The diagram shows fossil layers in different locations. The different shading in the diagram indicates different types of rock.

How could fossils like the ones shown support the theory of evolution?

A. Fossil evidence supports the hypothesis that evolution can occur at different rates in different clades.
B. Fossil evidence supports the hypothesis that individual organisms and populations evolve to adapt to a changing environment.
C. Fossil evidence provides a complete record of the organisms that once lived and are ancestors to other organisms.
D. Fossil evidence provides information on the allele frequency in ancestral populations.


Answer 1


C. Fossil evidence provides a complete record of the organisms that once lived and are ancestors to other organisms.

Answer 2

Fossil evidence provides a complete record of the organisms that once lived and are ancestors to other organisms. Thus, option C is correct.

What proves the evolution in different clades?

Fossil evidence supports the hypothesis that evolution can occur at different rates in different clades. Fossil evidence supports the hypothesis that individual organisms and populations evolve to adapt to a changing environment. Fossil evidence provides information on the allele frequency in ancestral populations.

Fossil evidence provides a complete record of the organisms that once lived and are ancestors to other organisms. The diagram shows fossil layers in different locations. The different shading in the diagram indicates different types of rock.Fossil evidence provides information on the allele frequency in ancestral populations.

Therefore, Fossil evidence provides a complete record of the organisms that once lived and are ancestors to other organisms. Thus, option C is correct.

Learn more about fossil on:


Related Questions

What were some number of possible solutions to air pollution?


The most basic solution for air pollution is to move away from fossil fuels, replacing them with alternative energies like solar, wind and geothermal. Producing clean energy is crucial. But equally important is to reduce our consumption of energy by adopting responsible habits and using more efficient devices.
move away from fossil fuels, use reusable sources of energy such as solar

[tex]what \: is \: DNA \: \: \: {?} \\ \\ \huge\mathfrak\red{please \: help \: }[/tex]


[tex]\circ \: \: { \underline{ \boxed{ \sf{ \color{green}{Hola\:Venom!}}}}}∘[/tex]

DNA stands for [tex]\sf\purple{deoxyribonucleic\: acid}[/tex].

It is a type of nucleic acid that contains the genetic code of organisms and is also the molecule of heredity in all cells.

DNA is mainly present in the chromosomes in nucleus.

It carries the genetic information that is passed on to the next generation.

[tex]\red{\large\qquad \qquad \underline{ \pmb{{ \mathbb{ \maltese \: \: Mystique35ヅ}}}}}[/tex]

a large glucose molecule requires facilitated diffusion, but an oxygen molecule does not



A large glucose molecule requires facilitated diffusion but an oxygen molecule does not is a semipermeable membrane


Have a nice day :)

James needed to have his hernia surgically repaired. This can be done through laparoscopic surgery. The surgeon must cut through to the herniated area and put a Teflon mesh underneath the hernia to close it off and provide more support to the area. Use your knowledge of anatomy to select the correct sequence of structures that would be cut for this procedure. Make sure you select the structures in the order they would be cut by the surgeon.



The structures that the surgeon will cut to place the Teflon mesh from external to internal are:



subcutaneous fat,

the external oblique aponeurosis,

the internal oblique,

the transverse abdominal,

the peritoneum.


For the surgeon to put the Teflon mesh underneath the hernia, the professional has to cut the most external organ, which is the skin, with all its layers, epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis. Underneath this tissue is the subcutaneous fat, which protects the muscles, regulates the temperature, and stores energy. Subcutaneous fat is different in every person. Some can have a lot of it and others a thin layer. The next cut will be on aponeurosis, which is a tissue that surrounds muscles. Then we have the internal abdominal oblique, which is in the anterior area of the abdomen. Below it, it is the transverse abdominal, and then the peritoneum, which is the tissue that holds the organs. In a hernia, it has a hole where the organs push through. So, the surgeon has to put a Teflon mesh to close it.

does lemon juice have more or less H+ ions than it has OH- ions? explain


Acids are substances that provide hydrogen ions (H+) and lower pH, whereas bases provide hydroxide ions (OH–) and raise pH. The stronger the acid, the more readily it donates H+. For example, hydrochloric acid and lemon juice are very acidic and readily give up H+ when added to water. ( source : )

Why are some of Carl Linnaeus's classifications of organisms incorrect?
O Linnaeus did not study the anatomy of organisms.
O Linnaeus's work accounted for evolution.
• Linnaeus did not use structural comparisons.
• Linnaeus primarily used physical characteristics.


