What are major events,problem and question surrounding holocaust topic?
Please help me :(


Answer 1
Okay okay I’m okay with that I just woke wo about it and I woke
Answer 2
The amount of death. There were and how they did do anything but what they were told and how much fear were in the Jews to do anything

Related Questions


1.) Members of the National Socialist German Workers Party were known as ______ .









2.) In regards to it’s colonies south of the Sahara, France ________________ ,


sent military forces to squash rebellions


ruled with an iron fist


established puppet governments in the colonies


allowed the people to choose whether or not to remain a colony

3.) became a new country as a result of civil war in Pakistan

4.) Where was Nelson Mandela when Desmond Tutu predicted he would be prime minister?


campaigning for the office


working in a bank


in prison


in Switzerland

5.) Hitler’s program of genocide that killed as many as 6 million Jews

6.) Why did Desmond Tutu think South Africa needed Nelson Mandela?


to call for the release of prisoners


to be the first black prime minister


to go into exile


to lead South African whites




1 - D

2- D

3- Bangladesh


5- not sure

6- C




4- a





~you beautiful


~hope it helps

9. Which of the following statements describes the social situation of the United States
before Jacksonian Democracy?
A. Hundreds of craftspeople were opening shops in the cities.
B. Small farmers were profiting from new technologies.
C. Power was in the hands of a few wealthy individuals.
D. Ordinary Americans were gaining a voice in government.





List three ways Africans Americans were treated unequally while in the



By early 1863, voluntary enlistment to the Union army had so sharply deteriorated that an unpopular military draught was instituted by the federal government and black and white troops were enlisted. Indeed, President Lincoln seems likely to be resisting requests for a negotiated peace that would have included maintaining slavery in the United States by the availability of a large number of African American soldiers. 186 000 Black soldiers, representing almost 10% of all Union forces and 68 178 dead or missing Union troops, served in the Union army and another 29 000 served the Navy. 24 African Americans have been awarded the medal o by Congress


Former slaves were three-fifths of all black troops. Black soldiers were active in the struggles and the probability of Africans remaining in slavery after the Civil War was much lower.

While some of the white officers were proud to lead black troops during fighting, like Robert Gould Shaw (1837 - 1863), commanding the 54th Massachusette regiment, others showed deep resistance.

Black soldiers took part in a war with a great life threat. The government of the Confederate threatened to execute or sell captured Blacks union soldiers summarily into slavery and sometimes threatened them. When Black soldiers were killed or enslaved, Lincoln responded by menacing retaliating against the Confederate prisoners.

The first black regiment raised in the North, the 54th Massachusetts Infantry, conducted a fitting attack on Fort Wagner in July1863 and guarded Charleston's Port, South Carolinas. The regiment was made up of two of Frederick Douglass' sons. In the unsuccessful attack, over forty% of members of the Regiment were killed or injured including Colonel Gould Shaw, who was shot dead in charge, in a leading anti-slavery family.

During the war, African-US troops also waged another fight: the fight against pay discrimination, advocacy and medical care. Despite their promises of equal handling, Black people were relegated to white officers' separate regiments. Black soldiers had less wages, lower benefits and poorer foods and equipment than white soldiers.

While a white private has received $13 a month and a clothing allowance of $3,50, the blacks have only received $10 a month, of which a $3 clothing allowance. Furthermore, the enrolment bonus commonly paid for white soldiers was not provided to black soldiers, and the federal government refused to commission black officers until the end of the war.

The black troops were constantly humiliated within ranks, mostly in menial tasks and fatigue jobs in rear echelon. They were punished with whips or thumbs; they were executed when captured by the Confederates. However, African American soldiers won the fight for equal pay in 1864 and they could act as line officers in 1865. In 1865 they had the right to fight. Based on training and education received in the military, during the course of the reconstruction many former troops became community leaders.

