studying the characteristics of people who report being abducted by UFOs. She finds several people in an online support group for UFO abductees to participate and asks them if they can provide the names and contact information of other people who have also been abducted. Upon contacting these new participants, she asks them to refer her to even more people they may know who have been abducted. This is an example of what kind of sampling



Snowball sampling


A snowball sampling technique is a type of sampling where the researcher gets other members to recruit participants for the study. Bringing this to thee question here, this psychologist after getting several people in the online support, asks them to refer her to other abductees that can be used as participants in her study

What 3 white supremacist groups formed during Reconstruction



I think one was the KKK?


Give me a list of all the hurricanes from 2020 from first to last












During the voyage how would you feel about being a crew member for Magellan?



This is a question the I think you should answer. It's how you would feel, not how somebody else would feel.

Edward L. Thorndike's research with cats demonstrated that behavior changes because of its consequences. Favorable consequences lead to the behavior being repeated, while unfavorable consequences make the behavior less likely. Thorndike referred to this as:



law of effect


Thorndike referred to this as the law of effect. In simple terms, Thorndike explains that if a certain stimulus/behavior has a favorable consequence, the subject will want to repeat this behavior. If it continues to have a favorable consequence then the subject will continue to repeat this behavior until it becomes a continuous pattern. The opposite applies to behaviors that have unfavorable consequences, the subject in question will associate the unfavorable consequence with the behavior and cease performing the behavior. The worse the consequence, the faster the subject will stop the behavior.

can somebody teach me more about social study cause I need to know a lot about social studies.​


yes yes yes yessss lol lol lol


a part of a school or college curriculum concerned with the study of social relationships and the functioning of society and usually made up of courses in history, government, economics, civics, sociology, geography, and anthropology.


please help I need the answer with the explanation




a. ¾ of ²/9

"of" is the same as multiplication

= ¾ × ²/9

= ½ × ⅓

= (1 × 1)/(2 × 3)

= ⅙

b. ⅖ of ⁷/12

= ⅖ × ⁷/12

= ⅕ × ⁷/6

= (1 × 7)/(5 × 6)

= ⁷/30


a. HCF of 243 and 246 using the matching factors method:

State out all factors that are integers that will divide 243 and 246 each without any remainder

243 = 1, [3,] 9, 27, 81, and 243

246 = 1, 2, [3,] 6, 41, 82, 123, and 246

Next, find the greatest factor that is common to both:

The greatest common factor that is common is 3


HCF = 3

b. HCF of 72 and 96 using the matching factors method:

State out all factors that are integers that will divide 72 and 96 each without any remainder

72 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 18, [24,] 36, and 72

96 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, [24,] 32, 48, and 96

Next, find the greatest factor that is common to both:

The greatest common factor that is common is 24


HCF = 24


a. LCM of 12, 18, 36 using Prime Factorization Method:

First, list out the prime factorization of each of the numbers in exponential form:

12 = 2² × 3¹

18 = 2¹ × 3²

36 = 2² × 3²

Next, multiple the highest exponent prime factors to find the LCM:

The highest exponent prime are 2² and 3²

Therefore, the LCM would be:

2² × 3² = 4 × 9 = 36

LCM = 36

b. LCM of 9, 27, 18 using Prime Factorization Method:

First, list out the prime factorization of each of the numbers in exponential form:

9 = 3²

27 = 3³

18 = 2¹ × 3²

Next, multiple the highest exponent prime factors to find the LCM:

The highest exponent prime are 2¹ and 3³

Therefore, the LCM would be:

2¹ × 3³ = 2 × 27 =

LCM = 54

Semester Exam
Which region on the map has the smallest population?

Source: U.S. Census Bureau
A. Region 3
B. Region 4
C. Region 2
D. Region 1



Region 2 has the smallest population


It is the lightest shade of purple as shown on the key bar beneath. With a population around the 500k mark

2. Which of these was a Southern advantage at the start of the Civil War? A. many factories and businesses B. strong military leadership C. control of the railway system D. large population​


the answer would be B

Write a report on the effectiveness of thicker, biogradable plastic shopping bags​



The use of biodegradable polymers is fully risk-free. There are no chemicals or poisons discharged. It degrades and is incorporated into the ground without causing any harm. Biodegradable handbags constructed of organic materials may decompose in almost any climate, even sea water, providing a solution to the problem of plastic shopping bags in the sea. This indicates that they are fully safe, as they do not leach polyethylene or other toxins into the ecosystem.

Biodegradable plastic handbags are promoted as being more environmentally friendly than standard plastic bags since they degrade into harmless materials more rapidly. In reality, compostable bags left submerged in a harbor might still store a full load of goods.

Biodegradable plastic can be decomposed by bacteria, and microbes.No polyethylene or toxins are leached into the environment, but in reality, it does not decompose.

What is biodegradable plastic?

The plastics can be decomposed by bacteria, and microbes into the water, carbon dioxide, and biomass. They are made of renewable resources, microorganisms, or petrochemicals.

The biodegradable plastic bags can be decomposed in any climate, even in seawater. No polyethylene or toxins leach into the environment, they are environmentally safe. But in reality, experiments were conducted and it was found that biodegradable plastic can support the weight of purchase even after 3 years of being exposed to the natural environment, that is, it does not decompose.

Therefore, the above explanation regarding biodegradable plastic bags is appropriate.

Learn more about biodegradable plastic here:


How would the absences of slave labor have impacted the spread of the roman empire and its wealth ?



