Which scenario would most likely result in cooperative hunting?


Answer 1


A scenario that would most likely result into cooperative hunting is where there are few and limited number of rabbits in an area, and as such, it is difficult to hunt rabbits due to scarcity. In order to increase their chances of catching rabbits, wolves in that area would cooperate together and hunt in packs.

Answer 2

Wolves eat rabbit And the no. of rabbits in an area is low ❤️

Mark me as brainliest ❤️

Related Questions

Because _____ is not a reason to reject frozen food.

a similar or identical product is available in freeze-dried form

fluids or frozen liquids appear in case bottoms

there are water stains on the package

ice crystals appear on the product or package


Answer: Correct answer is A, a similar or identical product is available in freeze-dried form.


edge 2023

What were some number of possible solutions to air pollution?


The most basic solution for air pollution is to move away from fossil fuels, replacing them with alternative energies like solar, wind and geothermal. Producing clean energy is crucial. But equally important is to reduce our consumption of energy by adopting responsible habits and using more efficient devices.
move away from fossil fuels, use reusable sources of energy such as solar

[tex]what \: is \: DNA \: \: \: {?} \\ \\ \huge\mathfrak\red{please \: help \: }[/tex]


[tex]\circ \: \: { \underline{ \boxed{ \sf{ \color{green}{Hola\:Venom!}}}}}∘[/tex]

DNA stands for [tex]\sf\purple{deoxyribonucleic\: acid}[/tex].

It is a type of nucleic acid that contains the genetic code of organisms and is also the molecule of heredity in all cells.

DNA is mainly present in the chromosomes in nucleus.

It carries the genetic information that is passed on to the next generation.

[tex]\red{\large\qquad \qquad \underline{ \pmb{{ \mathbb{ \maltese \: \: Mystique35ヅ}}}}}[/tex]

The end product(s) of the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis is/are - Select all that apply.
4.Carbon dioxide





The light dependent stage produces oxygen while the light independent stage produces glucose ( a carbohydrate)

Oxygen and glucose are the two products of photosynthesis.

Which of the following best describes the difference between an adaptation and adapting?




Adaption and adaptation are different forms of the same word, and they share all their meanings, which include (1) the act of changing to suit new conditions, and (2) a work of art recast in a new form or medium. But the longer word, adaptation, is preferred by most publications and is much more common



Explanation: I took the ape x quiz

Plants also use cellular respiration

A. True

B. False



A. True


Yes, the plants use cellular respiration. So, option (A) is the correct answer.

why people living in high altitude have level of RBC?​



Scientists have long known that the body adjusts to the oxygen-deprived conditions of high altitudes. ... The traditional explanation has been that low-oxygen conditions cause the body to build new red blood cells, making it easier to supply oxygen to muscles and vital organs.

Answer the following questions in your own words and in 3-5 complete sentences.

1. Where are the highest concentrations of the current population of Palmer amaranth?

2. Based on the climate model, how will the range change by 2050?

3. What do you think this change will mean for Palmer amaranth populations?


industrial preparation of oxygen from liquify air

Scientists are reluctant to say that any theory is absolutely true. Why do you think that is? I​


Answer: Because more and more is discovered about the world everyday and they don’t want to be wrong.



Answer 3. A-b



a) I b)i) 2


What type of vegetable is a mushroom?



Although mushrooms are classified as vegetables, technically they are not plants but part of the kingdom called fungi. However, they share some characteristics with plants and, as you will find out, even with animals! Mushrooms are low in calories, have virtually no fat and no cholesterol, and are very low in sodium.



Answer: not vegetable

Explanation: have no leaves, roots or seeds and don't need light, so they're not a true vegetable

In which process does crossing over occur?

A. Mitosis

B. Meiosis



B. Meiosis


Crossing over occurs in meiosis.

B: Meiosis

Explanation: because of the chromosomes the homologous pair exchange equally with each other.

On the diagram - label ALL the nitrogen bases not
already labeled (A, T, C or G)

can someone help?



