What do you think? Should schools continue to use To Kill a Mockingbird to teach
lessons about conflict and tolerance? Are its lessons universal and able to stand
the test of time?
Use the RAFT strategy to develop an argument defending or challenging the use of
the novel To Kill a Mockingbird in your high school curriculum.
Role: Student
Audience: Parent, teacher, censor, administrator, school board member
Format: Letter, speech, or email
Topic: Whether or not the novel To Kill a Mockingbird should be part of the high
school curriculum
(Using 5 paragraphs)


Answer 1

To Kill A Mockingbird teaches the value of empathy and understanding differences. The novel offers excellent learning opportunities such as discussion, role-playing, and historical research, allowing students to delve into these issues and appreciate them and the work itself.

Related Questions






a. "which would totally be a good thing"

b. which would be excellent for those who priorotise democracy.


“This would get a higher voter turnout, which would totally be a good thing” is the shift in style. You could rewrite it to say, “This would get a higher voter turnout.” You can also rewrite that sentence however you want as long as it doesn’t use totally, which makes it unprofessional.


Is loyalty or honesty more important?

(please give reasons)



Both honesty and loyalty are two very important values for a person's social ties with third parties. Thus, honesty implies a vocation to behave according to the truth and without deceiving others, while loyalty implies the behavior by which the person will not betray or stop supporting another, or a particular cause.

Now, when comparing, I believe that honesty is a more important value. This is so because honesty implies a general behavioral parameter, that is, of the individual towards the whole of society, while loyalty is with respect to a few people. In this way, honesty tends much more to the common good than loyalty.

what type of phrase is in this sentence?
The bond between my dog and me is unbreakable.​



It is an adjective


Which of the following is NOT a modern example of the Gothic?

Stranger Things
The Goosebumps series
Ender's Game



enders game



id say stranger things isnt.


lol stranger things is everything but gothic

When does inductive reasoning lead to stereotyping


So, i'm not sure if this is multiple choice, but i did find this website that could help!


I hope this helps a bit! :)


B) when its based on insuficient exapmles or evidence


If there is not enough examples or evidence then people would be lead to believe their own thoughts/opinions leading to - stereotypes

What is the best reason to include a footnote or end note in your paper?

A- to present humorous asides about the information in your paper

B - after a paragraph with few facts, to make the paper look more credible

C- in place of a parenthetical citation, when you need to cite a source

D- to give extensive additional information on a detail or a quote


I’m pretty sure it’s the last one

The best reason to include a footnote or endnote in a paper is to provide some extra information on a detail or a note. Thus, the correct answer is D). to give extensive additional information on a detail or a quote.

What exactly are endnotes and footnotes?

A footnote is the note or text that can be found at the bottom of a given page, while an endnote is a note that is written or added at the end of a text.

The basic similarity between footnote and endnote is that both are used in printed documents in order to explain, comment on, or provide references for a text in a report. Many people use footnotes for detailed comments and endnotes for quotation of sources.

The basic difference between endnotes and footnotes are minimal. Endnotes appear at the end of the paper, while footnotes appear at the bottom of the same page.

Learn more about footnote and endnote here:-



what's the complete subject and simple subject of "a new tropical wave just entered the gulf of Mexico"​



Complete Subject= New Tropical Wave

Simple Subject= Wave


"A complete subject is the simple subject, or the main word or words in a subject, along with any of the modifiers that might describe the subject."

Basically something like "wave" would be a simple subject because its not giving all the info about the wave, just that it is a wave. Whileas a complete subject would be "New tropical wave" because we were given all the info about the subject, making it complete.

Why might an author use satire?


To make readers with opposing viewpoints consider an issue more deeply. Satire is a technique employed by writers to expose and criticized foolishness and corruption of an individual or a society by using humor, irony, exaggeration or ridicule. They use fictional character to stand for real -people to help expose and condemn there corruption. It could be just to entertain you the reader. It could also just go with the character and the tone of the book. For example, if you made a novelization of the TV show friends you would us a lot a satire.

are there any positive effects of littering?


no, not really. just alot of negatives

No I don’t think iam sorry if I’m not helpful

Explain (in at least one paragraph) what
makes the hippie culture a



Hi. I can give you some ideas for your paragraph:

Hippies are a counterculture because they wanted to move away from the ideals of American society. They rejected the views of the government and it all really started after the assassination of JFK. They used drugs to alter their mind and played really cool music that was not mainstream. They were anti-establishment - meaning that they had a willful disregard for the conventions of the govt and society around them. You could say that they were nontraditional and unconventional.

