Read the following excerpt from the article "Vision, Voice and the Power of Creation: An Author Speaks Out," by T. A. Barron, and answer the question that follows:

Yet deeper than character, or even place, is another concept: voice. More than any other doorway to the imagination, I find this one the trickiest to open—and the hardest to close. For a character's true voice is heard, its tones, cadences, and ideas are long remembered.

The ancients [people from ancient history] used anima, in fact, to describe breath as well as soul. That is wholly appropriate, for in the breath—the voice—of a character lies its essential spirit. If the writer can truly hear the voice of a character, so will the reader.

Which phrase explicitly states the author's attitude about voice?

It is the trickiest door to open.
The ancients invented it.
Only the writer hears it.
The reader will always hear it.


Answer 1

Answer: It is the trickiest door to open.


We can infer from the text that the author here believes that the voice of a character is very challenging to hear from the phrase about it being the trickiest door to open and the hardest to close. This is therefore the author's opinion about voice.

The second option could not be the answer because they used anima not voice. The third and fourth options are incorrect as well because the writer can hear the voice but the reader does not always hear the voice as they only hear it if the writer does.

Related Questions

Essay a trip at the beach


Write an essay about a trip to the beach

Read the following passage:

The tension around me every day made things really tough.
It was bad enough that my dad was so far away for so
long. But while he was off in the jungles of Vietnam
fighting for some elusive principles, people at home were
angry and unsupportive. I wanted to be proud of my dad,
but I couldn't understand what he was fighting for. Or
against. If I could just grab ahold of that shadow, maybe I
could see things from his perspective. But it always
slipped away.

Which best explains how imagery contributes to the meaning of this

A. It gives readers a sense of grasping for something that can't be

B. It helps readers understand what the narrator's dad must be

C. It creates a clear picture of what people at home felt about the
Vietnam War.

D. It illustrates the difference between the soldiers and the



option A?


I doubt it's option B

The word shadow draws attention to the narrators confusion as it illustrates the difference between the soldiers and the protesters. Thus, option D is correct.

What does this paragraph explains?

This paragraph has explains the conflict felt by the people that connected to the troops who are fighting the war that cannot support as that they do not understand what the war has actually for. It gives the readers the sense of the grasping for something that can not be caught. It has helps the readers that understand what the narrator's dad must be feeling.

The narrator has been concerned about the father but also does not understand why that war has been necessary to be fought so he cannot support him completely either. This dilemma has been presented as an exlusive shadow which has added to the tone of the passage. It has creates the clear picture of what people at home felt about the Vietnam War.

Therefore, The word shadow draws attention to the narrators confusion as it illustrates the difference between the soldiers and the protesters. Thus, option D is correct.

Learn more about narrators on:


do you think that the victims of human right abuses are protected ?​



In my opinion victims of human rights abuses are not protected. A number of victims are abuses are afraid to report the abuse and whats more these victims and their families are threatened in order to prevent them from reporting abuse however, there were concerns over the use of force by law legal and discrimination.


help plssssssssssssssssssssss


Hey we need to know what you read and the characters perspectives if you want us to answer the question. Otherwise it’s hard to answer without context

what is the object pronoun for all the stars and planets are remarkably interested me



The speaker becomes a man after...
his mother tells him he must.
he turns 18.
the loss of a family member.
D his mom leaves his family.



C). the loss of a family member.


In the context of the poem 'David's Old Soul,' the speaker turns into a man post the 'loss of a loved one, a family member.' However, the speaker seems filled with frustration as he is unable to alter the circumstances but it is then, he is able to accept and acknowledge the new responsibilities that he has now. He derives strength and power from his past to fulfill his responsibilities properly which helps his 'soul grow deep like rivers.' Thus, option C is the correct answer.

If I have 3 classes and school ends at 2:18 P.M. How long should I work on each class for.



when do you start?


subtraxt that from where you end then divide by 3

If you were either Romeo's parents or Juliet's
parents, how would you react to your child
marrying into the family you dislike? Would you
approve once the marriage is finalized? Or would
you accept it? Who's happiness matters here?


Answer: i would accept it being that my child's happiness is more important than my own and i would be supportive even if i don't like the other side because i may have a change of heart



romeo and juliets happiness would matter. i wouldnt care who they marry as long as they are happy and that the other person is good to them. and in the story since they knew their parents wouldnt aprrove of them being married, in the end they ended up (spoiler) dead.


How does Newton's first law affect what happens when two players collide.

The faster a player is, the more likely they are to shrug off a tackle

The player with more inertia is going to change the other player's direction or speed

The more mass a player has the easier it is for him to move

It does not





Unscramble sentences
Lo necesito de ya!!



