The map displays what late 20th century historical development?


Answer 1


The treaty of rome


hope this helps :')

Related Questions

causes of child abuse



Causes of child abuse can include:isolation and lack of support-no family members,friends,partners or community support to help with the demand of parenting. Stress- financial pressure, job worries, medical problems or caring for a family member with a disability.



Where do you like to go to have fun?



I would like to go to have fun in the park or anywhere I want. I play in amusement parks too.  


Home to watch tv or the mall

What executive and advisory duties have vice presidents had in the past thirty or so years?



Other than to succeed to the presidency upon the death or resignation of a president, a vice president's only constitutional duty is to preside over the Senate. Vice presidents cannot vote in the Senate, except to break a tie, nor may they formally address the Senate, except with the senators' permission.

#Correct me if I'm wrong# Hope it's Help

Simone de Beauvoir was the intellectual founder of the women's liberation movement. Tailor this thesis statement into a message suitable for an audience of high school history students.



The given proposition can be tailored for an explanation into a message that is reasonable for a group of people of secondary school students -

Simone de Beauvoir is the scholarly author of the ladies freedom development, motivated women's activist journalists and women liberation movement activists who stated "The Second Sex" in 1949. It is considered superior comprehension of the reasons for the ladies disparity.

define society and describe it's elements.​



A society is a group of individuals involved in persistent social interaction, or a large social group sharing the same spatial or social territory, typically subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations.


Sorry i only could define society in hope someone can answer the last part for you

responsibilities of ghana ​



-It is our duty to defend the nation Ghana at all times.

-It is also an obligation as citizens to protect our laws and obey each and every law closely.

-Most Ghanaians pretend to be patriotic but contribute very little in decision making of the country.

-Prevention of criminals acts: This is a very vital obligation.


It is also an obligation as citizens to protect our laws and obey each and every law closely.

Most Ghanaians pretend to be patriotic but contribute very little in decision making of the country. ...

Prevention of criminals acts: This is a very vital obligation.

You have chosen to complete the Case A Decision Template. Note—You only have to complete and submit either Case A or Case B for grading.
Your Name:
As you read this case, imagine you are a Supreme Court justice analyzing the case. By the end of the reading you should be able to determine the following things:
What type of expression found in the First Amendment relates to the case?
What is this case really about? Why does each side believe they are right?
How this case is similar to the Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier case?
Case A
The drama class at a middle school was preparing for their spring play in the school auditorium. One week before the performance, a parent complained to the school board that the play was inappropriate for middle school students. The school board agreed and contacted the principal, who then informed the classes that the show was canceled. Students were upset that their preparations were a waste. They believe they have the right to freedom of expression in performing the play. The school board said that students are minors and that it must approve decisions about what is presented in school by teachers or students. The students did not have time to plan a different show. A group of the students’ parents brought the case to court on their behalf, but they lost the case in state district court. The students’ parents appealed the district court’s decision to their state court of appeals. There the students and their parents won the case, but the school board appealed the decision to their state-level supreme court. The state supreme court ruled in favor of the school board. Unhappy with the state supreme court’s decision, the students’ parents are now appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Step 1: Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
What is this case about?

How is this case similar to the Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier case?

Which type of expression listed in the First Amendment relates to this case?

Step 2: Make your Decision
Now it’s time to pretend you are a judge! Explain, like a judge, your thoughts on the case and why you feel this way. For each question you should explain your answer in at least two to three complete sentences.
Why did the school board believe they had the right to cancel the play?

Why did the students believe they had the right to perform the play?

Should the students be allowed to perform their school play? Why or why not? Give three reasons to support your decision. At least one of your reasons should be based on what you learned about the Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier case.

Reason #1:

Reason #2:

Reason #3:

Do you think the school should be allowed to censor the material of a school play or school newspaper? Why or why not? Be sure to use what you know about the First Amendment to support your answer.
Step 3: Share and Improve
Share your work with a trusted adult. Does he or she think you supported your case decision with enough detail? Does he or she have any other insight about the case you may not have considered? You can improve your work by making changes or additions.
Who did you share your work with, and what comments did he or she give you?

Did you make changes to improve your work? Briefly list the changes, such as “added detail about First Amendment” or “fixed spelling errors.”



case A) This is a case in which apparently students can appeal to the fulfillment of the First Amendment that states the Freedom of Speech but I think that we have to remember that in any case our rights finish when we interfere with other peoples's rights.

I believe that schools, teachers and parents must get an agreement about what is good and bad for students because they are not mature enough to decide by themselves.

In the case Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier the supreme court rules in favor of the school board and make the difference between a private forum and a public forum stating that a school is a private forum.

