Who was Thomas Alva Edison?


Answer 1


Hey mate......


This is ur answer.....

Thomas Alva Edison was an American inventor and businessman who has been described as America's greatest inventor. He developed many devices in fields such as electric power generation, mass communication, sound recording, and motion pictures. 

Edison is credited for contributing to various inventions, including the phonograph, the kinetoscope, the dictaphone, the electric lamp (in particular the incandescent light bulb), and the autographic printer. He also greatly improved the telephone by inventing the carbon microphone.

Hope it helps!

Brainliest pls!

Follow me! :)

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hope that helps

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Yes hope this helps you


Bidens America

¿En qué medida la expansión de la Unión Soviética en Europa del Este fue la principal causa de la intensificación de la Guerra Fría en los años 1945-1956?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no se anexan opciones o incisos para contestar la pregunta, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

¿En qué medida la expansión de la Unión Soviética en Europa del Este fue la principal causa de la intensificación de la Guerra Fría en los años 1945-1956?

La expansión de la Unión Soviética en Europa del Este fue una de las principales causas de la intensificación de la Guerra Fría en los años 1945-1956 porque el gobierno de los Estados Unidos estaba decido a detener la expansión del Comunismo en diferentes países del mundo.

Durante la Guerra Fría, la Unión Soviética tenía el objetivo de incrementar su presencia en el mundo para expandir el sistema Comunista.

Ya lo había conseguido en Europa del este, al controlar países como Checoslovaquia, Alemania del Este, Bulgaria; Romania, Polonia y Hungría.

La Unión Soviética tenía en la mira a Corea y por esa razón apoyó a Corea del Norte, y ahí es cuando las cosas se complicaron más porque los Estados Unidos decidieron apoyar a Corea del Sur.

Lo mismo sucedió en Vietnam, la URSS apoyó a Vietnam del Norte, y los Estados Unidos respaldaron a Vietnam del Sur. Y en Cuba, la URSS apoyó totalmente el movimiento revolucionaría de Fidel Castro, incrementando la tensión entre la Unión Soviética y los Estados Unidos.  

Which is most true of Jim Crow laws?A. They were enacted mostly in the South.B. They were designed to end racial discrimination.C. They were enacted mostly in the North.D. They were designed to counter the Black Code laws.E. The were enacted as only a stop-gap procedure.



A is ur answer


Your answer would definitely be “A” since all other options contradict what the crow laws.

Which of the following was not a way that people first migrated to the islands of Oceania?

A: Small Raft
B: Airplane
C: Canoe
D: Land Bridge


A small raft I think so


Also don't mind the answer I chose, it was on accident.



its probably D, things that Edison and Einstein had in common..


Things that Edison and Einstein had in common

Should people without power use violence to make a change??


It depends. You should first use means that aren’t drastic. Meaning you should kindly fight for the right to make a change. I don’t believe you should use violence tho. Violence when used to make a change can cause greed after u get that change.
Violence often diminishes the power of those who employ it, necessitating the use of more violence in an attempt to gain or maintain control. Power and violence are not the same. ... Violence rarely creates power. In fact, groups or individuals that use violence often find their actions diminish what power they do have.

Which state was the last to adopt its own constitution?


(US) United States youre welcome

Which innovation enabled more people to settle in the west?
O improved transportation
O canals
O the steam powered ship
o the cotton gin



improved transportation


improved transportation

Why did people died during ww2


Answer: Hitler did not like anyone who wasnt deemed "perfect" specifically people who are jewish


many of whom died because of deliberate genocide, massacres, mass-bombings, disease, and starvation

Comment étaint considérés les Gueules cassées après la guerre


Comment étaint considérés les Gueules cassées après la guerre

My opponent
in this race for the governor's office claims
that am corrupt. He dares to suggest that I accepted
favors from business owners in exchange for putting them
in contact with state legislators who lowered business
taxes. This is an absurd claim. Moreover, I find it ironic that
he, of all people, wants to point fingers and talk about
corruption. Isn't it interesting that he accepts so many
campaign donations from the oil industry and is single-
handedly responsible for sponsoring state laws that ease
environmental regulations? Dear friends, remember on
Election Day who the real honest politician IS in this race.
It's certainly not the man on the other side of the aisle
trying to distract us from his own bad character.
Which statement best describes the context of this speech?



