Why has adult abandoned his past?


Answer 1
Adults tend to abandoned there past because it comes from fear or they have been traumatized. It pushing others away to avoid rejection its an inability to trust others

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What were some of the factors that contributed to the fall of the Soviet Union in the period 1979-1989?-



American being gay

What is compensation or actions meant to remedy a wrong, such as for losses in war?

human trafficking








The Definition of reparations is the making of amends for a wrong done

The complex alliances in place in the early 1900s became a major contributing
factor to the start of World War I. Which countries were members of the key
alliances involved during this period?


Answer:By 1914, Europe's six major powers were split into two alliances that would form the warring sides in World War I. Britain, France, and Russia formed the Triple Entente , while Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy joined in the Triple Alliance .


Who were the U.S. presidential candidates in the 2004 election?
A. George W. Bush and Al Gore
B. John McCain and Barack Obama
C. George W. Bush and John Kerry
O D. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama



The correct answer is C, Bush and Kerry.


George W. Bush and John Kerry were the U.S. presidential candidates in the 2004 election. Thus, option C is correct.

Who are the Presidential candidates selected?

Balloters' vote that in fact chooses the political decision, and a competitor should acquire 270 constituent votes to win the White House. In many races, the victor of the well-known vote additionally wins most of the discretionary votes.

Vote-based Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts won his party's designation in the wake of overcoming Representative John Edwards and a few different up-and-comers in the 2004 Majority rule official primaries. In the overall political decision, Bush won 286 of the 538 electing votes and 50.7 percent of the well-known vote.

Therefore, option C is correct.

Learn more about presidential candidates, here:



What is the all-time oldest religion (recorded)?






Islam is the oldest religion known


That because it started from the first person on earth

The Romans provide a number of important innovations for democratic systems. Which is listed below?

Constitutional monarchy

No taxation without representation

Representative democracy

The jury system



representative democracy

How did Spain try to establish its empire in the Americas?
It paid Spanish settlers to set up colonies.
It sent missionaries to convert American Indians.
It paid American Indians for their land.
It sent conquistadors to conquer existing empires.



It sent conquistadors to conquer existing empires.




In a republic, people choose representatives to govern for them.


Answer: True


Republics practice the principle of "Representative Democracy". This means that power is held by the people but there is an acknowledgement that the people cannot be expected to vote on every single issue the country faces as this would be almost impossible.

The people will therefore vote a person to represent their interests and that person will then make decisions on their behalf. This is the way things are in most countries of the world today including the U.S. when you vote in Senators, Congressmen, Governors and Presidents.

Compare and contrast the similarities and differences between World War I and World War I
World War II (causes, number of countries participating in the war, consequences left behind). Tell
What is your opinion on these wars?


Well for one World War l changed warfare as we knew it. Different technology was made and changed, new inventions were made, and so were new discoveries

What led to discontent among Puerto Ricans even after the passage of the Foraker Act and the Jones-Shafroth Act?


Puerto Ricans' did not enjoy the same rights as U.S. Citizens
The Foraker Act conceded just fractional, as opposed to full citizenship to Puerto Ricans. It left the lawful status of the island amorphous. The Jones Shafroth Act expanded their portrayal and took into account a prevalently chosen Senate, all laws still expected to go through Congress.

How did the Renaissance curiosity of scholars encourage individualism?



They looked for new ideas to apply in their everyday lives.


against a group of European soldiers. Which of the following claims does the poster support?1

Many Chinese viewed Europeans as enemies when this poster was created.
The Chinese military was weaker than European militaries when this poster was created.
China was governed by a powerful imperial dynasty when this poster was created.
Most Chinese hoped to adopt European technologies when this poster was created.


The claims that the poster support is that Many Chinese viewed Europeans as enemies when this poster was created.

Did Europeans visit China?

The Portuguese were said to be the first Europeans that was said to have landed in China.

In the year 1513, that is 20 years after the Portuguese went to India and Columbus they were said to have sailed to the New World, the Portuguese explorer  named Jorge Alvares arrived in China and they were not welcome at first.

Learn more about Chinese  from


karl marx was influential german thinker and revolutionary who pioneered the idea of



communism? marxism?


