The defendant discovered that his friend had hit and killed a pedestrian while driving that afternoon, and that he had fled from the scene of the crime before the police arrived. To keep his friend out of trouble, the defendant fixed all the dents in the car caused by the collision and had the vehicle painted a different color. The friend, distraught about hitting and killing someone, eventually turned himself in and told the police what he had done and what the defendant had done for him. The defendant was charged as an accomplice to vehicular manslaughter in a state that follows the modern trend regarding accomplice liability. How should the defendant be found


Answer 1


Not guilty, because he only helped his friend after the crime was already committed.


There are 3 main type of parties to a crime. they include;

1. Principals  Parties

This is simply refred to as  those individual are those who along with required mental state, actually engage in the act or omission that causes the criminal result.

2. An accomplice

This is simply refered to as an individual who with the known intention that the crime be committed, aids, counsels, or encourages the principal before or during the process of the offense being carried out. Under modern statutes, accomplices are generally treated as principals.

3. An accessory after the fact

This is refered to as individuals  one who receives, relieves, comforts, or assists another knowing that he has committed a felony, in order to help the felon escape arrest, trial, or conviction.

When compared to an accomplice, an accessory after the fact has actually committed a separate crime with a punishment  and it is totally different and unrelated to the felony committed by the friend in this case. In the instant case, it is obvious that the defendant helped his friend in avoiding capture, that he provided no aid to the substantive offense, and that he did not intend the substantive offense to occur. Thus, he is an accessory after the fact and not an accomplice. Therefore, the defendant is not an accomplice, so due to the facts presented, it can therefore be said that he cannot be criminally liable for any other crimes committed by his friend.

Related Questions

What helped the English defeat the Armada?
Many of the ships changed sides and joined the English
A large storm
The invention of steam power
A surprise attack on Spanish port cities



surprise attack on Spanish port cities


In a surprise attack, the English sent fire ships downwind into the closely anchored Spanish vessels. Although no Spanish ships were actually lost or seriosly damaged in thefire, it caused them to scatter and break their defensive “crescent formation”, allowing the English to attack.




in 1588 king Philip 2 of Spain sent an Armada to collect his army from the fighting and take them to invade England. the English was able to defeat the Armada because of the wind blew the Spanish ship northward

Do you agree with the United States' decision to intern Japanese Americans during World War II? Why or why not?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Do you agree with the United States' decision to intern Japanese Americans during World War II?

No, I don't. President Roosevelt was not justified in ordering executive order 9066 which resulted in the internment of Japanese American citizens. It is true that some of his cabinet members -such as the Secretary of Defense- believed that the executive order was necessary and justified. However, that order treated Japanese American people as a prisoner of war, isolated in the interim camps such as Manzanates, California, and that was not a way to treat an American citizen.

For some historians, those camps resemble in concept, the Nazi camps of World War II, taking into consideration the proportions of this comparison.

Besides, there was no real evidence that proved that these Japanese Americans were spies or had ties with the Japanese Army.

Describe the purpose of you party, including the name you would give to it and the political platform it would embrace.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

The name of my party will be "The Transformation Party."

The purpose of my party would be to create new approaches to see things in politics, the economy, and social life, to offer notorious changes in the way politicians offer solutions to people's concerns.

The political platform it would embrace would be neither left nor right, nor democrat or republican. It would be the moderate center, which means that it welcomes the free enterprise system but with a social vision that is sensible to the necessities of poor people and medium class, knowing that Capitalism in its neoliberalist approach has made richer people richer, and poor people, poorer.

Political parties are organizations that have platforms in which they define the type of government they aspire for the country and the way to reach the goals established in their plans and programs. People are free to vote for the party and the candidate they want.

10. Just before being beheaded, this person suggested that his severed head would be "well worth seeing".​


Yes because be headed well worth

Read the headline below to answer the following question

“Massive Disney-Fox deal expected to get close antitrust scrutiny” - December 14, 2017

The headline above is an example of government in a Free Enterprise system trying to ensure

a a decrease in government intervention
b competition among businesses
c an increase in economic freedom.
d private property to individuals


Answer: B: Competition among businesses

Explanation: Well we can tell it isn't "A: a decrease in government intervention" and it isn't "D: private property to individuals". That leaves B and C and ultimately it is B.

could someone type me a paragraph about how the spread of Christianity affected today's society?​




Christianity made imagrey such as crosses very standard. It also bookmarked jesus as a universally moral individual in many even non christian societies.

