what power did the wealthy have over the economy and government during the second industrial revolution?


Answer 1


The Second Revolution saw new and up-and-coming industries mature, such as steel, oil, and electricity. A consequence of technical advances was the introduction of public transportation and aircraft.

During this period, the U.S. economy was strengthened owing to historically higher production in the home market and commercial agriculture. Europe and the United States gained because of the Industrial Revolution.

During the pre-Civil War period, the government did not take steps to help industrialization. Conversely, authorities oversaw the construction of important infrastructure, like the Erie Canal in New York and the first railroads. More railroad track was constructed in the northern states.

Today's production and manufacturing techniques have advanced significantly. In the building industry, steel has replaced iron. It has punch for a cheap price. Therefore, train lines can be constructed and transportation may be dispersed.

Steel helped create bigger ships, buildings, and bridges. The Second Industrial Revolution was just as significant a leap ahead as its predecessor. Electricity is required in all scenarios. During the Second Industrial Revolution, this was the rule.


Is there any options?


Related Questions

What were two ways that countries used economic policies to control the cost of World War I?



Answer 1 They forced women and children to work in weapons factories.

Answer 2 They introduced rules to ban factory workers from going on strike.


What was the main difference between sharecroppers and tenant farmers?

Sharecroppers gave fewer crops to landowners.
Sharecroppers paid their landowners in cash.

Tenant farmers rented smaller plots of land.

Tenant farmers had their own supplies and equipment.



Tenant farmers had their own supplies and equipment.

6. Why was suffrage important to
A. It allowed women to vote and make
positive changes for themselves
B. It stated that women should no
longer suffer
C. It gave women more rights than men
D. All of the above





What were some of the factors that contributed to the fall of the Soviet Union in the period 1979-1989?-



American being gay

What is compensation or actions meant to remedy a wrong, such as for losses in war?

human trafficking








The Definition of reparations is the making of amends for a wrong done

The Romans provide a number of important innovations for democratic systems. Which is listed below?

Constitutional monarchy

No taxation without representation

Representative democracy

The jury system



representative democracy

In a republic, people choose representatives to govern for them.


Answer: True


Republics practice the principle of "Representative Democracy". This means that power is held by the people but there is an acknowledgement that the people cannot be expected to vote on every single issue the country faces as this would be almost impossible.

The people will therefore vote a person to represent their interests and that person will then make decisions on their behalf. This is the way things are in most countries of the world today including the U.S. when you vote in Senators, Congressmen, Governors and Presidents.

karl marx was influential german thinker and revolutionary who pioneered the idea of



communism? marxism?


Good night brainliest ​



good afternoon



Gnight to u too!!!!!!!!!!

What was the Domino Theory? What did the United States government fear would happen if a country became communist?



The domino theory was a Cold War policy that suggested a communist government in one nation would quickly lead to communist takeovers in neighboring states, each falling like a perfectly aligned row of dominos.


To end the cycles of existence one must practice asceticism, meditation , and strive for moral perfection in the context of ahimsa. The soul then rises up to the top of the universe where it remains forever , motionless and free of suffering


Answer:Hinduism Jainism and Buddhism



Which of the following describes how slavery changed the life of Africans in
North America
A Many slaves learned how to speak English but they were
encouraged to keep speaking their native languages
O B Many slaves learned how to read and write, but they wrote only
about traditions in their home country
Many slaves moved from plantation to plantation, but they were
allowed to bring their families with them.
Many slaves converted to Christianity but they integrated
traditions like singing and dancing into their services



The answer is " Many slaves moved from plantation to plantation, but they were allowed to bring their families with.


Which of the following motivated the 15th-century European monarchs
to find a sea route to East Asia?
A~The desire of learn native languages

B~The desire to adopt new religions and traditions

C~To create a new market for European products

D~To eliminate the high cost of trading with Italian merchants


the answer to the question is d

Eliminate the high cost of trading with Italian merchants which out of the following motivated the 15th-century European monarchs to find a sea route to East Asia. The correct option is D.

Why did European traders want to find a new route to Asia?

Europeans desired the power and wealth that would result from controlling trade. Finding all-water routes to Asia and its riches would enable European merchants to bypass Middle Eastern middlemen and reap the full benefits of eastern trade.

Explorers were funded by European leaders such as Spain's King Ferdinand and the Portuguese prince known as Henry the Navigator. Along with the prospect of discovering new trade routes, they hoped to discover new sources of gold, silver, and other valuables.

Thus, the ideal selection is option D.

Learn more about European here:



Why did Western countries provide funding to Radio Free Europe and other propaganda programs during the Cold War?



Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) was founded at the start of the Cold War to broadcast uncensored news and report to listeners behind the Iron Curtain. It represented an important part in the downfall of communism and the emergence of democracies in Europe after communism.


