Read the following excerpt from a speech given by a national leader: The price of our current war is high; it costs money and it costs lives. But it does not cost our pride. It does not cost the guilt that would arise from knowing that we did nothing to intervene while our neighboring nations fell to despotic leaders. It does not cost the terror of knowing that our allies are unstable. It does not cost the fear that we, too, will be next to fall. Which sentence most accurately explains why the speaker's use of parallel structure is effective in this passage?​


Answer 1

it emphasizes reasons to fight and inspires listeners to aid the war effort

Related Questions

Perhaps the biggest hurdle to the success of Reconstruction was the failure of whites to accept the new position blacks had in this country. Why would they have so much difficulty in accepting them?



It can generally be attributed to deep rooted racist ideals and White anger.


The failure of Whites to accept the new position Blacks had in the country can be attributed to deep rooted, long standing beliefs regarding the inferiority of African Americans as used to justify slavery. Ideas like the superiority of Whites and the inferiority of another race, White supremacy and racism, designated Blacks as below human in Southern, and in many instances, Northern society. In the South, with these ideals combined with a bitter defeat against the North and economic ruin, Whites were generally very angry. In their eyes, the Freedmen they had once owned as slaves did not deserve to stand on equal ground or vote as American citizens. Throughout the South, Freedmen also outnumbered White people in many instances. For this reason, voting Blacks held political power that Whites saw as a threat. Such harmful views towards Blacks and Black freedoms would severely inhibit their integration into American society as equals and continues to negatively impact America today.

A key principle of American democracy is that the majority rules but the rights of the political are protected



A key principle of American democracy is that the majority rules but the rights of the political minority are protected


Democracy has a duty to protect social minorities and this is one of the fundamental principles of this political aspect. In this case, it is correct to say that within democracy, the majority must make decisions and govern, but this does not mean that minorities must be marginalized and exploited, but rather helped, supported and protected, since minority groups are part of the society and are groups active in democratic processes.

Who killed the surveillance during ww2



In the aftermath of the 1970s Watergate affair and a subsequent congressional inquiry led by Sen. Frank Church,[3] it was revealed that the NSA, in collaboration with Britain's GCHQ, had routinely intercepted the international communications of prominent anti-Vietnam War leaders such as Jane Fonda and Dr. Benjamin Spock.[4] Decades later, a multi-year investigation by the European Parliament highlighted the NSA's role in economic espionage in a report entitled 'Development of Surveillance Technology and Risk of Abuse of Economic Information', in 1999.[5]


please mark brainliest.also don't copy word for word so it doesn't get marked as plagiarized.

Why did colonists start to rebel against great Britain?


Britain also needed money to pay for its war debts. The King and Parliament believed they had the right to tax the colonies. They decided to require several kinds of taxes from the colonists to help pay for the French and Indian War. ... The colonists started to resist by boycotting, or not buying, British goods.

What best describes the relationship between the industrial revolution in the scientific revolution in Europe


The available options are:

A. The Industrial Revolution was funded primarily by people who had made lots of money during the scientific revolution

.B. The purposes of the Industrial Revolution typically contradicted those of the scientific revolution.

C. Innovations made during the Industrial Revolution led directly to the scientific revolution.

D. The Industrial Revolution began when people applied the principles of the scientific revolution to farming and manufacturing.


The Industrial Revolution began when people applied the principles of the scientific revolution to farming and manufacturing


The statement that best describes the relationship between the industrial revolution in the scientific revolution in Europe is "The Industrial Revolution began when people applied the principles of the scientific revolution to farming and manufacturing."

This is based on the fact that following the scientific revolution in the 16th to 17th century in Europe, where there were series of human inventions in many areas such as Mathematics, Physics, Biology, etc.

These inventions and scientific theories were later applied to farming, manufacturing, and production processes on a larger scale in the 18th to 19th century. This involves the use of machines in the production of goods which affects the employments services situation and labor working conditions.


The Industrial Revolution began when people applied the principles of the scientific revolution to farming and manufacturing


Industrial Revolution, in modern history, the process of change from an agrarian and handicraft economy to one dominated by industry and machine manufacturing. This process began in Britain in the 18th century and from there spread to other parts of the world.

What does the name new harmony suggest about the goals of the communities founder?
A) it suggest that people who lived in the community would not have to work
B) is suggest that the founders saw the community as a place of cooperation
C) it suggest that the founder wanted people to compete for financial rewards
D) is suggest that community members would be required to study music





it suggests that the founder saw the community as a place of cooperation

The name New Harmony suggests that the goals of the community's founder were centered around cooperation. Therefore, option (B) is correct.

What was New Harmony?