Religions such as Islam take alot from Biblical Canon. This means people such as jesus and david are considered holy prophets.

the value of permittivity of free space (£0) is _____



The value of ε 0 (permittivity of the free space) is. A. ... If ε 0 , μ 0 and c represent the relative permittivity of free space, the magnetic permeability of free space and the velocity of light respectively, which of the following combinations of correct?


Name one example of a mineral in the form of :
(a) element
(b) natural compound ​



b) natural compound


which people in government are directly elected by voters on a federal level


In most states, other leaders in the executive branch are also directly elected, including the lieutenant governor, the attorney general, the secretary of state, and auditors and commissioners.

cantidad de vapor de agua contenida en la atmósfera​



La concentración del vapor de agua en la atmósfera es muy variable espacial y temporalmente, pero su proporción promedio en un volumen mezclado de aire es del orden de 1 por ciento, por lo que puede considerarse el tercer gas más abundante en la atmósfera.


Espero que te ayude


que tenga un lindo día

Dr. Whitehorse, an abnormal psychology professor, explains that he believes that the symptoms of schizophrenia take shape when individuals try to make sense of hallucinations and conclude incorrectly that the source is external. Dr. Whitehorse is providing a _____ explanation of the symptoms of schizophrenia. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.





From the question we are informed about Dr. Whitehorse, who is an abnormal psychology professor, explains that he believes that the symptoms of schizophrenia take shape when individuals try to make sense of hallucinations and conclude incorrectly that the source is external. Dr. Whitehorse is providing a cognitive

explanation of the symptoms of schizophrenia.

Cognition can be regarded as mental activity, theses activities could involves

learning, using language as well as

thinking and remembering. Application of cognitive approach to learning and teaching focus on the understaning of information as well as the concepts. cognitive approach argues with

interactionist view that learning and experience can influence our behavior. In a case whereby we have understanding about connections that exist between concepts as well as break down information and if we can rebuild them with logical connections, then there will be increase in understanding and rention of material

Anatomical features between blue crab and horn corals



Blue crabs have three pairs of walking legs and paddle-shaped rear swimming legs. Males have a strongly tapered abdomen, or "apron," that resembles an inverted T, mature females have a broad, rounded abdomen, and immature females have a triangular abdomen

The outside of these corals have a wrinkled appearance. Horn Coral grows in a long cone shape like a bull's horn. The fossil is the skeleton of the coral animal or polyp. They built these cone shaped structures from calcium carbonate that came from the ocean water.

What is another name for a republic?


Government could be another word for republic


nouncountry with its own government. body politic. commonwealth. community. democracy.


Elabora un organizador visual que corresponda a la siguiente pregunta : ¿Cuáles son los beneficios de mantener una buena salud respiratoria y emocial? Me ayudan pliss


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

No podemos hacer el organizador visual porque esa parte de la tarea es importante que tú la hagas. Pero con gusto podemos compartirte las ideas para que las incluyas en tu organizador.

Los beneficios de mantener una buena salud respiratoria y emocional son los siguientes.

Salud respiratoria:

-Previene la posibilidad de manifestar enfermedades infecciosas como los diversos tipos de gripa.

-Nos proporcionan mayor oxigenación a los pulmones y de ahí, a nuestro torrente sanguíneo.

-Nos permite mayor capacidad física y resistencia al momento de hacer actividades.

-Nos facilita el importantísimo proceso de respiración.

-Tomar remedios naturales como el limón, la miel, la vitamina C, reducen el riesgo de enfermedades respiratorias. Y claro, evitar las corrientes de aire y mantenerse correctamente abrigados.

Salud emocional:

-Nos permite mantener una paz interior.

-Nos ayuda a pensar las cosas con claridad.

-Ayuda a no enojarse ni explotar frente a los problemas e imprevistas.

-Mejora la calidad del sueño y del descanso.

-Mejora nuestro humor.

what happens right after a war ?​





Shellshock is a form of ptsd.

20 Pointsss!! Please help <3
*Called to the difficult and responsible station of Executive Chief of the Provisional Government which you have instituted, I approach the discharge of the duties assigned me with an humble distrust of my abilities, but with a sustaining confidence in the wisdom of those who are to aid and guide me in the administration of public affairs, and an abiding faith in the patriotism and virtue of the people.*

What is the meaning of the word station as it is used in the sentence?

