Which of the following was NOT an impact of the Reformation? *

Creation of universities and schools
Widespread warfare in Europe
Decreased literacy
Catholic church regain power and challenged powerful kings


Answer 1
Your answer is DECREASED LITERACY because of the printing press.
Answer 2
I think Decreased literacy I not sur

Related Questions

When the British Parliament passed the Stamp Act, American colonists protested, saying, "__________!"



"no taxation without representation"

Many Native American groups disappeared from Texas for all of the following reasons except:
Anglo settlers forced them out.
Native Americans could no longer find adequate food in Texas.
Many Native American groups moved from Texas to Oklahoma.
Native Americans died from new diseases that other settlers brought to Texas.


B) native americans could no longer find adequate food in Texas

Why did the Roman Empire decline?

Select all correct answers.

A series of brutal and incompetent emperors squandered huge sums and led to public disgust with the imperial government.

Roman troops returning from the Middle East brought a plague into the capital that killed up to 10 percent of the city's population.

Budget deficits caused by low taxes on Roman citizens led to increased public debt and helped topple the central government.

Germanic tribes, Parthians, and North Africans pressed attacks against the empire's frontiers from all sides.


Answer: budget deficits caused by low taxes on Roman citizens led to increased public debt. They helped topple the central government and German tribes, Parthians, and north Africans pressed attacks against the empire´s frontiers from all sides.


can anyone give me evidence that supports the way that the American people felt about immigrants during the 3 different time periods.





This is a link that I think talks about your question!!!:)

- for one you can talk ab the effects 9/11 had on how some americans viewed muslims. You can say how after the collapse of the twin towers, some americans but not all started to discriminate against muslims because they were stereotyping a whole group of people

Help whats the answer !



The last one is correct


It should be the last answer

Use the drop-down menus to answer these questions relating to the push/pull factors in the Great Migration.

Wages were
in the North.

The Jim Crow laws
African American people in the South.

The Ku Klux Klan became more
in the South.

Voting rights for African Americans were
in the North.



Wages were  

✔ higher

in the North.

The Jim Crow laws  

✔ oppressed

African American people in the South.

The Ku Klux Klan became more  

✔ brutal

in the South.

Voting rights for African Americans were  

✔ practiced

in the North.



Wages were  

✔ higher

in the North.

The Jim Crow laws  

✔ oppressed

African American people in the South.

The Ku Klux Klan became more  

✔ brutal

in the South.

Voting rights for African Americans were  

✔ practiced

in the North.




It made the federal government more powerful than the states

Explanation: The 14th amendment guaranteed citizenship for "all persons born or naturalized in the United States," which forbade state governments from engaging in domestic slavery.

Federal Government. :)

No links
Answer if you know

Select six foods that the Spanish introduced into Mexico

chili peppers
D beans



chili peppers,beans,beef,pork,garlic,tomato

Chili pepper, enchiladas, tacos, D beans

What did the empires of ancient Africa invent/contribute?


Answer:water, land and peoples lives


Inventions include steam engines, metal chisels and saws, copper and iron tools and weapons, nails, glue, carbon steel and bronze weapons and art

State at least 4 similarities and / or differences between Ancient Rome and Ancient China. (It can be all similarities, all differences, or a mixture of both)





China's heartland was far larger and more cohesive, geographically and culturally, than Rome's. Rome had as

its heartland only central Italy, and even after conquering Italy, it held just that single peninsula bounded by

the Alps Mountains and the Mediterranean Sea. In the time of Augustus in Rome and the Han dynasty in

China, the Roman and Chinese empires each held about 60 million people, but in Rome only a few of these

millions were in Italy. In China virtually all were in "inner China," 90 percent of them in the North China Plain.

Longevity and Persistence

Rome's empire rose, fell, and was gone, although it lived on as a concept. China's empire has lasted for the

last two thousand years. Dynasties have come and gone, and sometimes the empire has broken into

fragments, but finally the empire endured as a single political entity. Today, although without an emperor,

China's geopolitical unity continues.

Policy and Powers of Assimilation

As China moved both north and south, it assimilated a great number of the peoples it invaded and

conquered. Non-ethnic Chinese were absorbed culturally and biologically. Many of the 95 percent of today's

Chinese population who are called "Han" are descended from ancestors who were not. The empire was held

together by Confucian and Buddhist ideology, supported by the power of the emperor and his armies. Rome's

empire was held together by law and backed by military power. Selected non-Romans could gain citizenship

under law, but ethnically and culturally the conquered peoples remained "other." Intermarriage with noncitizens was usually forbidden. Rome maintained the cultural distinctions far more than did China. .