The New Harmony was founded in 1814 in Indiana by a group of social reformers led by Robert Owen, a Welsh industrialist and philanthropist. The community was established as a utopian experiment, aimed at creating a society based on cooperation, mutual aid, and equality.

Owen's vision for the community included shared property and resources, education and cultural opportunities for all members, and a focus on scientific and technological progress.

The community as a place of cooperation was the  name New Harmony suggest about the goals of the communities founder. Thus, option (B) is correct.

Learn more about New Harmony here:


Long essay question

Evaluate the extent to which the Renaissance changed European society.

Please use actual historical evidence.


How the renaissance changed early modern Europe Early modern Europe was an interesting and important time for all of Europe. From 1300 to 1800, many events were set into motion that would forever change Europe, and to extent, the rest of the world.

Some American Indian students went to boarding schools in the United States. Which of the following were these students forbidden from doing?



speaking in their native languages


Some of the American Indian students were forbidden of speaking in their native languages.

This was because of declaration of preservation and promotion of rights and freedom of Native Americans to develop  Native American Languages

what two reasons does Catherine the Great give for why she should have absolute power?


Husband couldn’t handle the country and she deserved power I’m not sure about the second

In 1940, Mussolini ended Italy’s neutrality by declaring war on

the US.
the USSR and the US.
Great Britain and France.


Great Britain and France


D. Great Britain and France


Which person would be least likely to welcome globalization?

leaders in a communist nation with a command economy

a family living below the poverty level because of unemployment

a business owner looking to expand into new markets

bankers and financial consultants looking for profits from investments



family living below the property


leaders in a communist nation with a command economy


The fact that sinners in the hand of an angry god was popular suggests that the colonists



we're interested in Edward's ideas about religion


hope it helps

Which list does not describe what "Jacksonian Democracy"
Group A
Belief in the common man
O Group B
Appointing supporters to office
- Belief in the Union
O Group A
Willful disregard for legal authority
Group B
Opposition to slavery
Belief in strong federal fiscal authority
Military leadership
Creation of opportunities for women


Based on a historical perspective and the available option, the list that does not describe what "Jacksonian Democracy" is Group C: Willful disregard for legal authority.

What is Jacksonian Democracy?

Jacksonian democracy is a political term that is used to describe the 19th-century political philosophy in the United States that is defined by the expanded suffrage to most white men over the age of 21 and restructured several federal institutions.

The Jacksonian Democracy is characterized by the following:party of ordinary farmers and workers.special privileges of economic elites.affordable western land to ordinary white Americansthe two-party system and the spoils system, etc.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is Group C: Willful disregard for legal authority.

Learn more about Jacksonian Democracy here:


Answer: Group A is correct )

Explanation: I got a 100 on the test, the guy from the other answer was confused, his answer is under group a

what was the first battle of the civil war​



First Battle Of Bull-Run


People also call this the first battle of Manassas of two engagements fought at a small stream named Bull Run, in the American civil war (1st one)

Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931 because

Manchuria had refused to make peace with Japan.
Japan wanted to take back lands that belonged to it.
Japan wanted raw materials and natural resources.
Manchuria had invaded Japan during World War I.



C. Japan wanted raw materials and natural resources.


The Japan  invaded Manchuria in 1931 because Japan wanted raw materials and natural resources.

Why Japan invaded Manchuria?

Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931 for an assortment of justifications. The almost crucial of which was a terrible deficiency of resources and the threat of embargoes.

In 1931, Japan occupied the Chinese administrative district of Manchuria in hunting for raw materials to fuel its expanding industries. By 1937, Japan had seized control of wide swaths of China, and war crimes against Chinese civilians were frequent.

Therefore, option C is correct.

To learn more about the Manchuria, refer to:


What emerged in the United States in the United States during the Great Depression



When the United States finally emerged from the Great Depression during World War II, it had hundreds of new roads and public buildings, widespread electrical power, and replenished resources for industry.


Pls help tell me if I’m right if I’m not pls correct me






How does Douglass feel about the Fourth of July



Douglass said that slaves owed nothing to and had no positive feelings towards the founding of the United States: ... What, to the American slave, is your 4th of July? I answer; a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim

Which statement tells what the American colonist of the British government during the later European wars of the 1700s

A.) The British government did not have the same interests as the colonists
B.) The British government needed to pass more laws to help with trade
C.) The British government was no longer necessary in colonies
D.) The British government was doing everything necessary for the colonies




what day did Ghana get independent​



March 6, 1957



6th March 1957


On August 3, 1956, the new assembly passed a motion authorizing the government to request independence within the British Commonwealth. The opposition did not attend the debate, and the vote was unanimous. The British government accepted this motion as clearly representing a reasonable majority. On 18 September 1956, the British set 6 March 1957, the 113th anniversary of the Bond of 1844, as the date that the Gold Coast, Ashanti, the Northern Territories and British Togoland would together become a unified, independent dominion within the British Commonwealth of Nations under the name Ghana.