A. place or building
B. nickname or label
C. journey or route
D. title or office




It is saying that the person was called to the difficult and responsible station (title/office) of Executive Chief. The person BECAME the executive chief.

The term civil rights is best defined as:
A. the rights that protect citizens from unequal treatment.
B. the power of state governments to set up segregated schools.
C. the ability of the Supreme Court to change U.S. laws.
D. the rights that are given by states instead of the federal





Do tell me if its wrong, sorry an advance if its wrong ...

The answer choice is A

Who is the first president of the United States​


it is George Washington
George Washington i belive

Which push factors resulted in the arrival of the East Indians in Jamaica?​


Question: Which push factors resulted in the arrival of the East Indians in Jamaica?​

Answer: Following the abolition of slavery in the1830s, after failed attempts to source much-needed labour through bountied European immigration, the Jamaican Government turned to India and China. Indian labourers who had already proved successful in Mauritius, were therefore considered to be a good bet for survival in Jamaica.

Explanation: They were, however, paid less than the ex-slaves and therefore originally lodged at the bottom of the society. Ironically, under the terms of their caste system, which valued light skin over dark, they in turn looked down on the ex-slaves. Relations between the two groups did not therefore begin on the best of footings. The Indian Government took great interest in indentured labour. Recruiting depots were established in Calcutta and Madras and agents were paid significantly less, per recruit, than for a European labourer). The Government monitored recruitment, the terms and conditions of indentureship, and the guidelines for transport to Jamaica as well as eventual repatriation to India. Most Indians who signed onto indentureship did so with the hope of returning to their homelands with greater wealth and therefore better social positions. It even appointed a Protector of Immigrants in the country of indenture. Unfortunately, as the Protector was never an Indian national, he tended to be more interested in the welfare of the employers than the labourers ­ a sign that the programme would equal one of hardship for the labourers. In order to sign onto an indentureship Indians were to appear before a magistrate, hold a government permit and fully understand the conditions of the labour contract. However, the contract was often explained in English and thousands of labourers simply put their thumb marks on the required line, without any true understanding of what awaited them following their journey across the sea.

Additional Note:  I hope that this helps you! Have a good day!

Which Roman social class included noble families? gladiators magistrates patricians plebeians





They were descendants of noble families, making them a part of the noble families.




Simon developed two forms of an intelligence test. In the second form, he changed the wording and order of the questions. He administered both forms to the same group of participants two weeks apart. While scoring the tests, Simon realized that the participants' answers to the different forms of the test were dissimilar. In this case, the tests are said to have:



Low alternate form reliability



This is defined simply as the extent to which test scores are dependable that is can be relied on, consistent and stable across items on a test, two different forms of a test, or across repeated administrations of a test. It often directed to the results of the test, not the test itself.

Types of reliability



Inter-rater reliability

Internal consistency

How did FDR seek to reassure Americans about the banking system?



The Emergency Banking Act of 1933, passed by Congress on March 9, 1933, three days after FDR declared a nationwide bank holiday, combined with the Federal Reserve's commitment to supply unlimited amounts of currency to reopened banks, created 100 percent deposit insurance".

Fred has noticed that when Ricky ends a rant, he typically pauses for three or four minutes then resumes ranting. He decided to introduce a self-calming activity during the pause to try to eliminate the repetitive rants or at least extend the amount of time between iterations. To assess effectiveness, he would need to collect ____________________ data.



Inter-response time


The 3 Dimensional Quantities of Measurement includes

1. Repeatability- includes; count, rate/frequency, celeration

2. Temporal Extent- includes duration

3. Temporal Locus- includes response latency, interresponse time (IRT)

Temporal Locus

This is simply known as the point in time at which a behavior is said to occur. It includes responce latency and interresponse time.

Interresponce Time (IRT)

This is simply defined as the rate or.amount of time that goes by or occur between 2 consecutive occurences of a response class. Its main goal and focus is to measures time between two successive responses.

The advantage of this measure is that it is in line that is it correlates with rate (the longer IRT the slower the rate, the shorter the IRT the faster the rate)

While the disadvantage to IRT is that the second response must hapoen within the observation tims or session or the data would not be needed anymore.

Which of the following IS NOT a form of government?
Separation of Powers
Limited Government
State Power
Representative Government
Popular Sovereignty



State power.


State power is not a form of government, but the capacity of the state to exercise power over a territory and its people. In a democratic state, the people of the state are seen as the source of legitimacy for state power. The people then count as sovereign and generally they themselves have once promulgated a constitution to establish and regulate the state power of the state.

