which of the following is a run on sentence?


Answer 1


Where are the options?


Related Questions

Three months ago, the Blueville City Council passed an ordinance allowing companies to place billboards in residential areas across the city, including my neighborhood. Within two weeks, my neighborhood was bombarded with billboards. These billboards advertised everything from services to personal care products to businesses inappropriate for young children. The billboards appeared on roads surrounding the neighborhood and in residential parks. They are unsightly and hazardous to the residents in my neighborhood and the residents of Blueville.

Many of the residents find these billboards detract from the appeal and beauty of Blueville’s residential neighborhoods. The giant billboards obscure the view of the natural beauty that attracts visitors to Blueville. They hide our trees and damage flower fields near our parks. Many photographers and tourists visit Blueville for the beautiful scenery. However, the cosmetic and fitness services plastered on billboards disrupt the view. A decline in tourism will hurt many local businesses.

Not only are these billboards unappealing, but they are also hazardous to residents. Because the billboards are new to our city, many drivers are distracted by the images and new products and services that are advertised on them. Just within the first month, the number of minor car accidents increased by 60 percent. There are new billboards at our busiest intersections, making turns extremely dangerous. The elementary school is at the corner of Blueville Boulevard and Pine Oak Road, one of the city’s busiest intersections. Two new billboards at this intersection make it difficult for drivers to pay close attention to students crossing the streets. Our students’ safety surely is worth more than money from billboards.

I understand that our city needs additional income. Last year, two factories relocated to bigger cities, and this severely hurt residents and negatively impacted the city’s budget. Based on the previous meeting records, this new ordinance could help make up for the lost money from the factory closures. However, there are other ways of bringing in more money to the city.

I recommend moving the billboards to downtown Blueville. Events such as sports, conferences, and concerts are all held in the stadiums and arenas located downtown. That would be the perfect place for billboards.

As Blueville leaders, it is crucial to ensure that your residents are heard and feel safe. It is essential to think about the future of Blueville and not just short-term monetary gains. Surely billboards are not more important than pleasing, protecting, and keeping your residents?

Select the correct answer.
How does the writer counter the claim that billboards negatively impact the city?

by comparing the city’s finances before and after the presence of billboards
by listing other sources of income for the city
by explaining the impact of factory closures on the city’s budget
by suggesting the relocation of the billboards to other parts of the city





The best answer would be C. Since to counter is to provide the other side of the argument, the impact of factory closure to the city's budget is the best option .

The writer counter the claim that billboards negatively impact the city by suggesting the relocation of the billboards to other parts of the city. The correct option is D.

In the paragraph, the author responds to the assertion that billboards have a bad influence on the city by advocating that the billboards be relocated to other places of the city, notably downtown Blueville.

The author accepts the city's need for more cash, but contends that there are other methods to create revenue that do not jeopardise the city's residential neighbourhoods or natural beauty.

The writer proposes relocating the billboards to downtown, where events and activities are already taking place, as a solution that answers the issues highlighted while also taking the city's financial demands into account.

Thus, the correct option is D.

For more details regarding claim, visit:



Write five facts about the life of rigoberta Menchú



On January 9, 1959, Rigoberta Menchu was born in Laj Chimel, in Guatemala to Juana Tum and Vicente Menchu. Menchu spent her childhood years with her nine siblings. He came from a poor background where she learned how to plough at her tender age. She worked on different farms for the sake of supporting her impoverished family.


Hello! Not trying to be disrespectful but ONLY ANSWER IF YOU HAVE SUGGESTIONS OR CORRECTIONS. Please. What else can I improve here? Thank you!

My interpretation of this passage describes the debt we owe to mother nature for providing us with a yin and yang to everything on it. The main opposition in this passage is medicine, virtue, poison, vice, where both in men and herbs there is a good and evil. I also found something interesting that reminded me of TKAM, where we discussed how murdering someone doesn’t make you a murderer. In this passage, I was reminded in different wording that virtue becomes a vice when abused, and wrongdoings can be justified with good ethics and justified reason. Anything with irrational abuse and hate can become venomous but, with the right intentions can be the medicine that resides in everything unknowingly.


Answer: A suggestion I have is to remove the comma after vice and instead place a dash (-)

Explanation: Other than this, I have no suggestions. This paragraph is written perfectly

2. Whether an argument is formal or less formal, why is an argument's opening so



to make a statement


I will give brainliest to the first correct answer!

Write an analytical statement that describes how access to education has changed throughout American history.


