Which is the proper order of genocides from earliest to most recent?

Holocaust, Cambodian, Armenian, Darfur
Armenian, Darfur, Holocaust, Cambodian
Armenian, Holocaust, Cambodian, Darfur
Holocaust, Armenian, Darfur, Cambodian


Answer 1


it goes from Armenian, Holocaust, Cambodian and Darfur


hope it helps you out!!!

Answer 2

The proper order of genocides from earliest to most recent is Armenian, Holocaust, Cambodian, Darfur. The correct option is C.

What is genocides ?

Genocide is the intentional and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of a particular ethnic, religious, or national group. It is considered to be one of the most heinous crimes against humanity, as it involves the deliberate killing of innocent people solely because of their membership in a particular group.

Genocide can take many forms, including mass killings, forced displacement, torture, sexual violence, and other atrocities. It often involves a systematic campaign of violence and persecution, directed by a government or other authority, against a particular group.

Armenian, Holocaust, Cambodian, Darfur is the proper order of genocides from earliest to most recent. Thus, the ideal selection is option C.

Learn more about genocides here:



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The power is mostly granted to the people


That is what the founding fathers created the Democracy for in America. It is so the people have the power to protest start reforms and vote for what happens.

B. The people








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Portuguese shipping arrived in Japan in 1533, and Catholic missionary activities in Japan began to earnest around 1549, preformed in the main by Portuguese sponsored Jesuits until Spanish-sponsored Franciscan and Dominicans gained access to Japan.

Hope this helped you.

It was the Portuguese shipping in 1543

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the first amendment freedom of speech: Congress shall make no law respecting and establishment or religion or free exercise therefore; or abridging the freedom or speech.

the second amendment the right to bear arms: well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Please help with this


Answer: he wanted a divorce with with Catherine of Aragon

Explanation : He wanted to divorce his wife, Catherine of Aragon, because she bore him no male heir and the pope wouldn't let him. ... Henry VIII divorced her b/c she didn't have sons.

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Native American


The Cherokee are North American Indians of Iroquoian lineage who constituted one of the largest politically integrated tribes at the time of European colonization of the Americas. Their name is derived from a Creek word meaning “people of different speech”; many prefer to be known as Keetoowah or Tsalagi

Dictatorship is found in

A. america

B. soviet unon​



B. soviet union

hope this helps

have a good day :)


How did colonization expand markets for European powers?

Each person in a conquered region was also a potential entrepreneur.

Each person in a conquered region was also a potential customer.

Each person in a conquered region was also a potential labor leader.

Each person in a conquered region was also a potential stock holder.



Each person in a conquered region was also a potential labor leader.

Give an example and theme for cultural diffusion. Please help!


It’s simple you with the problem it’s 2





Discussion Topic
Why did the United States move from more isolationist policies to acquiring colonies and becoming more involved in world affairs?
Which factor do you think most strongly influenced US imperialism?
1 Response(s)


The want for more land, spreading christianity

Which of the following is true of Askia the Great?

He wanted to do away with Islamic rule.
He was a proponent of learning and culture.
He wanted to do away with slavery.
He was peaceful and disliked conflict.



He was a proponent of learning and culture.


Askia Muhammad, real name Muhammad Ture sylla or Muhammed Touré sylla was the emperor of the Songhai Empire after successfully challenging the heir apparent Sunni Baru. Askia Muhammad was a former general under Emperor Sunni Ali Ber and he would later become known as Askia the Great.

After his accession to the throne of the empire, Askia began to work on expanding the imperial territory. He was also a great proponent of education, encouraging learning and literacy, art and literature. The universities under his kingdom were improved and developed to produce the best scholars and also get himself acquainted with scholars from other kingdoms.

Thus, the correct answer is the second option.




16. Which of the following areas did Stephen Kearny claim for the United States?

A. Oregon

B. New Mexico

C. Arizona

D. Baja California


17. Helen Hunt Jackson was hated by several Native American groups because of how she represented them in Ramona.





16. is New mexico

17. is false

Explanation: Hope this helps :)

The city of ______________________ was considered to be on of Rome's greatest enemies.





Starkville is located in which region?
Black Prairie
Pontotoc Ridge
Tombigbee Hills





because if you look up the awnser all of them pop up

Why did Palestine not want to recognize the official statehood of Israel?

a. They would have to give up territory and lands in Palestine their people had been living in for generations.
b. They disagreed with the UN and US support of Israel.
c. They knew that eventually Israel would take over all of Palestine.
d. They wanted to punish those that came into their homeland.


It is A because A is the answer A at A so x+y is A
The answer is B.

i just know its not C OR D

Lecture questions for 15th c. Northern Renaissance. 1 When discussing Northern Renaissance, what area of Europe is that? (include a couple of modern countries) 2 Describe the objects that influence Northern Renaissance art. 3 Where did these objects come from? 4 What is an illuminated manuscript? 5 What is a folio? 6 What is a ‘Book of Prayer’? Know that these were used in the North. 7 How were the Book of Prayers used? (public or private) 8 why would a wealthy person have two book of prayers? 9 How are images 1 and 2 different from what was being produced in Italy at this time? 10 Why were they different? 11 What is meant by genre? 12 How do we know that is a peasant



1. The Northern Renaissance took place North of the Alps above Italy in countries like Austria, Germany, and France.

2. The distancing from the Catholic Church shined through in the art based around church figures and metaphors for the age.

3. They came about as a result of the Reformation of the church.

4. Hand-written books from monasteries that came before the printing press, which included animal skin pages, wealthy decorated covers with gold, silver, and other precious metals.