An example of one of the words we still use today is "underground", and they viewed the government as repressive and unjust. They could become hostile, but mostly they were for "peace on earth".


They did not trust the government and decided to create some of their own rules.

The main idea of the article, "Friendship: The Key to Happiness" is


Answer: The answer is; True friendship requires that both help each other without expecting anything in return.

Explanation: I hope that this helps you out! Have a good day!


Read the passage and then answer the question:

All her life, Sonia's brother Marco has beaten her at everything: sports,
debate, video games, even chess. Just once, she would like to stand
out and prove that she has strengths of her own – ones that Marco
doesn't have to an even greater degree. One day, Marco and Sonia's car
breaks down in the middle of the desert.

To create the most fitting climax, which event should happen next in the

A. The two are forced to outsmart and escape a group of strange

B. Marco panics, but Sonia uses her practical knowledge to help
them survive.

C. A friendly truck driver comes along and saves them from their

D. Sonia tells Marco how much she resents him for being better at



O c. Marco panics, but Sonia uses her practical knowledge to help

them survive.


Took the test


d) Sonia tells Marco how much she resents him for being better at


option 'd' might be correct since after a talk about their differences maybe they might be able to help out each other and put away their thoughts of being better than the other.

Hope this helps! btw this question is more of a Value Based Question, so this was basically my opinion according to the situation. Have a nice day ahead! :D

Help I got 30 mins .!


Answer: unorganized, or messy for A

Explanation: he had a coctail mess on him which is also B


Disheveled means their appearance is messed up


The context clues were that the drink spilled on his shirt. You get the vibe that something about his appearance was messed up. when he said "What a night!" too.

What are some things an author might do in their writing if the purpose is to entertain


Answer: They might use puns, jokes, and figurative language to entertain.


Murder mystery, comedy, puns

Kites: Birds of Glory

As a rule, raptors, or birds of prey, are among the most admired and adored birds in the world. From the California condor to the snowy owl, few birds compare to the tigers of the air: the great hunters whose beauty and skill have inspired art and literature for centuries. The most glorious feathers of the peacock or the vibrant plumage of a bunting cannot compete with the power of a peregrine falcon or the determination of an osprey. Included in this group of hunters, however, is one bird of prey that is little known but equally impressive. The kites of the world are generally smaller than most raptors, but just as astonishing in skill and grace as any other hunter of the skies.

Most people think of paper or cloth structures flown with string from the ground when the word 'kite' is used. In addition to these popular toys, kite can also refer to a type of raptor. Kites have a small head, a short beak and long narrow wings and tail. Kites can be found all over the world in mostly warm regions. Kites live on a variety of prey—from insects to small rodents or reptiles. Some kites eat only one kind of prey. Kites are generally masterful in the air and represent a group of birds that are among the most acrobatic of fliers.

Two of the most familiar kites in the Southern United States are the swallow-tailed kite and the Mississippi kite. The Mississippi kite is rather plain to look at: a light brown and gray body with a buff or white colored head. But to watch a Mississippi kite fly is to watch a ballet in the air. These raptors eat primarily flying insects, so they do most of their hunting on the wing. As you might imagine, catching flying insects requires a great deal of agility and speed. If you are lucky enough to see one in flight, you will be amazed at the quick turns, graceful moves, and speedy pursuits of this bird. Look for them above large fields, especially during the summer.

The swallow-tailed kite, also common in the South, is more easily identifiable and often seen flying over roads. With black wings and tail, white head and body, and a forked or swallow-like tail, this raptor is just as acrobatic as the Mississippi kite. Swallow-tailed kites like flying over highways in the summer as they can take advantage of the thermals, or columns of warmed air, that rise above the pavement. Once they have climbed to sufficient height, swallow-tails will glide, looking for snakes and reptiles and insects. They also eat small rodents, frogs, and other birds on occasion. Watching a swallow-tail fly is a lot like watching a gymnast perform a floor routine. Rarely flapping its wings, it uses its forked tail to make sharp turns, trace circles in the sky, or simply maintain a heading. Skilled, accomplished, and graceful, this bird is as entertaining as it is beautiful.