From having to be high class and no colored to go to school at first and also African american slaves education being limited to segregation options when it came to those of negro ancestry then led to open schools to those of all color and future options led for there to be a change and private schools where parents can pay to enlist their children into has now been made another option to the public

Read the excerpt from The Time Traveler's Guide to Elizabethan England. By the end of the reign he [Jonson] has married, had two children and lost one, tried to become an actor and failed, become a playwright, been arrested for a scurrilous play and released, killed another actor in a duel, been arrested again and put on trial for murder, and escaped hanging by pleading benefit of the clergy. The play for which he is arrested, The Isle of Dogs, coauthored with Thomas Nashe, is so slanderous and offensive that the privy council orders the closure not just of the play but of every theater in London. Which event most directly caused the council to order the closure of all theaters in London



The writing of "The Isle of Dogs" by Ben Jonson and Thomas Nashe.


In the given excerpt from "The Time Traveler's Guide to Elizabethan England", the author talks about Ben Jonson. He gave a description of the life of Jonson, the events in his life.

But most of all, he also gave the detail about how the writing of the book The Isle of Dogs led to a drastic event in history. Co-authoring the book with Thomas Nashe, the book was deemed "so slanderous and offensive that the privy council orders the closure not just of the play but of every theatre in London."

Thus, we can safely say that the writing of the book most directly caused the council to order the closure of all theatres in London.


B: Jonson and Nashe writing The Isle of Dogs


got it right

Write an argumentative editorial that argues for or against young people's ability to initiate positive change in their communities. (100 words or more :D)


The young generation is a genesis. A rebirth, a renaissance, a reflection. It would be absurd to argue young people as anything less than educative and logical souls. Our society is ever growing and ever accepting. To have grown up witnessing diversity the younger generation hold a balanced perspective. This therefore can be preached to the wider community and morals and values can be learnt. Furthermore, initiating positive change as a consensus of acceptance can occur due to the younger generations ability to pass on modern knowledge.

please help me guys
Mention any one different between the American and the japanese greetings​


One good difference that exists on how the people from these countries greet is that Americans shake themselves while the Japanese nods or bows his head.

These are two different countries with different cultures and different ways of doing things. In the United States, people greet each other by offering handshakes and also by hugging themselves.

In contrast, the Japanese are known to greet themselves by making gestures such as bowing their heads or by nodding.

Read more at https://brainly.com/question/24253837?referrer=searchResults

FOR 30 POINTS Hi, i have to have three questions about romeo and juliet and I need help. it is so confusing and i was wondering if anyone could help me



what question do you have?

Which words best help the reader understand the tone of the play’s conclusion? Check all that apply.


The question is incomplete and the full version can be found online.







The question refers to an excerpt from the end of Act V, scene III of Romeo and Juliet in which, after Romeo and Juliet deaths, the Capulet and Montague agree to make peace and the prince says the final words of the play, describing a morning without the sun, which us too sad to even appear due to the tragedy, and claiming that some people can be pardon but some must be punished and that there´s no other story as full of pain as the one of Romeo and Juliet.

The words that best help the reader understand the dim tone of the play’s conclusion are: sad, woe, glooming, and sorrow.

The word morning refers to the time of the day, which despite being dark and lacking sun, is not inherently a dim word. And "pardon'd" refers to those who can be pardoned for their actions, which is a positive note in this context.

how does your name announce your honor?​



it announces my honor by its meaning.My name means woman of God or Angle. therefore because of the meaning of my name,I gain honor.

y'all work really hard this year and I'm proud of y'all, have a great summer <3​



Thanks for the points!


I plead the 5th


Thank you!


Which sentence from this excerpt best illustrates
Frederick Douglass's use of strong adjectives and
A. The crouching servility, usually so acceptable a
quality in a slave, did not answer when manifested
toward her.
B. My early instruction was all out of place.
C. She was entirely unlike any other white woman I had
ever seen.
D.I could not approach her as I was accustomed to
approach other white ladies.



A. The crouching servility, usually so acceptable a quality in a slave, did not answer when manifested.

Need help bad please help me



man do yourself I can't do with your lit book

^^^^Person above me is correct. It’s not that hard

What does the word quietly mean?
A. Quiet again
B. Always quiet
C. Not very quiet
D. In a quiet way



D. in a quiet way.



D. In a quiet way..............

How long did it take to rebuild the damage in Manila, Philippines caused by World War 2? (Please help I need this ansswer fast!)



it will take near about 109 years

When you write a formal essay, you should always follow the steps of the writing process, including prewriting to gather your ideas, drafting to organize your ideas, and making revisions to make sure your ideas are logical.