Answer: d


In which phylum , silver fish comes under??​



silver fish is come under phylum arthopoda.

hope it helps

Silver fish comes under with the phylum Arthropoda and class Insecta
Hope it helps you

4. Which best identifies this process?
A replication
B mutation
C translation
D transcription
Plz answer quick I forgot the answer


Answer: D transcription.


In transcription, the first step is to unzip the DNA, as shown in this picture.

Answer: A; replication


DNA replication is a process that occurs within a cell.  It means that a double stranded DNA molecule is copied to produce.

Which action has the most harmful impact on the environment



pick anyone  overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation


buying a new plastic water bottle and throwing it away


just took it

Lab: Interdependence of Organisms
Assignment: Lab Report



2 4 6 8 yeet


the explanation is unclear

worms) week 3 week 5
Plant 1 10cm 22cm 49cm

Plant 2 9cm 23cm 47cm

Plant 3 8cm 20cm 49cm

Plant 4 9cm 22cm 50cm

Plant 5 10cm 22cm 47cm

Plant 6 8cm 23cm 52cm

Control Group Average 9cm 22cm 49cm

Plant 1 8cm 24cm 50cm

Plant 2 9cm 28cm 60cm

Plant 3 8cm 26cm 49cm

Plant 4 8cm 25cm 53cm

Plant 5 8cm 27cm 58cm

Plant 6 7cm 26cm 60cm

Experimental Group Average 8cm 26cm 55cm

Difference in Average Heights
(Experimental – Control) -1 cm 4cm 6cm

Inserting normal genes into cells with genetic mutations is called.

Group of answer choices

stem cell research

gene therapy




gene therapy is correct I'm pretty sure

What does the immune system produce to help fight future infections with the same type of vírus that is introduced in a vaccine?



antibodies us the answer

The main source of energy for all life comes from



the sun


The Sun is the major source of energy for organisms and the ecosystems of which they are a part. Producers, such as plants and algae, use energy from sunlight to make food energy by combining carbon dioxide and water to form organic matter. This process begins the flow of energy through almost all food webs.

The end product(s) of the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis is/are - Select all that apply.
4.Carbon dioxide





The light dependent stage produces oxygen while the light independent stage produces glucose ( a carbohydrate)

Oxygen and glucose are the two products of photosynthesis.

Ultimately, it is the environment which influences natural selection and thus the evolution of populations



The given statement is true


Ultimately, it is the environment which influences natural selection and thus the evolution of populations. Is it true or false


It is true that environment influences the natural selection which is mainly governed by the presence of useful resources that can support an individual. Natural selection leads to emergence of useful trait that can help an individual in adopting traits that can make him/her fit thereby causing evolution of species.

Hence, the given statement is true

When you breathe in oxygen, what happens? How does oxygen get to the tissues of your body? (USE YOUR OWN WORDS)​



When you breathe in oxygen, your diaphragm pushes against itself and pulls downwards. The muscles between the ribs pull upwards. The oxygen gets into the tissues by being helped by red blood cells and has a pigment that collects four oxygen molecules. It forms into a thing known as oxyhaemoglobin and the molecules are taken to other singular cells in the body tissue, releasing its contents.

Do homologous structures always have the same function in different organisms?



Homologous structures are structures that are similar in related organisms because they were inherited from a common ancestor. These structures may or may not have the same function in the descendants.

My answer uh might not be the one you're looking for or isn't correct ✌


the answer is these balls down yo throat

Someone, plz help me!!! I will give 30 points to the correct answer!!!

What are at least three examples of food and agriculture health milestones which may have led to a significant INCREASE in the human population.


Answer: Farming Hunting and Industrialization


Irrigation, farm machines and high yield in agriculture has result in increase in human population.

What is agriculture?"Agriculture or farming is the practice of cultivating plants and livestock."What do you mean by irrigation?"The supply of water to land or crops to help growth, typically by means of channels."Why farm machines are used in agriculture?They are used to reduce labor.Make work more efficient.Examples: tractor, plough, etc.,What do you mean by high yield?Various methods are used to increase the production of food.Along with plant products surplus animal products are available for consumption.

Hence, better irrigation, use of machines and high yield in agriculture can result in increase of human population.