One Union commander explained the importance to the attitudes of many white soldiers of black military participation. "He wrote, a large number [white people] have the idea that the whole Black race is very deprived of it. I think a couple weeks of calm, unprejudiced life would disappoint them. I have a higher opinion than I ever had about their capabilities before. I know many of them were vastly the superior... to the brutal degradation of those who would convict their lives."

What is the purpose of Norris’ speech?



To get the US to turn away from entering war against Germany.


Which long term cause of the first world war focused on competing to have the most powerful armed forces





The first long-term cause of World War I is militarism. Militarism can best be understood as the buildup or expansion of the ability of a country's military to wage war.

Small hands were useful for
working the machines
Incomes were necessary to
support their families
They accepted poor working
conditions due to lack of
access to education
Which of the following is supported by the list?
O Reasons why women and children worked in factories
Effects of trade unions and social reforms
Causes of "New Imperialism" in the 19th century
O Problems caused by a communist economy



Reasons why women and Chilren worked in factories


Please answer fast 10 points


the answer is a for sure

True or False? Generally speaking, liberals are in favor of bigger government to provide a safety net for those who need it and regulations to ensure fairness.​


The answer would be true

Joe works at a market. As part of his job, he counts the money left in his cash register and locks it in the store safe.Every night, he takes twenty dollars from the cash drawer when he leaves. In total, he has stolen over $1,000. He hides all of the money at his home.By the time Joe has accumulated $1,000, the store's owner notices that the register is missing money when Joe works. She reports the theft to the police. After an investigation, they arrest Joe.

Use the drop-down menu to answer the question.

What type of crime has Joe committed?


Joe has committed embezzlement


crime against property  


In 1973, Mary Hill of the Muskogee Indian Nation told an interviewer some of the stories her grandmother Sallie Farney had told her about the Trail of Tears. Read the given excerpt from the interview.

The command for a removal came unexpectedly upon most of us…Wagons stopped at our home and the men in charge commanded us to gather what few belongings could be crowded into the wagons. We were to be taken away and leave our homes never to return.

Many fell by the wayside, too faint with hunger or too weak to keep up with the rest. The aged, feeble, and sick were left to perish by the wayside…

The little children piteously cried day after day from weariness, hunger, and illness. Many of the men, women, and even the children were forced to walk…Death stalked at all hours, but there was no time for proper burying of ceremonies… There were several men carrying reeds with eagle feathers attached to the end. These men continually circled around the wagon trains or during the night around the camps. These men said the reeds with feathers had been treated by the medicine men. Their purpose was to encourage the Indians not to be heavy hearted nor to think of the homes that had been left. Some of the older women sang songs that meant, "We are going to our homes and land; there is One who is above and ever watches over us; He will care for us." This song was to encourage the ever downhearted Muskogees.

Based on the excerpt, what physical and emotional challenges did the Muskogee face on the Trail of Tears?


The physical challenges that Muskogee faced on the Trail of Tears was the exhaustion and overexertion that he had to endure for several days on the move. Additionally, the emotional challenge is related to the sadness and frustration of leaving their land.

What was the Trail of Tears?

The Trail of Tears is a term to refer to an episode in the history of the United States in which the indigenous Choctaw community was banished from their territory in 1831 and later the Cherokee community in 1838.

This forced displacement meant a challenge for a large number of natives who did not resist the demanding days and it is estimated that some four thousand Cherokee natives died.

Based on the above, it can be inferred that the physical and emotional challenges experienced by the Choctaw and Cherokee during their exile were:

Exhaustion and physical exertion.Frustration, sadness and helplessness to leave their lands.

Learn more about Trail of Tears in: https://brainly.com/question/1569361


1) By circling the wagon Trains at night holding Treated Feathers to remind the Natives that perhaps they should not think of the homes they left behind, but rather hope that what they were heading towards would be better. The feathers had the added property that they were treated by the Medicine Man.

2) The older wise women sang songs that resembled hymns to encourage those on the trail that the One above them would be watch over them.

Explanation: chang it a little so you dont get plagerism.

