The register, or formality level, of a conversation can vary greatly based on the setting. Thinking about your own life, what is the most informal register you use? Who is it with? Can you give it a name, like “close-friend informal” or “texting with Jo”? Now think of your most formal register and give it a name, perhaps “church polite” or “speeding-ticket respectful.” Compare these two extremes with your everyday, usual register of speech. Discuss how different or similar they are, how easy it is to switch registers, and how you gauge the register of a certain situation.


Answer 1

Answer and Explanation:

The most informal level of language I use is with my friends in online messaging apps. This type of language is usually very fast and with lots of slang and abbreviations. As my friends are close to my age and we are at the same level of hierarchy, this type of language is common and even stimulated between us, as it allows a more relaxed communication to be established.

The most formal level of language I use is with my internship supervisor, where I use very respectful language and more elaborate words, without using slang, abbreviations or idiomatic expressions. In this language I use the most cultured form of language, since a respectful relationship needs to be established.

The similarity between these two types of communication is that they both seek to establish social relationships. At the more informal level, language seeks to establish a more comfortable and relaxed relationship. At the more formal level, language seeks to establish a more professional and respectful relationship. Changing the level of formality in each situation is easy to establish when you have clear objectives about communication and the results it can achieve.

Related Questions

What makes the Hairy Man the antagonist in "Wiley, His Mother, and the Hairy Man"

He knows how to do magic
He is Wiley’s main enemy.
He is afraid of Wiley’s dogs.
He is a very bad character.


he is a very bad chracter


B: He is Wiley’s main enemy.


I just took the test Edge2021

How should you proceed to read when you get to a comma?
a. you should take a breath
c. you should pause
b. you should stop, then read again
d. none of the above


C. You should pause— when reading aloud, you should allow for a short pause when there’s a comma in a sentence.
You should pause when reading and coming across a comma

sapo romeu, o mais solitario do mundo, finalmente conhece sua parceira julieta

Um sapo ameaçado de extinção, que passou mais de 10 anos isolado em um aquário na Bolívia, vai finalmente ganhar uma companheira.

Conhecido como o anfíbio mais solitário do mundo, Romeu é um sapo-aquático-de-sehuencas (Telmatobius yuracare) — acreditava-se até agora que ele era o último representante da espécie.

Mas os cientistas dizem ter encontrado Julieta, que será sua parceira, durante uma expedição a uma remota floresta nublada do país.

Romeu foi descrito por bióloga como sendo 'meio tímido e lento' — Foto: Robin Moore, Global Wildlife Conservation (via BBC)
Romeu foi descrito por bióloga como sendo 'meio tímido e lento' — Foto: Robin Moore, Global Wildlife Conservation (via BBC)

Ela foi capturada junto a outros quatro sapos da espécie em um riacho. A ideia é que eles se reproduzam e sejam reintroduzidos de volta à natureza.

Teresa Camacho Badani é chefe de herpetologia do Museu de História Natural Alcide d'Orbigny, na cidade boliviana de Cochabamba, e líder da expedição. Ela está confiante na teoria de que os opostos se atraem, mesmo se tratando de sapos:

"Romeu é muito calmo e relaxado, ele não se mexe muito", disse ela à BBC News. "Ele é saudável e gosta de comer, mas é meio tímido e lento."

Romeu (à esquerda) e Julieta (à direita), sua futura companheira, têm personalidades bem diferentes — Foto: Robin Moore, Global Wildlife Conservation (via BBC)
Romeu (à esquerda) e Julieta (à direita), sua futura companheira, têm personalidades bem diferentes — Foto: Robin Moore, Global Wildlife Conservation (via BBC)

Já Julieta tem uma personalidade muito diferente.

"Ela é bem enérgica, nada muito e come bastante. Às vezes tenta escapar."

Os cinco sapos capturados — três machos e duas fêmeas — são os primeiros sapo-aquático-de-sehuencas vistos na natureza em uma década, apesar das buscas realizadas na selva boliviana.

Quando Romeu foi descoberto, há 10 anos, os biólogos sabiam que a espécie estava ameaçada, mas não esperavam que ele permanecesse sozinho por tanto tempo.

A busca por uma companheira para Romeu atraiu a atenção internacional há um ano, quando ele chegou a ganhar um perfil em um site de relacionamentos.

Os animais recém-descobertos estão agora em quarentena no centro de conservação do museu, onde segue a corrida para impedir a extinção da espécie.

1)qual é o fato de que trata a noticia?

2) o fato noticiado é revelante? porque?



1- a notícia é sobre um sapo ameaçado de extinção que finalmente encontra uma parceira e sobre as características dos dois, portanto o fato é que um sapo ameaçado de extinção encontra uma parceira que tem a personalidade oposta a sua.

