what did the intolerable acts helped convince many colonial leaders to support


Answer 1


The Intolerable Acts were aimed at isolating Boston, the seat of the most radical anti-British sentiment, from the other colonies. Colonists responded to the Intolerable Acts with a show of unity, convening the First Continental Congress to discuss and negotiate a unified approach to the British.


The Intolerable Acts of 1774 was an attempt by the British Crown to use punitive measures against the American Colonists to exert authority over them following a series of insurrectionist incidents sparked by the Boston Tea Party of 1773. ... The intolerable acts were the proverbial straw that broke the camels back.

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A maintained ecosystem increases the number and variety of organisms found in a specific geographic region. This is also known as __

Environmental Issues: Select the best answer from the choices provided.

A biodiversity
D.global warming


Environmentalism. It is

1) what is domestic violence. 2) where does domestic violence occurs​



1 I think that will help

2 they mostly happen in marriage

In a dictionary, which word would be on the page with guide words believe and bench? A. boat B. beef C. belt D. best



C. Belt.


The dictionary is a book that lists words in alphabetical order, while also providing the meanings. This order enables readers to easily find and access words that they want.

In order to locate or find the word that belongs between "believe" and "bench", we must consider the individual letters of the two words.

Now, "believe" starts with 'bel-' and the other word "bench" starts with "ben-". So, the required word will have the third letter in between the letters "l" and "n".

Among the given words, the only word possible to be located in between the words "believe" and "bench" is "belt".

Thus, the correct answer is option C.




B I believe



D I believe


Presidents generally appoint federal judges who share their political beliefs and philosophy. Because federal judges are appointed for life, the power of appointment gives a President some influence over the direction of the court system even after his term of office

Quien es el dueño de nuestra vida ?


Nosotros mismos, y dios pero mas nosotros. porque tomamos nuestras propias decisiones y somos los que nos vamos a comprometer con lo que decidamos

cuales son las responsabilidades del presidente y su gabinete?



El presidente y su gabinete de ministros representa en ala ejecutiva del poder publico. Esto significa que tienen a su cargo la administración del país y de los recursos del gobierno, a nivel nacional, y dependiendo del país, a nivel reginal o municipal, ya sea de forma directa o con transferencias.

El presidente y su gabinete también tiene a cargo el hacer válida la ley y su cumplimiento, y es por esto que bajo su poder también se encuentran las fuerzas armadas y la policía.

if you play WildCraft and your a high lvl, and you know xQueenDeathx then you know me lol​



i do not know you,


oh cool I'll check it out haha

A _________ political institution that represents a sovereign people who occupy a definite territory



A State political institution that represents a sovereign people who occupy a definite territory.


it is correct!

What if there were no cars, buses, trains or places? Or what if you could go back in time when there were no such facilities? How would this change your life? How would you travel? How would you feel about all this?


It would feel weird because i would have to adapt to a new environment

What document provides Douglass with hope? Why does he find hope in this document? Explain two of his reasons.


They did it in a black bag with green green orange brown green green orange yellow green

What is the one thing people assume about you that you wish wasn’t true?​


That I’m lame and not cool

Annabelle is in the grocery store when she notices her heart is racing, and she becomes very dizzy. She is shaking so that she is barely able to stand up, and she cannot seem to get enough air and begins to hyperventilate. Annabelle thinks that maybe she is having a heart attack or going insane. She was fine a few minutes ago. Annabelle is exhibiting symptoms of a(n)



Panic Disorder without Agoraphobia


Panic Disorder

This type of disorder where there anxiety arises frequently and without any cause


This is a type of anxiety occurs about an individual being in places or situations from which escaping or getting help might be difficult in the event of a panic attack or panic symptoms.

Panic Disorder without Agoraphobia is that panic disorder without the anxiety of being in places where you have difficulty in getting help when panic occur.

Panic attack according to the DSM?

This is often known as time frame or period of intense fear or discomfort in which symptoms arises quickly with symptoms indicating activation of the sympathetic nervous system

The symptoms of a panic attack include; Pounding heart, palpitations, or accelerated heart rate, sensations of shortness of breath or choking, Chest pain or discomfort, Nausea or abdominal distress etc.

does depending on other countries help for development ​





A lot of dependency brings about loses and debt, because the country which is being depended on will request for something in exchange and when it comes to financial aspect the borrowed money given will be increased as profit to the countries being depended upon..

I will give you brainliest and 5 star and thanks if its correct


C one million I know this because I already did it

Can someone please help me?




montana, new hampshire, oklahoma, iowa, indiana, arizona, rhode island, tennesse, texas, california, new york, minnesota, nevada, massachusetts, north dakota, kansas, pennsylvania, west virginia, mississippi, south carolina, delaware, hawaii, nebraska, alaska.

i went down, i didnt go across. i hope this helps!