Historian Interpretation #1
Never did the delegates consider eradicating slavery. The Revolutionary rhetoric of freedom and
equality had been left behind; Americans in general and the delegates to the Convention in particular
wanted a united, well-ordered, and prosperous society in which private property-including slave
property-would be secure.
Source: John P. Kaminski, A Necessary Evil? Madison, Wisconsin: Madison House, 1995. P.42.
Summarize the author's argument and reasoning here:




Qué factores llevaron a los europeos a buscar nuevas rutas comerciales a Asia?



una nueva forma de comerciar con los países asiáticos


Antes de la década de 1400, Constantinopla era un importante centro para el comercio entre los comerciantes europeos y asiáticos. Cuando los turcos otomanos se apoderaron de Constantinopla, el comercio se vio interrumpido. Esto llevó a los comerciantes europeos a buscar una nueva forma de comerciar con los países asiáticos. Se exploraron otras rutas, incluidas las por agua.

27. Depressants often cause
temporarily blinding.
making changes in brightness painful and
A. faster pupil contraction and dilation
B. slower pupil contraction and dilation
C. slower cornea reaction
D. faster cornea reaction





faster cornea reaction

What was the relationship between coins and democracy in Athens?



Athens - Greek democracy created at Athens was direct, rather than representative: any adult male citizen over the age of 20 could take part, and it was a duty to do so. The officials of the democracy were in part elected by the Assembly and in large part chosen by lottery in a process called sortition.


thats all i know im sorry! but i hope it helps luv

What did Mazzini do to promote the cause of Italian unity


The main contribution of Mazzini to the cause of Italian Unification was that he succeeded in impressing on the Italian people that liberation and unification of Italy was not an impossible dream but a practical ideal capable of realization.

i need thenanswers
thank u​



1 have

2 life

3 how

4 point

5 see

6 cliniet

7 many

8 opinion

9 Continue

10 true

number 9 answer is Maximilien Robespierre

In what two ways did World War I affect the women in the United States



large numbers of women were recruited into jobs vacated by men who had gone to fight in the war. New jobs were also created as part of the war effort, for example in munitions factories.



Had to do man duty and help in war

What was at stake for each side in the cold war? give me three



land , resources and power



At stake was whether the world would be dominated by the forces of totalitarianism, led by the Soviet Union, or inspired by the principles of economic and political freedom, embodied in the United States.

At stake was whether the many millions behind the Iron Curtain would remain in captivity or go free.

At stake was whether communism would be exposed for what it was and is—a pseudo-religion posing as a pseudo-science imposed on an unwilling people by force.

About how long has Vietnam been fighting against foreign domination?



30 years



30 years. bdjbsjsbshbs

Philosophes met to define which ideals?
A. Life, Liberty, and Happiness
B. Life, Liberty, and Justice
C. Freedom, equality, fraternity
D. Life, Liberty, and property



the correct answer is A, life, liberty and happiness

Which state protested being underrepresented at the Estates-General by forming the National Assembly?

A.) First Estate

B.)Second Estate

C.)Third Estate

D.)Fourth Estate


D— fourth estate it’s written in my book

The Estates General, also known as States-General, were a legislative and consultative body made up of the many classes (or estates) of French subjects during the Ancien Régime in France.

What was Estates-General by forming the National Assembly?

Each of the three estates—clergy, nobility, and commoners—had its own assembly, which the king called and adjourned. Unlike the English Parliament, it was not needed to approve royal taxes or laws, hence it had no real independent authority.  It acted as the king's advisory body, mostly through presenting petitions from the several estates and offering advice on monetary policy.

Estates-General, also known as States General or États-Généraux, was the representative assembly of the three "estates," or orders of the realm, in pre-Revolutionary France.

the Third Estate, which represented the majority of the populace, and the clergy (First Estate), nobility (Second Estate), who were privileged minorities.

Learn more about Estate here



In an attempt to successfully confront communism during the nuclear age, 1 point the US implemented a plan in which they were willing to go to the edge of war in order to prevent war. This plan was called_?