To know more about agriculture here


Which of the following best describes the difference between an adaptation and adapting?




Adaption and adaptation are different forms of the same word, and they share all their meanings, which include (1) the act of changing to suit new conditions, and (2) a work of art recast in a new form or medium. But the longer word, adaptation, is preferred by most publications and is much more common



Explanation: I took the ape x quiz

Plants also use cellular respiration

A. True

B. False



A. True


Yes, the plants use cellular respiration. So, option (A) is the correct answer.

why people living in high altitude have level of RBC?​



Scientists have long known that the body adjusts to the oxygen-deprived conditions of high altitudes. ... The traditional explanation has been that low-oxygen conditions cause the body to build new red blood cells, making it easier to supply oxygen to muscles and vital organs.

Which processes are involved in the chloroplast of a plant cell?
Photosynthesis Cellular respiration
Aerobic Respiration Anaerobic Respiration
Glycolysis Electron Transport
Krebs Cycle Electron Transport Chain
Light Dependent Reaction Calvin Cycle



Chloroplast absorbs sunlight and it is used to make feed for the plant together with water and carbon dioxide gas. Chloroplasts are used to generate the free energy stored in ATP and NADPH via a photosynthesis process.


The site of photosynthesis action is chloroplast within a plant cell consisting of two chlorophyll molecules (PS1 and PS2), which have been embedded in the thylakoid membranes. The chloroplast consists of two chlorophyll molecules (photosynthetic pigments responsible for the green color of chloroplast). Each chlorophyll molecule absorbs light, caused to depart the chlorophyll molecules. This absorbs two electrons from each phenotype. PS2 electrons pass through the transportation chain for electron carriers, a series of redox reactions that release the energy used to synthesize ATP via Photophosphorylation/Chemiosmose (as the H+ ions diffuse through the stalked particles ATP, which changes the shape and catalysts, the electrochemical gradient diffuses down through the stalky particle ATP synthase).

Then these electrons replace the electrons lost in PS1. PS2 electron is replaced by photolysis electron, which when light strikes chloroplast, splitting the water into oxygen gas, H+ ions, and electron enzymes in the thylakoid space are catalyzed. The PS1 electrons combine to create NADPH with H+ ions and NADP (reduced NADP). These are the light-dependent photosynthetic reactions in chloroplasts. In the light-independent reactions, the NADPH and ATP are created. A pile of thylakoids is known as granum.

The light-independent processes take happen in the stroma. This is the site of carbon fixation; CO2 reacts with RUBP to generate GP (glycerate-3-phosphate) which is catalyzed by the enzyme RUBISCO (the most abundant enzyme in the world) (the most abundant enzyme in the world). The NADPH and ATP from the light-dependent processes convert GP to GALP (glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate). Two out of every 12 GALP molecules produced are used to synthesize glucose that can be employed either in breathing or in cellulose-forming condensation polymerization to add extra strength to the planted cell wall. The other GALP molecules are returned to RUBP.

What type of organisms use celluar respiration to get energy


Bacteria, archaea, plants, protists, animals, and fungi, can use cellular respiration.

And the main ones that use celluar respiration are autotrophs and heterotrophs.

Hope I helped you out (:

Plants, archaea, and fungi



I’m not the best at Science or anything like this, but looking at it I would say B is your best answer! B seems the most logical and the most formal answer they have!

Hope this helps! :)


I think its C


I hope this helps

All organisms have the same amount of chromosomes.

A. True

B. False


False not all organisms have the same amount of chromosomes

Al cruzar 2 moscas negras se obtiene una descendencia formada por 216 moscas negras y 72 oscuras blancas. A) Razone el cruzamiento y determine fenotipo y genotipo.



Fenotipo: Moscas negras y moscas blancas.

Genotipo: Nn y nn.


Sabemos que al cruzar dos moscas un pequeño porcentaje de su descendencia es blanca y la mayoría negra. Por ende, hay dos alelos distintos para el color, uno codifica para moscas de color negro y el otro para las de color blanco. Como la mayoría de la descendencia es negra, el gen domiante es el negro, a este lo denominaremos con la N y al recesivo con la letra n.

