What is mined in Louisiana?


Answer 1


The resources that are mined in Louisiana is the production of salt common clay, construction and industrial sand and gravel, crushed stone gypsum, lime, and natural gemstones.


I hope I helped , Have a great day or night . Xoxoxo.

Related Questions

What were the reasons that the Battle of Antietam helped Lincoln decide to issue the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation?



The Battle of Antietam was the one of the Bloodiest one day battles of the war at that point that resulted in a decisive win for the Union. This big win gave the Union the knowledge that they could win aganist the confederacy which resulted in a gain of confidence for the Union. This win was a win in more ways than one, it was a win in the Eastern war front which had been a strong hold for the confederacy. Lincoln used the confidence of this win to issue the Emancipation Proclamation from a position of strength rather than need.


What is the difference between privilege and disadvantage/discrimination


a privilege is something that you get if you’re thought of as the best. a disadvantage is something you have when you lack a certain trait or have one .

1. During the 1950s, what was a major factor that encouraged families to move to the suburbs?
A. pollution in the cities
B. economic growth and prosperity
C. improved medical care
D. lack of jobs



With the increase of autos in the 1950s, the demand for good quality roads increased. The federal government passed the Interstate Highway Act, 1956, pumping $1 billion a year into the construction of roads. By 1960, $2.9 billion was being used a year. The construction encouraged urban sprawl, as more people could now live in the suburbs and drive the freeways into the cities for work. But it also marked the beginning of the end to the city as a livable location. The middle class left the city to live in the suburbs, urban neighborhoods were split into isolated residential islands walled off from each other by concrete abutments of the freeways. this might not help but here


What caused the Mexican Revolution?



The Mexican Revolution started in 1910, when liberals and intellectuals began to challenge the regime of dictator Porfirio Díaz, who had been in power since 1877, a term of 34 years called El Porfiriato, violating the principles and ideals of the Mexican Constitution of 1857.

The dictatorship-like rule of Porfirio Diaz for over 30 years.

Exploitation and poor treatment of workers.

Great disparity between rich and poor.


What is photosynthesis​




Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants take in carbon dioxide and water, in the presence of chlorophyll by using sunlight to make their own food. Oxygen is released as a by product.

Chemical Reaction for PHOTOSYNTHESIS:

[tex]\sf 12H_2O + 6CO_2 \underset{chlorophyll}{\xrightarrow{Sunlight}} C_6H_{12}O_6 + 6H_2O + 6O_2 \uparrow[/tex]



Explain the three types of pressure groups​



1)Sectional interest groups

a) They seek to promote the interests of a particular section or a group of society. b)Their principal concern is the betterment of their members.

c)For eg: FEDECOR.

2)Public interest groups

a)They promote collective rather than

selective goods. b)They aim to help groups rather than their


c)For eg:BAMCEF.

3)Movement groups

a)They attempt to bring changes in social order.

b)They seek to achieve a single objective within a limited time and aboard goal in a very long term.

c)For eg: Narmada Bachao Andolan.

based on the chart which of these statements is most likely true?​




b is the answer sire

The answer is either B or C. I think

Explain how most industrialized food production systems reduce biodiversity?



 Industrialized food system prefers monoculting crops this the diversity of crops that are grown is drastically decreased.

Trust me mark me as brainliest trust me

Effects of globalization on citizenship



Globalization affects you and me by giving people broader access to products and services, decreasing subsidies and tariffs, creating new opportunities for financial markets, giving national industries more access to international markets, and connecting national economies.


Give me brainliest!

The vast majority of research literature has taught us that reward is much more effective than punishment in caring for our children. This is also true with our beloved doggies, yet out of frustration and lack of control, some owners hit their dogs as a method of training. The most common example is when a dog is being trained to be house broken (only urinating and defecating outdoors). It would stand to reason that moments of accidents (which are not only to be expected but) are opportunities for learning and training. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. I have witnessed owners yelling at and spanking their dog when they have discovered poop in their homes and the dog of course responds by cowering. If this persists (just more than once is all it takes), what happens then is that every time an owner raises their hand quickly (regardless of the reason; swatting a mosquito, gesticulation), the dog flinches with fear.