Good night brainliest ​



good afternoon



Gnight to u too!!!!!!!!!!

Which of the following can NOT destroy DNA?
Question 9 options:










Bacteria/ mold


Bacteria/mold Hope this helps

Hey!! Can anyone PLZ help the picture is down below .Thank you!!


[tex]\huge\bold{Given :}[/tex]

Angle CBA = 60°

Angle BAC = 40°

Angle BCA = [tex]x[/tex]

[tex]\huge\bold{To\:find :}[/tex]

The measure of angle [tex]x[/tex].


[tex]\implies {\blue {\boxed {\boxed {\purple {\sf {x\:=\:80°}}}}}}[/tex]


We know that,


➪ ∠ CBA + ∠ BAC + ∠ BCA = 180°

➪ 60° + 40° + [tex]x[/tex] = 180°

➪ 100° + [tex]x[/tex] = 180°

➪ [tex]x[/tex] = 180° - 100°

➪ [tex]x[/tex] = 80°

Therefore, the measure of angle [tex]x[/tex] is 80°.

Now, the three angles of the triangle are 60°, 40° and 80° respectively.


∠ CBA + ∠ BAC + ∠ BCA = 180°

✒ 60° + 40° + 80° = 180°

✒ 180° = 180°

✒ L. H. S. = R. H. S.



Which of the following is the best example of voter suppression?
A voter receives an absentee ballot from the state election commission.
A voter receives a voting information booklet from the state election commission.
O c.
A voter receives a phone call providing unclear information about voting times.
A voter loses a mail-in ballot but votes in person at his or her polling place.



A voter receives a phone call providing unclear information about voting times



Its C


What was the Domino Theory? What did the United States government fear would happen if a country became communist?



The domino theory was a Cold War policy that suggested a communist government in one nation would quickly lead to communist takeovers in neighboring states, each falling like a perfectly aligned row of dominos.


To end the cycles of existence one must practice asceticism, meditation , and strive for moral perfection in the context of ahimsa. The soul then rises up to the top of the universe where it remains forever , motionless and free of suffering


Answer:Hinduism Jainism and Buddhism



The mass murder of a group of people on the basis of their race, beliefs, or culture is known as





for an example, the legit explanation(from the dictonary) is "the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group". This is what you are looking for. :-)

Which of the following describes how slavery changed the life of Africans in
North America
A Many slaves learned how to speak English but they were
encouraged to keep speaking their native languages
O B Many slaves learned how to read and write, but they wrote only
about traditions in their home country
Many slaves moved from plantation to plantation, but they were
allowed to bring their families with them.
Many slaves converted to Christianity but they integrated
traditions like singing and dancing into their services



The answer is " Many slaves moved from plantation to plantation, but they were allowed to bring their families with.


Which best describes the main action called for by the Declaration of Independence?



To give the United States the power of self-government best describes the main action called for by the Declaration of Independence.


Your welcome


to give the United States the power of self-government



Which of the following motivated the 15th-century European monarchs
to find a sea route to East Asia?
A~The desire of learn native languages

B~The desire to adopt new religions and traditions

C~To create a new market for European products

D~To eliminate the high cost of trading with Italian merchants


the answer to the question is d

Eliminate the high cost of trading with Italian merchants which out of the following motivated the 15th-century European monarchs to find a sea route to East Asia. The correct option is D.

Why did European traders want to find a new route to Asia?

Europeans desired the power and wealth that would result from controlling trade. Finding all-water routes to Asia and its riches would enable European merchants to bypass Middle Eastern middlemen and reap the full benefits of eastern trade.

Explorers were funded by European leaders such as Spain's King Ferdinand and the Portuguese prince known as Henry the Navigator. Along with the prospect of discovering new trade routes, they hoped to discover new sources of gold, silver, and other valuables.

Thus, the ideal selection is option D.

Learn more about European here:



Why did Western countries provide funding to Radio Free Europe and other propaganda programs during the Cold War?



Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) was founded at the start of the Cold War to broadcast uncensored news and report to listeners behind the Iron Curtain. It represented an important part in the downfall of communism and the emergence of democracies in Europe after communism.


Which sentence is correct? I was playing with my doll. I were playing with my doll.​



I was playing with my doll.

