What was one way that northern rebels tried to get southerners to join their cause before the Revolutionary War?

Select the best answer from the choices provided.
They attempted to expand the plantation system in the North.
They suppressed the issue of slavery and abolition at the time.
They sent enslaved African Americans as gifts to major southern plantation enslavers.
All answers are correct.


Answer 1
A is your answer and did you look lit up first?
Answer 2
The answer will be C I am sure

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The nullification crisis was started by South Carolina because of what? O Corruption of government officials O The Fugitive Slave Act O Restrictions on bearing arms O An import tariff​



An import tariff​

Good question but I don’t know the answer

What purpose did the comedic plays of Aristophanes serve?


Answer: who is that?


I think it was to be funny since it's comedic.


to criticize political leaders and other important figures



What does the word emphasis mean in design?



Emphasis is a strategy that aims to draw the viewer's attention to a specific design element. ... We see emphasis used in most fields of design, including architecture, landscape design, and fashion design

Explanation: i did the test


Emphasis is a strategy that aims to Drew the viewers attention to a specific design element. That could be an area of content, to an image, to a link, or to a button, ect... The aim is to create a focal point in the design: an eye catching part that stands out, distinct from the rest of the design elements. :]

why did the genocide in 1994 in rwanda end?


B should be your answer hope this helps

What best describes the irony of the French Revolution?
a. It inspired the French people but it bankrupted Louis XIV’s government supporting it
b. It inspired the French people but it bankrupted Louis XV’s government supporting it
c. It inspired the French people but it bankrupted Louis XVI’s government supporting it



It inspired the French people but it bankrupted Louis XIV’s government supporting it


The best description of the irony of the French Revolution is that even though it inspired the French people, it rendered the government of Louis XVI bankrupt for its support.

This is ironic because even though the people were looking for a revolution, they were not financially ready.

Read the following excerpt from one of Aesop's Fables, in which a lion catches a mouse. What purpose could this story have served in classical
Greek culture?
"Spare me!" begged the poor Mouse. "Please let me go and
some day I will surely repay you." The Lion was much amused to think that a Mouse could ever help him. But he was generous and finally let the Mouse go.
Some days later, while stalking his prey in the forest, the Lion was caught in the toils of a hunter's net. Unable to free himself, he filled the forest with his angry roaring. The Mouse knew the voice and quickly found the Lion
struggling in the net. Running to one of the great ropes that
bound him, she gnawed it until it parted, and soon the Lion was free.
"You laughed when I said I would repay you, said the
Mouse. "Now you see that even a Mouse can help a Lion.


the answer to the question is b


To Teach children that good deeds will be repaid


They told this story to children so they would do good things but their good deeds would not always get repaid

Which action occurred as the result of building new roads and canals throughout the country in the early 1800s?
A. Towns and industries grew near transportation centers.
B. High taxes made the new routes unprofitable.
C. Farmers suffered from higher shipping costs.
D. Foreign tourists flocked to the United States.



A. Towns and industries grew near transportation centers


Empiricism is the belief that knowledge can only be obtained through experience and use of the five senses. It became a popular approach to science during the later years of the Scientific Revolution. What effect did this belief have on scientific study in future eras?
Scientists took a more deductive approach in their work--they tried to work our answers logically instead of experimenting.

Scientists as a group became more opposed to religious interference in daily life.

Scientists became more biased in their work--they saw what they expected to see.

Scientists became more open-minded about the results they expected to see in their experiments.



the 3 one the only one that make sence


The effect that Empiricism had on future scientific studies was B. Scientists as a group became more opposed to religious interference in daily life.

What is Empiricism?

Empiricism emphasizes experience over rationalism or reason as the ultimate source of knowledge.

Empiricism is based on the following principles:

Experience EvidenceSensory perception.

Thus, the effect that Empiricism had on future scientific studies was B. Scientists as a group became more opposed to religious interference in daily life.

Learn more about Empiricism at https://brainly.com/question/21152590


What does the word “curtain” make you think of?

Something hidden

Something closed

Something dark


Something hidden. Jfkddj
“Something hiden”…….

The American stock market collapsed on October 29, 1929, marking the beginning of Great Depression. What was this day known as?



It was known as Black Tuesday. You can check this by searching days of the week and see it it is any day of any year.

Black Tuesday!!!!!!!!