Both kites are known to eat while flying, unlike most other birds of prey. This practice conserves energy and allows them to hunt almost continuously. While these kites are not listed as endangered, they are rare and in some states are listed as critical. Loss of habitat is the main reason for the decline. If you are lucky enough to see one, count yourself among the few. These magnificent birds are a sight you won't soon forget.


What are the key differences between swallow-tail and Mississippi kites? Use details and quotations from the text to support your answer.



The most notable difference between these two kites is the shape of the tail: the Mississippi Kite has a shorter, rectangular shaped tail, while the Swallow-tailed Kite has a very long, deeply forked tail. The White-tailed Kite is also sometimes confused with the Swallow-tailed Kite.

paraphrase this passage?

The fearful Passage of their death-Mark'd Love and the continuance of their parents rage Which, but their children's end, nought could remove, Is now the two hours' trafficka of our stage. ​


Is this good enough??

The dreadful Passage of their death-marked Love and the continuation of their parents' wrath, which nothing could erase save their children's death, is now our stage's two-hour trafficka.

Hope it helps!!

Can help me please.I will give you brainliest



(C) Because the restriction is the number 1 extorbant rent


putting software on computer software is ready to execute is called
please tell the answer
all answers will get the brainiest




putting software on computer software is ready to execute is called installing the software



Installing a software is the process of putting software on computer software is ready to execute.

It was much later that they realized their decision was a mistake.


No errors to be found!

Unless somebody else is judging it by something else.

Questions 26-35. Read the following passage from Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Nature: Addresses and Lectures (1849) carefully before you choose your answers.
Which item contains the best paragraph of the following statement? “The sun illuminates only the eye of the man, but shines into the eye and the heart of the child.”
Select one:
a. The sun favors children over adults.
b. Adults have developed an immunity to the rays of the sun.
c. Children are better able to see the sun than adults are.
d. Adults can see nature, but they don’t truly appreciate it the way children do.


The best paraphrase of the statement by Ralph Waldo Emerson is "adults can see nature, but they don't truly appreciate it the way children do," option D.

First, we need to make a slight correction to the question. If we look it up online, we will find it is not "paragraph" but "paraphrase" that we are supposed to discuss and consider.

What is a paraphrase?

A paraphrase is a text that says the same things stated in another text, but with different words. Unlike a summary, which only uses the most important elements of the original text, a paraphrase will repeat all information presented, only in a different way.

To choose the best paraphrase of the sentence “The sun illuminates only the eye of the man, but shines into the eye and the heart of the child,” we must first interpret it. This statement is not to be taken literally.

What Emerson means is that both adults and children can appreciate nature, but children do it in a more complete way. Their hearts are figuratively touched by nature, whereas adults only appreciate it with their eyes.

With the information above in mind, we can choose option D as the correct answer.

Learn more about paraphrases here:



"[Gatsby] knew women early, and since they spoiled him he became contemptuous of them, of young virgins because they were ignorant, of the others because they were hysterical about things which... He took for granted." a Gatsby held misogynistic views during an earlier phase in his life. b Gatsby began to take women for granted due to his early experiences. c Gatsby had several relationships occurring simultaneously when he was young.



B. Gatsby began to take women for granted due to his early experiences


Which words contain a root word related to "rule”? Select three options. monarchy congressman governor democracy diplomacy rain



• Monarchy

• Democracy

• Governor


Monarchy is derived from a Greek word which translates to one person ruling.

Democracy is derived from a Greek word for rule.

Governor is derived from the Roman word for rule.

All three words are therefore derived from the word rule and it makes sense because today they are used to refer to either those who rule or the process of choosing those who rule.

A monarch and a Governor both have the authority to rule over a certain area and democracy allows us to choose Governors and sometimes Monarchs.





Explanation:i know this cause i just took the test



Answer: I have learned that I even just smiling at someone can make their day, asking them how their day is going will make them happy, I learned that the more you give to someone the more you get it back. I learned that spending out time with family is a blessing, not a burden, and the sooner we realize this, the better. Looking back, the majority of our most treasured memories are those in which we were surrounded by our loved ones. Our aunts, uncles, grandparents, and parents are wise; learn from their experiences and take in their advice. Spending time with family is not "uncool," so make the most of the time you still have with the people who genuinely care about you.  

