What is not a reason the colonists came to America? *
1 point
overthrow a king
economic opportunity
practice their religion
escape persecution


Answer 1


A) Overthrow a king


When the colonists first came to America, their intentions were not to overthrow the king. They did gain their independence from Britain in the future though.

Answer 2

Overthrowing a king is not a reason the colonists came to America. The correct option is A.

What were the reasons for colonization in America?

One of the main reasons for colonizing the New World was the potential for financial gain. In order to reward its investors, the London-based Virginia Company founded the Jamestown colony. Europe spent a lot of time exploring and colonizing the world out of necessity.

While the colonists did rebel against British rule during the American Revolution, this was not a primary reason for their initial settlement in America. The other three options listed - economic opportunity, practicing their religion, and escaping persecution - were all motivations for colonists to come to America.

Thus, the ideal selection is option A.

Learn more about America here:



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How would the threat of nuclear attacks increase the fear of the "Red Scare?





The Red Scare was the fear of communism. America and the Soviet Union came out as two world powers after WW2, holding the most amount of nuclear weaponry. They were the two opponents(not including any satellite states or colonies) of the Cold War, and had opposing economic ideas, America supporting capitalism and the Soviet Union supporting Communism. Going back to the high amounts of nuclear weaponry on both sides, since there were such alarming amounts people around the world were in fear of nuclear warfare, especially those in America. American citizens often believed that the Soviet Union would strike America and attack with nuclear bombs, which increased the presence of the Red Scare.


The Red Scare was hysteria over the perceived threat posed by Communists in the U.S. during the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States, which intensified in the late 1940s and early 1950s. (Communists were often referred to as “Reds” for their allegiance to the red Soviet flag.) The Red Scare led to a range of actions that had a profound and enduring effect on U.S. government and society. Federal employees were analyzed to determine whether they were sufficiently loyal to the government, and the House Un-American Activities Committee, as well as U.S. Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, investigated allegations of subversive elements in the government and the Hollywood film industry. The climate of fear and repression linked to the Red Scare finally began to ease by the late 1950s.

The pharaoh was viewed as______ and was
buried in an extravagant tomb with many
expensive possessions.
A, a father figure
B. a priest
C, a servant
D. god-like





The pharaoh was a ruler so c and b are wrong and the people did look up to him but he was seen as a godly figure

the answer is D, God-like.                                            

how did the US stop communism in Western Europe?​



In 1947, President Harry S. Truman pledged that the United States would help any nation resist communism in order to prevent its spread. His policy of containment is known as the Truman Doctrine. ... To help rebuild after the war, the United States pledged $13 billion of aid to Europe in the Marshall Plan.



i hope this is what your looking for


communism didn’t exist to be stopped. None of the countries which Americans call ‘communist’ even described themselves as such. They, just as inaccurately, described themselves ‘socialist’. In fact the so called ‘communist’ parties of western europe still exist and support variations of state and reformist capitalism.

Socialism/communism proper, will be an advanced , post-capitalist society, run by us all, locally, regionally, globally, in administration over resources and not a government over people.

It will be a market -free, money -free, production for use (not for sale), free access (not rationed access) commonly owned,(not private, corporate or state owned) revolutionary permanent break with the present capitalist one.

It has never existed anywhere.

It is not a ‘reformist’ nor a ‘statist’ version of capitalism which retains wage slavery in any form.

It will be the mature, politically conscious task of the immense majority to make it happen and not the minority vanguardist led actions of pseudo-revolutionaries.

“The organising tenet will be from each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs.”

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They wrote about Christianity which had not yet developed during the Roman Republic.
They wrote about Roman conquests that happened after the Roman Republic declined.
They wrote about the tetrarchy form of government that was used during the Roman Empire.
They wrote about the development of Stoicism during the Roman Empire.


The third option best displays the response you may be looking for.




im actully very smart

que crees que debes o no debes llevar al lago Ness





And The b

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true or false?





Because In (1775–83), insurrection by which 13 of Great Britain’s North American colonies won political independence and went on to form the United States of America.

Match each nation with the conditions that helped to trigger its shift to fascism.


Benito Mussolini came into power in Italy

Read the passage.

Researchers in Sweden decided to conduct testing on an individual buried in a famous Viking grave. The grave is known as Bj 581. This grave contains a single human, two horses, and weapons. Scientists reexamined the body in 1970. They studied the shape of the hips. The shape seemed to be female. This claim stirred up a controversy. Could Viking warriors be women? In 2017, scientist Charlotte Hedenstierna-Jonson analyzed ancient DNA from Bj 581. The results were conclusive. The Viking in the grave was female.

What is the central idea of the passage?

Viking warriors could be women.
Grave Bj 581 is a famous Viking grave.
A human and two horses were buried together.
Scientists conducted tests on the body in grave Bj 581.



Scientists conducted tests on the body in grave Bj 581


Hope this helps u

Viking warriors could be women.

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As the cold war unfolded in the decade and a half after ww2 the United states experienced phenomenal economic growth the war brought the return of prosperity

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Which of these is NOT a First Amendment right?

A. speech
B. religion
C. vote
D. press


Pretty sure it’s C: Vote
C. Vote
Is the correct ans

Any help for BRAINLIEST

How many units consumers want at a particular price

1.quantity demanded

2. Demand

3. law of demand

4. change in demand



its correct answer is demand so consumers want demand at a particular price




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Are all ways that the Constitution limits government power.