Which of the following caused a dispute that led to the Mexican-American War? A. The right to vote in Texas B. The oil in Texas C. The borders of Texas D. The slaves in Texas​



in enpanish plis

I believe the answer is b

Why do you think the Whitmans stopped baking bread when
they reached buffalo country



Bread is a staple food prepared from a dough of flour and water, usually by baking. Throughout recorded history, it has been a prominent food in large parts of the world. It is one of the oldest human-made foods, having been of significant importance since the dawn of agriculture, and plays an essential role in both religious rituals and secular culture.


Bread may be leavened by naturally occurring microbes, chemicals, industrially produced yeast, or high-pressure aeration. In many countries, commercial bread often contains additives to improve flavor, texture, color, shelf life, nutrition, and ease of production.

Many Native American groups disappeared from Texas for all of the following reasons except:
Anglo settlers forced them out.
Native Americans could no longer find adequate food in Texas.
Many Native American groups moved from Texas to Oklahoma.
Native Americans died from new diseases that other settlers brought to Texas.



B. Native Americans could no longer find adequate food in Texas.


Ever since the arrival of the European in America, the Native Indians forced to leave their homeland. Many Native American groups disappeared from Taxes as they force to leave their land for the white settlers so, they occupy the land for farming and ranching. Natives Americans forced to move to reservations in Oklahoma was established by the government. Many of them died in Texas as they exposed to diseases brought by other settlers in Texas.

In which way were the results of World War I and World War II similar?
Hereditary monarchs were exiled and replaced by elected officials throughout Europe.
Harsh peace treaties prevented economic recovery and led quickly to war in Europe.
United States foreign aid programs helped rebuild European economies.
The political boundaries of Central and Eastern Europe changed significantly.



Personally I would go with 3


America created many different plans to support their allies.

Opinión sobre el relato del cuento la hormiga



I don’t know


I don’t know

Jessica has an account with a credit union. Her account earns 2.4% simple interest yearly. Exactly a year and a half ago, she opened her account with $900.





Jessica has an account with a credit union. Her account earns 2.4% simple interest yearly. Exactly a year and a half ago, she opened her account with $900.

How much interest has she earned so far?

Interest = Principal × rate × time

Principal = $900

Rate = 2.4% = 0.024

Time = 1.5 years

Interest = Principal × rate × time

= 900 × 0.024 × 1.5

= $32.4

Interest = $32.4

evaluate the extent to which economic motives were the leading cause of japanese imperialism in the period circa 1880-1945



When the United States sends a naval delegation, led by Commodore Matthew Perry, to "open" Japanese ports in 1853, the Japanese are well aware of the "Unequal Treaties" that have been imposed upon China in the previous ten years (since the Opium War of 1839-42) as a result of the superior military power of the Western nations. The Japanese respond to the challenge of the West.

Reform-minded samurai, reflecting the enormous changes that have taken place in the preceding Tokugawa period, effect political change. They launch the reform movement under the guise of restoring the emperor to power, thereby eliminating the power of the shogun, or military ruler, of the Tokugawa period. The emperor's reign name is Meiji; hence the title, "Meiji Restoration" of 1868.

The Japanese carry out this modernization by very deliberate study, borrowing, and adaptation of Western political, military, technological, economic, and social forms — repeating a pattern of deliberate borrowing and adaptation seen previously in the classical period when Japan studied Chinese civilization (particularly in the 7th century to 8th century).

Economic, political, and social changes that have taken place during the preceding 250 years of peace under the Tokugawa shogunate (1600-1868) lay the basis for the rapid transformation of Japan into a modern industrial power, with a constitution, a parliament, a national, compulsory education system, a modern army and navy, roads, trains, and telegraph — in less than 50 years.


1- ¿Qué promesas hiso Cristóbal Colón, para obtener la autorización para emprender ese cuarto viaje?



Para encontrar el camino a Asia


Cristóbal Colón solicitó la autoridad para enviarlo en un último viaje, es decir, el cuarto viaje para que pueda encontrar un camino al continente asiático. Hasta entonces nadie ha encontrado un camino a la región asiática y este Colón estaba interesado en hacerlo.

A petición suya, el monarca español le permitió un último viaje, es decir, el cuarto viaje para que pueda descubrir la ruta de Asia. En este viaje, Colón fue con su hermano y su hijo.

