Which governing principle is best reflected by the three branches of the federal government created by the constitution


Answer 1


Separation of powers


The governing principle of separation of powers is firmly entrenched in the constitution. It is a governing principle that ensures checks and balances in government.

The federal government is composed of three branches which are; the executive, the legislature and the judiciary.

All these arms of government work together to ensure the smooth operation of the country's democracy by ensuring that each arm of government exercises its powers according to the provisions of the constitution.

Related Questions

Which propaganda technique is being used in the following statement? “This cure-all
treats every pain in your body."
A. Circular reasoning
B. Assertion
C. None; this statement is not propaganda.
D. Generality


Answer: The answer is A. Circular reasoning


The propaganda technique being used in the given sentence is (A) Circular Reasoning.

What do you mean by propaganda techniques?

Propaganda techniques refer to some instruments or manners which are used to appeal to the logic and emotions of an individual.

These are certain techniques which are used to influence certain areas.

There are certain propaganda techniques used:

Circular reasoning AssertionTestimonial PropagandaBandwagon propaganda

The given sentence is:

“This cure-all treats every pain in your body."

This is an example of A. Circular reasoning

Therefore, the correct answer is (A).

Learn more about Propaganda Techniques on https://brainly.com/question/24939953


should follow a dependent clause when the dependent clause comes first in a sentence.



If the dependent clause is first (again, rather like an introduction to the main clause), it is followed by a comma (like in this sentence and the next). If the independent clause comes first, no punctuation separates the two.


the answer would be comma


took test and got 100

Early in Act I, the Prince of Verona threatens the two feuding families after they disturb the peace. What punishment does he promise for the next disturbance?



The punishment he promises for the next disturbance is death.


The Prince of Verona appears in the tragic play "Romeo and Juliet" by English playwright William Shakespeare (1564-1616).

In the play, two families have a long and bloody feud going on for decades: the Capulets and the Montagues. It is made clear from the very beginning that their rivalry has led them to kill. Now, the prince of Verona, the city where the families live, is threatening to execute them if they do not stop with their fighting.

Sadly, Juliet Capulet and Romeo Montague will fall in love with each other. Their secret love and marriage will only lead to more and more tragedy, eventually ending up with their own deaths.



The Prince of Verona appears in the tragic play "Romeo and Juliet" by English playwright William Shakespeare (1564-1616).

In the play, two families have a long and bloody feud going on for decades: the Capulets and the Montagues. It is made clear from the very beginning that their rivalry has led them to kill. Now, the prince of Verona, the city where the families live, is threatening to execute them if they do not stop with their fighting.

Sadly, Juliet Capulet and Romeo Montague will fall in love with each other. Their secret love and marriage will only lead to more and more tragedy, eventually ending up with their own deaths.

2. What themes or trends do you see arising from these chapters? Based on these,
what do you think Steinbeck'si message is?


There is a divide between the tenant farmers and the "owner men" or the banks, and they clearly have very different interests.

Is censorship in any form justified?



Censorship is removing or censoring what someone said. So I would say no.

what are the''krantzers''?​



They are Norwegian cookies


It is a Norwegian “cookie” that is traditionally made at Christmas time. ... Kringla (with an “A”) is a soft cookie that is almost like a sweet bread

What does the setting help you understand about the story?
Into the rapids


The second one im prettysure

The akarsan river is less than 10 miles ago.

What is Akarsan river?

Tantric rituals called Akarshan and Stambhan are thought to assist people draw or fend off particular energies or beings.

Depending on the aims, frame of mind, and methodology of the individual, the precise results of these practices can differ.

Akarshan is thought to assist a person in attracting desired energy or results, such as love, success, riches, or spiritual development. Invoking the energy or entity that the person intends to attract is done through the use of particular mantras, yantras (sacred geometric symbols), and ceremonies.

Therefore, The akarsan river is less than 10 miles ago.

To learn more about Akarsan river, refer to the link:



From what character flaw does Bassanio beleive Gratiano suffers?

A Mean spiritedness

B Stinginess

C Vanity


I’m not sure why I don’t see it up here but the answer is “A Lack Of Depth”

How do you define love, honor, and truth?



This is just an opinion

Love is very complicated and is a connection u feel with someone or something that can be one sided or both people may feel.

Honor is just the way you impact on your community or family this is how you see yourself and how others looks at u as well.

Truth is being honest as u can without stretching the truth or hiding anything  


hope this helped


Love: a strong passionate feeling towards another person.

Honor: the integreity of a person

Truth: an accurate statement, not a lie

In which lines are the two authors trying to express a similar idea


Line 1 and 3 or number 1 and 3

Write a Descriptive Paragraph on the topic ‘Online Classes a Curse or a Boon’



Online classes are a rapidly growing trend it today’s society. Online classes are a cost-effective substitute for traditional courses and more convenient for many, so more schools and universities are offering this option. Due to the increase in online course enrollment, people are questioning if students truly learn something from online classes because it’s not a traditional learning environment. Online classes are just, if not more, effective as traditional classes because grades

Explain Boots Riley’s concept of the “Legal” versus “Illegal” Economy. Why are people forced into illegal activities?