^^ That feels like the most right answer, tell me if it helps any

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a2 − 5a − 14 = 0

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Black Codes and Jim Crow Laws are similar because they both unfavored and "targeted" African Americans in a negative way.



Both were created with the explicit purpose of diminishing the newly acquired freedoms of African-Americans.


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Both the Constitution of Japan and the Philippines guarantees freedom of expression. Both countries have democractic governments. On the other hand, the North Korean government is communist and restricts all civil and political liberties for its citizens. Communist states generally have much less freedom than democracies.  

According to the Fourth Amendment, what can't the police do?


Make you speak, you have the right to remain silent so I believe that’s what it would be


search laptops and cellphones without a warrant


Can someone help me fast I need to turn this in rn and I don’t know what to do for this question can some do it quick pls.



4- money borrowed feom other countries

5- certificate that promises to repay borrowed money in the future plus an additional amount of money, called interest

6- national bank

7- tarrifs

hope this helps


the answer you are looking for is 7

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developed in the form of writing, acting, and painting,


don't know by heart just a guess.

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Saturnalia, the most popular holiday on the ancient Roman calendar, derived from older farming-related rituals of midwinter and the winter solstice, especially the practice of offering gifts or sacrifices to the gods during the winter sowing season

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Yes, he was a republican and Johnson was famous for turning down most republican-like laws

Explain how communism differs from capitalism.


Answer: Capitalism is an economic system in which the trade and industry of the economy is owned and controlled by private individuals, to make profit. Communism refers to social system in which country's trade and industry are controlled by the community and the share of each individual relies on his ability and needs.


Not my words!  BUT I HOPE THIS HELPS!

natural rights are the same as

A) legal rights
B)unalienable rights
C) societal rights
D) government rights​



D) government rights

natural rights are the same as government rights.

Natural rights are protected by the government .

hope it is helpful to you

B. Unalienable Rights

when a political group grand stands or exagerates it's position to the public it can be said that it is approval


Answer: When a political group grandstands or exaggerate its position to the public, it can be said it is posturing for approval. Political groups have much political and economic interest, so they always try to be in the public arena for posturing their issues.


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Speaker 1: The will of the people is what is best for society.
Speaker 2: People exchange some of their individual freedoms for
protection by the government.
Speaker 3: Governments should be divided into branches that are
B separate but equal.
Speaker 4: Governments derive their powers from the consent of the
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Answer: SPEAKER 1

Explanation: Jean belives in the will of the people.


Speaker 1


Jean-Jacques Rousseau believes in the will of the people. i also just took this test for intro to U.S. Gov

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non of the civil wars are false your math teacher is false

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resulted in few changes by either the employers or government


NOW used to host presidential debates too


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As roads were used the most which would benefit the government in ruling the empire

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impact the Axis?



was a nub


It caused a two front war which meant he couldn’t focus on one side same with Japan they had America to the east and Russia to the west

referat revolutia glorioasa



Incă din secolul al XIII-lea, în Anglia exista tradiția colaborării dintre monarh și Parlament (care avea, în principal, rolul de a vota impozitele). La începutul secolului al XVII-lea, tronul Angliei a revenit dinastiei Stuart. Regele Carol I Stuart (1625-1649) a încercat să instaureze o conducere absolutistă, după modelul Franței, să impună religia catolică și să conducă țara fără Parlament. Politica monarhului a stârnit revolta Parlamentului și a unei părți a populației, ceea ce a dus la declanșarea războiului civil. Acest conflict s-a desfășurat între armata regelui și cea a Parlamentului, condusă de Oliver Cromwell. În urma victoriei armatei Parlamentului, monarhia a fost înlăturată, iar Anglia fost proclamată republică. Oliver Cromwell a devenit conducător al Angliei. [1]

În anul 1660, dinastia Stuart a revenit în fruntea Angliei. Regele Carol al II-lea Stuart a colaborat cu Parlamentul și a acceptat legile votate de acesta, prin care erau garantate drepturile locuitorilor. Iacob al II-lea Stuart, care a devenit rege în anul 1685, a încercat să restabilească religia catolică în Anglia și să instaureze monarhia absolută. Politica acestuia a provocat opoziția Parlamentului, care, în anul 1688, a decis înlăturarea lui Iacob al II-lea și i-a oferit tronul conducătorului Olandei, Wilhelm de Orania. Astfel s-a produs Revoluția glorioasă. În anul următor, Parlamentul i-a impus noului rege și soției sale, Maria, acceptarea documentului Declarația Drepturilor. Acesta limita puterile monarhului, recunoștea drepturile cetățenilor și confirma autoritatea Parlamentului.[1]

În urma Revoluției glorioase și a aplicării Declarației drepturilor, în Anglia a fost instaurată o nouă formă de guvernământ: monarhia constituțională (sau parlamentară). În cadrul acesteia, puterea monarhului este limitată prin legi (sau prin constituție). Statul a fost organizat pe baza principiului separării puterilor. Puterea legislativă i-a revenit Parlamentului (format din două camere: a Lorzilor și a Comunelor), puterea executivă – monarhului și Cabinetului (guvernului) iar cea judecătorească, instanțelor de judecată. Membrii Camerei Comunelor erau aleși pe baza votului cenzitar. De aceea, nu puteau participa la viața politică toți locuitorii țării. În anul 1707, prin uniunea dintre Anglia și Scoția s-a format Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii.

Help pls help me help me pls





It’s A

(Also I like the color of your laptop!!)
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