Question 9 of 35
Why were Galileo Galilei's astronomical observations important to the
scientific revolution?
A. They confirmed Copernicus's controversial theory that the Earth
revolved around the sun.
OB. They proved that an empirical approach could not be used in the
study of physical motion.
O C. They demonstrated that the Bible actually supported many new
scientific discoveries.
D. They mathematically confirmed Isaac Newton's laws of motion
and theory of gravity.


Answer 1


The correct answer I believe is A


Related Questions

Which of the following motivated the 15th-century European monarchs
to find a sea route to East Asia?
A~The desire of learn native languages

B~The desire to adopt new religions and traditions

C~To create a new market for European products

D~To eliminate the high cost of trading with Italian merchants


the answer to the question is d

Eliminate the high cost of trading with Italian merchants which out of the following motivated the 15th-century European monarchs to find a sea route to East Asia. The correct option is D.

Why did European traders want to find a new route to Asia?

Europeans desired the power and wealth that would result from controlling trade. Finding all-water routes to Asia and its riches would enable European merchants to bypass Middle Eastern middlemen and reap the full benefits of eastern trade.

Explorers were funded by European leaders such as Spain's King Ferdinand and the Portuguese prince known as Henry the Navigator. Along with the prospect of discovering new trade routes, they hoped to discover new sources of gold, silver, and other valuables.

Thus, the ideal selection is option D.

Learn more about European here:


Why is Peter important in Christianity?

He led the apostles.
He wrote the parables.
He started the religion.
He challenged the pope.


I would say it would have to be A.

Hope i helped :)




Why did Western countries provide funding to Radio Free Europe and other propaganda programs during the Cold War?



Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) was founded at the start of the Cold War to broadcast uncensored news and report to listeners behind the Iron Curtain. It represented an important part in the downfall of communism and the emergence of democracies in Europe after communism.


Please help me out on this


I believe it’s the one above the answer you answered

Which sentence is correct? I was playing with my doll. I were playing with my doll.​



I was playing with my doll.

Realiza una linea del tiempo en tu cuaderno con los siguientes sucesos relevantes que sucedieron en México durante el último sigla Elecciones presidenciales, 1988. Firma del Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC), 1993. Alternancia del poder, 2000. Decena trágica, 1913. Levantamiento del ejercito EZLN, 1994. Sismo en la ciudad de México, a985. Reforma agraria, 1912, continuación en el gobierno de Lázaro Cárdenas. Movimiento estudiantil, 1968. Rebelión Maderista, 1910. Expropiación petrolera, 1938. Constitución Politica de México. 1917.​


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Esta sería la línea de tiempo con los sucesos relevantes que sucedieron en México durante el último siglo.

Rebelión Maderista, 1910. Primer movimiento organizado en los primeros momentos de la Revolución Mexicana. Su lema "Sufragio Efectivo, No Reelección." >>>

Reforma Agraria, 1912. Los caudillos revolucionarios, líderes en diferentes frente de la Revolución, comenzaron a realizar el reparto de las tierras. >>>

Decena trágica, 1913. Golpe de Estado militar, encabezado por el General Victoriano Huerta para derrocar a Francisco I. Madero, Presidente de México. >>>

Constitución Política de México. 1917.​ Fue firmada el 5 de febrero de 1917 en la ciudad de Querétaro. Reemplazó a la vieja Constitución de 1857. >>>

Expropiación petrolera, 1938. La realizó el presidente Lázaro Cárdenas, para darle a los mexicanos el control del petróleo y fortalecer la soberanía de México. >>>

Movimiento estudiantil, 1968. Los estudiantes del Instituto Politécnico Nacional y la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, toman las calles del Distrito Federal para protestar. Son reprimidos por el Ejército en la plaza de Tlatelolco. >>>

Sismo en la ciudad de México, 1985. Una de las mayores tragedias en la historia de México. Millones de personas murieron ese 19 de septiembre de 1985. >>>

Elecciones presidenciales, 1988. El primer gran fraude electoral de la época moderna de México. El candidato del Frente Cardenista, Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, ganaba la elección, per en la noche -después de las votaciones- "se cayó el sistema de conteo de votos," y al día siguiente por la mañana se declara presidente al candidato de PRI, Carlos Salinas de Gortari. >>>

Firma del Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC), 1993. Los presidente de México, Estados Unidos y el Primer Ministro de Canadá, anuncian la firma de este tratado comercial que fortalecería las relaciones comerciales frente a otros bloques comerciales en el mundo, como el de la Unión Europea. >>>

Levantamiento del ejercito EZLN, 1994. Al término del sexenio de Salinas de Gortari, un grupo rebelde toma las armas en el Estado de Chiapas, encabezad por el subcomandante Marcos. Se hace llamar Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional. >>>

Alternancia del poder, 2000. El PRI pierde las elecciones por primera vez desde la época de la Revolución. El candidato del PRI; Francisco Labastida Ochoa, pierde ante el candidato del PAN; Vicente Fox Quezada.