Which sentence best supports the idea that tap water is healthier than bottled water? A) many people purchase bottled water because of its taste and convenience, or often as a safety measure when tap water is contaminated. B) Natural resources, however, are still used in manufacturing and distributing the bottled water. C) Only about 13 percent of the 29 billion bottles of water Americans consume every year are recycled and turned into products like fleece clothing, carpeting, playground equipment, and new containers and bottles. D)Tap water also has benefits that bottled water does not provide, such as being free from plastic bottle contaminants that have been linked to health problems. No laws require bottling companies to provide testing results of bottled water, but research indicates that one in four bottles of water contains tap water.



The correct answer is D. Tap water also has benefits that bottled water does not provide such as being free from plastic bottle contaminants that have been linked to health problems. No laws require bottling companies to provide testing results of bottled water but research indicates that one in four bottles of water contain tap water

The sentence that best supports the idea that tap water is healthier than bottled water is "Tap water also has benefits ......... water." Hence, Option (D) is correct.

It explicitly states that tap water is free from plastic bottle contaminants that have been linked to health problems.

It also highlights the lack of mandatory testing and transparency in the bottled water industry, indicating that one in four bottles of water contains tap water.

These points clearly establish that tap water is healthier than bottled water because it does not contain potentially harmful contaminants and is subject to stricter regulations.

Thus, option D provides direct evidence and reasoning to support the idea that tap water is a healthier choice compared to bottled water.

Learn more about tap water here:



1) If a new player scores today, we ............ win the league this year.
A. would B. might C. have
2) The goalkeeper pulled on his ............. and walked out onto the pitch.
A. gloves B. net C. helmet
3) His brother doesn't like .............. sports. He prefers jogging on his own.
A. competition B. compete C. competitive


1) If a new player scores today, we [tex]\sf\purple{would}[/tex] win the league this year.

A. would

2) The goalkeeper pulled on his [tex]\sf\pink{gloves}[/tex] and walked out onto the pitch.

A. gloves

3) His brother doesn't like [tex]\sf\red{competitive}[/tex] sports. He prefers jogging on his own.

C. competitive

[tex]\large\mathfrak{{\pmb{\underline{\orange{Happy\:learning }}{\orange{!}}}}}[/tex]

Why would an author use allegory?

A)To help the reader understand the authors personal background and education.

B) to have the reader make a deeper connection to reality through a story or symbol.

C) to give the reader factual details and information about an event.

D)To has the reader rhetorical questions in order to make a point


I believe it would be answer choice B because an allegory is “a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.”

For what purpose does the author mention the names of various Gimm works in This excerpt? Select three



The author mentions the Grimm's tales to identify some that were omitted or placed in footnotes. The author mentions the tales to unfold a series of details to support the main idea of the excerp

what is an inverted sentence?



An inverted sentence is a sentence in a normally subject-first language in which the predicate comes before the subject.


Hope this helps you

in a normally subject-first language in which the predicate (verb) comes before the subject (noun). Down the street lived the man and his wife without anyone suspecting that they were really spies for a foreign power. ... In English, such an inversion often introduces do-support.

Which of the following is NOT a reason the Declaration of Independence states that the legislative branch is
A. The king leaves before the colonists are given a chance to speak.
B. The king does not let officials pass laws.
C. The king refused to agree to laws that were established for the good of the colonists.
D. The king has officials that disagree with him removed.


Answer: A

Explanation: The answer is A, the king leaves. According to the text and context clues, it states so.

The king leaves before the colonists are given a chance to speak is not a reason the Declaration of Independence states that the legislative branch is ineffective. Hence, option A is correct.

What did the Declaration of Independence say about the king?

The preamble's final sentence says, "The history of the present King of Great Britain is a chronicle of repeated insults and usurpations, all having in direct objective the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States."

The pursuit of happiness, as well as life and liberty, are among everyone's inalienable rights. Men are equal by nature. People have a responsibility to uphold these rights for both themselves and other people.

The opening language of the Declaration states the main objective of the document, which is to defend the colonists' right to revolution. To state the grounds for their breakup, in other words. Congress has to provide evidence to support its claims. The most powerful nation in the world has just been vanquished by it.

Thus, option A is correct.

For more details about Declaration of Independence say about the king, click here:



Fear from outside yourself is






Need help :( which sentence from the passage best supports the idea that Maria has been camping before.


Last one, “my favorite part”
D is the correct answer

How might the title of a literary work help you examine its purpose?