Relations with Barbarians

Both empires faced nomadic groups from central Asia who threatened and penetrated their boundaries.

Indeed, the Huns, who invaded Europe, and the Xiongnu, who invaded China, may have belonged to the same

ethnic group. Both empires settled the "Barbarians" near their borders and enlisted them in the imperial

armies. In both cases, the Barbarians came to hold great power. Ultimately, however, they dismembered the

Roman Empire while they were absorbed by the Chinese.

Religious Policies

Both empires incubated foreign religions, especially in times of imperial disorder, but in Rome, Christianity

did not save the empire, and by challenging the significance of earthly power it may even have contributed to

the empire's weakness. In China, Buddhism was absorbed into Confucianism and Daoism and helped to

sustain the national culture in times of political trouble.

The Role of the Emperor

Both empires ascribed divine attributes to the emperor, and both frequently had difficulty in establishing

rules for imperial succession. The Romans often attempted to choose their best general, while the Chinese

selected a man who could control the imperial family and court. Neither empire believed that a single

imperial family should rule forever.

Gender Relationships

Both empires subordinated women to men at all stages of life, and both drew analogies between hierarchies

and loyalties in a well-run family and those in a well-run empire. Both empires used marriages as means of

confirming political alliances with foreign powers. Both periodically felt that excessive concern with sexual

relationships was distracting energy away from the demands of sustaining the empire and instituted strict

codes of sexual morality. In China, far more than in Rome, women of the imperial family played an important

role in politics behind the scenes, particularly in terms of determining succession. One woman, the Empress

Wu (r. 690-705), took the throne herself.

The Significance of Imperial Armies

In both empires, the army was crucial in creating and sustaining the political structure in the face of domestic

and foreign enemies. The Roman Empire as established and ruled by generals, as were the Qin, Han, Sui, and

Tang dynasties in China the empires were periodically threatened and usurped by rebel generals asserting

their own authority. The cost of the armies, especially on distant, unprofitable expeditions, often bankrupted

the government and encouraged its subjects to evade taxes and military service and even to rise in revolt.

The Deployment of Armies of Colonization

Both empires used colonies of soldier-colonizers to garrison and develop remote areas while simultaneously

providing compensation and retirement benefits for the troops.  

please mark as brainliest

Statement 1: People can get out of poverty if they work hard.
Agree or disagree? Explanation 2-3 sentences

Statement 2: Taking a knee during the national anthem is disrespectful to the flag/country.
Agree or disagree? Explanation 2-3 sentences

Statement 3: America should suspend the nation’s refugee program and lower the number of accepted refugees.
Agree or disagree? Explanation 2-3 sentences

Statement 4: America needs stricter gun laws.
Agree or disagree? Explanation 2-3 sentences

Statement 5: Abortion is a woman’s right to choose and the governemtn shouldn’t be involved.
Agree or disagree? Explanation 2-3 sentences

Statement 6: Gender is determined by genetics; therefore transgender is not real and should not be recognized.
Agree or disagree? Explanation 2-3 sentences

Answer every single one of these



Statement 1: I agree with this statement! I believe people can get out of poverty if they work hard. I know it can be hard to do that because of the situation they're in but I feel like with hard work and determination they can, in fact, get out of poverty. Jackie Chan is a great example of this. Jackey was born into a poor family, the family was so poor that they were on the verge of selling their baby (Jackie Chan) to a wealthy family. Chan was introduced to the China Drama Academy when he was seven years old. Jackie Chan benefited from the academy's education, strictness, and discipline.

Statement 2: I agree! I believe that taking a knee during the national anthem is disrespectful to the country and flag. When you kneel during the national anthem it's not only disrespecting the flag but also disrespecting members of the armed forces. The national anthem honors those who have risked their lives, been hurt, or died while defending the United States.

Statement 3: (I don't know too much about the nation's refugee program so I won't be able to help with that sorry!)

Statement 4: I 100% agree with this statement. Lots of bad situations that involve guns could have been prevented if the US didn't decide to legalize guns.

Statement 5: I agree. The government has no right to tell a woman what they should or shouldn't do with their OWN body. I don't know why they would want to control what a woman does with her pregnancy. You might say that the woman should put the baby up for adoption instead of aborting it but little do you know the US adoption system is bad! Young people who age out of foster care without being adopted have a higher rate of incarceration and substance abuse.