Which phrases are parallel in the sample sentence?
Check all the apply.

"write a formal essay"

"the steps of the writing process"

"prewriting to gather your ideas"

"drafting your ideas"

"making revisions to make sure your ideas are logical"


hun do you still need help

3. Change the following sentences as indicated in brackets.
Samir went somewhere yesterday. [ into negative]
b. Mohan said to me, “I live in town." [ into indirect
c. He is writing an essay. ( into passive voice)
d. Time and tide waits for none. (into wh-question)



first one: samir not went anywhere yesterday.

second one: mohan said to me that she lives in a town


maybe this will help you

which phrases below best describes the overall theme of this passage ?





The value of hard work. Hope this helps! :)

18) The tone of this passage can BEST be described as





BEST is in all capitals and the sentence comes across with an air of pride.

The answer is D hope this helps

Everybody loves good fun, but sometimes joking or “fooling” can become unfunny. When does this happen? Why does humour at times become cruel and spiteful? When can humour become helpful and instructive to us?


in my opinion humour becomes unfunny when the joke is “punching down” or if the joke is meant to make the oppressing group laugh. a joke about another person or groups traumas are also unfunny as it’s “punching down”. examples of these jokes are racist, misogynistic, classist, ableist, assault jokes, etc. humour is helpful when it allows people to relate to one another and to bond over shared experiences. it also allows for oppressed groups to joke about the situations they have been in. this type of “punching up” humour allows for people to better connect with people around them. humour that revolves around persons personal experiences with trauma creates relatability and conversation.

Read the passage from "The Maori: Genealogies
Origins in New Zealand."
Which excerpt from the passage best allows the reader
to infer that the Maori people felt cared for by the earth?
Olight flooded into the world
O the first humans
Light flooded into the world that had been created
between Rangi and Papa. The brothers rejoiced, and
were amazed to find that in the dark, they had birthed
many children the first humans! These offspring fell to
Papa, and were warmly received by the earth, their new
O were warmly received
O their new home
Unmark this question
Save and Exit


Answer: Were warmly received


I got it right on the edge nuity

Question 7
In Act 3, Scene 1, Shylock gives his famous speech, "...hath not a Jew yese, hath not a Jew hands, organs..." Shylock is
asked what is the bond good for? shylock's first answer is....

a. to feed my revenge

b. to give me pleasure

c. to make Antonio suffer





The answer is bacause Antonio and Shylock wanted revenge

Which sentence is written in the active voice?

A. The car was driven through the intersection without stopping.

B. The driver drove the car through the intersection without stopping.





the answer is b, it is talking in present tense.

Our Sky
Which statement BEST describes the theme
of this poem?
Palest colors tint the wakening sky,
While black seeps away with its starry night
Like an ocean tide slipping off the beach
As pink and lavender spread the dawn's light.
Gazing at the sky is a relaxing way to spend
the day.
The sun arises like an eager child
Tossing off covers from this newest day,
Making the sky brighten with hints of blue
That bloom the azure of a sun-sparked bay.
There are many variations in the sky
throughout the day.
Wisps of clouds like heavenly feathers drift
Lazily across a blue painted sky,
And as hard as they try, no bird can perch
Upon thready clouds, all floating on high.
Storm clouds in the sky can spoil a fun day.
Birds enjoy soaring through clouds in the sky.
Then one by one puffy clouds dot the sky
Joining and forming dreamy myth-bred shapes
Of lions that paw the earth down below
And dragons that hide beneath their cloudy capes.


The correct answer is B. There are many variations in the sky throughout the day.


The central theme of the poem is the diversity that the sky has during the day. Initially, it highlights colors such as black at dusk, pink at dawn, blue, among others. On the other hand, he uses the metaphor to associate visual phenomena such as sunrise, clouds, and the flight of birds with fantastic events, for example:

 "Then one by one puffy clouds dot the sky

Joining and forming dreamy myth-bred shapes

Of lions that paw the earth down below

And dragons that hide beneath their cloudy capes .. "

 It is possible to infer that the main purpose of the author is to highlight the different changes that the sun has during a day according to the state of the weather (sunny or rainy) or the time of day (morning, afternoon, or night). So the correct answer is B. There are many variations in the sky throughout the day.