The title identifies who the main characters are,

The title often suggests the message the author wants to send.

The title tells readers what they should expect to see in the plot.

The title always indicates the tone of the work.



The title often suggests the message the author wants to send.


the title does not always include the names of main characters, and you obviously cannot tell what to expect from the plot or the tone of the work by a title, so the answer is the title often suggests the message the author wants to send.

How do these documents work together to help a reader who is traveling for work?

Both documents give readers information about the rules for booking travel.
Both documents help readers understand why using Incur to book travel is important.
Both documents help explain the company’s restrictions on reimbursement.
Both documents give readers helpful suggestions for booking affordable transit options.



A. Both documents give readers information about the rules for booking travel.

(Photo for proof at the bottom.)


The first document gives information about the rules for booking travel, because it tells you that employees are required to use Incur when traveling. Then, it tells you how to get Incur and how to use it.

The second document gives information about the rules for booking travel, because it tells you the rules for using ground transportation. It also tells you specific rules for specific scenarios in traveling.

Here's a photo of Edge just incase.


A.) Both documents give readers information about the rules for booking travel.


Why does
himself to a
hungry tiger or
the raging sea?



Because he his describing his intentions to his servant to convince him.


Hope this helps.

How are the writing styles of Romeo and Juliet and Ovid’s "Pyramus and Thisbe" similar?


Answer: abahahsjsjjsjssjnsnssbsbhdbdnd
Step-by-step explanation: ehehejjejsjwjwjskaoaoaooasoosos

What are the 12 steps of the Hero’s Journey in the book The Adoration of Jenna Fox?



the 12 steps of the Hero’s Journey in the book The Adoration of Jenna Fox are:

1. The Ordinary World

2. The Call of Adventure

3. Refusal of the Call

4. Meeting the Mentor

5. Crossing the First Threshold

6. Tests, Allies, Enemies

7. Approach to the Inmost Cave

8. The Ordeal

9. Reward (Seizing the Sword)

10. The Road Back

11. Resurrection

12. Return with the Elixir





which of laura's misquoted idioms from daughter of invention is intended to mean that it makes no difference to her?


The person Above is correct lol sorry just trying to get points

To enter data on this form, use the table folds or annotation tools
4. When Diane takes her beagle for a walk, Santana enjoys sniffing for edible garbage,
and lunging at squirrels.
A. howls at bicyclists
B. howling at bicyclists
C. she howls at bicyclists
What is the correct answer



Letter B is the best option to complete the sentence:

When Diane takes her beagle for a walk, Santana enjoys sniffing for edible garbage, howling at bicyclists, and lunging at squirrels.


This question concerns the use of parallelism in a sentence. Parallelism occurs when we repeat the same grammatical structure in a sentence, which helps with the organization and understanding of that sentence. Parallelism is especially useful when listing items, ideas, or examples.

In the sentence we are analyzing here, three behaviors of Santana are listed. The two behaviors mentioned in the sentence use the structure "verb + ing + object". Therefore, to keep the structure parallel, we must choose the option that uses the same grammatical structure. That would be letter B. howling at bicyclists.

1."The assignment was a breeze!" is an example of a(n)... *

1 point




2. "The water well is as dry as a bone."is an example of a(n)... *

1 point




3. What is an example of an alliteration? *

1 point

The vase flew off of the shelf.

Powerful pandas punch parrots.

The plant liked to fly.

I like to eat pie.

4.. "The firework exploded in the air, making a big BOOM in the air."is an example of *

1 point




5. "He was as cool as a cucumber." is an example of a(n) *

1 point




6. What's the meaning of this personification?"The camera loves me!" *

1 point

Photography is one of my hobbies.

I own an expensive camera.

Photos of me are always really good.

I like to visit art museums.

7."The stars will cry." The kind of figurative language used here is _______ *

1 point




8. What does the statement below mean The?" The car is a dinosaur so we better buy a new one". *

1 point

The car is very old.

The car was truly made in prehistoric times.

The car is very new.

9. "I am as hungry as a bear!" The kind of figurative language used here is ______ *

1 point




10. Simile or Metaphor:The city is a sea of sadness. *

1 point




11. What is being personified? The moon guided me through the forest. *

0 points




12.Fall Fridays feel fantastic *

1 point





13. She sells sea shells by the sea shore is an example of: *

1 point




14. BAM! The door shut behind me. *

1 point







1. Metaphor


3. Powerful pandas punch parrots


5. Metaphor

6. Photos of me are always really good

7. Personification

8. The car is very old

9. Metaphor


11. Moon

12. Alliteration

13. Alliteration

14. Onomatopeia

1. One and one….two
A. will be
B. is
C. are
2. The poor….. often honest.



one and one is two

the poor are often honest

One and one two

The poor often honest

passiv voice to she washes the plates ​


Plates were washed by her
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