Writing: Stages of Stress Response. Write a 300 word essay. Think of an example of a stressful incident or serious of events in your life or someone that you know. Relate theses events to the three stages of the stress response. Be specific in discussing the physical effect the stress was having in each stage. ( The 3 stages are 1) Alarm. 2) Resistance. 3) Exhaustion). Will Mark Brainliest. ​


Answer 1


See Explanation


When I was 9, I stepped on a sewing needle at night, not thinking anything of it I pulled it out, there was a sharp pain for about a week after but I thought it was just sore. A year and a half later the sole of my foot started throbbing every time I stepped, I told my parents and they took me to a specialist who took some x-rays and poked and prodded at my foot. I have had feet problems since I was a kid so the doctor thought It could just be a torn muscle but when he looked at the x-rays it turned out their was still more than half the needle from a year ago stuck in my foot. The first question I blurted out was "Will I need to get surgery?" He said yes and in the next week or so because the needle is too close to my bone. I started crying because it was my first surgery Let's skip a few weeks.... So here came the day of the surgery, I had gotten barely any sleep and I was starving, because I couldn't eat, I was terrified and (alarmed), I was in shock, I couldn't move. I was so focused in my thoughts that my ears weren't hearing everything. My head was pounding and I was pacing, My foot was tapping loudly but I didn't cry because me and my mom had a bet that If I didn't cry I would get 20 dollars... I didn't win that bet because as soon as we walked into the room where they would put my IV in I was screaming... I am not good with needles, even just a shot puts me in panic mode. I was trying to get out of the room when a very nice lady came out and sat me down. I calmed myself and let her insert the IV into my arm, but the fluid wouldn't go into my vein. She had to take it out and put it back in 4 times before I started to freak out again. This time a bigger guy came out of a different room and walked over to me. He had a hand behind his back and I knew what he was trying to do. He pulled the shot from behind him and tried to stab at my leg but I jumped up and ran. If they didn't have those doors locked I would have probably got out and ran away, but they were prepared. He picked me up and sat me back down into the chair and buckled me in to some weird seat. He grabbed the needle and I tried to put my hand up and block it (Resistance) but he just pointed it at my hands, I was shaking and my hands were sweaty, I felt like I was going to faint and I yanked back my hands, and as soon as I did he stabbed my leg. In about 3 seconds I was drowsy and falling in and out of consciousness they helped me to the metal table and laid me flat. I was freezing but I couldn't say so because my mouth wouldn't work in my favor. The last thing I remember is the feeling of back flips the nice lady asking me if I would like music on, then her asking if I like Justin Bieber and me screaming no. When I woke up I screamed because their was a big boot they put on me to protect my stitches.  they fed me Oreo's and chocolate milk, I was a mess. I was still under the anesthesia, so I was saying all kinds of different stuff. I wanted a unicorn, I kept calling the big man 'Teddy bear', I couldn't open chap stick. And I asked a tree if it wanted to fight me... I was in a wheelchair so I think the tree would have won. We went home and I sat in the reclining chair and ate grilled cheese and watched all my favorite movies with my cat. But I was so tired and (Exhausted)  that I could barely move, my eyes were shutting involuntarily and I was yawning uncontrollably, I fell asleep.

This is my 709 words 3,410 characters essay about a time when I had serious amount of stress and anxiety. I felt like I was going to die. I hope this helps!

Related Questions

Una fórmula para jarabe contiene 1/8 gr de fosfato de codeina por cucharadita.
¿Cuántos g de fosfato de codeina son necesarios para preparar una pinta de jarabe?



11.83 gramos de fosfato de codeína son necesarios para preparar una pinta de jarabe.


Dado que una fórmula para jarabe contiene 1/8 gr de fosfato de codeína por cucharadita, para determinar cuántos gramos de fosfato de codeína son necesarios para preparar una pinta de jarabe se debe realizar el siguiente cálculo:

1 cucharada = 5 mililitros

1 pinta = 473.176 mililitros

5 = 1/8

473.176 = X

473.176 x 1/8 / 5 = X

59.147 / 5 = X

11.8294 = X

Por lo tanto, 11.83 gramos de fosfato de codeína son necesarios para preparar una pinta de jarabe.

porque es importante para vacunarse por cov id 19



Entonces estas protegido


So you are protected

1. How does a green school conserve energy?

A) Reduce hazardous waste.