Please help! Q: How might Laura Collins Lyster- Mensh respond to “Brutus’” statements on natural rights? Answer in a minimum of three complete sentences using supporting evidence from the lesson.
Passage:If we may collect the sentiments of the people of America, from their own most solemn declarations, they hold this truth as self-evident, that all men are by nature free. No one man, therefore, or any class of men, have a right, by the law of nature, or of God, to assume or exercise authority over their fellows … How great a proportion of natural freedom is necessary to be yielded by individuals, when they submit to government, I shall not inquire. So much, however, must be given, as will be sufficient to enable those to whom the administration of the government is committed, to establish laws for the promoting the happiness of the community, and to carry those laws into effect. But it is not necessary, for this purpose, that individuals should relinquish all their natural rights. Some are of such a nature that they cannot be surrendered. Of this kind are the rights of conscience, the right of enjoying and defending life, etc. Others are not necessary to be resigned in order to attain the end for which government is instituted; these therefore ought not to be given up. To surrender them, would counteract the very end of government, to wit, the common good. From these observations it appears, that in forming a government on its true principles, the foundation should be laid in the manner I before stated, by expressly reserving to the people such of their essential rights as are not necessary to be parted with.



Laura Collins Lister-Mensch might respond to Brutus's normal rights language by arguing that common rights are not rights at all because they come from man and not from God. Huckabee would then go on to argue that the fundamental rights that humanity has are simply those that God created, and that those rights are not inalienable, but that you need to get your rights as a man. Brutus declares that the general rights that the entire population of America has shouldnot be denied on the grounds that these rights that we have are fundamental and pointless, but Huckabee does not see this in this sense.



Hope it will help you!!!

The way Laura Collins responded to Brutus' assertion regarding the natural rights would be as follows:

Laura Collins Lyster

Laura can argue the point that no individual possesses the authority to dominate or control others' freedom.

This is substantiated through her statement that "All men are by nature free."

She states that controlling the freedom of any man by anyone is not justified in any case("by law...nature...God").

This implies that these are fundamental and inalienable rights and must not be refuted in any circumstance.

Learn more about "Natural Rights" here:


Are the sentences written in active or passive voice?
A. Laura Likes to dance salsa.
a) Passive voice
b) Active voice
B. These cars are produced in France.
a) Passive voice
b) Active voice.


The first sentence is in Active voice since the doer of the action comes before the receiver.

The second sentence is passive because the receiver of the action comes before the doer.


A- active voice

B- active voice

It is because there is no past words in the both ssntences

PLEASE help quickly!!! This is timed T-T


The correct answer is 4. It supports the overall organization of the speech by building an argument for a particular solution.


The text presents a proposal to unify the celebration of junior and senior promotion. In this text, the author compares and contrasts both celebrations, indeed, the author exposes the minimum differences between both celebrations, for example in the junior the attire is semi-formal and the attendees are junior, while in the senior, the attire is formal and the attendees are senior. Moreover, the author explains the characteristics of both celebrations are very similar. From the differences and similarities an argument is built in which it is exposed why it would be better to unify them to reduce the costs of implementation and allow more people to attend it by reducing the income value. According to the above, the correct answer is 4. It supports the overall organization of speech by building an argument for a particular solution.

Which of the following options best explains why you should use figurative
A. To confuse
B. To clarify
C. To illuminate meaning and enhance understanding
D. None of the above



C. To illuminate meaning and enhance understanding

Writers should use the figurative language to illuminate meaning and enhance understanding is the best explanation for why one should use figurative language.

What is figurative language ?

Figurative language is the use of words or expressions that depart from their literal meaning and convey a more imaginative or metaphorical interpretation of the text.

By using figurative language, writers and speakers can evoke emotional responses, create vivid images, and add depth and complexity to their messages.

Figurative language is particularly useful in literature, poetry, and creative writing, where it can help to convey a wide range of emotions, experiences, and perspectives.

It can also be used in persuasive writing, advertising, and other forms of communication to capture the reader's attention and make a memorable impression.

Therefore, the correct option is C. To illuminate meaning and enhance understanding.

Find more on figurative language:



DIARY ENTRIES You presented a speech on behalf of your class at your classmate's funeral at the weekend Wilt to diary entries expressing your feelings and thoughts a day before you presented the speech and a day after you had presented the speech



A day before I presented the speech:

Dear Diary

Something very tragic has happened. My classmate passed away and he had a funeral. I was chosen to make a speech on behalf of my whole class. It was very hard for me. I didn't think anything like this would ever happen. But I was finally able to come up with the right words to describe how I felt.

A day after I presented the speech:

Dear Diary

I presented a speech on behalf of my whole class on my classmate's funeral. I still can't believe it. It was very hard for me. Everyone was crying and so emotional. I can't even imagine how much harder it was for people who were closest to my classmate who passed away. I can't even imagine what they were thinking at the funeral.

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