What kind of mutation is this PLEASE HELP!! AUG- UGG- AAC- CCU- GCU- GA


Answer 1

what is going on right now are you ok

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Tides on Earth are influenced by

both the moon and the sun
the sun only
the moon only
neither the moon nor the sun​



The moon only


The moon's gravitational pull generates something called the tidal force. The tidal force causes Earth—and its water—to bulge out on the side closest to the moon and the side farthest from the moon. These bulges of water are high tides.

Explain the relationship between ethics and good work habits.



In a business, an ethical code is a defined set of principles which guide an organization in its activities and decisions and the firm's philosophy may affect its productivity, reputation, and bottom line. ... An ethically positive, healthy work culture enhances morale among employees.


In a business, an ethical code is a defined set of principles that guide an organization in its activities and decisions and the firm's philosophy may affect its productivity, reputation, and bottom line. An ethically positive, healthy work culture enhances morale among employees.


Which of the following changes takes place during the first trimester of a
woman's pregnancy?
A. The fetus begins rhythmic breathing movements.
B. The mother feels the fetus move for the first time.
C. The fetus develops hands and feet.
D. The fetus develops toenails, lips, and eyelashes.



The correct answer is - C. The fetus develops hands and feet.


The fetus begins rhythmic breathing during the second trimester around 26 weeks. It is controlled by the CNS system of the fetus. The mother feels the fetus move around 16 and 24 weeks of pregnancy normally around the 20th week.

The fetus develops toenails, lips, and eyelashes between the 22nd and 26th week from ectoderm. During the initial 5 to 7 weeks hands and legs are started to form as buds and then develop fully.

Based on your ideas about energy, where do you see examples of energy in the system you built



Nobody can help you with this without an image. You built something and we need to be able to see it to reply.


What kind of weak bonds holds the two strands of DNA together?
A. Nitrogen bonds
B. Phosphate bonds
C. Peptide bonds
D. Hydrogen bonds


D. Hydrogen bonds............


D. Hydrogen bonds


Hydrogen bonds holds the two strands of DNA together.

Which of the following is required for evolution to occur in a population?
A. variation in the population
B. inheritance of variation through genetic differences
C. differential reproduction so that the more fit individuals have more offspring
that survive to reproduce
D. accumulation of adaptive traits so that they increase in the population
E. All of the choices are correct




variations in the population

Which of the following options...​



i dont know sorry,........

Nida draws a diagram with insects, birds, and mice. She shows the mice eating grass; hawks, snakes, and toads eating the insects; and foxes, hawks, and snakes eating the birds and mice. The snakes are also eating the toads.

Which best describes the diagram?



This question lacks options, the options are as follows:

A. pyramid

B. food chain

C. food web

D. trophic level

Answer is C (food web)


Food web is simply referred to as the interconnection of numerous food chains in an ecosystem. A food web shows the numerous ways in which organisms eat one another in order to obtain energy.

According to this question, Nida draws a diagram with insects, birds, and mice. She shows the mice eating grass; hawks, snakes, and toads eating the insects; and foxes, hawks, and snakes eating the birds and mice. The snakes are also eating the toads. This diagram depicts all the possible predators and preys. It shows a complex pattern of food chains, hence, it is a FOOD WEB.

Vaccines are used to prepare the body to respond to a specific pathogen by

A) inhibiting antigen production
B) inhibiting the production of white blood cells
C) stimulating antibody production
D) stimulating red blood cell production





Hope it will help you.....
I believe the answer is C.

1,000,000 bacteria living in a 5cm^2 (squared)



Bacteria grows very fast.


There are 1,000,000 bacteria living in a 5 centimeter square means that each centimeter square has 200,000 of bacteria. This figure shows that the bacteria grows rapidly and having very large population in a very little space due to its smaller size. It grows in colonial form and have a very short life cycle. It reproduce through asexual reproduction which is binary fission in which one bacterial cell divides into two cells.

What muscles and bone are adjacent to the deltoiddeltoid adjacent muscles bone


Supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and the subscapularis

How are species richness and productivity related?



Recent studies have examined the possibility that variation in species richness within communities may influence productivity leading to an exploration of the relative effect of alterations in species number per se as contrasted to the addition of productive species.


hope this helps

have a great day/night

Which of the following occurs during meiosis II?
A) the separation of sister chromatids
B) the formation of two diploid daughter cells
C) crossing over of homologous pairs
D) the doubling of genetic information



A. The seperation of sister chromatids.


During meiosis II the sister chromatids that are in the two daughter cells become separated, leading to the formation of four new haploid gametes.

Which is NOT a lipid?
A. water

B. wax

C. butter

D. oil


Answer: A



In short the correct answer is A. Water


First off what is a lipid?

A lipid is any of a class of organic compounds that are fatty acids or their derivatives and are insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents. They include many natural oils, waxes, and steroids.

water does not fit into those classifications which makes water the odd 1 out.

