What does Karen Armstrong say is central to all of the world's religions?


Answer 1


The Golden Rule is the center of all world religions

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Booker T. Washington believed that the key to political and civil rights for African Americans was a economic independence and education in agriculture and the trades. b the adoption of Socialism in the United States. c rigorous academic training. d to directly challenge white supremacy. e the rejection of accommodationist attitudes.



Booker T. Washington believed that the key to political and civil rights for African Americans was economic independence and education in agriculture and the trades.


Booker T. Washington was an African-American leader. He was born a slave but was freed at the end of the civil war, being recognized as an American citizen and finally able to begin his studies. He believed that the full freedom of the black population would come from economic independence and not from fighting white people. He believed that blacks should be concerned about their livelihood in a calm way, without provoking any white citizens and striving for economic independence and commercial and agricultural success.

Harappa/Mohenjo-Daro Describe their culture


It was one of the largest cities of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization, also known as the Harappa Civilization, which developed around 3,000 BCE from the prehistoric Indus culture. Mohenjo-daro was the most advanced city of its time, with remarkably sophisticated civil engineering and urban planning. and the Harappan civilization were the first to developed an accurate system of standardized weights and measures, some as accurate as to 1.6 mm. Harappans created sculpture,seals,pottery, and jewelry from materials, such as terracotta, metal, and stone.


I NEED ASAP ILL KISS YOU IF YOU ANSWER THIS!!!Answer each question in 2–3 sentences. Be sure to refer to the characteristics of each religion in your response.
1. How are the monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) similar?
2. How are the monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) different?



1: The three religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam readily fit the definition of monotheism, which is to worship one god while denying the existence of other gods. But, the relationship of the three religions is closer than that: They claim to worship the same god.

2: Christianity believes in the Trinity where there are 3 parts to God, where Islam and Judaism believe that there is only one god. Judaism puts more emphasis on laws and following them completely than Christianity which is talks more of love and acceptance.


if thats too many words and come off as cheater vibes you can narrow it down to the important stuff, and mess with the words a little.

He was the Supreme Commander of Allied troops in Europe and the executor of the D-Day invasion.



Dwight D Eisenhower


Which statement would the Greek philosophers Aristotle and Plato be most
likely to agree with?


The correct answer is C.

According to the ideas expressed in the Republic by Plato and the Politics by Aristotle, the society (polis) should be ruled by the most rational, most qualified and best members of the country, the philosopher kings in words of Plato. These philosophers, the fathers of western political philosophy, don't agree with democracy since in their view it is a distortion of a constitutional government. The government should be composed by an educated elite (aristocracy), a philosopher king (royalty), or a constitutional government (Republic). For that reason, the leader of the country, following his reason, would rule for the common good of the entire society.

i need help on knowing which percentage is correct



Option B


On October 19, 1781  in YORKTOWN, VIRGINIA  - The fight of American colonies ended. Charles Lord Cornwallis signed an orders to surrender his British army and hence move out of tobacco port of Yorktown. Nearly 50% of the people were happy with this decision.  

Hence, option B is correct

⚠️❗️⚠️❗️What term described Russia’s middle class during the Russian revolution?

A. Prolteriat
B. Bolsheviks
C. Bourgeoisie
D. Czars


B. Bolsheviks

“Under the rule of the Czars, Russia once tried (and failed miserably) to develop a sustainable middle class. That failure ultimately helped pave the way for the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.”

HELP PLEASE THIS IS DUE ON SUNDAY and im kinda lazy lol-

You have been transported back to the time of the Civil Rights Movement. You have decided to join the movement and become activist for the equality of Black Americans. What kind of tactics will you use in your activism: nonviolent actions (like SCLC and CORE) or more militant actions (like the Nation of Islam and the Black Panther Party)?



If transported back in time to the Civil Rights Movement I am more likely to participate in non violent actions like the SCLS and Dr. Martin Luther King spoke on. I would sit along side my classmates and friends at the lunch counter and refuse to leave till everyone was served. I would march along side those that marched in Selma and on the March to Washington. I would go with friends and help them register to vote and do peaceful sitins to protest when they are denied the right to so. I would get on a bus with the Freedom riders and travel across the south in protest of where men and women are forced to sit on busses. And I would give up my seat on a bus for an African American to sit down.


I need help I need it now


I remember this. I am pretty sure it is c. Silk road

The “Columbian Exchange” resulted in the genocide of the indigenous people of the americas
True or false





the columbian exchange was the transfer of plants, animals, people, diseases, and new ideas between the old world in the 16th century. because of the mindsets of people from the "new world", it resulted in the deaths of thousands of indigenous people, if not more.