2- pode ser relevante para pessoas específicas, mas não para todos, já que nem todos se interessam por sapo, mas eu diria que é sim relevante.


what is the abbriviation of SABC​



South African Broadcasting Channel

What did God see as the proper relationship to the land?



use of land proper not polluting it..faeming and growing..irrigation it properly..taking care of it

'रमणीय' र 'विराट' शब्दको अर्थ लेख्नुहोस् ।​



अत्यन्त रमाईलो एक रमाईलो आश्चर्य एक रमाइलो ब्रन्चको मजा लिनुभयो।

धेरै ठुलो वा फराकिलो: जस्तै। एक: ठूलो आकार वा क्षेत्र विशाल भवनहरूको। बी: मापन वा डिग्री मा ठूलो एक ठूलो घाटा एक विशाल उपक्रम तिनीहरू भोलि एक विशाल बिक्री भइरहेको छ। भीड ठूलो थियो।


मलाई आशा छ यसले सहयोग गर्दछ

(1) पहले पद के अनुसार मीराबाई किस-किस का उदाहरण देते हुए अपने दुखों
को दूर करने की विनती कर रही हैं और किससे कर रही ह?



sorry po hindi ko po Alam Kong pano yan sagutan hindi ko po kasi naintindihan

Explicação sobre o texto de Eça de Queirós SEGUROS OBRIGATÓRIOS NÃO OBRIGAM SEGURADORAS respostas 1. Justifique o título do texto. 2. Depois de referir o desfecho do caso de "uma caixa de águas pluviais", por que acrescenta o autor do texto que "[se] tratou de duas companhias portuguesas"? 3. Explique por que razão é que o caso da Império é "espantoso" . 4. Explique por palavras suas o sentido das seguintes palavras e/ou expressões, atendendo ao contexto específico em que ocorrem. 4.1. « politicamente incorreta, socialmente injusta, economicamente desfasada » 4.2. «avençados» 4.3. «paradigmático» 4.4. «dirimir» 4.5. «leonino» 5. "A argúcia de Eça foi tal que ainda hoje os seus escritos mantêm a atualidade." Concorda com a observação anterior, segundo a qual a argúcia de Eça se mantém atual? Justifique, apresentando os seus argumentos em oito / dez linhas (no máximo).



Explanation:Explicación del texto de Eça de Queirós EL SEGURO OBLIGATORIO NO OBLIGA A LOS ASEGURADORES Respuestas 1. Justifique el título del texto. 2. Después de referirse al resultado del caso de "un tanque de agua de lluvia", ¿por qué el autor del texto agrega que "[se] trataba de dos empresas portuguesas"? 3. Explique por qué el caso Empire es "asombroso". 4. Explique con sus propias palabras el significado de las siguientes palabras y / o expresiones, dado el contexto específico en el que ocurren. 4.1. «Políticamente incorrecto, socialmente injusto, económicamente desactualizado» 4.2. “Acuerdos” 4.3. “Paradigmático” 4.4. "eliminar" 4.5. «Leonino» 5. "La astucia de Eça fue tal que aún hoy sus escritos siguen vigentes". ¿Está de acuerdo con la observación anterior, según la cual la astucia de Eça sigue vigente? Justifique presentando sus argumentos en ocho / diez líneas (máximo).

porfavor me das una corona

porque los términos "dame haciendo" "dame pasando" son una influencia de la lengua kichwa?​


La lengua kichwa es la que históricamente ha tenido una mayor relación a través del tiempo con el castellano, la misma constituye la plataforma del bilingüismo andino, que se extiende a través de Sur América, con mayor énfasis en Ecuador, Perú y Bolivia.
Dame haciendo / dame pasando y dame trayendo, son mezclas del verbo dar con el gerundio, utilizadas usualmente en la Sierra ecuatoriana para solicitar se les haga un favor en una forma amable, debido a que la población de esta zona es renuente a utilizar las formas imperativas en su vocabulario.

If you drive 15 miles due east, where will you be?



U would be in south


a prayer to god asking to cultivate a missionary attitude





Please help me answer the question CORRECTLY


B- sorry if it’s not correct, but it’s kinda hard to translate to English bc Latin words have different forms of speaking

Forme frases com os verbos transitivos indiretos abaixo, verifique o uso da crase.
a) Perdoar
b) Chegar
c) Ir
d) Obedecer
e) Visar
f) Aspirar (sentido de desejar)
g) Agradar
h) Assistir



a. É preciso perdoar para alcansar a felicidade plena.

b. Vamos chegar no hotel as 11 horas da manhã.

c. Preciso ir à biblioteca ainda hoje.

d. É melhor obedecer do que se arrempeder mais tarde.

e. Previsamos visar resultados positivos para essse experimento.

f. Tento manter a fé e continuar a aspirar o intercambio dos meus sonhos.

g. Quero agradar a minha mãe para que ela me deixe sair.

h. Vamos assistir ao filme hoje a tarde?