It’s B


Just took it

How did Rosa Parks' actions lead to the Montgomery bus boycotts? What did the boycotts lead to?



The event that triggered the boycott took place in Montgomery on December 1, 1955, after seamstress Rosa Parks refused to give her seat to a white passenger on a city bus. Local laws dictated that African American passengers sat at the back of the bus while whites sat in front.



How did trade contribute to the spread of the plague in the 1300s?
O Trading vessels from the Americas brought the plague to London, where it spread across Europe.
O Trading caravans from Mongolia brought the plague to Rome, where it spread across Europe.
O Trading caravans from Russia brought the plague to Barcelona, where it spread across Europe.
O Trading vessels from China brought the plague to Sicily, where it spread across Europe.



D. Trading vessels from China brought the plague to Sicily, where it spread across Europe.



Trade contributed to the spread of the plague in the 1300s as trading vessels from China brought the plague to Sicily, where it spread across Europe. The correct option is d.

What is plague?

Plague is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis. Symptoms include fever, weakness and headache. Usually, this begins one to seven days after exposure. There are three forms of plague, each affecting a different part of the body and causing associated symptoms.

Pneumonic plague infects the lungs, causing shortness of breath, coughing and chest pain; bubonic plague affects the lymph nodes, making them swell; and septicemic plague infects the blood and can cause tissues to turn black and die. The bubonic and septicemic forms are generally spread by flea bites or handling an infected animal, whereas pneumonic plague is generally spread between people through the air via infectious droplets. Diagnosis is typically by finding the bacterium in fluid from a lymph node, blood or sputum.

Those at high risk may be vaccinated.

Learn more about plague, here:



At the turn of the 20th century, the nations of Europe had been at peace with
one another for nearly how many years?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

At the turn of the 20th century, the nations of Europe had been at peace with one another for nearly how many years?

Answer: The nations of Europe had been at peace with one another for nearly 100 years.

We are talking about the moment European nations signed the agreement during the Congress of Vienna in 1815, the so-called "Concert of Europe," until the beginning of World War I, in 1814, after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, of the Austria-Hungary Empire.

One of the goals of the Congress of Vienna (1814-1815) was to restore Europe to the way it was before the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars.

Qué teoría del conocimiento logra responder de mejor forma el problema del conocimiento me ayudam:(







Qué teoría del conocimiento logra responder de mejor forma el problema del conocimiento me ayudam:(

When drafting the Constitution, state delegates compromised on the issue of what in order to ensure fairness for all.



Between the small states and big states.


A constitutional convention was a gathering of writing a new constitution in America. 55 delegates came and the Constitutional Convention began in Philadelphia. The convention decides how America was going to be governed. Big states wanted representation to establish based on the population. Delegates from small states considered that representation based on population would damage their rights because of the small population. The small states wanted to have an equal number of representatives from each state.

What was the effect of the Berlin Airlift?
1) East Germany and West Germany united.
2) The Soviet Union gained control over West Berlin.
3) West Berlin remained free from communist control. .
4) The United States lost influence in the region.


I want to say 3. I could be wrong but it’s definitely not 1

Landscape paintings such as this were popular during which dynasty? Ming dynasty Song dynasty Han dynasty Tang dynasty



Song Dynasty


Although you did not present the image that this question refers to, we can say that landscape paintings were very popular in the Song dynasty, as artists were encouraged to represent the natural beauty of China. The Song Dynasty was very prominent in relation to the arts and encouraged the Chinese environment and culture to be poetically and artistically represented mainly in ceramics and painting.


it is song dynasty


i did the test :) i hope this helps-!