The concept ofCompared with Medieval art, a major theme in Renaissance art was


landscaping, linear perspective, light, anatomy and realism

Help out !!!!!!!! Need help


Hello friend how are you♥♥♥♥♥♥

What does print media include?

public radio and monthly magazines

radio and local news

journals and television

newspapers and journals



What does print media include?

The two most common print media are newspapers and magazines, but print media also include outdoor billboards, transit posters, the yellow pages, and direct mail.


3,2,1 meow <3

Newspapers and magazines are the two print media that are used most frequently, although other print media such as outdoor billboards, transit posters, the yellow pages, and direct mail are also used.

What types of print media are there?

Newspapers, magazines, books, and direct mail are all examples of print media (including flyers and postcards).

Print media includes newspapers. There are national, regional, and specialty newspapers produced by news and organizations so that the general public can learn about the world.

Print media include magazines.

Print media using direct mail.

Books, business cards, brochures, discounts, advertisements in periodicals or newspapers, billboard advertisements, postcards, and even product packaging are some examples of print media.

To learn more about Types of print media refer to:



Select the correct answer.
Power training uses explosive movements involving both speed and _____.


C is the correct answer

Was President Roosevelt justified in ordering Executive Order 9066, which resulted in the interment of Japanese American Citizens?


He was not justified in doing so, no matter how much he was advised not to do so, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed that order under pressure brought by Secretary of War Henry Stimson to do so, without measuring the consequences that this would bring, such as the isolation in specific areas of American people of Japanese origin for considering them highly dangerous in the face of attacks in Pearl Harbor, as well as other subsequent hand attacks. This measure created xenophobia towards the Japanese because with it there was incitement to racial prejudices by the Americans.

In the Solar System, what do planets, comets, and asteroids have in common?



b the orbit the sun


What does this excerpt from Book 21 of Homer's Odyssey reveal about Ulysses's wife, Penelope?
To whom the queen: "If fame engage your views,
Forbear those acts which infamy pursues;
Wrong and oppression no renown can raise;
Know, friend! that virtue l the path to praise
The stature of our guest, his port, his face,
Speak him descended from no vulgar race.
To him the bow, as he desires, convey;
And to his hand if Phoebus give the day,
Hence, to reward his merit, be shall bear
A two-edged falchion and a shining spear,
Embroider'd sandals, a rich cloak and vest,
A safe conveyance to his port of rest.'
O A. She knows that the beggar ir disguise is Ulysses, so she defends so him.
• B. She is fair, impartial, and not affected by a person's social status.

She is clever and wants to make a good impression on her suitors.
• D. She thinks the beggar will be a distraction to keep her son safe from the suitors.


Answer: IDEK


10) What was the government's response to the situation addressed in this cartoon?
1. Immigration law reform
2. Economic stimulus spending
3. Affirmative Action for college admissions
4. Laws to prevent home foreclosures



I need the pictures


send out the pictures and I will answer it sooooooooooooooooooooooo

Write a one page document on your opinion, what were the two most important inventions during Industrialization Era/Gilded Age? Don’t just list the inventions. You need to defend your answer with informed information that you gained from the lesson resources and mention the following; Who is credited with the invention What year it was developed (Make sure it is during the Industrialization Era) Summary of how it was developed (how long did the inventor spend working on it? Was it an improvement to another invention? How it changed life in American/world throughout that time and how it impacts us now.



New forms of transportation such as the steamboat and the railroad helped the nation expand trade. Meanwhile, innovations such as the modern assembly line and electric light bulb revolutionized both business and personal life


What were the ''border states'' of the civil war



In the context of the American Civil War (1861–65), the border states were slave states that did not secede from the Union. They were Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri, and after 1863, the new state of West Virginia


How did 90s music affect american society?



the 90s music brings out positively towards Americans most likely giving them a good vibe during there times but since Rap was created during the 90s. Rap was a good jazzy type back in the 90s then today.

Why do terrorist groups often target infrastructure like transportation systems? (5 points)

To increase economic activities
To prompt foreign countries to send aid
To generate fear and frustration within the civilian population
To make the citizens revolt against their government


Explanation: To generate fear and frustration within the civilian population. They want to hurt and cause as much trouble as possible.

Hope that's right!


Which of the following best describes how the Supreme Court voted in Brown v. Board of Education?
The court voted to end public school segregation.
The court voted to hold a national debate on public school segregation.
The court voted to leave public school segregation up to individual states.
The court voted to maintain public school segregation.