Explanation: Instead of attempting to control everything that happens in your life, I realized that you should just let things go. Things will go wrong; we should manage them with grace and maturity, but we shouldn't try to disrupt things we can't. Attempting to do so will be a waste of our time and energy. We have control over how hard we study in school and how hard we work on the sports field.  Those are the things we should concentrate on.

Hope it helps!!

The theme of a story is best described as ... *
A. What happens in the story
B. The truth the author reveals about life.
C. The topic or title of the story
D. The time and place of the story's action
E. Entertained



B - the truth the author reveals about life.

*According to me.

What is a claim/Topic sentence for “Cause and Risk factors for Juvenile delinquency”?


There are many causes and risk factors of juvenile delinquency, including ____ .

Some causes/effects you could put in the blank are
- children being traumatized
- children losing the motivation to succeed
- children being injured or murdered


well..... if you think about it deeply from the heart and from the brain you’ll have ur answer :) HOPE THIS HELPS LOLOL


Why doesn't Romeo know Juliet isn't really dead in act 5 of Romeo and Juliet



The letter Juliet told Friar John to send go Romeo did not get to him in time, so when he heard the news about Juilet, he thought she was dead.

What can be inferred about Lily from this passage?

Lily had a talent for getting into trouble. Her parents were always scolding her for doing things she shouldn’t do. She loved to play in the woods behind her house. However, her father warned her to not stay in the woods after dark. He told Lily tales of dangerous animals that roamed the woods in the night. Being a curious child, Lily did not pay attention to her father’s wise words.

One evening after dinner, Lily sneaked out of the house and went exploring in the dark woods. Armed with a flashlight, Lily was determined to see for herself these scary creatures her father described. She had never been in the woods at night. It was a strange place indeed. The sounds were unfamiliar to her. Suddenly, she heard a low growling sound. It sounded similar to the sound her dog, Toby, made when he was angry. Slowly, she scanned the woods with her flashlight. She saw a pair of glowing eyes that seemed to be coming closer to her. Lily became frightened. Forgetting her exploration, she ran home as fast as she could. Once out of the woods, Lily calmed herself down. She realized that her father was right. It was too dangerous to be in the woods after dark. Lily learned that being stubborn isn’t always a good thing.

She likes to play with wild animals.
She sometimes disobeys her parents’ rules.
She isn’t afraid of walking at night.
She doesn’t like stories about wild animals.
She isn’t very curious or adventurous.



B. She sometimes disobeys her parents' rules.


To escape from a black mamba is like being born again. Why did the speaker say this and how do you think it felt for him to be born again? ( Literature lesson, ‘The Station' )



Following are the response to the given question:


It is a very poisonous snake of the Elapidae family. It originates in portions of sub-Saharan Africa. That it's both terrestrial or trees; it is present in the savannahs, in forests, stony slopes, and, in some places, even deep forests.

Black mamba, as we all, is highly dangerous and poisonous. It was even a death-causing bite. That's how the person means here because it is very hard for a poisonous snake to get escape. The presenter must be quite frightened. In those other words, we may claim thru the BBC EARTH channel that you've been getting a snake town service that allows you to understand how to flee or catch the black mamba snake.

The prayer of the living
What happens to the narrator at the end of the story?​





If he had understood my language, he might have known it was my way of saying goodbye.

Read the paragraph
I have been a nurse for twenty years. In that time, I have seen a great number of patients suffer because they
did not have health insurance. One of the worst cases was a young mother of two who was diagnosed with
early stage skin cancer. Because she could not afford treatment, the cancer spread from her skin to other
parts of her body. By the time I saw her for the first time, the cancer had reached her brain and she could no
longer be helped. This sort of thing should not happen to anyone. A strong universal health care system
could prevent instances like this from occurring,
Which rhetorical appeal is used in the text, "One of the worst cases was a young mother of two who was diagnosed
with early stage skin cancer"?

A. logos, an appeal based on logic

B. ethos, an appel based on the author's character

C. pathos, an appeal based on emotion

D. O no rhetorical appeal is used


Answer: A logos, an appeal based on logic

Explanation: the person is telling you the reason why it is happening with the experience they have

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