Rome's economy was derived by the slaves who used to work on the sites, and fields of the rich Romans. These slaves also served the military. During the second century, there was halt in supply of slaves to Rome and hence the war treasures fall down henceforth leading to down fall of Roman economy.


Rome's economy was derived by the slaves who used to work on the sites, and fields of the rich Romans. These slaves also served the military. During the second century, there was halt in supply of slaves to Rome and hence the war treasures fall down henceforth leading to down fall of Roman economy.

This was a period after the Stone Age characterized by the manufacture and use of bronze tools and weapons made by heating and combining and tin.
etc, look at the image



Bronze Age


The Bronze Age is the second period in the Three-age system, after the Stone Age, and Before the Iron Age. As the name implies, the Bronze Age is a period in European and Near-Est history, in which the use of bronze became more common, representing an important technological advancement in the use of metallurgy for the cultures that achieved so, so much that those cultures that used bronze tended to be more successful and override those that did not know how to melt it and use.

how might the distribution of freshwater on earth change if surface temperature decreased?


Climate change increases the air temperature due to which freshwater ecosystems gets warm up. Most of the lakes and streams have experienced decline in water level during summer droughts. These changes are expected to continue and accelerate in the future.

How was Magellan's voyage different from Columbus?

A) Magellan sailed south down the coast of South America

B) Magellan sailed north around Europe to the Pacific Ocean



the answer is A he sailed through the coast of south America

evaluate the role of media in enhancing democratic progress in south africa forcusing on the fact that the media should be an independent voice informing the citizens about their rights in a democratic society​



Media has given political parties the tools to reach large numbers of people and can inform them on key issues ranging from policies to elections. In theory, media should be seen as an enabler for democracy, having better-educated voters would lead to a more legitimate government.In a democratic-like South Africa, it is strongly needed to study on media. Media is a strong weapon against the corrupted people, who forcibly do whatever they want and the human rights are violated.

a.______Affect mood, sensation, thought, emotion and self-awareness; alter perception of time and space; and produce hallucinations and delusions b.______Produce mood-altering effects similar to those of alcohol; found in glues and solvents c.______Slow down the physical activities of the brain, producing temporary feeling of relaxation d.______Speed up the physical and mental activity of the brain, producing temporary feelings of alertness and improved task performance e.______Relieves pain f.______Produces feelings of elation, disoriented perceptions of time and space and impaired judgement.



a. Hallucinogen

b. Inhalants

c. depressants

d. stimulants

e. narcotics

f. cannabis products


Hallucinogens are any drugs that cause a distortion is a person's perception of reality, which we typically call hallucinations. An example would be LSD.

Inhalants are substances that produce a chemical vapor which, when breathed (inhaled), provokes mood alterations. As said in the question, those substances can be found in glues and in solvents.

Depressants and stimulants are each other's opposites. Depressants are used to reduce arousal while stimulants are used to provoke it.

Narcotics are opioid painkillers. They are stronger than the regular painkillers we use and may end up causing addiction.

Cannabis products are used both recreationally and medically. The common symptoms are euphoria and hunger for recreational users. Medically speaking, they may also be used as pain relievers. In some cases, they are even used to combat depression or anxiety.

what is migration? define in long answer​



Migration is the movement of people from one place to another. Migration can be within a country or between countries. Migration can be permanent, temporary or seasonal. Migration happens for a range of reasons. These can be economic, social, political or environmental




Migration is the seasonal movement of animals from one habitat to another in search of food, better conditions, or reproductive needs.The definition of a migration is a movement to another place, often of a large group of people or animals. ... Migration is usually a response to changes in temperature, food supply, or the amount of daylight, and is often undertaken for the purpose of breeding.

Có quan điệm cho rằng thời đại ngày nay là thời đại của nề văn minh trí tuệ của kinh tế tri thức do đó trí thức mới là lực lượng tiên phong



Vâng, thế giới ngày nay là thế giới của nền kinh tế tri thức do trí thức thúc đẩy. Những trí thức này thúc đẩy tri thức khoa học và cũng đóng góp vào việc phát triển trên một loạt các hoạt động kinh tế như vốn, công nghệ, khả năng liên quan đến công nghệ và khoa học ở đó bằng cách làm cho chúng hiệu quả hơn và toàn diện hơn.

Do đó, trí thức đóng vai trò là lực lượng tiên phong


Vâng, thế giới ngày nay là thế giới của nền kinh tế tri thức do trí thức thúc đẩy. Những trí thức này thúc đẩy tri thức khoa học và cũng đóng góp vào việc phát triển trên một loạt các hoạt động kinh tế như vốn, công nghệ, khả năng liên quan đến công nghệ và khoa học ở đó bằng cách làm cho chúng hiệu quả hơn và toàn diện hơn.

Do đó, trí thức đóng vai trò là lực lượng tiên phong

فسر أسباب محدودية إنتاج الثروة السمكية في الوطن العربي بالرغم من الإشراف على العديد من المسطحات المائية



العرب محاط بمياه البحر والعرب في الغالب حلوى.

بسبب إنتاج الأسماك أقل من ذلك بكثير

what are the sot of steps that should we take to save our social norms and values?​



Respect and obey federal, state, and local laws. Respect the rights, beliefs, and opinions of others. Pay income and other taxes honestly, and on time, to federal, state, and local authorities. Defend the country if the need should arise.

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