Answer: The court voted to end public school segregation.(A)



The best statement that describes how the Supreme Court voted in Brown v. Board of Education is that the court voted to end public school segregation.

Brown v. Board of Education case

The lawsuit began in 1951 as a result of the refusal of the public school system in Topeka, Kansas, to admit local black resident Oliver Brown's daughter to the closest elementary school to their home.

Rather, she was forced to take a bus to a segregated black school that was further distant.

The Browns, along with twelve other local black families in similar situations, launched a class action case against the Topeka Board of Education, saying that its segregation policy was illegal.

The case was taken all the way to the United States Supreme Court.

The Browns were awarded a unanimous 9–0 victory by the Supreme Court on May 17, 1954.

The Supreme Court concluded that "separate educational facilities are inherently unequal," and that legislation requiring them is not in line with the Equal Protection Clause of the United States Constitution's Fourteenth Amendment.

Learn more about the Brown v. Board of Education case at: https://brainly.com/question/445781.

What was the most likely response of the American people when they later heard news of the Bataan Death March?


Answer: B.) Shock and Anger

Explanation: Correct on Unit test final

When the American public eventually learned about the Bataan Death March, approbation, shock, and understanding were likely their reactions.

What was the  Bataan Death March ?

The major Philippine island of Luzon is where the American and Filipino troops that were on Bataan when they submitted to the Japanese forces during World War II were located, hence the correct answer is Philippines.

55-mile march by soldiers to reach prisoner-holding facilities In this march, thousands of Americans and Filipinos lost their lives. General Douglas MacArthur's capitulation to the Japanese came after this conflict.

The brutality and inhumanity of their guards led to the deaths of as many as 11,000 POWs during the Death March. The anguish of the survivors continued as more than twice as many POWs perished the American people's anticipated reaction after learning about the Bataan Death March

Learn more about Bataan Death March here


# SPJ 2

1. According to the 2009 U.S. census, about 10,000,000 people live in California.



2. The Spanish found more gold in California than the Mexicans.





true and true


Which of the following did President Theodore Roosevelt win the Nobel prize in 1906


The Nobel peace prize was awarded to President Theodore Roosevelt in 1906


Describe in as much detail as possible the U.S. policy of CONTAINMENT during the Cold War and give four examples of how the U.S. supported/practiced this policy.


The U.S. policy of containment, was a policy that used many techniques to stop the spread of communism. This was an effect of the cold war, and it was used against the Soviet Union.    


Wanting to stop the spread of communism, and having the Soviet Union gain more power.


-Containing communism, so that it's influence would not affect other countries. This lead to the creation of NATO which was to include itself in the border states of the world and prevent them from turning communist.

-The policy was adopted by President Harry Truman. This was also part of the "free the people movement." From any outside pressure, or influence.

-The United States agreed to help both countries to avoid the possibility that the Soviet Union would lead them to communism. ( Greece and Turkey) and they paired with them.

In 1861 the North went to war with the South primarily to liberate the slaves Answer A: liberate the slaves A prevent European powers from meddling in American affairs Answer B: prevent European powers from meddling in American affairs B preserve the Union Answer C: preserve the Union C average political defeats and insults inflicted by the South Answer D: average political defeats and insults inflicted by the South D forestall a Southern invasion of the North



C: preserve the Union


In 1861, the North went to war to preserve the Union and abolish slavery in the South. The aggression between the North and the South began during the election of 1860. Abraham Lincoln examined and denied the expansion of slavery in the territories. His election disrupted the two sides. Lincoln wanted to unite all the states, but the Southern states chose to form a separate government by creating the Confederate States of America. The Civil War became necessary to preserve the nation with the ideas of the founding fathers.  

How are the monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) different?



Christianity believes in the Trinity where there are 3 parts to God, where Islam and Judaism believe that there is only one god. Judaism puts more emphasis on laws and following them completely than Christianity which is talks more of love and acceptance.

¿En qué consistió el levantamiento de Túpac Amaru?


La Rebelión de Túpac Amaru II (1780 - c. 1782) fue un levantamiento de campesinos nativos y mestizos con apoyo criollo y mestizo, liderado por caciques indígenas contra los beneficiarios de las reformas borbónicas en el Virreinato español del Perú.

Answer: La Rebelión de Túpac Amaru II (1780 - c. 1782) fue un levantamiento de campesinos nativos y mestizos con apoyo criollo y mestizo, liderados por caciques indígenas contra los beneficiarios de las reformas borbónicas en el Virreinato español del Perú. Espero que esto haya ayudado, necesito un traductor. No soy bueno en español.

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