what roles and responsibilities do the media have in reporting human rights violations in a responsible manner in a democratic society?​


Answer 1

The role of the media is to provide public awareness and provoke actions when reporting human rights violations.

What is Human right violation?

This involves disallowing basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person in the world.

The role of the media will be to provide public awareness and provoke actions when reporting human rights violations in a responsible manner in a democratic society.

Read more about Human right violation here https://brainly.com/question/1288668


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This are 7 different questions help me quickly please

1. a plan for how to spend money
a. Budget b. Debt
c. Tuition
d. Civil
2. a system of regular payments for when something bad happens
a. Directly b. Reasonable c. Insurance
d. Tuition
3. polite in a formal way
a. Civil
b. Reasonable
c. Option
d. Intently
4. to look at something carefully
a. Require b. Intently
c. Inspect
d. Expense
5. being without a job
b. Budget
a Civil
c. Unemployed
d. Tend to
6. with purpose and attention
a. Reasonable b. Civil
c. Intently
d. Immense
7. something that costs money
a. Expense
b. Debt
c. Budget
d. Directly



1 Budget

2. Insurance

3. Civil

4. Inspect

5. unemployed

6. Intently

7. Expense


Davina always needs to stick to the rules no matter what. She also does not like to share and is very careful about how she spends her time and money. A psychoanalytic theorist might suggest that Davina is fixated at the _____ stage of development



A psychoanalytic theorist might suggest that Davina is fixated at the a.nal stage of development.


According to Sigmund Freud, the a.nal stage is the second stage in a child's development. It starts at the age of 18 months and lasts until the age of 3 years. This is when the child achieves a sense of accomplishment and independence for learning how to control their bladder and bowel movements. In other words, they learn how to use the toilet.

However, it is possible for an adult to stay fixated (or stuck) in this stage, according to Freud's theory. If a child does not get over this stage and does not move to the next one successfully, that child will grow to be an adult with issues such as extreme need to organize, to follow rules, to pay attention to details, etc. In other words, he or she will plan out every single detail of their lives and will not leave room for spontaneity or impulsiveness. This seems to be the case with Davina.

It is important to add that the complete opposite can also happen. A person fixated on the a.nal stage can also become extremely disorganized. It will all depend on how potty training was carried out by the parents.

NOTE: I had to type "a.nal" like this because otherwise Brainly will not let me post the answer. This can be considered a bad word, so it is understandable. Just remove the dot in the word, and it will be fine.

what are inscription and list any two features of inscriptions​



I hope you understand and happy

I think u understand

Read the excerpt from “Demon's Run.”

There were a lot of fights that day and a lot of claims stolen from their rightful owners. But Margaret rode Demon to the land office and filed the Wellcomb’s claim before she went back to sit next to the stake and wait for her family. The claim held.

Based on the historical context, why can Margaret’s actions be considered brave?

The land race occurred only once.
The land race took many days.
The land race was dangerous.
The land race split up families.



I think it is C, The land race was dangerous.


AND PLSSSSSSSSSS HELP ME WITH THIS: https://brainly.com/question/23930863





got it right on edge

which age groups are considered young mature Ageing in a population pyramid​



it is usually 15 to 64 years

A democratic system in which all citizens are encouraged to participate in governing is referred to as __________.



direct democracy


Direct democracy is also popularly known as a pure democracy. In direct democracy or pure democracy, all the citizens play an active role and take active parts in policy making without any intermediary. Here the decision are not taken up by the representatives but the people forms all the decision and policies for the government.

It differs from the representative democracy.

Thus the democratic system where all citizens are encourage to take part in governing is called a direct democracy.

Describe a potential human safeguard for each of the threats you identified in your answer to question 1


The potential human safeguard in the following are :

1. in sea beech

In a sea beech, a life jacket is safeguard tool that every people should put on in a beech. It is a safeguard against drowning and loosing life. A life jacket saves the life of people and is very useful, especially those who cannot swim.

2. in a lab

Inside a scientific laboratory, people should always wear a mask and put on gloves. This helps one from accidents that may occur in the laboratory and thus helps from harmful and dangerous contact with the acids and other chemicals.

3. Inside a mine

A helmet and shoes are some of the protective gears that should be put on when one is inside a mine.

Population groups are different people who share similar weaknesses and struggles. Sometimes people belong to more than one population group because they​



they don't like being in just one group.


Which list is the correct sequence from closest to earth to farthest away?


The correct answer is D. Hubble Space Telescope, Moon, Mercury, Sun, Saturn, Galaxy Messier 101.