What would Rosa parks think of the current racial tensions


she would obviously still be disappointed. although we have come a little bit farther from when she was alive to where segregation isn’t as visible (ex: no bathrooms for certain races, no water fountains for certain races, ect.), we still have racism in today’s society that is still severe

Three Iranian revolution that resulted ayatollah ruhollah khomeini to power in. 1979



Iran voted by national referendum to become an Islamic republic on 1 April 1979 and to formulate and approve a new theocratic-republican constitution whereby Khomeini became supreme leader of the country in December 1979. The revolution was unusual for the surprise it created throughout the world


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What is reappropriation?



Reappropriation is the process of reclaiming a word or term or anything for that matter, which has previously been rejected, deemed inappropriate, unacceptable, etc. It can also mean to change the purpose of a fund or amount set aside to be used by one sector and instead used for another.


Reappropriation is the process of reclaiming a word or term or anything for that matter, which has previously been rejected, deemed inappropriate, unacceptable, etc. It can also mean to change the purpose of a fund or amount set aside to be used by one sector and instead used for another.  

The term "reappropriation" can be used in different aspects, depending on the context.

For example, the terms referring to homosexuality, or any term that may have a negative meaning are reappropriated. This means that they may have been deemed inappropriate to be used in everyday language but have now been accepted and used openly.

It can also be used to mean the re-use of any resources that were kept aside. Like, in a company, the funds were reappropriated to be used to expand the security system.  

Cesar Chavez’s background included which of the following?



which of the following what

How did the Civil War impact the culture of the South?
It eliminated racist attitudes.
It created a revival of the arts.
It made whites and free blacks equal.
It changed the structure of the social order.


Answer: It changed the structure of the social order.


The Civil War ended slavery in the South and indeed in the United States and this led to a change in the social order. Enslaved people had been at the lowest level of the social hierarchy but now they had gained equal right as the white people.

The social order therefore had to change to recognize this and for a time it worked until the end of Reconstruction. The whites in the south then forcibly put black people are the bottom of the social order but this time, the blacks had more rights than when they were enslaved.

Burzahom is in present day………………………………….



In Burzahom (in present-day Kashmir) people built pit-houses, which were dug into the ground, with steps leading into them.


The Burzahom archaeological site is located in the Kashmir Valley of the Indian union territory of Jammu and Kashmir.


In Burzahom (in present-day Kashmir) people built pit-houses, which were dug into the ground, with steps leading into them.


Hope this answer helps you :)

Have a great day

Mark brainliest

manus city in brazil is located at 60 degree west longitude. what would be the local time at manus when it is 12 noon at greenwhich​



7A.M or 8A.M base on the season at the same day.


+ Greenwich is (GMT 0) during winter . During summer, a time changes and England changes the time, so it becomes (GMT +1)

+ Manaus is (GMT-4)

Therefore, it is going to be 4 or 5 hours backwards from Greenwich. When it’s 12pm in Greenwich it is 7am in Manaus during summer, and 8am during winter.

Amistad characters, function in film chart?



not sure


Enslaved people in the New England colonies were most likely to work
A. On a sizable plantation
B. For Quaker landowners
C. In coal or mineral mines
D. As artisans or dockhands



Artisans or dockhands



Which of the following best describes the consequences ruralization for Byzantine empire



The Byzantine empire was harder to defend

Step-by-step Explanation

The Byzantine Empire was a theocracy, ruled by God through the Emperor, according to legend.

Why do you think it's important to Lewis to stretch the movement across continents?



The accomplishments of the Lewis and Clark Expedition were extensive. It altered the imperial struggle for the control of North America, particularity in the Pacific Northwest. It strengthened the U.S. claim to the areas now known as the states of Oregon and Washington.