Please help, I'll give brainliest to whoever that answers first. The answer must include good and understandable explanations & a answer.


I believe it is C

Only because there are two options for prosperity and freedom

how is the society classified on the basis of time? which one do you think is the most civilized? why​



Don't believe everything you hear, don't believe everything you read, and believe only half of what you see."

express 0.0006131 in standard form​



[tex]6.131 \times {10}^{ - 4} [/tex]

Explain the Japanese clan system​



This is a list of Japanese clans. The old clans (Gōzoku) mentioned in the Nihon Shoki and Kojiki lost their political power before the Heian Period, during which new aristocracies and families, Kuge, emerged in their place. After the Heian Period, the warrior clans (Samurai) gradually increased in importance and power until they came to dominate the country.Before the emperors, Japan had a system of clans, each made up of people that were related to each other by either blood or marriage, and a common ancestor. Every clan was ruled by a few powerful nobles, who were also the religious leaders for the clan. ... So, the first emperor of Japan came from the Yamato clan.


#hopeithelpsmark me as your brainliest pls

Which of the following events is last in chronological order?

A. The signing of the Magna Carta

B. The first Crusade

C. Many Christian monasteries began

D. Kings held complete authority



Answer:    C  

Explanation:   monasticism emerged in the late 3rd century and had become an established institution in the christian church by the 4th century

short moral story about public participation


Once there lived a queen, she was a kind hearted person and wanted to see her subjects happy. Despite having few representatives of public, who told her about people's problems, some people were still unsatisfied. They once wrote a letter to the queen suggesting that public meetings should be hold at regular intervals in which decisions about subjects should be taken. The queen was really impressed by the suggestion and made a policy on the same. From then everyone was satisfied from the decisions.

Note:You may want to change the bold words as follows:

Queen: Minister/Official

Subjects: Citizens

Hope it helps!!
Other Questions
Dawn's bridal boutique is having a sale on evening dresses. The increase in consumer surplus comes from the benefit of the lower prices to a. both existing customers who now get lower prices on the gowns they were already planning to purchase and new customers who enter the market because of the lower prices. b. only new customers who enter the market because of the lower prices. c. only existing customers who now get lower prices on the gowns they were already planning to purchase. d. Consumer surplus does not increase; it decreases. Find the MEDIAN for the data set: 8, 4, 6, 6, 8, 2, 6,5 Suppose that the dollar cost of producing x ratios is c(x)=800+40x-0.2x^2. Find the average cost per radio of producing the first 40 radios. Which statement is true?(1) B and C have the same zeros.(2) A and B have the same y-intercept.(3) B has a minimum and C has a maximum.(4) C has a maximum and A has a minimum. AGE NO.:DATE:simplify!12 / 24 - 3/216 +5600 -5554 -3(-7 - x) = 1/2 (x + 2) Guillermo's wife was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Guillermo had to take a considerable amount of time off work to care for their children, and he was late in completing his portion of a large project. Guillermo never feared that his job was in jeopardy because of his absences or his delay in completion of work. Name the major job attitude relative to the above stated example. Which of the following is most clearly an example of iambic pentameter? Applications and Reasoning:4. Find the sum of: 300 + 301 + 302 + 303 + 304 + ... + 1239. Which object would most like absorb sound? what's the answer? help asap plssssssPlease show full explanation! find the Midpoint M of the segment joining the points S=(-7,-8) an T= (3,-4) Suppose a ship's load has 10 containers in each row from one side to the other, 15 containers in each row from front to back, and 8 layers of containers. How many containers are in the whole load? 3 Which of the following sentences is all example of a logical fallacy?A People of all generations are constantly seeking the popular vote to maintain theirstatus as social media royalty.B In 2009, the "like" button was added.C Social media users have billions of others to compare and rate themselvesagainst.D Social media is not the cause of low self-esteem or a lack of confidence. Sixty percent of all children in a school do not have cavities. The probability, rounded to four decimal places, that in a random sample of 9 children selected from this school, at least 6 do not have cavities is: What does the word punctilious most likely suggest Angles with sides that form two pairs of opposite rays are called Whats the Angle for A,B, and C? Ive been stuck on this problem for a while. It would be great if you helped TIU LUN PHN TCH NHNG THAY I TRONG PHN B CNG NGHIP V TC NG CA CHNG N S PHT TRIN KINH T X HI NC NGA Label the rhythm using numbers underneath each noteheadPLEASE HELP!