B) Turn off computers when unused.

C) Fix leaking water pipes.

D) Start a club to educate the public about recycling.

2. Which items are commonly recycled?

Choose exactly 3 answers that are correct.

A) soda cans

B) newspapers

C) empty milk jugs

D) clothes contaminated with blood

3. How can water pollution be reduced?

A) Pick up nonhazardous litter.

B) Use nonbiodegradable dish soap.

C) Throw batteries away.

D) Pour paint down the drain.

4. Which example shows conservation?

A) using paper towels instead of a sponge to clean up a mess

B) leaving lights on after leaving a room

C) setting the thermostat to a lower temperature in the hot summer

D) turning the water off when brushing one's teeth

5. Which statement about natural resources is true?

A) Nonrenewable resources are easily replaced.

B) Renewable resources are difficult to replenish.

C) Conservation uses more natural resources than needed.

D) Renewable resources need to be protected.



1. B) Turn off computers when unused.


A) soda cans

B) newspapers

C) empty milk jugs

3. A) Pick up nonhazardous litter.

4. D) turning the water off when brushing one's teeth

5. D) Renewable resources need to be protected.

A green school conserves energy by turning off computers when unused (B); items that are commonly recycled are soda cans, newspapers, and empty milk jugs; Water pollution can be reduced by picking up nonhazardous litter (A); an example of conservation is turning the water off when brushing one's teeth (D); and the statement about natural resources is true. Renewable resources need to be protected (D).

What is recycling?

A green school can conserve energy in many ways, such as by turning off lights and computers when not in use, using energy-efficient light bulbs and appliances, and using natural lighting whenever possible. By reducing energy consumption, a green school can reduce its carbon footprint and help protect the environment. Commonly recycled items include soda cans, newspapers, empty milk jugs, and Water pollution can be reduced by picking up nonhazardous litter, using non-toxic cleaning products, and properly disposing of hazardous waste. Renewable resources need to be protected. Renewable resources, such as solar, wind, and water power, are natural resources that can be replenished over time.

Hence, a green school conserves energy by turning off computers when unused (B); items that are commonly recycled are soda cans, newspapers, and empty milk jugs (A); water pollution can be reduced by picking up nonhazardous litter (C); an example of conservation is turning the water off when brushing one's teeth (D); and the statement about natural resources is true. Renewable resources need to be protected (D).

Learn more about recycling here



Which of the following statements about developing a personal fitness program is NOT true?
When developing a personal fitness program, it is important to implement strategies that will help maintain the program as well as give it a successful start.
Personal factors such as age, health concerns, and likes are important to consider when developing a personal fitness program.
The starting skill level of the physical activities included in a personal fitness program should be determined from other individuals' fitness programs.
The FITT principle should be used when developing a personal fitness program


Answer: I would say C


The statement on C makes more sense

As the school health nurse, one of your students is an 11-year-old boy with a diagnosis of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Recently, he has been experiencing behavioral difficulties in class and an increase in his anxiety. His family structure consists of a same-sex couple, whom he refers to as Ma and Mamasan, and minimal extended family. There is a known history of substance abuse in Mamasan. When you meet with the student today, he appears disheveled, is dressed in visibly soiled clothes, has lost a significant amount of weight and appears extremely thin, and smells of marijuana. You know from speaking to his teachers that he has been caught smoking outside before school starts for the day with several other boys known to use marijuana. You recall that children of substance abusers may inherit a predisposition to alcoholism and substance abuse. a. Given the student’s presentation, how will you proceed from here? What is your planned intervention?


Answer:        Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a brain disorder that affects how you pay attention, sit still, and control your behavior. It happens in children and teens and can continue into adulthood. ADHD is the most commonly diagnosed mental disorder in children. Boys are more likely to have it than girls.


my mom is a Doctor and she told me this hope it helps!!