Como foi pedido na pergunta acima, todos os verbos transitivos indiretos foram utilizados para formar frases, onde eles se encaixassem de forma coerente e mantivese a sua natureza como verbo transitivo indireto.

Verbos transitivos indiretos são aqueles que não conseguem ter sentido completo se não forem acompanhados de um objeto indireto, que complemente a frase e a deixe coerente.

[tex]\Huge\bf\overbrace{\underline{ \underbrace{\blue \dag \orange{Question}}}} \blue\dag[/tex]​


[tex]{\color{navy}{\huge{\underline{\overbrace{ \underbrace{\huge{\color{red}{\mathbb{A}}{\huge{\color{orange}{\mathbb{N}}{\huge{\color{yellow}{\mathbb{S}}{\huge{\color{lime}{\mathbb{W}}{\huge{\color{green}{\mathbb{E}}{\huge{\color{blue}{\mathbb{R}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}[/tex]

Naks! Ang boring dtto, puro English. ... Hay naku, nakakainis!... Turuan ko kaya sila mag Tagalog haha...

Hi po

Thank you po sa pts hehe

cuales han sido los aportes de la cultura africana​


Se realizaron muchos avances en la metalurgia y la fabricación de herramientas en toda la antigua África. Estos incluyen máquinas de vapor, cinceles y sierras de metal, herramientas y armas de cobre y hierro, clavos, pegamento, armas de acero al carbono y bronce y arte.

espero que esto ayude =)

Many advances in metallurgy and tool making were made across the entirety of ancient Africa. These include steam engines, metal chisels and saws, copper and iron tools and weapons, nails, glue, carbon steel and bronze weapons and art

I hope this helps =)

discuss why car rental companies require clients to pay for their rental using a credit card​



When you rent a car, you drive away with a valuable asset. The rental car company wants to have recourse if you damage it or fail to return it. Rental car companies would rather that you pay for a rental with a credit card because it reassures them that:

You’re an actual person with a real identity. The credit card company has already vetted you.

You will be able to pay for the rental and for any damages that might happen.

The rental company trusts renters with good credit scores. A financial institution trusted you with unsecured credit.

You will return the vehicle because you want the hold and deposit on your card returned to you,

If you pay for a rental car with a debit card and don’t return the car, the rental car company might have more difficulty recovering funds from you. Rent with a credit card, and it’s more likely that the company can track you down and get its money back.

an integer is selected at random from the set Y={6<x<16}. what is the probability that x has two digits.​





because there are 10 numbers between 6 and 16, 6 of which have 2 digits

प्रश्न 4. आपका विद्यालय खेलकूद प्रतियोगिता आयोजित कर रहा है। विद्यार्थी संघ
के सचिव की हैसियत से नोटिस बोर्ड पर लगाने के लिए सूचना तैयार


Should I transulate it ?

what is CALABARZON??​


Answer: Calabarzon, formally known as the Southern Tagalog Mainland, is an administrative region in the Philippines, designated as Region IV-A. The region comprises five provinces: Batangas, Cavite, Laguna, Quezon, and Rizal and one highly urbanized city, Lucena.

there's more but i think that is enought tho


what up tho i'm kinda bored in here.

what do i do to make a passive voice active



so if the sentence is

the mouse was killed by the cat -Passive

changes to

the cat killed the mouse


the bag was lost by him -passive

He lost the bag -active





make the agent of the sentence into a subject and turn the old subject into the object. For example:(ths is a passive sentence): "The article is being read by my most of my class." ( The agent is most of my class and The subject is the article) Hope this helps!!

How does transformation relate to energy?

Transformation reduces the amount of energy.
As energy change from one form to another it transforms.
Transformation produces more energy.
Transformation causes energy to change.


Energy transformation is when energy changes from one form to another – like in a hydroelectric dam that transforms the kinetic energy of water into electrical energy. While energy can be transferred or transformed, the total amount of energy does not change – this is called energy conservation.

No livro contos brasileiros 2 se destaca um conto com focos narrativo onipresentes e onisciente qual este conto


Answer and Explanation:

Olá. Imfelizmente não é possivel ter acesso ao livro "Contos Brasileiros 2" e por isso não é possivelte falar qual dos contos a sua eprgunta se refere. Entrento, eu vou te explicar o que são focos narrativos oniscientes e onipresentes e espero que isso te ajude a encontrar o conto que você precisa.

Um foco narrativo onisciente é aquele que apresenta um narrador que conhece o pensamento de todos os personagens da historia, enquanto que, o foco narrativo onipresente é aquele que apresenta um narrador que tem conhecimento de todos os eventos da historia. No geral, os narradors onicientes são também onipresetnes e conhecem a historia completa, sem nenhum limite, além de saber detalhes importantes da narrativa e detalhes pessoais dos personagens como pensamentos, sentimentos e emoções.