In 1947, President Harry S. Truman pledged that the United States would help any nation resist communism in order to prevent its spread. His policy of containment is known as the Truman Doctrine. ... To help rebuild after the war, the United States pledged $13 billion of aid to Europe in the Marshall Plan.

AFL is an acroynm for the American Federation of Labor.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided






"The American Federation of Labor (AFL) was a national federation of labor unions in the United States founded in Columbus, Ohio, in December 1886 by an alliance of craft unions disaffected from the Knights of Labor, a national labor union."

The severe economic depression of the 1890s strengthened the Populists' argument that a white and black farmers had common economic interests b the abolition of all metallic money in favor of paper was essential. c wage earners and farmers alike were victims of an oppressive economic and political system. d government should not own the railroads, telephone, and telegraph companies. e farmers had nothing in common with the residents of industrial cities



c. wage earners and farmers alike were victims of an oppressive economic and political system.


The severe economic depression of the 1890s strengthened the Populists' argument that "wage earners and farmers alike were victims of an oppressive economic and political system."

The severe economic depression of the 1890s is widely described as the Panic of 1893. While many causes were leading to the economic meltdown during the period, the major problem is attributed to investment failure in Argentina which was encouraged by Argentine bank agents, South Africa and Australia.

Hence, the wage earners and farmers who were majorly hit by the economic situation directed their frustrations towards elites, banks, gold.

Therefore, the right answer to the question is option C "wage earners and farmers alike were victims of an oppressive economic and political system."

What ultimately led to the Watts riots?
the arrest of an African American by a white police officer
the assassination of Malcolm X by three members of the Nation of Islam
the arrest of Rosa Parks for refusing to give up her seat
the passage of Executive Order 9981 50 points



the arrest of an African American by a white police officer


According to historical records, it is "the arrest of an African American by a white police officer" that ultimately led to the Watts riots.

This is evident in the fact that on August 11, 1965, an African-American motorist Marquette Frye, was pulled over and arrested by a white police officer, Lee W. Minikus, on California Highway based on being suspected of driving while drunk.




create a short diary entry from the perspective of an Israeli child caught up in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. please help me.



Quick question- which conflict is this? I wrote this based on the recent one.


If I die, let this diary be a reminder of my life, and why peace must be valued above all else.

My father taught me to read and write before he died. My mother is dead too. I am the only one left. I guess that I am lucky to have been taught these things. Many other little children aren’t. It used to feel like a curse, but now it feels like a blessing. I am able to express myself on the page in a way I was never able to do with speech.

I am alone, crouched in a corner of a refugee camp. All around me are scenes of horror, of death. Children sitting alone, like me, and grown-ups my grandpas’ age rocking themselves gently, turned mad by the explosions. I feel a bit mad too. The nurse comes up to me and takes me gently by the hand. ”What are you writing?” She askes me gently. I tell her that I am writing a promise. I will never let this happen again to my people. The nurse hugs me as the pen and paper fall from my hands, and as I am called into the light.

4. Why are the procedures of a floor debate different in the House of Representatives
and the Senate? (pp. 8-9)



They do not permit unlimited debate due to size.


Before a bill goes to the floor, it goes through the House Rules Committee, which passes a rule to accompany each bill.

Closed rules strongly limit or forbid amendments.

Open rules allow for anyone to propose amendments.

Whereas in the Senate, there are basically no rules. (you'd have to look up specifics for yourself but in general it's because they have a higher knowledge of legislator)

what is one main result of the Crusades besides the development of religious animosity?



the spreading of cultures


people returning from war had this new craving of exotic items.Teas,spices,arts.It allowed for cultures to breed and a flourishing of commercialism.Hope this helps:)

Which of the following Founding Fathers is
remembered as both a strong supporter of central
government as well as the principal author of the U.S.