Select the example that best demonstrates Universal Design for Learning:

a) Every student getting the same assignment in a class

b) Classes being recorded for all students to review

c) A school gets a swimming pool so everyone can swim

d) School lunches are served for free



a: every student getting the same assignment in a class

I think the answer is a

1. a communicable disease
bacteria and viruses
2. caused by bacteria, viruses or other pathogens
infectious disease
3. caused by many different factors such as heredity, lifestyle and environment
chicken pox
4. organisms that cause disease, germs
5. most common causes of infectious disease in the United States
6. animals that carry pathogens
7. method of protection against certain diseases
non-infectious disease



1. chicken pox

2. infectious disease

3. non-infectious disease

4. pathogens

5. bacteria and viruses

6. vectors

7. immunization


An infectious disease, also known as transmissible disease or communicable disease, is a type of disease caused by microorganisms (e.g., bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc) that can be passed from person to person, while a non-infectious disease cannot be spread from person to person but can be genetically inherited across generations (e.g., certain types of cancer). A pathogen is any type of organism that causes diseases to its host, which can be an infectious agent (e.g., a virus). Chickenpox is a contagious (transmissible) disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV), which is a class of herpes viruses. Chickenpox is spread by the saliva of infected individuals released into the air when breathing, coughing, sneezing, or speaking. Vectors are organisms that do not cause diseases but help in transmitting them (e.g., Aedes aegypti is a mosquito vector that transmits different diseases such as yellow fever and dengue). Finally, immunization refers to the medical procedure that stimulates a person's immune system to produce immunity against a specific disease (e.g., vaccination is a type of immunization).

In your family practice, you perform an ankle brachial index (ABI) on your 66-year-old diabetic who smokes with the results being 0.71 on the left and 0.68 on the right. What is the most appropriate next step?


Answer: Begin the patient on aspirin 81 mg and clopidogrel 75 mg daily.


With regards to the information given, the appropriate next step is to begin the patient on aspirin 81 mg and clopidogrel 75 mg daily.

The patient has a disease that's called the peripheral arterial disease. This is a disease that's caused by atherosclerosis which is when fatty deposits are built on the artery walls which then lead to the reduction in the blood flow. This can be treated by the use of antiplatelet agents, such as aspirin or clopidogrel.

Therefore, the most appropriate next step is to "Begin the patient on aspirin 81 mg and clopidogrel 75 mg daily".

Select the method that is a well-organized system that indicates the relationship between information through indenting material, starting with general and moving to specific points.



Charting Method

Mind Mapping


i just did some googling on what each of these methods look like and i’m pretty sure outlining images fits the description of indenting and specific “points” because bullet points are used under headlines which would be what they’re referring to as the “general” information
I think the answer is outlining


sorry to startle you with that scary intro, but now that i have your attention, i really do think that there is something wrong with my cat. I think that my cat might have diabetes. she has been peeing in a certain part of my bedroom, and it has been bloody and very liquidy. she also has been drinking alot more than she normally has been. she never was a fat cat, but she has been losing weight, and i am very scared. she definwtly has more of an appetite, but sometimes her little brother steals her food. she got fixed last July, and will be two in September. i need help because i want the best for my cat. a picture of her is above: (dont worry, its just her sleeping) please help me!​



I have read on the internet that female cats can have periods. However,  it did say that they could bleed because of a vaginal infection before you get her spayed. Im not exactly sure whats going on with her but I hope she gets well soon. I would advise to take her to the vet to see whats going on. I just lost my cat recently so I can understand your worry. I hope this helped.


PLEASE TAKE HER TO THE VET. Asking people on the internet what to do can be dangerous. If she is peeing blood then there is definitely a problem and it could be very serious. There isn’t anything you can do on your own that would help her. her best chance at survival is a professional vet.

Suppose, one of your friend is regularly taking alcohol. What will you do to protect your friend from alcoholism?​



help him


i would take them to an AA meeting & always be there for them to make sure they’re always sober.

A business owner would like to offer safety training for pesticide application. Which topic should be addressed in this training?

what equipment to wear when spraying
what the costs are of purchasing pesticide spray
how personnel will monitor all workplace behavior
where to report safe behaviors and conditions



what equipment to wear when spraying


The best way to stay safe is to wear equipment correctly.

Hope I helped!

The topic that should be addressed in this safety training for pesticide application is what equipment to wear when spraying. Thus, the correct option is A.

What are Pesticides' applications?