In the warfare that raged between the Indians and the American military after the Civil War, a Indians proved to be no match for the soldiers. b there was often great cruelty and massacres on both sides. c the U.S. army was able to dominate with its superior technology. d Indians and soldiers seldom came into face-to-face combat. e the Indians were never as well armed as the soldiers.



b there was often great cruelty and massacres on both sides.


The American Civil War caused negative impacts on both the Northern and Southern states. Both the parties were not in the position to handle the civil war. The economic differences hampered the northern and southern regions and limited the growth of the country. The advent and the end of the Civil War brought negative effects and cruelty in both the sides. Massacre and unpleasant environment effected the countries.

What characteristics did Northern society have prior to the Civil War?



The North had an industrial economy, an economy focused on manufacturing, while the South had an agricultural economy, an economy focused on farming. Slaves worked on Southern plantations to farm crops, and Northerners would buy these crops to produce goods that they could sell.


I hope this helps

Where were most enslaved peoples forced to work?
O in schools
O on cotton plantations
O in hospitals
O in factories


They are forced to work in factories

the main reason the cold war was fought was​



the ideological conflict between both the United States and the Soviet Union, the emergence of nuclear weapons, and the fear of communism in the United States.



Historians have identified several causes that led to the outbreak of the Cold War, including: tensions between the two nations at the end of World War II, the ideological conflict between both the United States and the Soviet Union, the emergence of nuclear weapons, and the fear of communism in the United States.


please help
After which victory against the British did the Americans gain a European alliance, marking a turning point in the war?

Bunker Hill
Lexington and Concord



The Battles of Saratoga (September 19 and October 7, 1777) marked the climax of the Saratoga campaign, giving a decisive victory to the Americans over the British in the American Revolutionary War. British General John Burgoyne led a large invasion army southward from ... Burgoyne did gain control of Freeman's Farm, but it came at the cost


Hope this answer helps you :)

Have a great day

Mark brainliest

why were the peace makers at versailles war severe​



The first problem faced by the peacemakers at Versailles was the political and social instability in Europe, which necessitated that they act speedily to reach a peace settlement.

Hope this Helps!

Match each source to the correct source type.
1) personal records
2) government records
3) business records
4) organizational records
A)census data, records related to the law of a nation, military records
B)records maintained by school,nonprofits, charities
C)annual reports, advertisements, sales invoices
D)diaries, autobiographies, scrapbooks, blogs



1: government record 2:organizatiol record 3: business record 4:personal record

Following is the match of each source to the correct source type:

1) personal records -   diaries, autobiographies, scrapbooks, blogs

2) government records - census data, records related to the law of a       nation, military records

3) business records - annual reports, advertisements, sales invoices

4) organizational records - maintained by schools, nonprofits, charities

What are records?

When one wants to keep a track of all the data or the work that has been done either by self or by someone else, is known as a record. With the help of records, it is easy for anyone to know about the growth of self or any firm or any nation.

There are various types of records that are to be maintained by a person, it can be in the context of self or the firm, organization, or business that is operated by them, regarding government, and many more.

Thus, all the types of records are matched to each type of source.

Learn more about records from here:



How can nationalism help and hurt people?


Direct causality can be drawn between nationalism and war. ... Nationalist groups within a state who desire their own independent state, (one organised to include their ethnic or cultural identity, for example), may conduct regular or irregular warfare in order to forcibly persuade a state to grant them independence

identify and explain one factor that could determine how one experienced the troubles of the Great Depression



- Many banks fail.

- Many businesses and factories fail.

- Millions of Americans are out of work.

- Many are homeless and hungry.

- Families break up and people suffer


- Factories and farms produce more goods than people can buy.

- Banks make loans that borrowers cannot pay back.

- After the stock market crash, many businesses cannot find people who will invest in their growth.

How did the culture, the environment, and technological innovations of Mesoamerica affect the expansion of agriculture, cities, and social structures of the aztecs?



Changed every day lives.


Economics is focused on the problem of __________, which is created by a world with limited resources and people with unlimited needs and wants.


The answer is the society.

Economics is focused on the problem of the society which is created by a world with limited resources and people with unlimited needs and wants.


I think simple terms it's basically "supply and Demand. They may want a more detailed answer though.