Who is the first ever president?



George Washington


what was winston churchill's point of view on the soviet union



He expressed the view that Russia does not desire war, but cautioned that Moscow does desire the fruits of war and the indefinite expansion of its power and policies.” Churchill called on the United States to form a “fraternal association” with Britain.

Why was it necessary to drop the atomic bomb to stop the war against the Japanese?



Opponents of President Truman’s decision to use the atomic bomb argue that racism played an important role in the decision; that had the bomb been ready in time it never would have been used against Germany. All of America’s enemies were stereotyped and caricatured in home front propaganda, but there was a clear difference in the nature of that propaganda.  Although there were crude references to Germans as “krauts,” and Italians as “Tonies” or “spaghettis,” the vast majority of ridicule was directed at their political leadership.  Hitler, Nazis, and Italy’s Mussolini were routinely caricatured, but the German and Italian people weren’t. By contrast, anti-Japanese racism in American society targeted the Japanese as a race of people, and demonstrated a level of hatred comparable with Nazi anti-Jewish propaganda.  The Japanese were universally caricatured as having huge buck teeth, massive fangs dripping with saliva, and monstrous thick glasses through which they leered with squinty eyes. They were further dehumanized as being snakes, cockroaches, and rats, and their entire culture was mocked, including language, customs, and religious beliefs. Anti-Japanese imagery was everywhere—in Bugs Bunny cartoons, popular music, post cards, children’s toys, magazine advertisements, and in a wide array of novelty items ranging from ash trays to “Jap Hunting License” buttons.  Even Tarzan, in one of the last novels written by his creator Edgar Rice Burroughs, spent time in the Pacific hunting and killing Japs.  Numerous songs advocated killing all Japanese.  The popular novelty hit, “Remember Pearl Harbor” by Carson Robison, for example, urges Americans to “wipe the Jap from the map.”  It continues:


Open this link to get more information: <https://www.historyonthenet.com/reasons-against-dropping-the-atomic-bomb>#hopeithelpsstay safe and keep wellMark me as brainliest pls

Can u help me with question 24 plsss



the one you have clicked is correct


The answer is B/The second one

I NEED ASAP ILL KISS YOU IF YOU ANSWER THIS!!!Answer each question in 2–3 sentences. Be sure to refer to the characteristics of each religion in your response.
1. How are the monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) similar?
2. How are the monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) different?



1: The three religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam readily fit the definition of monotheism, which is to worship one god while denying the existence of other gods. But, the relationship of the three religions is closer than that: They claim to worship the same god.

2: Christianity believes in the Trinity where there are 3 parts to God, where Islam and Judaism believe that there is only one god. Judaism puts more emphasis on laws and following them completely than Christianity which is talks more of love and acceptance.


if thats too many words and come off as cheater vibes you can narrow it down to the important stuff, and mess with the words a little.

Help out !!!!!!!! Need help


Hello friend how are you♥♥♥♥♥♥

Was President Roosevelt justified in ordering Executive Order 9066, which resulted in the interment of Japanese American Citizens?


He was not justified in doing so, no matter how much he was advised not to do so, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed that order under pressure brought by Secretary of War Henry Stimson to do so, without measuring the consequences that this would bring, such as the isolation in specific areas of American people of Japanese origin for considering them highly dangerous in the face of attacks in Pearl Harbor, as well as other subsequent hand attacks. This measure created xenophobia towards the Japanese because with it there was incitement to racial prejudices by the Americans.

Why do terrorist groups often target infrastructure like transportation systems? (5 points)

To increase economic activities
To prompt foreign countries to send aid
To generate fear and frustration within the civilian population
To make the citizens revolt against their government


Explanation: To generate fear and frustration within the civilian population. They want to hurt and cause as much trouble as possible.

Hope that's right!


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