1. In unconditional stimulus the dog is excreting in the house at first. This here is a first time act.

2. Unconditional response is the dog owner screaming and beating the dog till he cowers.

3. Conditional stimulus is the dog owner shouting till he threatens to spank the dog

4. Conditioned response has to do with the dog already living in fear or fright.

When monetary authorities set interest rates, what happens to the money supply? Why is money supply important in monetary policy?




A change in interest rates is one way to make that correspondence happen. A fall in interest rates increases the amount of money people wish to hold, while a rise in interest rates decreases that amount. A change in prices is another way to make the money supply equal the amount demanded.


The monetary authorities affect interest rates, which have a direct impact on the money supply in the economy. When the Fed reduces interest rates, industries and businesses borrow more money because their interest expense reduces. They can borrow money at a lower interest rate. When businesses invest money in new projects, they create more jobs, which reduces unemployment. Thus, people earn more money and their disposable income increases, which increases consumer spending. Additionally, because of increased output, there are more products and services on the market for consumers to buy. The increase in demand could drive up the prices of goods and services.

When interest rates are high, businesses have to pay higher interest rates on loans. They borrow less money, which can lead to economic stagnation due to a paucity of new investments and higher unemployment. As unemployment increases, the spending capacity of people decreases, which can further stunt growth because there is less money in the economy. Thus, interest rates have a huge and direct effect on the money supply in the economy.



What did Martin Luther write?
O a Latin translation of the Bible
O Ninety-Five Theses
Institutes of the Christian Religion
Episcopal philosophy


The answer is Ninety-five theses
The answer is ninety- five theses

Material culture is known for lacking



Material and non-material culture both are a big part of the theory of cultural lag. The theory states that material culture evolves and changes much quicker than non-material culture. Material culture being physical things, such as technology & infrastructure, and non-material culture being non-physical things, such as religion, ideals, and rules.

Hope this help you!:)




hope this helps

An armistice is best defined as a

Oformal warning of impending military action.

O stockpile of military weapons.

Ogo-between for two warring nations.

Oformal agreement to end



A formal agreement to end warfare


Looked up in the dictionary.

Hope this helps.





evaluate threee own positions when dealing with this human rights violation taking into account the Bill of Rights.​



Freedom of speech.

Freedom of the press.

Freedom of religion.

This are 7 different questions help me quickly please

1. a plan for how to spend money
a. Budget b. Debt
c. Tuition
d. Civil
2. a system of regular payments for when something bad happens
a. Directly b. Reasonable c. Insurance
d. Tuition
3. polite in a formal way
a. Civil
b. Reasonable
c. Option
d. Intently
4. to look at something carefully
a. Require b. Intently
c. Inspect
d. Expense
5. being without a job
b. Budget
a Civil
c. Unemployed
d. Tend to
6. with purpose and attention
a. Reasonable b. Civil
c. Intently
d. Immense
7. something that costs money
a. Expense
b. Debt
c. Budget
d. Directly



1 Budget

2. Insurance

3. Civil

4. Inspect

5. unemployed

6. Intently

7. Expense


Davina always needs to stick to the rules no matter what. She also does not like to share and is very careful about how she spends her time and money. A psychoanalytic theorist might suggest that Davina is fixated at the _____ stage of development



A psychoanalytic theorist might suggest that Davina is fixated at the a.nal stage of development.


According to Sigmund Freud, the a.nal stage is the second stage in a child's development. It starts at the age of 18 months and lasts until the age of 3 years. This is when the child achieves a sense of accomplishment and independence for learning how to control their bladder and bowel movements. In other words, they learn how to use the toilet.

However, it is possible for an adult to stay fixated (or stuck) in this stage, according to Freud's theory. If a child does not get over this stage and does not move to the next one successfully, that child will grow to be an adult with issues such as extreme need to organize, to follow rules, to pay attention to details, etc. In other words, he or she will plan out every single detail of their lives and will not leave room for spontaneity or impulsiveness. This seems to be the case with Davina.

It is important to add that the complete opposite can also happen. A person fixated on the a.nal stage can also become extremely disorganized. It will all depend on how potty training was carried out by the parents.