Using your knowledge about affirmative art and resistive art, what are some reasons why an artist would choose one over the other?


Answer and Explanation:

The terms affirmative art and resistive art are related to the forms and art presented in Deaf Culture. Each term is related to the form and message that the artist wants to pass on to his audience, highlighting elements and experiences of Deaf Culture's culture.

Affirmative art would be chosen by artists who wish to convey a message of acceptance, overcoming and empowering people with hearing efficiency. In this type of art, the artist will express himself in a progressive, beneficial, colorful way and will pass on happy and overcoming messages.

Resistive art will be chosen by artists who wish to represent how people with hearing impairments are oppressed and suppressed within society. In these works of art, the artist can express himself in a negative way, showing sad and oppressive themes that express how much discrimination against the deaf is harmful.


Regarding the genres of the artwork displayed in Deaf Culture, the phrases positive art and resistive art are connected. Each phrase is connected to the style and message the artist wishes to convey to his audience, stressing aspects and experiences of the Deaf Culture. Artists that want to spread a message of acceptance, conquer obstacles, and encourage individuals with hearing efficiency would choose affirmative art. With this kind of artwork, the artist expresses himself in a progressive, advantageous, and colorful manner and conveys positive and empowering themes. Artists that want to depict the oppression and repression of persons with hearing impairments in society will select resistive art. These pieces of art allow the artist to express himself negatively by displaying depressing and repressive themes that illustrate the pain that prejudice against the deaf causes.

Sign language interpreters need to use a code of ethics when they are interpreting for people. Imagine you are interpreting over video relay for a Deaf adult conversing with their hearing parent during which they are having a very emotional argument. The parent says, “You are a horrible person and I never want to talk to you again!” How would you handle this situation? Would you try to comfort the Deaf person? What are ethical ways to act as the professional interpreter in this situation?


Answer and Explanation:

A sign language interpreter must act professionally and translate what is being said, no matter the content of the message, as it is ethical behavior for this type of professional to translate the message completely, impartially and truthfully. Therefore, in the case presented in the question above, I would convey the message as it was spoken, since this was my duty as a professional. After the conversation between father and son is over and my work is done, I could comfort the deaf if I were intimate with him and were friends to that extent, but otherwise it would not be appropriate to interfere in the deaf's personal life.


A sign language interpreter must act professionally and translate what is being said, regardless of the content going on around them. It would be professionally inappropriate to get involved into the child's personal life if the child themself is not in danger or at risk.  After the family conversation is finished and my work is completed, I could comfort the deaf if it is needed by them. If help is needed, I could comfort them while having the right authorities sent over to the house.


Its a similar answer to the person above with some altercations to how i would handle the situation, i got 100% after i submitted.

Marcella has always wanted to become a professional interpreter and has just completed her bachelor's degree and a training course in ASL interpreting. Next, Marcella will need to take a test sanctioned by the national membership organization for interpreters that advocates for excellence in the profession. What is this organization called?

Organization of Associated Deaf Individuals
Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID)
Organization for ASL Excellence
Coalition for ASL Interpreters (CASLI)


Answer: The Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf


The national membership organization for interpreters that advocates for excellence in the profession is the registry for interpreters for the deaf.

The Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc (RID) is simply a non-profit organization, that was founded in 1964 that uphold the standards, and the professionalism for the American Sign Language interpreters.

Your own biases and perceptual filters can create barriers to effective listening.



I think yes


our perceptual filter blocks effective listening

have nice day

"पंचमीना" आयुर्वेदिक दवा का विज्ञापन तैयार कीजिए।


Muche Hindi nahi malum

Select the correct answer.
Which of these is not a purpose for warming up?
Raising the heart rate
Lubricating the joints
Increasing circulation
Returning the body to a resting state





because warming up gets the body moving, not resting

You need to warmup your body, that’s the whole point of a warmup. Resting the the opposite of what warmup means.

Eleza ufaafu wa anwani tumbo lisiloshiba



Eleza ufaafu wa anwani ' Tumbo lisiloshiba'. -Bwana tumbo anaingia mkahawa wa mzee mago. Anaitisha na kula chakula chote. -jiji lina ..


Translate the following sentences into Chinese and make sure you place the location of the action correctly.

(pls no use gogle trasnlate i will know if you do :) )

1) I watch a movie at home.

2) I work at school.

3) I dance at school.

4) I read at home.

5) I eat Chinese food in China.

6) I watch a ball game in Germany.

7) I drink tea in Japan.

8) I drink coffee in France.

9) I drink cola in America.



Hi I'm Chinese so I hope it helps











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