Imagine that students were allowed to do whatever they want and present whatever play they wish then the school would have no rules and when a place has no rules it becomes jungle law.

do i think school question) i need 1 more hour to think so i can awnser

Step 1:

The school board cancelled a middle school drama class's spring play one week before the performance due to complaints from a parent about the play's appropriateness for middle school students. The students and their parents believed that the students had the right to freedom of expression in performing the play, while the school board believed that they had the right to approve decisions about what is presented in school by teachers or students.

This case, like Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier, addresses the issue of student expression and the role of school officials in censorship.

The type of expression protected by the First Amendment in this case is freedom of speech.

The school board claimed they had the jurisdiction to approve decisions about what is presented in school by teachers or students, and that they had the right to cancel the play because they felt it was improper for middle school kids.

The students thought they had the freedom of expression to perform the play, thus they thought they had the right to do so.

The pupils' school play should be performed, in my opinion. These are the justifications for my choice.

The First Amendment protects the students' right to freedom of expression, which is the first justification. This includes the freedom to use the performing arts, such as a school play, to express oneself.

Reason #2: The students didn't have enough time to organize a substitute performance before the school board decided to cancel the play. The students who spent time and effort practicing for the original show are being treated unfairly by this.

The Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier case established that school officials have the right to limit student speech during school-sponsored events, but only if the censorship is logically connected to valid pedagogical concerns. This brings us to Reason #3. Due to a single parent's objection, the school board decided to cancel the play in this instance.

Which would take more force: moving an automobile 1 miles or moving it ten miles?



ten miles


because obviously the longer distance takes more force.

its a for people with adds




I don't understand

Come again? I don’t understand your question.

How does mass media influence the government?
1.) By reporting polling data.
2.)By bringing the public’s attention to an issue.
3.)By presenting all sides of an issue.
4.)By reporting what the government tells it to.


Answer: 2.)By bringing the public’s attention to an issue.


In a free country where the media is also free, the media influences the government by showing the public, the details surrounding a particular issue. This would then prompt the government to act on it especially if there is a public outcry.

This is why the free media is very important in a nation. It ensures that people know what is happening in their country so that they may decide if they want it to keep happening or not. The main point is that it is their decision as citizens and they need to know about it.



.)By bringing the public’s attention to an issue.

what impact did African Americans have on the war effort?

Pls helpp


The answer is c

If not it’s B but definitely C
thousands of Africans enlisted for union the answer is c

What type of entertainment will you get on cruise?


People who enjoy oceans will love the breeze, there are activities u can join in some cruises.

Psychologists use ________ to measure the probability of a research finding occurring by random chance.


statistical significance?

Which of the following statements can be made about the 1962 Cuban missile crisis



The result of the Cuban Missile Crisis was an increasing buildup of nuclear weapons that continued until the end of the Cold War.

differentiate between a right and obligation and give an example of each​


When used as nouns, obligation means the act of binding oneself by a social, legal, or moral tie to someone, whereas right means that which complies with justice, law or reason.

Please fill in blank

Every child deserves to feel


There are many possible answers, I think.
Safe, loved, happy, treasured, valued.
Every child deserves to feel cared for , loved and or happy

Is the South African Post Office a natural or artificial monopoly?​



In terms of South African law, the Post Office is the only entity legally allowed to accept reserved mail and as such operates a monopoly.


The South African Post Office Group currently consist of a number of divisions and subsidiaries operating in the fields of mail, financial services, logistics, property, electronic commerce and retail services. Traditional collection, sorting and delivery of letters and parcels constitute the primary business activity of the group, responsible for nearly 65% of the groups revenue in 2010/12. In the 2010/11 financial year nearly 1,5 billion mail pieces were processed. To process and distribute this volume of mail items the group operates 6 large mail centres and more than 40 depots across the republic. The group has, however, suffered a decline in traditional mail volumes over the last 3 years. This decline is in line with similar declines experienced by the majority of postal operators across the world as traditional mail as a communication medium is substituted by electronic alternatives such as email and more recently cell phones.

The second largest activity of the group is financial services which it offers through its savings banks that operates under the name Postbank. The Postbank itself was formed in 1910 and is the largest savings bank in the country. More than 6 million customers have accounts with Postbank making it one of the largest banks in South Africa as measured by customer number. The Postbank is a deposit taking institution only, and thus does not offer credit products, only savings and investment products.

why does the phrase "supply and demand" represent what you now associate and understand economics to be?


means that economics take finesse. it’s all about making a profit, supply goes up demand goes down, demand goes up supply goes down.

Conflict Perspective argues that conflict contributes to ____________.
a. evolution

b. structural integration

c. adaptation

d. social change


I think it’s d because it’s
It’s D because social change because you get different perspectives on conflicts and makes u change.