NOTE: I had to type "a.nal" like this because otherwise Brainly will not let me post the answer. This can be considered a bad word, so it is understandable. Just remove the dot in the word, and it will be fine.

what are inscription and list any two features of inscriptions​



I hope you understand and happy

I think u understand

phương pháp nghiên cứu đặc thù của kinh tế chính trị mác lê nin là phân tích tổng hợp và so sánh đúng hay sai? vì sao? lấy ví dụ minh họa





i don't understand sorry :)

Which amendment gave African American men the right to vote?
11th Amendment
12th Amendment
15th Amendment
20th Amendment


The 15th Amendment was ratified on February 3, 1870. It states that “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, or by any State, on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

Answer c


I think the correct answer is C. 15th Amendment.


The 15th Amendment, which sought to protect the voting rights of African American men after the Civil War, was adopted into the U.S. Constitution in 1870 by declaring that the "right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."

This information is from the U.S. House of Representatives.
U.S. Presidential Vetoes in the Late Twentieth Century
Terms in
James Earl Carter
Ronald Reagan
George H.W. Bush
William J. Clinton
Which statement is based on the information in the table?
There were fewer pieces of legislation passed during President Carter's administration than during other
presidencies of the era.
The veto process played a larger role in Ronald Reagan's presidency than it did in other presidencies of the
Compared to other presidents of the era, George H.W. Bush had more members of his own party in
Compared to other presidents of the era, President Clinton had a closer working relationship with Congress.



hope its correct but my deepest answer is B

Read the excerpt from “Demon's Run.”

There were a lot of fights that day and a lot of claims stolen from their rightful owners. But Margaret rode Demon to the land office and filed the Wellcomb’s claim before she went back to sit next to the stake and wait for her family. The claim held.

Based on the historical context, why can Margaret’s actions be considered brave?

The land race occurred only once.
The land race took many days.
The land race was dangerous.
The land race split up families.



I think it is C, The land race was dangerous.


AND PLSSSSSSSSSS HELP ME WITH THIS: https://brainly.com/question/23930863





got it right on edge

Differentiate between profession and professional education



The main difference between Professional and Profession is that the Professional is a person who is paid to undertake a specialized set of tasks and to complete them for a fee and Profession is a vocation founded upon specialized educational training.

Mia thinks about how she would like to feel or live today. She is thinking about a(n) ________ state.


The correct option about Mia to fill the sentence is:

e. preferredMia thinks about how she would like to feel or live today. She is thinking about a(n) preferred state.

Preferred State.

This mood is when a person is thinking about the life has had, and think about the changes that can make to improve the present and the future, this is normal in the people because a person regularly is thinking about to feel better, or live better, with examples how earning more money, or spending more time with the family.

If you want to learn more about Psychology, you can visit the following link: https://brainly.com/question/7451362?referrer=searchResults

which age groups are considered young mature Ageing in a population pyramid​



it is usually 15 to 64 years

________ graphs can not show percentages


I assume this is a T or F, the answer is True

Tell about Consumer and Consumer Health​



A consumer is a person or a group who intends to order, orders, or uses purchased goods, products, or services primarily for personal, social, family, household and similar needs, not directly related to entrepreneurial or business activities.

Consumers Health

Consumer Health refers to the decisions you make about the purchase of product and use of health information and services that will have direct effect on your health.


The person who avails the services or purchases the available goods from the market is called a consumer. Consumer Health refers to the decisions you make about the purchase of product and use of health information and services that will have direct effect on your health.

Why did the ancient Incas settle in the Andes Mountains instead of along the Pacific coast?


The mountains dominated Inca society. The mountain peaks were worshiped as gods. The Andes created a natural barrier between the coastal desert on one side and the jungle on the other. The snow-capped mountains were full of deep gorges. The Inca built bridges across the gorges so that they could reach all parts of their empire quickly and easily.

A federal system is a system of government where power is



Federalism is the system of government in which power is divided between a central government and regional governments



divided between a central government and regional governments


Pls vote my answer as brainliest

How many humans live on earth today?


answer: 7,800,000,000 people

step by step explanation:
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