1: We always go to Shimola in winter.

We usually stay in a cottage.

Sometimes we go by bus.

Sometimes we go by car.

We often go to a temple on Sunday evenings.

Would you like some coffee?

Your story book is more interesting than my story book.

What vegetables would you like?

Tom bought the most expensive watch in the shop.


hope this helps

In winter we go to shimala . Usually we stay in a cottage .sometimes we go by bus . Sometimes we go by car. On Sunday evening we go to a temple. Would u like some coffee. My Story book is more interesting than your story book. What vegetables would you like. Tom bought the most expensive watch in the shop.

Antony has stirred up the people. What does he want them to do?



Stir Up means to cause (someone) to feel a strong emotion and a desire to do something. Thus here Antony is going to arouse the emotion of people

Which conflict is character vs. society? a boy vs. a world traveler a girl vs. her feelings about some local scientists a man vs. the new policies adopted by his neighbors a woman vs. the rocky terrain of a faraway country



Man vs. the new policies adopted by his neighbors


Societal boundaries are often derived from social policies promoted within a large group of people.

Seeing as his neighbors live where he does, he's most likely to be affected by the rules of this stature and the downfall he may have if he doesn't abide by them.

What are some of the life skills that teenagers gain from working a part-time job?



Work Experience Money Management skillsBuild Your Self Confidence and so on


Ai bought three books for $8.71, $14.12, and $21.92. What is the best estimate for the total cost of the books?



I just round the $ up or down. I would think the best estimate is $45

How much influence do you think a parent's identity has on who their child will become?



I think a parents identity or person for who they are has a lot of affect on who their child will become. We live with adults. We learn how to do things based on what we watch the adults do. Whether it's bad or not that's how we learn. They are our influence. They might even make us who we are as an adult too.


I hope this is what you asked for? If I gave you a wrong answer let me know. I'll help out! Hope your having a wonderful day and if not it'll get better! <33

NEED HELP ASAP 60 POINTS!!!!!"Hope" is the thing with feathers by Emily Dickinson, 5 Select the correct answer from the drop down, "Hope" is the thing with feathers - That perches in the soul - And sings the tune without the words - And never stops - at all How does the poet develop the theme? The poet develops the theme by And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard And sore must be the storm - That could abash the little Bird That kept so many warm explaining that hope is ar comparing hope to a bird describing how cold life ca comparing difficulties in li I've heard it in the chillest land. And on the strangest Sea - Yet - never - in Extremity, It asked arcrumb - of me.​



i think it's the second one


If I'm reading correctly, It's basically saying that hope is like a bird that sings it's tune or doesn't give up even through difficult circumstances. basically what resilient is

The main theme of the poem is when the author is comparing hope to A bird that is free and resilient no matter the situation. Thurs option B is the correct option.

What is hope written by Emily Dickens?

Hope is a popular poem in which hope is compared with the word and tells how free it is. It was first given to the spectators in 1891 and was a huge success is everyone could relate to it and the use of matter was well appreciated.

In this poem which was written, it is telling people to not let people down as hope is compared to a bird that is free to fly and everyone can reach whatever destination that they want to with little courage and hope with what they need to master.

Emily also suggests that people should never stop what they are doing and always have the courage and hope that they would once attend succeed. Even though the weather conditions are cold the birds still fly is used to motivate the people. Therefore, option B is the correct option.

Learn more about hope, here:


Which statement best explains how culture affects Srimati's life?



where are the statements

What figure of speech is "to fail to prepare is to prepare to fail​"



im pretty sure its an oxymoron but i may be wrong


hope its right, but im sorry if not

Minor premise: The government of England is subjecting the American colonists to laws that take away their unalienable rights.

Jefferson’s reasoning is valid, but what could be added to the minor premise to strengthen the conclusion that revolution is necessary?

Only democracies can protect unalienable rights.

All governments need to take away some of these rights.

Once governments take away these rights, they cannot be returned.

Colonists have previously asked the king to reform these laws.



Only democracies can protect unalienable rights.


To reinforce Jefferson's position, the premise that only democracies can protect unalienable rights can be added. Thus, he not only would focus on the revolution as the way to replace the government of the king, but also as the way to establish a government of, by and for the American people.

That is, citizens would be urged to actively participate in politics and to make decisions based on popular sovereignty as a way of deciding the direction of the country, moving away from tyrannical systems such as absolutist monarchies.


Colonists have previously asked the king to reform these laws



If the Sun were the size of a ball a man could stand in, how big would earth be?