As a leader of the African American community, Booker T. Washington a discovered hundreds of uses for the peanut. b believed developing the economic and educational resources of the black community was secondary to achieving political equality. c promoted black self-help but did not challenge segregation directly. d shared a similar political philosophy with W.E.B. Du Bois. e helped to found the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People



c. Promoted black self-help but did not challenge segregation directly.


Booker T. Washington was a former slave who achieved his own freedom and then became an abolitionist to help other slaves be free. Some of his works including "The Story of My Life and Work" and "Up From Slavery" would become important sources and accounts of slave narrative writing.

While being sensitive to the suffering of the black people, Washington believed that abolishing segregation is not the only way to freedom. Rather, he believes that educating oneself and promoting one another, unity among the blacks and helpful to each other is more important than the abolition of the slavery system. To him, removing slavery is not what's important but uniting the people to help each other is more important.

Thus, the correct answer is option c.

Which of the following colonies offered the least amount of social equality among its settlers ?



My gut instinct says the southern colonies had the least amount of social equality, you were either a wealthy land  owner who had privilage and rights or you wroked the land. There was no inbetween


What did political cartoonist Thomas Nast work to expose?



to expose the Tammany hall corruption


hope that helps

Why does the Gettysburg address still resonate with Americans today?


Yes hope this helps you


Bidens America

how has gay liberation change discrimination in the last 50 years? how has it stayed the same?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

How has gay liberation change discrimination in the last 50 years?

It has been a very difficult road for gay people but in recent years they have earned the respect they deserved. However, as some historians say, it is still a work in progress.

Today, in general terms, people show respect for gay people. Like them or not, they at least respect them. Gay people have gained many spaces in the workplace and in the corporate world. This is part of the policies of diversity established by corporations.

How has it stayed the same?

There is still too much criticism and hate against gay people. Since those days in the summer of 1969, when gay people gathered and protested in teh streets, clashed with the New York police outside the gay bar Stonewall Inn., hate against these people has been the constant in most states of the Union.

There are many people that really cannot tolerate gays and prefer to turn their backs when they see one.

¿En qué medida la expansión de la Unión Soviética en Europa del Este fue la principal causa de la intensificación de la Guerra Fría en los años 1945-1956?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no se anexan opciones o incisos para contestar la pregunta, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

¿En qué medida la expansión de la Unión Soviética en Europa del Este fue la principal causa de la intensificación de la Guerra Fría en los años 1945-1956?

La expansión de la Unión Soviética en Europa del Este fue una de las principales causas de la intensificación de la Guerra Fría en los años 1945-1956 porque el gobierno de los Estados Unidos estaba decido a detener la expansión del Comunismo en diferentes países del mundo.

Durante la Guerra Fría, la Unión Soviética tenía el objetivo de incrementar su presencia en el mundo para expandir el sistema Comunista.

Ya lo había conseguido en Europa del este, al controlar países como Checoslovaquia, Alemania del Este, Bulgaria; Romania, Polonia y Hungría.

La Unión Soviética tenía en la mira a Corea y por esa razón apoyó a Corea del Norte, y ahí es cuando las cosas se complicaron más porque los Estados Unidos decidieron apoyar a Corea del Sur.

Lo mismo sucedió en Vietnam, la URSS apoyó a Vietnam del Norte, y los Estados Unidos respaldaron a Vietnam del Sur. Y en Cuba, la URSS apoyó totalmente el movimiento revolucionaría de Fidel Castro, incrementando la tensión entre la Unión Soviética y los Estados Unidos.  

Which is most true of Jim Crow laws?A. They were enacted mostly in the South.B. They were designed to end racial discrimination.C. They were enacted mostly in the North.D. They were designed to counter the Black Code laws.E. The were enacted as only a stop-gap procedure.



A is ur answer


Your answer would definitely be “A” since all other options contradict what the crow laws.

Which of the following was not a way that people first migrated to the islands of Oceania?

A: Small Raft
B: Airplane
C: Canoe
D: Land Bridge


A small raft I think so


Also don't mind the answer I chose, it was on accident.



its probably D, things that Edison and Einstein had in common..


Things that Edison and Einstein had in common

Should people without power use violence to make a change??


It depends. You should first use means that aren’t drastic. Meaning you should kindly fight for the right to make a change. I don’t believe you should use violence tho. Violence when used to make a change can cause greed after u get that change.
Violence often diminishes the power of those who employ it, necessitating the use of more violence in an attempt to gain or maintain control. Power and violence are not the same. ... Violence rarely creates power. In fact, groups or individuals that use violence often find their actions diminish what power they do have.
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