Effects of earth on human life



volcanic eruptions lead to destruction of many buildings and lives

where did the british empire expand to and why did they choose these places?

i'd rly appreciate anyone's help, thanks in advance!!​



The British Empire was composed of the dominions, colonies, protectorates, mandates, and other territories ruled or administered by the United Kingdom and its predecessor states. It began with the overseas possessions and trading posts established by England between the late 16th and early 18th centuries. At its height it was the largest empire in history and, for over a century, was the foremost global power.[1] By 1913 the British Empire held sway over 412 million people, 23 per cent of the world population at the time,[2] and by 1920 it covered 35,500,000 km2 (13,700,000 sq mi),[3] 24 percent of the Earth's total land area. As a result, its constitutional, legal, linguistic, and cultural legacy is widespread. At the peak of its power, it was described as "the empire on which the sun never sets", as the sun was always shining on at least one of its territories.[4]


thank me later

The map shows the geographic regions of the United States.

In which US geographic region is Arizona located?



Southwestern Region


At the outset of the American Revolution, how did northern rebels try to attract southern colonists to their cause?

Select the best answer from the choices provided.
They attacked British soldiers with clubs.
They tried to put an end to impressment by the British.
They minimized their anti-slavery rhetoric.
No answer is correct.



The correct answer is option C =  

They minimized their anti-slavery rhetoric


Its Option C - They minimized their anti-slavery rhetoric.

I am sure about the answer

Hope this answer helps you :)

Have a great day

Mark brainliest

Will anyone do a mha rp w me at least do 2 charecters maximum mine would be bakugou katsuki and kamanari denki
My discord is Haley Himiko#1459


okay sure i’ll add you


ok? well what do you mean


I GIVE BRAINLY FAST ANSWER PLSSSSS Which of the following statements best describes the English Bill of Rights?
It discouraged forming a government with a king in what became the United States.
It was one of the first written rules for government in what became the United States.
It listed the rights to which English citizens were entitled.
It made an argument that the monarchy should be replaced by a republic.



the fitness gram pacer test is a test where


Which of the following groups has the ability to create and change the laws within the United States?


Set by laws made by the congress and can be changed by the congress by passing new laws.

Which of the following dynasties did not follow legalism and believed in the teachings of Confucius?
A: Qin Dynasty
B: Han Dynasty
C: Zhou Dynasty
D: Ming Dynasty



The Han Dynasty


hope this helped!

identify the year that the July revolution occurred​


July 27, 1830-July 29, 1830


July Revolution, French Révolution de Juillet, also called July Days, (1830), insurrection that brought Louis-Philippe to the throne of France.Explanation:

how does a country with honest , laborious and educated people developed


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached, we can say the following.

A country with honest, laborious, and educated people will develop in the right direction to become a powerful country in different sectors such as the economy, politics, and social life.

This kind of nation will have a fast development if their citizens commit themselves to work hard, in a committed way to produce effective results, and generate the revenue the industry needs to allow workers to earn decent wages and have a decent life, if not good.

Education would play a major role in this transformation. Quality education is vital in order to instill the proper mentality in children, so when they grow up, they have these elements of hard work and commitment ingrained in their minds and bodies to be productive and honest people.

explain two ways in which the preservation of natural environments adds quality of life in a country​


Preservation and conservation are both processes that protect the environment, but their approaches are somewhat different. The goal of preservation is to protect the environment from the harmful effects of human activity.

Critically discuss how social media reports on poor gender-based violence ​



Kindly check explanation


Gender based violence are sensitive issues with ahisudk be addressed with the utmost care as parties who might think they want to help often times becoming messy with steps taken to report and publicize this cases which may often do more harm than good especially to the victim who will now have to suffer from further trauma of stigmatization and depression which may result in suicidal attempt and long laating intent on revenge. The social media continues to suffer from the right level of censorship as people now often post messages, videos and audios which are rather to explicit. Recent happening on gender based violence in Nigeria buttresses this point as cctv footage of what transpired between the victim and culprit made rounds on social media even before thorough investigation of the case had begun despite series of warnings and pleas from several quarters requesting that the full identity of the victim be made entirely secret. Hence, we can conclude that the social media does poorly in handling and reporting cases related to gender based violence.

what human right is being violated by sexual abuse​



lack of awareness programs

lack of education

lack of strict rules and regulations

Answer: Sex abuse is one of the most common forms of abuse in nursing homes[citation needed]. If a nursing home fails to do proper background checks on an employee who subsequently abuses residents, the home can be liable for negligence. If nursing homes fail to supervise staff or train staff to recognize signs of abuse, the home can also be liable for negligence. Sexual activity by caregivers may be a crime. Victims may not report abuse or cooperate with investigations due to associated stigma and/or reluctance to mention body parts.

for me, over here i was sexually abused by my older cousin


Which civilization became known as the “carriers of civilization”?





The Phoenicians “ The Carriers of Civilization” Due to their sailing skills, the Phoenicians served as missionaries of civilization, bringing eastern Mediterranean products and culture to less advanced peoples.