I hope the diagram will help remember A always pairs with T and C always pairs with G. u can also remember as Apple Tree and Car Garage. :)

What type of transport was shown here?
-passive diffusion
-because the molecules moved DOWN the concentration gradient.

-active facilitated diffusion
-because the molecules moved DOWN the concentration gradient with the help of proteins.

-passive diffusion
- because molecules moved UP the concentration gradient.

- active transport
-because the molecules moved UP the concentration gradient with the help of proteins.



- active transport

- because the molecules moved UP the concentration gradient with the help of proteins.


In simple diffusion, small noncharged molecules or lipid-soluble molecules pass between the phospholipids to enter or leave the cell, moving from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration (they move down their concentration gradient).


- active transport

-because the molecules moved UP the concentration gradient with the help of proteins.


Active transport is shown here. This statement is the correct answer.

Protists represent an important evolutionary step between and A. fungi, plants B. bacteria, animals O C. single celled organisms, multicelled organisms D. plants, animals Peser Selection​


Protists represent an important evolutionary step between single-celled organisms and multi-celled organisms.

Protists have similar DNA to the DNA of cyanobacteria. This similarity show the evolutionary relationship between cyanobacteria and algae in which cyanobacteria is a single celled organism whereas algae is multi-celled organism so from this discussion we can conclude that protists is an important evolutionary step between single celled organism and multi-celled organism.


Deforestation occurs when a forested area is converted into a non-forested area. This conversion could be due to the need for construction or expansion of a town, the creation of farmland, or logging.

How would deforestation likely affect an area?



the animals of the forested area will eventually come in the town.


mark as brainiest please

The number of chromosomes remains the same in what



Thus, in the Mitosis cell division, the two resulting daughter cells always contain the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell from which they derive.

[tex]what \: is \: mitochondria \: {?}[/tex]



Mitochondria is a membrane bound organelle found in most cells. Mitochondria's main function is to produce chemical energy used for powering the cell's biochemical reactions through a process known as cellular respiration

What are 2 functions of carbohydrates?
A. Carbohydrates are used to store energy and store information in living things.

B. Carbohydrates are used to store energy and provide structure/support in living things.



In Short The correct answer is B...


Here are most of the functions of carbohydrates altogether:

Provide instant energy to the body. :This appears to be the primary function of carbohydrates in the body. ...

Reserve food: Carbohydrate is also stored as the reserve food in the body. This is a precautionary measure for the body to cope up in times of hunger.

Carbohydrates form other biomolecules.

Detoxification of the body by metabolism

Carbohydrates participate as reaction intermediates in some vital reactions. This function of carbohydrates is seen extensively in various cellular reaction.

For example, one of the vitamins, Vitamin B2 also called Riboflavin has a ribose sugar moiety. This ribose is a four carbon type of carbohydrate monomer by its chemical structure. It is involved in vital reactions at the organ and cellular level. Similarly, carbohydrates are also chemical constituents of many hormones, vitamins, enzymes, etc.

Carbohydrates form a part of DNA and RNA in the form of deoxyribose and ribose sugars. These are five carbon monosaccharides formed form heptulose sugars by the pseudo-heptulose pathway.

They are constituents of all the cellular organelles. Carbohydrates are also components of cell organelles like the cell membrane, mitochondria, nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, etc. They provide structural integrity, mechanical strength in combination with proteins and lipids. They help make up the body mass by being included in all the parts of the cell and tissues. For example, in cell membranes, there are two constituents, i.e., glycolipid layer and glycoprotein layer. Here the term “glyco” is a carbohydrate.

8. Transport of oxygen: Glucose is taken by red blood cells. These are the types of blood cells which lack mitochondria and other cell organelles required for producing energy. In such a case, the ATP is produced by a non-oxidative pathway with the end product as lactose and ATP.

This energy thus produced is necessary for hemoglobin to bind to oxygen molecules. These bound oxygen molecules are transferred from lungs to the different tissues.