The nineteenth-century humanitarians who advocated kind treatment of the Indians a understood the value of the Indians' religious and cultural practices. b had no more respect for traditional Indian culture than those who sought to exterminate them. c None of these choices are correct. d advocated improving the reservation system. e opposed passage of the Dawes Act.



Option A,  Understood the value of the Indians' religious and cultural practices


By the end of 19th century, the humanitarians who advocated kind treatment of the Indians  basically understood the importance and strength of the Indian culture. Following this realization, several reforms were passed  to promote the private ownership of land to Indians and also provided an incentive to work thereby saved the population from continued decline.

hence, option A is correct

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An independent consultant has determined that if Winnebagel introduces the new campers, it should boost the sales of its existing motor homes by 3,690 units per year, and reduce the sales of its motor coaches by 738 units per year. Meiosis produces somatic cells like egg and sperm cells.A. TrueB. False 1. Why do people who grow crops have to stay in the same place for a long time? I will give u brainliest and 5 stars and thanks if its correct True or False: Humans depend on other plant and animal species to survive. NEED HELP ASAP!!!!Artist: Georges Suerat (pronounced zhorzh syu-RAH)For each of the questions below, circle the letter for the correct answer (1 pointeach).Draw a copy of this artists artwork specified on the back of this sheet (4 points).1. Where and when was this artist born?A. Coyoacn, Mexico in 1907.B. near Florence, Italy in 1266.C. Paris, France in 1859.D. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (U.S.A.) in 1928.2. When did this person decide to be an artist?A. At an early age, he worked as an apprentice to a master artist.B. The book does not state, but he entered art school at about age 19.C. When he had to spend months in bed as a teenager. He borrowed his fatherspaints and brushes.D. When he was a child he would draw scenes from books by Charles Dickens.3. How did this person learn to be an artist?A. Classes at the Carnegie Museum of Art, and college at Carnegie Institute ofTechnology.B. cole des Beaux-Arts school in Paris, France.C. From his father, from Diego Rivera, and self-taught.D. In Cimabues workshop.4. Who or what influenced this artist?A. Ordinary people in the streets.B. Raphael, Ingres, and Delacroix; the impressionists.C. Shoes and other everyday objects; fame and money; Jasper Johns and RobertRauschenberg.D. The Mexican Revolution; Mexican murals by Siqueiros, Orozco, and Rivera;friends and family; himself; and Mexican folk art.5. What was new or special about this artists artwork?A. He created magical, beautiful, and sometimes very mysterious art. He oftenpainted animals doing things that people do. He drew from his dreams andmemories.B. He developed scientific theories about lines, shapes, forms, color andcomposition. His paintings shimmered with light.C. He had an amazing way of capturing the feelings of people in his paintings; youcan almost see their thoughts. He showed every detail of glittery royal life in anincredibly accurate way.D. He made religious figures look familiar and natural, and he put depth into hisbackgrounds. His people seemed alive and they showed expression. He had a specialunderstanding of nature.6. Which of the following is true about this artist?A. At an early age, he became known around Italy as a remarkable artist.B. He created a new way of painting called Pointillism. He thought he could do betterthan the Impressionists.C. He helped develop the art style known as Pop Art.D. He often made up stories about himself that were not true.7. Which art media did this artist use for his/her art works?A. Fresco, and architecture.B. Oil paint and pencil.C. Pencil/graphite, oil paint, and cont crayon.D. Synthetic polymer paint, silkscreen, sandpaper, ink, illustration, offsetlithography, watercolor, pen, tempera, crayon, screenprint, Prestype, pencil,aluminum paint, and film. Click to review the online content. Then answer the question(s) below, using complete sentences. Scroll down to view additionalquestionsOnline Content: Site 1Why is Goya considered a Romantic painter? (Hint: What is he interested in?) In Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis, Gregor's sister, Grete, becomes Gregor's sole caregiver after he turns into a giant insect. Complete this passage about Gregor's mother.Gregor's mother, Mrs. Samsa, appears as a to her husband. However, although she tries to prove her maternal love to Gregor, she fails miserably. When Grete asks her mother to help her in clearing Gregor's room, she refuses because . who did mot reply in the above lines How many symbols are there in the word determination? solve for x. round to the nearest tenth if necessary at a market 8 mangoes and 6 pears cost $25.00 and 4 mangoes and 8 pears cost$30.00. what is the cost of one mangoes