Sign language interpreters need to use a code of ethics when they are interpreting for people. Imagine you are interpreting over video relay for a Deaf adult conversing with their hearing parent during which they are having a very emotional argument. The parent says, “You are a horrible person and I never want to talk to you again!” How would you handle this situation? Would you try to comfort the Deaf person? What are ethical ways to act as the professional interpreter in this situation?


Answer 1

Answer and Explanation:

A sign language interpreter must act professionally and translate what is being said, no matter the content of the message, as it is ethical behavior for this type of professional to translate the message completely, impartially and truthfully. Therefore, in the case presented in the question above, I would convey the message as it was spoken, since this was my duty as a professional. After the conversation between father and son is over and my work is done, I could comfort the deaf if I were intimate with him and were friends to that extent, but otherwise it would not be appropriate to interfere in the deaf's personal life.

Answer 2


A sign language interpreter must act professionally and translate what is being said, regardless of the content going on around them. It would be professionally inappropriate to get involved into the child's personal life if the child themself is not in danger or at risk.  After the family conversation is finished and my work is completed, I could comfort the deaf if it is needed by them. If help is needed, I could comfort them while having the right authorities sent over to the house.


Its a similar answer to the person above with some altercations to how i would handle the situation, i got 100% after i submitted.

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i am indian jai hind?​



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mee too Indian

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ano pu babhahah

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LOL was kind of hoping you would provide the city or a picture


Anywhere u like if u had shown a pic I would have answered

Meredith is using Twitter to gather real-time questions and feedback during her online presentation. What tool is Meredith incorporating in her speech?

interactive elements

presentational software

teleconference platforms




A. interactive elements


Presentation can be defined as an act of talking or speaking formally to an audience in order to explain an idea, piece of work, project, and product with the aid of multimedia resources or samples.

Similarly, an online presentation refers to speaking to an audience through the use of digital resources and over the internet.

Basically, any speaker who wish to create an effective presentation should endeavor to interact frequently with the audience by holding a conversation.

In this scenario, Meredith is using Twitter to gather real-time questions and feedback during her online presentation. Thus, the tool (Twitter) Meredith is incorporating in her speech is interactive elements.

This ultimately implies that, to create an effective presentation, speakers are saddled with the responsibility of using interactive elements to interact more often with the audience by taking questions, making a joke, getting them to repeat loud informations at intervals, etc.

Which examples are relevant sources for students to use in research? Check all that apply.

a journal entry written by a professor who is considered an expert
a report written by an independent government source
a presentation by a company that includes paid information
a document published by a renowned organization
a scientific paper put out by a non-profit organization
a blog whose author tries to sell a product or service



I. a journal entry written by a professor who is considered an expert.

II. a report written by an independent government source.

III. a document published by a renowned organization.

IV. a scientific paper put out by a non-profit organization.


An information source can be defined as a system or medium through which informations, knowledge and ideas may be gotten and used by an individual. An information source can either be a primary or secondary source of information.

Generally, the source options for informations includes the following; television, radio, web, newspapers, journals, magazines, etc.

All information source to be used in a literary work are expected to be unbiased, trustworthy and reliable. Also, they should be backed up by evidence from various information channels, accurate and relevant.

Relevance simply deals with the importance of an information for a writer's need. Thus, you should determine if the information addresses your questions or is related to your research.




correct on edge

What is occupational education and its importance?​



Occupational education refers to a total program of education oriented to the world of work. This education may be in job skills and knowledge for a cluster occupational area. It should go without saying that expert counseling and advisement are necessary during the total educational process.

Which sentence is conditional but not subjunctive?

If I had been angry, I would have said something.
If I were tired, I would go to sleep.
If it is a nice day, we will go to the beach.
If I were to get a car, I would give you a ride.



If I were to get a car, I would give you a ride.


Subjunctive is a special verb which expresses the mood a person. It adds expression to the sentence and listener or reader can identify the exact emotion of the speaker.




