The blurring of forms, colors and values as they appear to recede into the background is called:


Answer 1

Answer: It is called blending

Related Questions

El mosquito transmisor del dengue (aedes aegypti) tiene contextura mediana, color oscuro y bandas blancas en forma de anillo en el cuerpo y en las patas. Vive y deposita sus huevos en los alrededores e interior de las casas, en recipientes que acumulan agua. El dengue clásico es(definición) una enfermedad infecciosa de causa viral que se presenta con un cuadro febril. Se trata de una enfermedad estacional que se manifiesta en los meses cálidos, principalmente en febrero y marzo. Todos los seres humanos estamos expuestos a contraerla. los síntomas del dengue clásico son:(definición) dolor intenso de los músculos y articulaciones, fiebre alta y repentina, decaimiento general, dolor de cabeza y detrás de los ojos. La variedad denominada dengue hemorrágico se produce cuando una persona que ya ha tenido la enfermedad es infectada por un serotipo diferente de virus. Este caso es menos frecuente e incluye los síntomas del dengue clásico, aunque con manifestaciones hemorrágicas. Múltiples causas están contribuyendo a la propagación y mayor actividad del dengue:(definición) crecimiento demográfico, urbanización, deficiencias del saneamiento ambiental, aumento del número de envases plásticos descartables en el ambiente, que se convierten en criaderos importantes para el mosquito, y el incremento en la frecuencia de los viajes. Esto facilita la difusión del vector y virus del dengue.
1_ ¿Qué procedimientos explicativos se usan en este texto? Subrayenlo





Please answer correctly and no links





it is a round note because of how it is drawn

Thr correct answer is Round

"Oedipus Rex " is play written by ________​


Oedipus Rex is a play by Sophocles and it was performed sometime between 430 and 426 BCE. :)

Style in art helps to
A catgorize art
B teach artist specific tecniques
C predict future trends in art
D keep valuable woprks of art protected



predict future trends in art




One of William Shakespeare most popular play is entitled ________​



Romeo and Juliet is one of William Shakespeare most popular play.


This is tragedy but delightfully play which is remarkable once you've watch or read the book.

Romeo & Juliet

Explanation: It is a requirement to learn in schools, and it’s referenced all the time on films, books and etc… And plus, everyone knows or has heard at least one quote from that play.

Which of the following artists watched and then painted from memory the fire at
England's House of Parliament?
Naum Gabo
OJ.M.W. Turner
Gustav Klimt


Answer:j.m.w turner


Negative spaces acquire a sense of volume and form by means of the outline or frame that surrounds them.



Negative spaces are empty spaces that acquire a sense of volume and form by means of the outline or frame that surrounds them. Negative spaces can be used to suggest form. ... By means of illusion, a sense of depth or 3 dimensions an be achieved on a flat surface.

Is A gargoyle is like a waterspout for a building?



a waterpout I think I may be wrong

Yes, a gargoyle is a waterspout, usually carved to resemble an odd or monstrous creature, that protrudes from a structure's wall or roofline

A french opera composer and a pianist , one of his most popular composition is entitled "CARMEN" . He is non other than ___________________________.​


I believe it’s Georges Bizet :)
Answer- Georges Bizet !


In what situation would you bake a pie crust without filling?


Answer: mmmmm maybe when ur in a rush

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