Realiza una linea del tiempo en tu cuaderno con los siguientes sucesos relevantes que sucedieron en México durante el último sigla Elecciones presidenciales, 1988. Firma del Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC), 1993. Alternancia del poder, 2000. Decena trágica, 1913. Levantamiento del ejercito EZLN, 1994. Sismo en la ciudad de México, a985. Reforma agraria, 1912, continuación en el gobierno de Lázaro Cárdenas. Movimiento estudiantil, 1968. Rebelión Maderista, 1910. Expropiación petrolera, 1938. Constitución Politica de México. 1917.​


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Esta sería la línea de tiempo con los sucesos relevantes que sucedieron en México durante el último siglo.

Rebelión Maderista, 1910. Primer movimiento organizado en los primeros momentos de la Revolución Mexicana. Su lema "Sufragio Efectivo, No Reelección." >>>

Reforma Agraria, 1912. Los caudillos revolucionarios, líderes en diferentes frente de la Revolución, comenzaron a realizar el reparto de las tierras. >>>

Decena trágica, 1913. Golpe de Estado militar, encabezado por el General Victoriano Huerta para derrocar a Francisco I. Madero, Presidente de México. >>>

Constitución Política de México. 1917.​ Fue firmada el 5 de febrero de 1917 en la ciudad de Querétaro. Reemplazó a la vieja Constitución de 1857. >>>

Expropiación petrolera, 1938. La realizó el presidente Lázaro Cárdenas, para darle a los mexicanos el control del petróleo y fortalecer la soberanía de México. >>>

Movimiento estudiantil, 1968. Los estudiantes del Instituto Politécnico Nacional y la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, toman las calles del Distrito Federal para protestar. Son reprimidos por el Ejército en la plaza de Tlatelolco. >>>

Sismo en la ciudad de México, 1985. Una de las mayores tragedias en la historia de México. Millones de personas murieron ese 19 de septiembre de 1985. >>>

Elecciones presidenciales, 1988. El primer gran fraude electoral de la época moderna de México. El candidato del Frente Cardenista, Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, ganaba la elección, per en la noche -después de las votaciones- "se cayó el sistema de conteo de votos," y al día siguiente por la mañana se declara presidente al candidato de PRI, Carlos Salinas de Gortari. >>>

Firma del Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC), 1993. Los presidente de México, Estados Unidos y el Primer Ministro de Canadá, anuncian la firma de este tratado comercial que fortalecería las relaciones comerciales frente a otros bloques comerciales en el mundo, como el de la Unión Europea. >>>

Levantamiento del ejercito EZLN, 1994. Al término del sexenio de Salinas de Gortari, un grupo rebelde toma las armas en el Estado de Chiapas, encabezad por el subcomandante Marcos. Se hace llamar Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional. >>>

Alternancia del poder, 2000. El PRI pierde las elecciones por primera vez desde la época de la Revolución. El candidato del PRI; Francisco Labastida Ochoa, pierde ante el candidato del PAN; Vicente Fox Quezada.

Burzahom is in present day………………………………….



In Burzahom (in present-day Kashmir) people built pit-houses, which were dug into the ground, with steps leading into them.


The Burzahom archaeological site is located in the Kashmir Valley of the Indian union territory of Jammu and Kashmir.


In Burzahom (in present-day Kashmir) people built pit-houses, which were dug into the ground, with steps leading into them.


Hope this answer helps you :)

Have a great day

Mark brainliest

manus city in brazil is located at 60 degree west longitude. what would be the local time at manus when it is 12 noon at greenwhich​



7A.M or 8A.M base on the season at the same day.


+ Greenwich is (GMT 0) during winter . During summer, a time changes and England changes the time, so it becomes (GMT +1)

+ Manaus is (GMT-4)

Therefore, it is going to be 4 or 5 hours backwards from Greenwich. When it’s 12pm in Greenwich it is 7am in Manaus during summer, and 8am during winter.

Amistad characters, function in film chart?



not sure


Which of the following best describes the consequences ruralization for Byzantine empire



The Byzantine empire was harder to defend

Step-by-step Explanation

The Byzantine Empire was a theocracy, ruled by God through the Emperor, according to legend.

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