What are two characteristics of DNA?
O Double bonded with hydrogen
O Organic and saturated
O Helix and double stranded
Phosphate and nitrogenous



DNA has three types of chemical component: phosphate, a sugar called deoxyribose, and four nitrogenous bases—adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine. Two of the bases, adenine and guanine, have a double-ring structure characteristic of a type of chemical called a purine.

c. Provide one possible explanation for the change in bird numbers and beak characteristics.





If there is an environmental stressor, then animals will evolve to overcome it.

Birds may begin producing more or fewer offspring depending on how much food is available. If there is more food available, birds will have more offspring. If there is less food available, birds will produce fewer offspring.

Beak characteristics change depending on food options, mating rituals, or environment. A bird will need a narrow beak for most bugs, but it will need a wider and stronger beak for nuts and seeds. A bird's beak may also be used to help interact with its environment. For example, a woodpecker has a strong narrow beak to help it break into tree bark to eat.

In this activity, you’ll prepare a two- to three-page research paper that makes an argument about the future of the English bulldog breed using current scientific evidence.
I NEED THIS SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



"English bulldog's genetics has been messed up. Ever scince the early 1900s. As the future goes continues, the English bulldog's genes will continue to get messed up as time goes." - Albert Einstein


what does it mean when the pH increases or decreases​



how acidic or basic a solution is


the lower the pH level the more acidic and the hight the pH level the more basic it is

What is deposited in the image?!



I think it is nucleotide

^^^its a nucleotide^^

helpppppp plzzzzzzzzzzz




Archaea and bacteria are both prokaryotes, meaning they do not have a nucleus and lack membrane-bound organelles. ... Both archaea and bacteria have flagella, thread-like structures that allow organisms to move by propelling them through their environment. They both lack membrane-bounded organelles and nucleus. Archaea and bacteria lack multicellularity, and the chromosome is single and circular.

Which characteristics demonstrate that sea anemones are animals and not plants? Select two that apply.

A. The cells do not contain a membrane-bound nucleus; that is, they are prokaryotic.

B. The organism depends on other organisms for nutrition; that is, it is heterotrophic

C. The organism does not have cell walls, which are rigid structures that provide support and protection

D. The organism consists of cells that perform chemosynthesis



it is a and d thanks and sorry if it's not correct

Characteristics demonstrate that sea anemones are animals and not plants are;

The cells do not contain a membrane-bound nucleus; that is, they are  prokaryotic.The organism consists of cells that perform chemosynthesis.

What are sea anemones?

. They are soft-bodied, sedentary colourful flower-like animals. They are attached to the sea bed with the help of a fleshy foot.

.Thus, the move of sea anemones is restricted. They are good predators and catch prey with their tentacles. Sea anemones possess features of animals thus, cell wall is absent in their cells

To learn more about  sea anemones click here:


!!! no links !!!

Which part of the water cycle is a biological

1. transpiration

2. runoff

3. precipitation

4. condensation​


The answer is number 1 transpiration

Option A " Transpiration " is the correct answer. Other all are happened due to certain conditions.

Hope it helps... Pls mark brainliest if it helps you

The idea that each living species descended from other species is called



natural selection.


Darwin defined evolution as "descent with modification," the idea that species change over time, give rise to new species, and share a common ancestor. The mechanism that Darwin proposed for evolution is natural selection.

Why are viruses considered to be non-living


They are not made of cells and they cannot reproduce on their own.

which two processes would most likely cause metamorphic rocks to change into sediments


compaction and erosion

During which process does one bacterium inject its DNA into another
bacterium through a thin tube called a pilus?
A. Transduction
B. Binary fission
C. Conjugation
D. Transformation


The answer is c!


In conjugation, DNA is transferred from one bacterium to another. After the donor cell pulls itself close to the recipient using a structure called a pilus, DNA is transferred between cells.

Trong trường hợp cơ thể dị hợp tử về 2 cặp gen lai với cơ thể có tính trạng lặn tương ứng (trội hoàn toàn). Dựa vào kết quả lai hãy nêu cách nhận biết khi xảy ra di truyền độc lập hay di truyền liên kết



1 Curly hair is dominant over straight hair. Use H and h
Male is HH
Female is hh



There all have one dominant allele and one recessive allele (Hh) is heterozygous.

so curly hair one will be dominant

I hope this make sense to u :)

Describe the habitats of coastal, freshwater, and estuary ecosystems.


Ocean sky earth and water


Coastal- unique habitats formed by plants and other organisms that can thrive at the borders between ocean and land. they are full of plants that help regulate the earths temperature.

Freshwater- lakes, rivers, ponds, wetlands, streams, and springs. home to fish, plants , and crustacean species.

Estuary- bodies of water where rivers meet the sea.


What is the cell doing in G zero?

A. preparing to divide

B. synthesizing their DNA

C. carrying out their cellular function



What is the cell doing in G zero? Preparing to divide.


Have a great summer.


A. preparing to divide


The cell in G zero is preparing to divide. So, option (A) is the correct answer.

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