How can we prevent oil spills in ocean?​





Don’t overfill fuel tanks – fill to only 90 percent capacity to reduce the chance of spills. Use oil absorbent pads in the bilges of all boats with inboard engines. Regularly inspect through-hull fittings often to reduce the risk of sinking. Recycle used oil and filters.


Routinely inspect storage tanks as required by law. Use automatic nozzle shutoffs to reduce the potential for overfilling fuel tanks. Set up an oil-recycling program to deliver used oil to a designated collection site. Keep spill control equipment readily available. Properly dispose of used oil and fuel-absorbent materials.
Don't overfill fuel tanks – fill to only 90 percent capacity to reduce the chance of spills.
Use oil absorbent pads in the bilges of all boats with inboard engines.
Regularly inspect through-hull fittings often to reduce the risk of sinking.
Recycle used oil and filters.
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I need help badly Read and answer the given questions " Seeing Through" Jeffrey brushed quickly past an elderly woman waiting on the platform ahead of him to get onto the subway. He wanted to be sure to get a seat to read his New Economics Journal. As the train screeched out of the station, he lifted his head from the business news and stared at the man directly across from him. A fierce wave a tsunami of antipathy came over him. Jeffrey knew this man, knew him all too well. They had become bitter enemies. Their eyes locked. As the train reached full speed, the cacophony of speeding wheels against the winding rails and of the wildly vibrating subway car filled Jeffreys ears. To this frenetic beat, Jeffrey listed in his head all the reasons that this man, whose eyes he gravely stared into, whose image seemed to appear nearly everywhere he went, had become anathema to him. He had climbed the upper echelons of the Wall Street firm using an imperious manner with his subordinates: issuing directives; ordaining idiosyncratic decrees; generally making certain everyone knew he was the boss. Despite his impoverished upbringing, he had become ostentatious. Flush with cash from the lucrative deals he made on Wall Street, he had purchased a yacht and a home in Versailles. He used neither. But, oh, how he liked to say he had them. MeanwhileJeffrey knewthis mans father was on the verge of being evicted from his decrepit tenement apartment in the South Bronx. What bothered Jeffrey most about this man was that he never even attempted to make amends for his evil ways. Could this man change? Jeffrey did not know. But maybe, just maybe, he could try. The train screeched to Jeffreys stop at Battery Park. He gave the man one last hard look. See you around, he mumbled to himself. And he knew he would the wrinkled brow, that part of graying hair, those cold metallic eyes in a subway window reflectionwere his own. It would take years of hard work and self-contemplation, but Jeffrey would once again encounter this man on the train, and marvel at what a kinder person he had become.*Option 11. Which best describes Jeffrey's attitude in this passage?*anxiousstudiedunfortunateself-awareself-pitying2. A fierce wave a tsunami of antipathy came over him. Given the imagery in this sentence, which word would be the best substitute for came?*. angleddrizzledrainedwashedtrampled3. As used in paragraph 2, which word is the best antonym for antipathy?*. ambivalence. desperationadmiration. infatuation. happiness4. Using the story as a guide, it can be inferred that*. Jeffrey has few friends. Jeffrey likes to be the bossJeffrey has had a difficult lifeJeffrey is capable of changeJeffrey rides the subway frequently5."As the train reached full speed, the cacophony of speeding wheels against the winding rails and of the wildly vibrating train filled Jeffreys ears." Which literary technique is used in the above sentence (from paragraph 4)?*metaphor, a direct comparison between two things which does not use like or asanalogy, an extended comparison showing the similarities between two things. imagery, characterized by appealing to a sense or combination of sensesirony, characterized by a contrast or incongruity between what is stated and what is meantpersonification, characterized by something being described as if it had human qualities6.Which of the following best describes the main conflict in this passage?*. man versus man. man versus manman versus himselfman versus societyman versus machineman versus nature7. As used in paragraph 4, anathema is best defined as a(n):*cursevision. embarrassmentantagonistproblem8. used in paragraph 5, to have an imperious manner means to be:*ignorantstoicsimperingunaffecteddomineering9. As used in paragraph 6, which is the best synonym for ostentatious?*assiduousextravagantmodestmiserlyrefined10. What is made clear by the end of story? I.The man that Jeffery dislikes is himself. II. Jeffery was eventually able to become a better person. III. Jefferys father lives in the South Bronx.*. I only. II only. I and II. II and IIII, II, and III During your shift at the clinic, a young man arrives with a red, scaly rash formed into rings. What is this patients diagnosis likely to be? What causes this condition? How can he avoid this rash in the future? Which statement is a theme that could be found in a literary text?(A) many animals around the world are dangerous (B) all runners are very athletic (C) look before you leap(D) courage means to be brave In pea plants, there are two alleles for the gene controlling Flower Color, with the allele for Purple Flowers (P) being completely-dominant to the allele for White Flowers (p). Another gene controls Flower Position with the allele for Axial Flowers (A) being completely-dominant to the allele for Terminal Flowers (a). If a plant that was true-breeding for Purple-Axial Flowers was crossed with a plant that true-breeding for White-Terminal Flowers, what would be the expected phenotypic ratio two generations later