đảng ra đời vào năm nào


Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam ra đời ngày 3/2/1930

For the first time in U.S. history, in the decision of Marbury v. Madison, the Supreme Court determined that an act
of Congress was unconstitutional. What is the significance of the Supreme Court's ability to determine the
constitutionality of an act of Congress of a law?



The significance of the Supreme Court's ability to determine the constitutionality of an act of Congress of a law is that, through Marbury v. Madison, the Supreme Court is the final interpreter of the United States Constitution, in such a way that it becomes the guarantor of its compliance through the judgment of the constitutionality of the laws passed by Congress.

In this way, the Supreme Court controls the legislative action through a check of the constitutionality of the norms, thus giving itself the power to define whether or not a norm will be operative.

one of the most important resources of tenochtitlan was
a farmland
b stone
c forest
d gold​


C I took the test yesterday

Why does Antony use Caesar's will to persuade the people that Caesar was not
a tyrant?
a. He wants the crowd to murder the conspirators.
b. He wants the people to realize that Brutus wants to gain power.
c. He wants the crowd to know that Brutus was jealous of Caesar.
d. He wants the people of Rome to turn against the conspirators.



B or D


one of this letters is correct i think correct it if im wrong

role of Mandela in Umkhonto we Sizwe ?​



he was one of the founders of it on december 16, 1961


Wind Power could be considered a BATTER source of energy than standard power plans because it-


The correct answer is C. Is a renewable energy source.


Renewable energies are all sources of energy that come from nature itself, these are characterized by being inexhaustible or very abundant, which means that their generation and consumption do not suppose a future shortage. The main sources of renewable energy are solar energy, wind, hydroelectric and geothermal energy, among others. According to the above, the power of the wind can be considered the better source of energy because it will never be scarce and it does not harm the environment or nature. Therefore, the correct answer is C. Is a renewable energy source.

What was one reason the catholic became less powerful in the 14th century



One reason the Catholic church became less powerful in the 14th century was due to the rise of a new religion that contradicted it's beliefs, and offered more than Catholic rituals. Protestantism was the religion that caused the Catholics to weaken in power. It was promoted by England and other European entities. Because of this, influence of the Vatican diminished.


The great rift is being formed by tectonic plates that are pulling away from each other what would we expect Eastern Africa to look like tens millions of years in the future as a result of this activity



c.a sea will spit the eastern coast of Africa from the rest of continent


hope it helps

Providing and recording documents are performed by:


A Notary an Glossary .

The closing agent is accountable for supplying and recording paperwork. As a result, choice (A) is the right one.

Who is a closing agent?

Closing agents are essentially professionals who work directly on behalf of the buyer by alerting the seller of the buyer's interests. They frequently relate to deals involving real estate.

A lawyer addressing a bank or lender could serve as the closing agent. A closing agent, who may work for the lender, the title business, or another organization, handles the actual closure.

A closing agent's additional responsibilities include the following:

ordering a property survey and title investigation.release of a committed title.aiding with the acquisition of necessary insuranceissuing the title insurance policy and submitting it to the lender as well as the buyerputting together the loan closing packet.

Hence, option (A) is accurate.

Learn more about a closing agent, from:


Which of the following was the precursor to the formation of the FBI?

A. the Fourteen Points
B. the Palmer Raids
C. the Red Scare
D. the Sacco and Vanzetti trial​



Option C


Palmar raids were conducted during 1919 to 1920 during the First Red Scare by the US department to arrest foreign anarchists and  communists.

FBI was formed in 1908

Sacco and Vanzetti trial​ happened in 1921

The Red Scare occurred in 1917 – 1920




Which of the following was the precursor to the formation of the FBI?

B. the Palmer Raids 

Explain the importance of House of wisdom



it is important because you will have the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment and it is really good because having the knowledge can bring or lead you to good decisions.


The House of Wisdom included a society of scientists and academics, a translation department and a library that preserved the knowledge acquired by the Abbasids over the centuries. They also researched and studied alchemy, which was later used to create the structure of modern chemistry.

Some romans embraced hun occupation. How does this document help explain causes of Rome.°,°



This document helps explain the decline of the Roman Empire because if the Romans hated the Huns so much they would not have let them take over.


describe human conditions before the common era?


Answer: The largest landholders were the Ruling Class, including the Aristocracy and the King, economics is agricultural-based, and there are many slaves.


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