That was smooth huh?
Smooth like butter


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How should you proceed to read when you get to a comma?
a. you should take a breath
c. you should pause
b. you should stop, then read again
d. none of the above


C. You should pause— when reading aloud, you should allow for a short pause when there’s a comma in a sentence.
You should pause when reading and coming across a comma

what is the abbriviation of SABC​



South African Broadcasting Channel

What did God see as the proper relationship to the land?



use of land proper not polluting it..faeming and growing..irrigation it properly..taking care of it

Explicação sobre o texto de Eça de Queirós SEGUROS OBRIGATÓRIOS NÃO OBRIGAM SEGURADORAS respostas 1. Justifique o título do texto. 2. Depois de referir o desfecho do caso de "uma caixa de águas pluviais", por que acrescenta o autor do texto que "[se] tratou de duas companhias portuguesas"? 3. Explique por que razão é que o caso da Império é "espantoso" . 4. Explique por palavras suas o sentido das seguintes palavras e/ou expressões, atendendo ao contexto específico em que ocorrem. 4.1. « politicamente incorreta, socialmente injusta, economicamente desfasada » 4.2. «avençados» 4.3. «paradigmático» 4.4. «dirimir» 4.5. «leonino» 5. "A argúcia de Eça foi tal que ainda hoje os seus escritos mantêm a atualidade." Concorda com a observação anterior, segundo a qual a argúcia de Eça se mantém atual? Justifique, apresentando os seus argumentos em oito / dez linhas (no máximo).



Explanation:Explicación del texto de Eça de Queirós EL SEGURO OBLIGATORIO NO OBLIGA A LOS ASEGURADORES Respuestas 1. Justifique el título del texto. 2. Después de referirse al resultado del caso de "un tanque de agua de lluvia", ¿por qué el autor del texto agrega que "[se] trataba de dos empresas portuguesas"? 3. Explique por qué el caso Empire es "asombroso". 4. Explique con sus propias palabras el significado de las siguientes palabras y / o expresiones, dado el contexto específico en el que ocurren. 4.1. «Políticamente incorrecto, socialmente injusto, económicamente desactualizado» 4.2. “Acuerdos” 4.3. “Paradigmático” 4.4. "eliminar" 4.5. «Leonino» 5. "La astucia de Eça fue tal que aún hoy sus escritos siguen vigentes". ¿Está de acuerdo con la observación anterior, según la cual la astucia de Eça sigue vigente? Justifique presentando sus argumentos en ocho / diez líneas (máximo).

porfavor me das una corona

If you drive 15 miles due east, where will you be?



U would be in south


an integer is selected at random from the set Y={6<x<16}. what is the probability that x has two digits.​





because there are 10 numbers between 6 and 16, 6 of which have 2 digits

what do i do to make a passive voice active



so if the sentence is

the mouse was killed by the cat -Passive

changes to

the cat killed the mouse


the bag was lost by him -passive

He lost the bag -active





make the agent of the sentence into a subject and turn the old subject into the object. For example:(ths is a passive sentence): "The article is being read by my most of my class." ( The agent is most of my class and The subject is the article) Hope this helps!!

How does transformation relate to energy?

Transformation reduces the amount of energy.
As energy change from one form to another it transforms.
Transformation produces more energy.
Transformation causes energy to change.


Energy transformation is when energy changes from one form to another – like in a hydroelectric dam that transforms the kinetic energy of water into electrical energy. While energy can be transferred or transformed, the total amount of energy does not change – this is called energy conservation.

No livro contos brasileiros 2 se destaca um conto com focos narrativo onipresentes e onisciente qual este conto


Answer and Explanation:

Olá. Imfelizmente não é possivel ter acesso ao livro "Contos Brasileiros 2" e por isso não é possivelte falar qual dos contos a sua eprgunta se refere. Entrento, eu vou te explicar o que são focos narrativos oniscientes e onipresentes e espero que isso te ajude a encontrar o conto que você precisa.

Um foco narrativo onisciente é aquele que apresenta um narrador que conhece o pensamento de todos os personagens da historia, enquanto que, o foco narrativo onipresente é aquele que apresenta um narrador que tem conhecimento de todos os eventos da historia. No geral, os narradors onicientes são também onipresetnes e conhecem a historia completa, sem nenhum limite, além de saber detalhes importantes da narrativa e detalhes pessoais dos personagens como pensamentos, sentimentos e emoções.

Translate the following sentences into Chinese and make sure you place the location of the action correctly.

(pls no use gogle trasnlate i will know if you do :) )

1) I watch a movie at home.

2) I work at school.

3) I dance at school.

4) I read at home.

5) I eat Chinese food in China.

6) I watch a ball game in Germany.

7) I drink tea in Japan.

8) I drink coffee in France.

9) I drink cola in America.



Hi I'm Chinese so I hope it helps











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