9. Aid in gut motility: Our diet has carbohydrates in greater proportions because, it aids in bowel movement. When you suffer from constipation, doctors first prescribe you bran and other carbohydrate material like Ispaghula. The carbohydrates in these material is in the form of fibrous material. When they are ingested, their material absorbs water in the guts, swells and increases the load.

This load is useful to increase intestinal motility and expulsion of waste (feces). Thus carbohydrates help clear gut and prevent constipation. Hence, when you feel constipated, have banana fruit and notice the change.

They play a role in other physiological roles. Since they are components of many bio-molecules, they have further roles in body physiology. They have a role in blood clotting, immunity, fertilization. Thus they take part in many physiological reactions.


B. Carbohydrates are used to store energy and provide structure/support in living things.


The two functions of carbohydrates are to store energy and provide structure/support in living things.

Who were the scientists that came up with the shape of DNA?
Watson and Crick
Crook and Brown
O Gregory and Mendel
O None of the above


Watson and Crick were the scientists that came up with the shape of DNA. Hope this helps!

This is how zirconium appears in the periodic table

Rounded to the nearest whole number, how many electrons are in an atom of zirconium?






It's right I just took the test on Edge.

Please give me brainiest. Thank you

I’ll give Brainly if you tell me it’s true or false and tell me why in a detailed answer! :D ✨✨✨


Answer: I believe the answer is TRUE

Explanation: Climate change is causing the extinctions of species. But some species will have better chances of survive-al because they were created that way. So, humans for example will have a good chance of survive-al despite of climate change, because we are always innovating and changing, while most plants and animals, are used to one type of climate or region. Although there some cases of plants and animals that can adapt to any struggles of climate.

Good Luck <3  

David was sitting in his hotel room reading a book, when he heard a knock at the door, and the sound of someone trying the door handle. He opened the door,
where he saw a man whom he had never seen before. The man said, "I'm terribly sorry... I thought this was my room. Wrong floor, I guess. He then walked
off down the hall toward the elevator. David went back into his room, thought about what had just happened, and then phoned the front desk, suggesting they
call the police, since the man at the door had obviously been a thief.
Why was David so sure the man had been a thief?



if he thought that it was his own room, he wouldn't have knocked (because people don't knock on their own rooms)


Locations closer to the ocean...

a. have limited daily temperature ranges

b. have more severe weather

c. have warmer climates

d.have more high pressure systems





thx for the points iajajsv

iii) pounding paddy (धान कुट्न) iv) cook food (खाना पकाउन)
1 in the blanks with suitable words.
ली ठाउँहरुमा मिल्ने शब्द भर।
balance the water in the cell.
ले कोषमा पानीको मात्रा सन्तुलन गछ ।
Habitat of monkeys is
बाँदरहरुको बासस्थान
Smoke from vehicles and industries cause
मोटर गाडी र उद्योगबाट निस्किएको धुवाले
Freezing is opposite process of
को उल्टो प्र
We need........... address to send an email.
इमेलमा पठाउन
ठेगाना आवश्यक पर्छ ।
हुन्छ ।​



I can't read Hindi

I can read English

what do chipmunks eat





Nuts seeds and fruits

Explain symbiosis and the rationale for your choices in this section. Write down relevant notes regarding your design.




Hi there !

Symbiosis is a close association between two organisms in which both of them benefit from the other . Each member is called a symbiont . Examples of such association are

algae and fungus in lichenprotozoa in the intestine of termiteflowers and insects etc

Hope this helps!

pls give brainliest

Bye :-)

The question is the primary producer in this ecosystem is the -



Its plant


tại sao lại có sấm sét


Khi hai đám mây tích điện trái dấu lại gần nhau, hiệu điện thế giữa chúng có thể lên tới hàng triệu vôn. Giữa hai đám mây có hiện tượng phóng tia lửa điện và ta trông thấy một tia chớp. Vài giây sau ta mới nghe thấy tiếng nổ, đó là sấm (do vận tốc ánh sáng nhanh hơn vận tốc của tiếng động nên ta trông thấy tia chớp trước). Khi đám mây dông tích điện đi gần mặt đất tới những khu vực trống trải, gặp một vật có độ cao như cây cối, người cầm cuốc xẻng… thì sẽ có hiện tượng phóng tia lửa điện giữa đám mây và mặt đất. Đó là hiện tượng sấm sét.