Para que haya moscas blancas, las dos moscas que se cruzan tienen que ser Nn, es decir, su genotipo tiene que ser heterocigoto. Podemos verificar esto con un cuadro de Punnett:

  ║N  ║n


n║Nn ║nn

Con el cuadro de Punnet vemos que la descendencia tiene los genotipo, es decir, los genes que un ser tiene, Nn y nn. El fenotipo, es decir, lo que podemos ver de los genes, sera moscas de color negro y moscas de color blanco.

Como el gen dominante es el negro, cualquier mosca con este gen expresara este color y solo las moscas con genotipo h0m0cigoto (nn) expresaran el color blanco.

is it more beneficial for humans to undergo sexual reproduction than asexual reproduction?


Answer:Advantages and disadvantages of sexual and asexual reproduction

Sexual reproduction involves two parents and the joining of male and female gametes during fertilisation. The offspring inherit a mixture of genes from both parents, so are different to each other and their parents.

The advantages of sexual reproduction:

produces genetic variation in the offspring

the species can adapt to new environments due to variation, which gives them a survival advantage

a disease is less likely to affect all the individuals in a population

In asexual reproduction there is only one parent. The offspring are clones of the parent and each other.

The advantages of asexual reproduction include:

the population can increase rapidly when the conditions are favourable

only one parent is needed

it is more time and energy efficient as you don't need a mate

it is faster than sexual reproduction

The disadvantages of sexual reproduction:

time and energy are needed to find a mate

it is not possible for an isolated individual to reproduce

The disadvantages of asexual reproduction include:

it does not lead to genetic variation in a population

the species may only be suited to one habitat

disease may affect all the individuals in a population

Examples in the natural world

Bacterial reproduction

Bacteria, such as E. coli, reproduce asexually. An advantage of this is that they can produce many bacteria very quickly. A disadvantage is that all of the bacteria are genetically identical. If an antibiotic was used on the bacteria, then all of them would die. The population would be wiped out. The only way for variation to be introduced into the population is by random mutation.

Rabbit reproduction

Most animals reproduce sexually, for example, rabbits. The process of sexual reproduction introduces variation into the species because the alleles that the mother and the father carry are mixed together in the offspring. A disadvantage is that sexual reproduction takes longer than asexual reproduction. A mate must be found, the egg must be fertilised by sperm, and then the offspring develop. The benefit of introducing genetic variation into the species, however, outweighs this disadvantage. If a disease were to hit the rabbit population, then perhaps not all of the rabbits would be affected because of the variation in the population. This means that some individuals would survive and be able to reproduce and generate more offspring.

Asexual and sexual reproduction in fungi

Some fungi are able to reproduce both sexually and asexually. Fungi reproduce using spores which they release into the environment. A new fungus will grow from the spore. The Coprinus cinereus fungus can produce spores by sexual reproduction to help create variation in the species. This method of reproduction is advantageous when the environment is changing because the variation introduced leads to an increase in the probability that a variant that can deal with the change. Coprinus cinereus also produces spores by asexual reproduction. These spores can be produced quickly and in large numbers to enable many individual fungi to develop. A disadvantage of these spores is that they generate offspring that are unlikely to be resistant to unfavourable conditions because they are all genetically identical.

Common inkcap mushrooms

Some mushrooms can carry out both asexual and sexual reproduction depending on their environment

Explanation:spores can be produced quickly and in large numbers to enable many individual fungi to develop. A disadvantage of these spores is that they generate offspring that are unlikely to be resistant to unfavourable conditions because they are all genetically identical.

Common inkcap mushrooms

Some mushrooms can carry out both asexual and sexual reproduction depending on their environment

i) Explain how the biochemical reaction can still occur if the blood sugar level is lower
than the normal range.



To produce energy from available sugar.


The biochemical reaction can still occur if the blood sugar level is lower  than the normal range because energy is needed by the body for its activities. The biochemical reactions helps in producing energy in the form of ATP that is needed by the body for its different activities. The lower level of sugar in the blood does not fulfil the needs of body but provides some energy for it so that's why the body produces energy from available sugar present in the body.

Answer the following questions in your own words and in 3-5 complete sentences.

1. Where are the highest concentrations of the current population of Palmer amaranth?

2. Based on the climate model, how will the range change by 2050?

3. What do you think this change will mean for Palmer amaranth populations?


industrial preparation of oxygen from liquify air

Scientists are reluctant to say that any theory is absolutely true. Why do you think that is? I​


Answer: Because more and more is discovered about the world everyday and they don’t want to be wrong.


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