Answer: I would say A


Because the sun is approximately 1 million times bigger than the earth in terms of scale and mass which would mean that 1 million earths can fit into the sun. So therefore the grape in my opinion would best signify the earth. I hope I'm right

What type of word is “riveting”? A noun or a verb? How do you know?





verb version

definition-to fasten with a rivet or rivets.

addaptation-(to rivit sompthing) is an action

noun version

definition (completely engrossing; compelling.)

is a describing word so its a noun

Outlining and mapping are two ways of organizing your ideas during the _______ stage of the writing process.



prewriting  ...

it could be brainstorming or planning

in which province in South Africa is Marico​



North West Province


Groot Marico is a hamlet in the North West Province of South Africa.

a. write if these sentence are active or passive
1. mary makes coffee every morning
2. Jack wrote a letter.
3. the whole cake was eaten.
4. my mom went to bed early.
5. the cars were washed



1. active




PART A: Which of the following TWO phrases best identify the central ideas of this article?
A Automated services are a cheaper, more effective, and less error-prone
alternative to employing humans in secretarial positions.
B. The original Luddites, fearful of their jobs being rendered obsolete by
technology, tried in vain to prevent that technology from being implemented.
C. George Devoľs invention, Unimate, caused civil unrest by revolutionizing the
structure of the American economy.
D. Unskilled factory jobs are increasingly difficult to hold onto; within 100 years
there will likely be no more factory jobs left in America.
E. Technological advancement may have both negative and positive economic
effects; what is certain is that it is a force that cannot be slowed.
The Industrial Revolution doomed progressive efforts to reduce income
inequality between the upper and lower classes.


B I’m not completely sure tho

Can someone do this for me please? No random spam in the answers.

-Not on Edge-

Write a summary of the central idea of "The Prince".



write a summer of the central

39. My brother can’t speak English so he understands nothing about this song.

→ Because of



It's in a different language


I'm not sure if it's correct but maybe

Because we all spring
from different trees
does not mean
we are not created equally

How does this help develop a theme?
Someone please help!



I think the theme would be that "just because we're human doesn't mean we're are the same."

NEED HELP ASAP 60 POINTS!!!!!!"Hope" is the thing with feathers by Emily Dickinson "Hope" is the thing with feathers – That perches in the soul - And sings the tune without the words - And never stops - at all – And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard And sore must be the storm - That could abash the little Bird That kept so many warm - I've heard it in the chillest land- And on the strangest Sea - Yet - never - in Extremity. It asked a crumb - of me.​


the one that you already have highlighted is correct!

The poet compares hope to a bird with feathers that perches in the soul and sings a sweet tune without words.

What is the poem about?

The poem "Hope" develops its theme through the use of extended metaphor, personification, and imagery.

Hope, according to the poet, is like a bird with feathers that perches in the soul and sings a sweet tune without words.

Even in the midst of a storm, the bird never stops singing. The storm represents life's challenges and difficulties, which can put one's faith to the test, but hope persists even in the darkest of times.

By describing how the little bird kept many warm, the poet also emphasises the importance of hope in the face of adversity.

The poem develops the theme of hope as a powerful force that can withstand even the most difficult circumstances, but it must be actively cultivated in order to thrive.

Thus, this way, the poet developed the theme.

For more details regarding theme, visit:


Form Adjectives from the given words given below:- 1. Enjoy 2. Day 3. Escape 4. Like 5. Rain 6. Courtesy 7. Athlete 8. Life



1. Enjoy - Enjoyable

2. Day - Daily

3. Escape - Escape

4. Like - Likable

5. Rain - Rainy

6. Courtesy - Courtesy

7. Athlete - Athletic

8. Life - livable


Forming one form of speech from a given word can be trivial as well as full of fun. Some are readily obvious while some are not. Many times it requires removing some characters from the source word and adding new set of characters (usually suffixes) to it to form the intended word.

1. Enjoy is normally a verb. To change it to an adjective, one might need to add the suffix -able to it. This gives enjoyable.

For example;

What an enjoyable moment!

2. Day is a noun. To change it to an adjective, one might need to append the string -ily to it to form daily.

For example;

Give us our daily bread.

3. Escape could be a verb, a noun and/or even an adjective depending on the context.

For example;

Show me the escape route. [Here, escape is an adjective]

4. Like could be a noun or a verb depending on the context. To change it to an adjective, simply append -able to form likable.

For example;

It feels likable.

5. Rain is a noun. To change it to an adjective, simply append -y to it to form rainy.

For example;

We are in the rainy season

6. Courtesy could be a noun or an adjective depending on its context of usage.

For example;

This is a courtesy gift.  [Here courtesy is an adjective]

7. Athlete is a noun. Adding -ic changes it to athletic which is an adjective.

For example;

There is going to be an athletic competition.

8. Life is normally a noun. Its adjective form is livable.

For example;

This environment is conducive and livable.

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