Realiza una linea del tiempo en tu cuaderno con los siguientes sucesos relevantes que sucedieron en México durante el último sigla Elecciones presidenciales, 1988. Firma del Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC), 1993. Alternancia del poder, 2000. Decena trágica, 1913. Levantamiento del ejercito EZLN, 1994. Sismo en la ciudad de México, a985. Reforma agraria, 1912, continuación en el gobierno de Lázaro Cárdenas. Movimiento estudiantil, 1968. Rebelión Maderista, 1910. Expropiación petrolera, 1938. Constitución Politica de México. 1917.​


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Esta sería la línea de tiempo con los sucesos relevantes que sucedieron en México durante el último siglo.

Rebelión Maderista, 1910. Primer movimiento organizado en los primeros momentos de la Revolución Mexicana. Su lema "Sufragio Efectivo, No Reelección." >>>

Reforma Agraria, 1912. Los caudillos revolucionarios, líderes en diferentes frente de la Revolución, comenzaron a realizar el reparto de las tierras. >>>

Decena trágica, 1913. Golpe de Estado militar, encabezado por el General Victoriano Huerta para derrocar a Francisco I. Madero, Presidente de México. >>>

Constitución Política de México. 1917.​ Fue firmada el 5 de febrero de 1917 en la ciudad de Querétaro. Reemplazó a la vieja Constitución de 1857. >>>

Expropiación petrolera, 1938. La realizó el presidente Lázaro Cárdenas, para darle a los mexicanos el control del petróleo y fortalecer la soberanía de México. >>>

Movimiento estudiantil, 1968. Los estudiantes del Instituto Politécnico Nacional y la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, toman las calles del Distrito Federal para protestar. Son reprimidos por el Ejército en la plaza de Tlatelolco. >>>

Sismo en la ciudad de México, 1985. Una de las mayores tragedias en la historia de México. Millones de personas murieron ese 19 de septiembre de 1985. >>>

Elecciones presidenciales, 1988. El primer gran fraude electoral de la época moderna de México. El candidato del Frente Cardenista, Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, ganaba la elección, per en la noche -después de las votaciones- "se cayó el sistema de conteo de votos," y al día siguiente por la mañana se declara presidente al candidato de PRI, Carlos Salinas de Gortari. >>>

Firma del Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC), 1993. Los presidente de México, Estados Unidos y el Primer Ministro de Canadá, anuncian la firma de este tratado comercial que fortalecería las relaciones comerciales frente a otros bloques comerciales en el mundo, como el de la Unión Europea. >>>

Levantamiento del ejercito EZLN, 1994. Al término del sexenio de Salinas de Gortari, un grupo rebelde toma las armas en el Estado de Chiapas, encabezad por el subcomandante Marcos. Se hace llamar Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional. >>>

Alternancia del poder, 2000. El PRI pierde las elecciones por primera vez desde la época de la Revolución. El candidato del PRI; Francisco Labastida Ochoa, pierde ante el candidato del PAN; Vicente Fox Quezada.

Burzahom is in present day………………………………….



In Burzahom (in present-day Kashmir) people built pit-houses, which were dug into the ground, with steps leading into them.


The Burzahom archaeological site is located in the Kashmir Valley of the Indian union territory of Jammu and Kashmir.


In Burzahom (in present-day Kashmir) people built pit-houses, which were dug into the ground, with steps leading into them.


Hope this answer helps you :)

Have a great day

Mark brainliest

manus city in brazil is located at 60 degree west longitude. what would be the local time at manus when it is 12 noon at greenwhich​



7A.M or 8A.M base on the season at the same day.


+ Greenwich is (GMT 0) during winter . During summer, a time changes and England changes the time, so it becomes (GMT +1)

+ Manaus is (GMT-4)

Therefore, it is going to be 4 or 5 hours backwards from Greenwich. When it’s 12pm in Greenwich it is 7am in Manaus during summer, and 8am during winter.

For the first time in U.S. history, in the decision of Marbury v. Madison, the Supreme Court determined that an act
of Congress was unconstitutional. What is the significance of the Supreme Court's ability to determine the
constitutionality of an act of Congress of a law?



The significance of the Supreme Court's ability to determine the constitutionality of an act of Congress of a law is that, through Marbury v. Madison, the Supreme Court is the final interpreter of the United States Constitution, in such a way that it becomes the guarantor of its compliance through the judgment of the constitutionality of the laws passed by Congress.

In this way, the Supreme Court controls the legislative action through a check of the constitutionality of the norms, thus giving itself the power to define whether or not a norm will be operative.

The great rift is being formed by tectonic plates that are pulling away from each other what would we expect Eastern Africa to look like tens millions of years in the future as a result of this activity



c.a sea will spit the eastern coast of Africa from the rest of continent


hope it helps

What did the soldiers want to do when they got home in the great depression?