5. A term explaining the process of arranging sheets of paper into a book.

6. Monk owned books that contained images and important religious ideas

7. Used in public at church to enlighten and expand on peoples spiritual dependence.

8. The rich were thought to be the only ones who were good and enlightened enough to be worthy of such a thing.

9-12 can't see the pictures

please help me i will give brainliest



B. People should view themselves as Americans first and  put the country over their individual differences.


George Washington said many things...


B????? sorry if not right



If you can help with both please it’s soo important



"We hold these truths to be self-evident..." and The American Revolution fought for independence from Britain...


Likely the most popular phrase in The Declaration of Independence; it just states one's natural rights. America wanted to gain freedom from Britain's rules and taxes, while France wanted to create a better government.

what was the goal of Joseph Staline's Five-Year Plans?



In the Soviet Union, the first Five-Year Plan (1928–32), implemented by Joseph Stalin, concentrated on developing heavy industry and collectivizing agriculture, at the cost of a drastic fall in consumer goods.

How did globalization affect American society, economy and government?



Hope it helps (:


Globalization often lowers production costs. So corporations may sell products to consumers at a lesser price. Increased living standards are a critical factor in the average cost of products. There are also a broader range of items available to consumers. Globalization has helped bring a billion people out of poverty and enhanced thousands of thousands more lives. The US likewise increased its yearly GDP by approximately 11% - 19%. However, the fairness of these advantages worries many Americans.

what was one of the outcomes for the first Great Awakening?



The correct answer is A (religion became more personal)


Hope it helps

When drafting the Constitution, state delegates compromised on the issue of what in order to ensure fairness for all.



Between the small states and big states.


A constitutional convention was a gathering of writing a new constitution in America. 55 delegates came and the Constitutional Convention began in Philadelphia. The convention decides how America was going to be governed. Big states wanted representation to establish based on the population. Delegates from small states considered that representation based on population would damage their rights because of the small population. The small states wanted to have an equal number of representatives from each state.

How did the Los Angeles Riots affect American society, economy and government?


The Los Angeles riots erupted on 29 April 1992 after four white police officers were acquitted over the videotaped beating of black motorist Rodney King. Anger led to days of looting and burning, 54 deaths and $1bn (£610m) of damage to the city. A state of emergency was declared in South Central Los Angeles.

What was William Wilberforce's contribution to the British empire?


In later years, Wilberforce supported the campaign for the complete abolition of slavery, and continued his involvement after 1826, when he resigned from Parliament because of his failing health. That campaign led to the Slavery Abolition Act 1833, which abolished slavery in most of the British Empire.

acrostic poem for Tenochtitlan



The end of the Aztec empire did not come swiftly or

quietly. It was the result of a violent battle that took place in

Tenochtitlán between April and August 1521. There were two

hundred thousand men, women, and children living in the

beautiful and prosperous island city when the Spanish conquistadores (Spanish word for “conquerors”) mounted their

last attack. By moderate estimates, about one hundred thousand Aztecs, or half the city’s population, died during the

siege. Everything in the city—markets, temples, palaces, and

homes—was completely destroyed. An overview of the fall of

Tenochtitlán is presented in this entry as a background to the

poems that follow.

The Aztec emperor Montezuma II (1466–1520) died in

Tenochtitlán during the first battle between the Aztecs and a

group of Spanish conquistadores led by Hernán Cortés (1485–

1547). In this first battle, the Aztecs soundly defeated the

Spaniards, forcing them to retreat from the city. Afterward,


Which of the following best describes the working conditions of industrial workers?

A- They worked under ideal conditions.

B - They worked with unsafe machinery.

C- They worked for high wages.

D- They worked in well-ventilated factories.​





Industrial workers were often exploited for working for many hours for not a fair pay, and also will have to work under dangerous an poor conditions




Man-Made Pollution Existed Long Source: "The Conditions of the
Before Industrial Revolution : Society Working Class in England" by the
: Christianity Daily
German socialist revolutionary
Friedrich Engels, published in 1844.
"Every great town has one or more
slum areas where workers struggle
through life as best they can out of
sight of the more fortunate classes of society. The slums ... are generally
an unplanned wilderness of one or two - storied houses. Wherever
possible these have basements which are also used as living spaces. The
streets are usually unpaved, full of holes, dirty and strewn with garbage.
Since they have neither gutters or drains, the garbage accumulates in
stagnant, stinking puddles. The view of the City of Manchester is quite
typical. The main river is narrow, black and full of stinking filth and
garbage ... one walks along a very rough path on the river bank to reach
a chaotic group of little one-storey, one room cabins ... in front of the
doors, filth and garbage ..."
1) Explain the historical circumstance that led to what is being described in
this excerpt by Friedrich Engels



Industrial Revolution, in modern history, the process of change from an agrarian and handicraft economy to one dominated by industry and machine manufacturing. This process began in Britain in the 18th century and from there spread to other parts of the world. Although used earlier by French writers, the term Industrial Revolution was first popularized by the English economic


Which statement best completes the table? A. Set up democratic governments B. Removed foreign influences from the culture C. Built the world's largest army D. Created highly accurate maps


Answer: The Answer is D


What Nazi policy targeted people who had disabilities?





i dont know, i looked it up and thats what the thingy said

Answer: Euthanasia


e 2021

How did Legalism lead to the fall of the Qin dynasty?


The government's creation of a strict class system led to class conflict and the weakening of the empire. The government's reliance on a single ruler left other leaders unprepared to govern in the future.
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