The Hubble Space Telescope is a space telescope that orbits outside the Earth's atmosphere at 593 kilometers above sea level. Second, the moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth located about 384,400 km away, which is in a synchronous relationship with the Earth, always showing the same face towards the planet. Third, Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, and is separated from the Earth by about 77 million km. Fourth, the Sun is the main star of the Solar System; the distance between the Sun and the Earth is about 150 million km. Fifth, Saturn is the sixth planet farthest from the Sun characterized by its rings, it is located on average 1200 million km away from Earth. Finally, the Pinwheel Galaxy is a spiral-shaped galaxy that is about 25 million light-years distant from Earth. Therefore, the correct answer is the D. Hubble Space Telescope, Moon, Mercury, Sun, Saturn, Galaxy Messier 101.

Jason set out on a hike into the highland area of the country with his family. 1 point His father told him the summit was a long way up. Finally, they got to the top, which was more than 600m high. There was no peak. He walked across the huge, practically flat surface and exclaimed, "This is not a mountain!" Which landform is described in the passage?
A plain
B hill
C mountain
D plateau ​



Mountain is the answer of your question

hope it is helpful to you

pls help
Who is credited with documenting Kit Carson's westward journey?

A) Kit Carson

B) James Polk

C) John Fremont

D) William Harrison



kit Carson did it himself


people say most of what he wrote was untruthful tho

Kit Carson sounds like a lame rapper lowkey

where did we get escoveitched fish and bammy​


Escovietched fish and bammy is the result of combining the food of two cultures – escoveitched fish from the Spaniards and bammy from the Tainos. We also have the Spaniards to thank for stewed peas with cured meat, oxtail and cow foot, as well frying as a method of cooking.

evaluate to what extent government institutions have or are currently supporting community affected of human trafficking​


Hidden crimes that can be explained away as smuggling, delinquency, etc. will often not be paid attention to by the authorities unless the community demands their officials take action. One of the primary missions of HTAP is to help communities form their own unique organizations to combat human trafficking.

give possible reasons for the poor performance of the monopolies​


have often historically needed tax money to survive or do things

too big to fail

prices dont change

depending on the company :can hurt innovation

less choice for buyers

The possible reasons considered for the poor performance of the Monopolies are-

Lacks in innovationlack of competitionhigher prices

What is a monopoly?

A monopoly is a kind of market structure in which the whole market is controlled by a single business entity. Here there is one supplier or entity that controls the flow of goods and services in the market by taking ownership.

The poor performance in monopoly is resulted due to a lack of innovation. Monopoly structure follows the traditional method without any new advances which result in effectiveness in the market.

As the entire market is controlled by one entity which restricts competition and competition allows businesses to do experiments and learn new things.

They are the only control of the market so they charge higher prices to the customers due to limited suppliers of the particular goods and services which affects their image and may results in performance.

Learn more about Monopoly, here:



State Three causes of service delivery protests within communities.


poverty , political instability,corruption .

Which source is more likely Not to be cited in a formal academic literature review?



common knowledge does not need to be cited .common knowledge includes facts that are known by a lot of people and can be found in many sources . for ex you do not need to cite "Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the US'

The source ithat is more likely Not to be cited in a formal academic literature review is Any facts that are found in a lot of sources.

What sources do one not need to  cite?

This are said to be academic literature that one do need or require to cite.

They are:

Any facts that are found in a lot of sources.Things that one can easily observed or see.Any kind of common sayings.

Learn more about academic literature from


Iron oxide reacts with aluminum to give aluminum oxide and iron. What kind of chemical reaction is this?



thermite reaction

Explanation: The reaction between iron(III) oxide and aluminum produces aluminum oxide and iron. The chemical equation of the reaction is: This reaction is known as a thermite reaction and is highly exothermic. The large amount of heat released is enough to melt oxygen and aluminum.

Wise shoppers consider alternatives before buying. That means that the shoppers look at the type of product and the price. If the products have the same features, the wise shopper may choose the cheaper product.

According to the text, how is money spent?

usually on what we need
usually on what we want and need with wisdom
usually on what we want
usually with alternatives



According to the text, money is spent:

B. usually on what we want and need with wisdom.


The passage is describing wise shoppers' strategies to buying products. According to it, a wise shopper will buy something after looking at the type of product and the price as well. If two products offer the same satisfaction but one of them is cheaper, then the wise shopper will buy the cheaper one. In other words, he uses wisdom in order to make the best choice. Since the only alternative that mentions wisdom is letter B, it seems to be the best option.