Góp phần thay đổi cơ cấu nền kinh tế theo hướng công nghiệp và dịch vụ






water can be said to be enormous in quantity however its quality can't be ascertain​


Water quantity is the timing and total yield of water from a watershed, and is measured by total yield and peak flow over a specified period of time. Water quality is the suitability of water for drinking, recreational uses, and as habitat for aquatic organisms and other wildlife (Neary 2002).

what roles and responsibilities do the media have in reporting human rights violations in a responsible manner in a democratic society?​


The role of the media is to provide public awareness and provoke actions when reporting human rights violations.

What is Human right violation?

This involves disallowing basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person in the world.

The role of the media will be to provide public awareness and provoke actions when reporting human rights violations in a responsible manner in a democratic society.

Read more about Human right violation here


According to John Rawls (1921-2002), who posited a theory of justice, stated that inequalities should not unfairly burden any segment of society, thereby forming the basis of social justice. Is this a practical approach in the administration of justice





John Rawls wrote the famous book on social justice named "A Theory of Justice". John Rawls was an American philosopher who believed in the liberation tradition. In his book, Rawls provided the theory of social justice based on two principles. He stated that each person in the society is free and must be respected. The social opportunities and the economic opportunities must be equally available to all. Thus he believes that the inequalities in the society should not unfairly burden any segment of the society. This should be the basis of the social justice.

This should be the practical approach for the administration of the justice to the people. In this way, social balance and tranquility is maintain. Every citizen of the society enjoys his rights and liberties equally.

Stephanie is fresh out of college and is getting ready for her first business trip overseas. Previously, Stephanie travelled very little and even her family vacations were normally about an hour away from her home. Which of the following advice would be appropriate to help prepare Stephanie for success on her overseas visit?
a) Stephanie should not worry and just relax and be herself.
b) If the person does not understand Stephanie, Stephanie should talk louder so they can understand the point she is trying to make.
c) When appropriate, Stephanie should alter her facial expressions and gestures as needed to facilitate a cross-culture interaction.
d) In order to carry on a conversation, Stephanie should maintain direct eye contact with the person she is speaking with.



c) When appropriate, Stephanie should alter her facial expressions and gestures as needed to facilitate a cross-culture interaction.

d) In order to carry on a conversation, Stephanie should maintain direct eye contact with the person she is speaking with.


Stephanie has no experience traveling abroad and must be concerned about what her first trip will be like, especially as traveling abroad is often difficult due to the language barrier between countries. If Stephanie is not able to speak the same language spoken in her destination country, her nervousness could increase. It is important that Stephanie knows that this nervousness is common and that there are strategies she can use to lower the linquistic barrier. First, Stephanie needs to know that she must maintain eye contact when talking to the native citizens of the country she will be traveling to. Eye contact will allow these citizens to understand that Stephanie is trying to communicate and that she is willing to make an effort to make that communication happen. Second, Stephanie must make use of nonverbal language when necessary and present facial expressions and gestures that help her communicate what she wants.

Which of these behaviors is characterized by the use of we language



Explanation: problem - orientation




What what's this suppose to mean shreeeeeeesh




JK v yum kbl I'll, b vlkg

Which of the Vedantas is least likely to be Vaishnava ?


A Vaishnava is Better Than a Brahmana. Brahminical life means cleanliness. Brahminical life means to be very, very clean, inside and out. Inside by chanting and hearing, and outside by bathing three times daily, if not possible at least two times, but never less than once. Bathing after passing stool.A Vaishnava is Better Than a Brahmana. Brahminical life means cleanliness. Brahminical life means to be very, very clean, inside and out. Inside by chanting and hearing, and outside by bathing three times daily, if not possible at least two times, but never less than once. Bathing after passing stool.

how psychology is applied to other disciplines and venues in contemporary society


The Discipline of Psychology There are three important concepts to remember when defining psychology: science, behavior and mental processes. When defining psychology for a friend I would first simply just give him/her the standard book definition, which is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. But, psychology can be defined in many different ways. Another definition of psychology could be the scientific study of the human mind and its functions such as those affecting behavior

What can you infer about the controlled that church exerted in every day life mediaeval people?


Answer: The Medieval Church played a far greater role in Medieval England than the Church does today. In Medieval England, the Church dominated everybody’s life. All Medieval people – be they village peasants or towns people – believed that God, Heaven and Hell all existed.

How can you know if a country’s economy is doing well?




GDP, or economic growth. This is a measure of all the goods and services produced in a country over a period of time, for example, a year. An increase means the economy growing.

Hope this helped.

GDP, or economic growth
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