In the process of DNA replication, bonds are broken between:

A. sugars

B. sugars, bases

C. phosphate, bases

D. bases


In the process of DNA replication, bonds are broken between D. bases

DNA Replication

DNA is replicated by uncoiling of the helix, strand separation. It is possible by breaking the hydrogen bonds between the complementary strands. It forms two new strands by complementary base pairing.

Both strands are joined by hydrogen bonds between nitrogenous base

nitrogenous bases could be: A-T or G=C

Learn more about DNA replication:



D. Bases


Other Questions
Use square roots to solve the following quadratic equation.Write your answers from least to greatest with a comma andspace separating each answer. For example: 4,9m2 - 4 = 77 HURRY!!!!!!! 100 BRAINLIEST POINTS FOR AN ANSWERWhat changes should be made to Alabama's state constitution regarding funding local government and funding campaigns? what is [tex]hx^{8}[/tex] x [tex]hx^{-9}[/tex] simplified If y=-5x + 2 were changed to y = -7x + 5, how would the graph of the new linecompare with the first one? Please help! Q: How might Laura Collins Lyster- Mensh respond to Brutus statements on natural rights? Answer in a minimum of three complete sentences using supporting evidence from the lesson.Passage:If we may collect the sentiments of the people of America, from their own most solemn declarations, they hold this truth as self-evident, that all men are by nature free. No one man, therefore, or any class of men, have a right, by the law of nature, or of God, to assume or exercise authority over their fellows How great a proportion of natural freedom is necessary to be yielded by individuals, when they submit to government, I shall not inquire. So much, however, must be given, as will be sufficient to enable those to whom the administration of the government is committed, to establish laws for the promoting the happiness of the community, and to carry those laws into effect. But it is not necessary, for this purpose, that individuals should relinquish all their natural rights. Some are of such a nature that they cannot be surrendered. Of this kind are the rights of conscience, the right of enjoying and defending life, etc. Others are not necessary to be resigned in order to attain the end for which government is instituted; these therefore ought not to be given up. To surrender them, would counteract the very end of government, to wit, the common good. From these observations it appears, that in forming a government on its true principles, the foundation should be laid in the manner I before stated, by expressly reserving to the people such of their essential rights as are not necessary to be parted with. A monoprotic weak acid when dissolved in water is 0.66% dissociated and produces a solution with a pH of 3.04. Calculate the Ka of the acid. g You purchased a stock at the end of last year at a price of $92. At the end of this year, the stock pays a dividend of $1.60 and you sell the stock for $106. What is your return for the year? Now suppose that dividends are taxed at 15 percent and long-term capital gains (over 11 months) are taxed at 30 percent. What is your aftertax return for the year? (Do not round intermediate calculations. Enter your answers as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places.) Which of the following best describes the difference between an adaptation and adapting? TIME REMAINING38:28The Communist party is the one major political party in __________.A.FranceB.EnglandC.ChinaD.Belgium Plants also use cellular respirationA. TrueB. False Is an object on the surface of Earth sitting still relative to outer space? the answer in the problem is 0.75 In a republic, people choose representatives to govern for them. hey this is my first post, does anyone know how to do this and find V? why people living in high altitude have level of RBC? HELP PLS I WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST DIARY ENTRIES You presented a speech on behalf of your class at your classmate's funeral at the weekend Wilt to diary entries expressing your feelings and thoughts a day before you presented the speech and a day after you had presented the speech the sum of five consecutive numbers is 700, what is the first number? How many feet are in 24 yards? 27 feet 72 feet 240 feet 288 feet Write a study guide for students who are reading the Declaration of Independence for the first time. Assume they are reading this document in English class and already know the basic historical context. The study guide will have two parts: an introduction that explains how language is used in the text, and 6 to 12 annotations that help your reader to understand and begin to analyze the document as they read.