Why did the Framers establish the Legislative Branch in Article I of the Constitution?



The Federal Convention needed Congress to forward the Constitution on to the state ratification conventions. People would be more comfortable with a strong executive after they saw legislative checks on executive powers. Congress would be the first branch of the new government.


{ A P E X }
The United States is considered to have a high standard of living because:
A. its businesses rarely have to pay taxes to the federal government.
B. the most important sectors of its economy are agricultural,
C. its citizens have access to a wide variety of material goods.
D. its currency is no longer tied to precious metals like gold.



C is the correct answer


The United States have a high standard of living because its citizens have access to a wide variety of material goods.

What is a high standard of living?

This is often associated with high level of wealth, comfort, material goods and necessities that is available in an area.

Hence, the country have a high standard of living because its citizens have access to a wide variety of material goods.

Therefore, the Option C is correct.

Read more about standard of living



In no more than 50 words, describe difference between active euthanasia and passive euthanasia.


Active euthanasia is when death is brought about by and act - for example when a person is killed by being given an overdose of pain-killers. Passive euthanasia is when death is brought about by an omission when someone lets the person die.

what's the importance of financial institutions in economic Development?​



Financial markets play a critical role in the accumulation of capital and the production of goods and services. ... In addition, efficient financial markets and institutions tend to lower search and transactions costs in the economy.



Businesses and industries are financed by the financial systems which lead to growth in employment and in turn increase economic activity and domestic trade. Financial intermediaries help improve investment efficiency, leading to higher economic growth.

Explain why it is difficult to calculate the Earth's carrying capacity for the human population. (Site 1)



Carrying capacity is the maximum members of population of species which an environment can support on the basis of presence of resources. It is difficult to calculate the carrying capacity of planet earth for human beings. ... Due to their intelligence and ability to solve problems related to scarcity of resources.


the top answer


but just wanted to say i hope you have a good day

In the United States, Interest groups can be found



across the country


When the University of Michigan changed the venue for graduation ceremonies in 2008, students and parents were not happy with the idea, which resulted in a negative response and even protests. This is an example of a lack of which skill by the university?
a. social perceptiveness
b. leader competence
c. emotional intelligence
d. conflict resolution



I think it's D or A.


Good luck, I hope this helps. Sorry I'm not really 100% what the answer is but I think you should watch a video on it on something. That may help.

The arrow labeled with the number 1 on the map above is pointing to the __________ Sea.


Answer: North Sea


The arrow labeled 1 on the attached map is the North Sea. This sea exists between the United Kingdom, Norway, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands.

The North Sea contributes significantly to the economies of these countries as it is a major source of resources such as fish and fossil fuels. It is also useful for wind energy and sees a lot of tourists visiting its shores.

Why was climate one of the reasons that the Russians were able to stop the invasions of Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler?


Answer: The sheer cold of the Russian terrain.


1. ________ mass is the mass of an atom.​



atomic mass is the mass of an atom




not sure how to explain lol

What is remote sensing? Describe the three remote sensing tools that geographers can use.



Remote sensing is the process of detecting and monitoring the physical characteristics of an area by measuring its reflected and emitted radiation at a distance (typically from satellite or aircraft). Special cameras collect remotely sensed images, which help researchers "sense" things about the Earth.

Here are some of the common sensor technologies:

Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR)

Sound navigation ranging (Sonar)

Radiometers and spectrometers

We use Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and Sonar are ideal for building topographic models. But the main difference between the two is “where”. While LiDAR is best suited for the ground, Sonar works better underwater.

By using these technologies, we build digital elevation models. Using these topographic models, we can predict flooding risk, archaeological sites, and delineating watersheds (to name a few).


As the world becomes more globalized, we are just starting to see the proliferation of remote sensing. For example, satellites tackle issues including:

Navigating with global positioning systems

Climate change monitoring

Arctic surveillance

Satellite information is fundamentally important if we are going to solve some of the major challenges of our time. All things considered, it’s an expanding field reaching new heights.

For issues like climate change, natural resources, disaster management, and the environment, remote sensing provides a wealth of information on a global scale.

In the United States in 2016, law enforcement officers made about how many million arrests (not counting traffic offenses)



10.7 million


In the United States in 2016, law enforcement officers made about 10.7 million arrests in the country which excluded the ones committed by traffic offenders. The figure signified a very slight decrease in the crime rate of the preceding year.

The crime types captured in the total includes burglary, assault, homicide, kidnapping, embezzlement, theft etc.

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