Statement 6: (i don't know a lot about this topic either so i won't be able to help sorry)

This is all based on opinion so, is there really a right answer? DUN DUN, DUNNNN

Which large land mass did European explorers not sail to during the Age of Exploration?



New diseases were propagated, decimating populations not previously ... Major discoveries show. A prelude to the Age of Discovery was a series of European expeditions crossing Eurasia by land.


Maybe this will help you out :) Massive wealth accrued to European colonizers due to trade in goods, spices, and precious metals. Methods of navigation and mapping improved, switching from traditional portolan charts to the world's first nautical maps


Why did many people of the Mauryan Empire turn to Buddhism?

A. They did not agree with the caste system.

B. They wanted the caste system to have more power.

C. They rejected practices such as meditation.

D. They believed in nonviolence, which was not an aspect of Hinduism.



B, they wanted the caste system to have more power.




Thaddeus Stephens stated:

"Strip the proud nobility of their bloated estates, reduce them to a level with plain republicans, send forth to labor, and teach their children to enter the workshops or handle the plow, and you will thus humble proud traitors."

What was Stephens hoping to achieve when he said these words?

(A.) He was urging the U. S. House of Representatives to support the President's Reconstruction Act.
(B.) He was advocating passage of the Freedmen's Bureau.
(C.) He was campaigning for support of an Honorary Freedom Medal for Abraham Lincoln
(D.) He was hoping to convince the U. S. House of Representatives to impeach President Johnson.


Stephens hoping to achieve when he said those words was a
A is the answer I’m pretty sure
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A car starting from rest has a constant acceleration of 4 meters per second per second. How fast will it be going in 5 seconds? Heinz Company began operations on January 1, 2020, and uses the FIFO method in costing its raw material inventory. Management is contemplating a change to the LIFO method and is interested in determining what effect such a change will have on net income. Accordingly, the following information has been developed:Final Inventory 2017 2018 FIFO $640,000 $712,000LIFO $560,000 $636,000Net Income(computed under the FIFO method) $980,000 $1,030,000Based on the above information, a change to the LIFO method in 2020 would result in net income for 2018 of ________.a. $1,070,000b. $1,030,000c. $954,000d. $950,000 Please can someone answer this spanish questions for me What is the area of the right triangle below?1215A. 15 sq. unitsB. 180 sq. unitsC. 17 sq. unitsD. 90 sq. units Which word is a preposition?sheatwalkedcrowd Future tense are actions that ________. Adding ______or______ to the verb will change it in future tense.patulong poyung maayos pong sagot please Pls helpp pls pls pls Which statement best summarizes the process of the abolition of slavery in the United States?A. The U.S. government decided to abolish slavery to follow the example of European powers.B. Slave owners agreed to abolish slavery in order to prevent a slave rebellion like the Haitian Revolution.C. The abolition movement gradually outlawed slavery using a series of legal challenges.D. The abolition movement struggled for decades, but it took a war to achieve its goals. What is the measure of 4? Which expression is equivalent to this one?32 x 38-3101-36363-16 14. Which of the following statements about synonyms is correct?O A. Thesaurus entries only list one synonym for every word.O B. Synonyms are perfectly interchangeable in all contexts.O C. Synonyms are words with the same connotative meanings.O D. Synonyms are words with similar denotations but different connotations. Sunglow estimates that each blocked road results in lost revenue of $4,500 per event unless all three roads are blocked. When all three roads are blocked, the estimated lost revenue is $35,000 for that day. Sunglow estimates that weather will be similar in Year 2. It can retain a snowplow service for $50,000 annually to clear blocked roads. The variable cost of operating the snowplow is $500 per day per blocked road. If Sunglow uses a snowplow service in Year 2, the estimated benefit would be Find the value of X a,57b,3C,81D,27 how long the world war 2 end? calculate the area of a circle with a diameter of 8.2 inches. show or explain your reasoning. In this passage, the authors viewpoint is that the situation causes people to act in ways that are unfeeling and disrespectful toward those who have died. What evidence supports this viewpoint? Select two options.The living were glad. They would have more room.Volunteers began the task.They touched those who had remained on the ground.Heres one! Take him!Then, two gravediggers grabbed him by the head and feet and threw him from the wagon, like a sack of flour. If 2^x = 5, what is 2^3x - 4? What did political cartoonist Thomas Nast work to expose? An object is in free fall for 10 seconds. What is its final speed right before it hits the ground? A teacher kept track of the shirt colors her students were wearing on Wednesday. The results of her observations are shown in the table below.What is the P(blue shirt | girl)? Write your answer as a decimal.