Since World War I ended in 1918, this was a long time to wait. When the Great Depression began, many veterans were out of work. They wanted to get their bonus pay early to help pay for food and shelter while they looked for jobs.

When did Thomas Edison create most of his inventions?​





Select ALL the correct answers.
What are two reasons that the authors of the Constitution created a federalist system of government?
They wanted state governments to serve as a check on the national government.
They wanted to balance power among three branches of government.
They wanted the Supreme Court to rule on decisions involving state governments.
They believed state governments had too little power under the Articles of Confederation.
They recognized that the national government had too little power under the Articles of Confederation.



1. They wanted to balance power among three branches of government.

2. They wanted state governments to serve as a check on the national government.


Given the available options, the two reasons that the authors of the Constitution created a federalist system of government are:

1. They wanted to balance power among three branches of government.

2. They wanted state governments to serve as a check on the national

This is established on the idea that the authors of the United States Constitution wanted to protect citizens' freedom and avoid an autocratic style of governance by dividing its power between States governments and the central government.

Also, to prevent tyranny, they preferred the division of power among three branches of government including Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary.


They wanted state governments to serve as a check on the national government.

They believed state governments had too little power under the Articles of Confederation.


They wanted to limit the role of the people in government. They did not trust the state governments. They had seen how inefficient a weak central government was under the Articles of Confederation.

As an ongoing organization that performs certain functions for society and has a life separate from the lives of the individuals who are part of it, a government can be categorized as a type of





An economy is a function of how money, means of production and resources (raw materials) are carefully used to facilitate the demands and supply of goods and services to meet the unending needs or requirements of the consumers.

Hence, a region's or country's economy is largely dependent on how resources are being allocated and utilized, how many goods and services are to be produced, what should be produced, for whom they are to be produced for and how much money are to be spent by the consumers to acquire these goods and services.

In this context, the government of a particular country is considered to function as an institution because it is saddled with the responsibility of providing basic human needs and performs certain functions for society. Also, a government being an ongoing organization has a life separate from the lives of the individuals who are part of it and as such it's perpetual or a continuum.

How did Americans reshape ideas of freedom and
equality after WWII?



Following World War II, the United States emerged as one of the two dominant superpowers, turning away from its traditional isolationism and toward increased international involvement. The United States became a global influence in economic, political, military, cultural, and technological affairs.


Regardless of its close proximity which religion or country does not trade with the United States because of a strained political history



purple nurple



When MLK, Jr. and 200,000 people marched, they were marching for all the following reasons except:
O integrated schools by the end of the year
O to sign the Emancipation Proclamation
O to end job discrimination
O a civil rights bill



to sign the Emancipation Proclamation


When MLK, Jr. and 200,000 people marched, they were marching for all the following reasons except "to sign the Emancipation Proclamation."

The March on Washington involving Martin Luther King Jr., and 200,000 Americans which took place on 28th of August 1963, was based on the issue of job and freedom, including integration of schools by the end of the year, ending of job discrimination, and a civil rights bill. It was at this event MLK delivered his famous speech "I have a dream."

However, Emancipation Proclamation was issued by Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, during the American civil war which declared all slaves free.

What happened as a result of the Boxer Rebellion?



The direct consequence of the Boxer Rebellion of 1900 was that the ruling Chinese Qing dynasty became even weaker and foreign influence in China continued. The Rebellion was ended when a multi-national force ended the Rebellion and China had to sign the Boxer Protocol in 1901.


I rlly need help! The Asian nations of China, Korea, and Japan did not always welcome Western foreigners. In fact, as Europeans pressed for more trade with East Asia, these nations often passed laws banning international trade and contact with foreigners. Use the following organizer to summarize the responses each of the Far Eastern countries had to Western influence. Then in a paragraph, compare these responses.​



Sea ban by Chinese, Sakoku Edict by Japan and policies of Korea.


Sea ban was a series of isolationist Chinese policies that restricting private maritime trading and coastal settlement during the Ming dynasty and in early Qing in China. When the Sakoku Edict was introduced in Japan, Japan closing its doors to all European powers except the Dutch in order to limiting the influence of other nations on the country. The Korea is also restricted  the foreigners to trade with them due to sanctions of United States of America as well as their own policies.

The Black Lives Matter movement aimed to confront which of the following types of racism?
Select one:
a reverse
b. systemic
c. internal
d. economic


the answer is systemic.

the blm movement was to confront the police brutality that was exerted onto POCs which formed the term ACAB. which in term means they work for a b*st*rdized system filled with systemic racism and inequality.

hope this helps!

Why is the Daubert standard so important to expert witness testimony?


Answer: The Daubert standard is the set of criteria used to determine the admissibility of expert witness testimony in federal court. Under the Daubert standard, the trial judge serves as the gatekeeper who determines whether an expert's evidence is deemed reputable and relevant.


His answer is correct
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