I would probably say James Madison

One result of the Scientific Revolution was the
, which was a new way to solve problems and conduct research.




scientific method

Other Questions
Both works describe a father who wakes up early in the dark. What do these two fathers have in common? (Papa who wakes the tired in the dark) (Those winter sundays)A Both are ambitious.B Both are restless and aimless.C Neither father wants to spend time with his family.D Both work hard and love their families. Regardless of its close proximity which religion or country does not trade with the United States because of a strained political history Joe works at a market. As part of his job, he counts the money left in his cash register and locks it in the store safe.Every night, he takes twenty dollars from the cash drawer when he leaves. In total, he has stolen over $1,000. He hides all of the money at his home.By the time Joe has accumulated $1,000, the store's owner notices that the register is missing money when Joe works. She reports the theft to the police. After an investigation, they arrest Joe.Use the drop-down menu to answer the question.What type of crime has Joe committed? PLZ ANSWER ASAP NEED HELP Which statement describe. good hypothesis ? Check all that apply writing ;write a letter to your friend about important of reading books? Accidentally add lemon juice to your milk, causing bubbles and solid clumps to form. is it chemical change or physical change Huprey Co. is the defendant in the following legal claims. For each of the following claims, indicate whether Huprey should (a) record a liability, (b) disclose in notes, or (c) have no disclosure. HELP Don't fail me now brainly!!!! 21. For each of the following, state the type of input energy and the useful output energy.a. batteryb. gas-powered weed-eaterc. bedside lampd. horn on a bicycleInput EnergyUseful Output Energy4BatteryGas-Powered Weed-eaterBedside lampHorn on a bicycle Can you u help me fine the definitions on number 1 or 2 5x3x2=0 by completing the square method How do we get heat on Earth? Does thermal energy travel directly from the sun? Tracking was Paul's favorite sport and no trail was too old or too dim for him to follow. He once came across the skeleton of a moose that had died of old age and, just for curiosity, picked up the tracks of the animal and spent the whole afternoon following its trail back to the place where it was born.The Marvelous Exploits of Paul Bunyan,W.B. LaugheadBased on the folktale, the people who told this story probably thought that was very important. a.understanding animals b.being a good hunterc.finding animal Skeltons d. locating a birthplace Can i get help on this, Ill give brainliest to best explaination Is this a function? Or is it not a function ? Ill give brainlist. In 1973, Mary Hill of the Muskogee Indian Nation told an interviewer some of the stories her grandmother Sallie Farney had told her about the Trail of Tears. Read the given excerpt from the interview.The command for a removal came unexpectedly upon most of usWagons stopped at our home and the men in charge commanded us to gather what few belongings could be crowded into the wagons. We were to be taken away and leave our homes never to return.Many fell by the wayside, too faint with hunger or too weak to keep up with the rest. The aged, feeble, and sick were left to perish by the waysideThe little children piteously cried day after day from weariness, hunger, and illness. Many of the men, women, and even the children were forced to walkDeath stalked at all hours, but there was no time for proper burying of ceremonies There were several men carrying reeds with eagle feathers attached to the end. These men continually circled around the wagon trains or during the night around the camps. These men said the reeds with feathers had been treated by the medicine men. Their purpose was to encourage the Indians not to be heavy hearted nor to think of the homes that had been left. Some of the older women sang songs that meant, "We are going to our homes and land; there is One who is above and ever watches over us; He will care for us." This song was to encourage the ever downhearted Muskogees.Based on the excerpt, what physical and emotional challenges did the Muskogee face on the Trail of Tears? This is a fraction btw. I need help y^5___ = (must simply also)(y^3)^4 Joe bought a car for $9,000 in 2013. His purchase has depreciated 2.5% every year since then. What was his car worth in 2019 to the nearest dollar? a. $7650 b. $7732 C. $8350 d. $1602 Suppose two factors are identified for the U.S. economy: the growth rate of industrial production, IP, and the inflation rate, IR. IP is expected to be 4% and IR 6%. A stock with a beta of 1 on IP and 0.4 on IR currently is expected to provide a rate of return of 14%. If industrial production actually grows by 5%, while the inflation rate turns out to be 7%, what is your best guess for the rate of return on the stock? (Round your answer to 1 decimal place.)