Pesticides' application may be defined as the practical way through which pesticides are successfully delivered to their biological target sites, crop fields, etc.

The safety training always deals with the safety of your physical as well as mental health not with costs, workplace behavior, etc.

It is required to wear proper equipment at the time of pesticide delivery on the fields. This is because such types of chemical substances are harmful for your health.

Therefore, the topic that should be addressed in this safety training for pesticide application is what equipment to wear when spraying. Thus, the correct option is A.

To learn more about Pesticides' applications, refer to the link:



Hey I have a question

How do you make holy water?



In many religious traditions (including Catholicism and some Pagan traditions), yes, holy water is created by combining water with salt. Typically, the salt and water must both be ritually consecrated (either together or separately) in order for the water to be considered holy.



which laws protect citizens from human rights violations​



under Constitution of South Africa section 25

New Zealand bill of rights act 1990

Sora lives near a farm that performs aerial pesticide spraying every month. She notices a yellow haze around her
home after each spray. What might she do to minimize her risk of pesticide exposure?
O wash vegetables purchased from the supermarket
O select organic produce from the local farmers' market
take off her shoes at the door before entering her home
O repaint the walls inside her home with lead-free paint



C take off her shoes at the door before entering her home


Edge 2021

The correct option is to Take off her shoes at the door before entering her home.

What is pesticide?

Pesticides are substances that are meant to control pests.This includes herbicide, insecticide, nematicide, molluscicide, piscicide, avicide, rodenticide, bactericide, insect repellent, animal repellent, microbicide, fungicide, and lampricide.The most common of these are herbicides which account for approximately 80% of all pesticide use. Most pesticides are intended to serve as plant protection products (also known as crop protection products), which in general, protect plants from weeds, fungi, or insects. As an example, the fungus Alternaria solani is used to combat the aquatic weed Salvinia.

In general, a pesticide is a chemical (such as carbamate) or biological agent (such as a virus, bacterium, or fungus) that deters, incapacitates, kills, or otherwise discourages pests. Target pests can include insects, plant pathogens, weeds, molluscs, birds, mammals, fish, nematodes (roundworms), and microbes that destroy property, cause nuisance, or spread disease, or are disease vectors. Along with these benefits, pesticides also have drawbacks, such as potential toxicity to humans and other species.

Learn more about pesticide



Please can someone answer this
What should a teenager seriously consider prior to deciding to become sexually active?



willing to accept the risk that come with sex, not just physically but emotionally and you have to understand the risk of pregnancy.


Firstly should educate themselves about all the risks. Learn more about preventing pregnancy.

4 strategies that communities could engage in to protest gender based violence in their places​



1. Increase access to a comprehensive and well-coordinated GBV response services

2.Increase awareness and enhance systems for the prevention of GBV including SEA

3.Mainstream GBV into all humanitarian response and maintain the updated comprehensive

data needed to inform advocacy, planning, implementation and M&E of interventions.

4.raise awareness


Which is a legal consequence associated wit drug abuse



Loss of driver license.


Loss of drivers lisence

which of the following is not a muscle of facial expression? a.occipital, b.nasal, c. serratus anterior,d. proceeds​


Answer: I think it’s C


Static stretching warms up your muscles

True or false





Cómo es estudiado hoy el organismo humano?



Las resonancias magnéticas, las tomografías computarizadas, las tomografías por emisión de positrones, los rayos X, las ecografías y otros tipos de imágenes también pueden mostrar lo que está sucediendo dentro de un cuerpo vivo. Los estudiantes de medicina y odontología también realizan disecciones como parte de su trabajo práctico durante sus estudios. Pueden diseccionar cadáveres humanos.


What organ dose nicotine target that results in change to mood and anxiety?



The brain perhaps


Mood and anxiety are cause by a chemical imbalance in the brain. When nicotine is put into the brain it affected how a person perceived emotion.


The Brain


Nicotine acts in the brain by stimulating the adrenal glands to release the hormone epinephrine (adrenaline) and by increasing levels of the chemical messenger dopamine. Which alters behavior and mood.

Hope this helped!

why do i ruin everthing???


What makes u think that? Who told u that? Ur the only person who gets to decide that for urself I’m sure ur a great person. Change your mindset !

Of all the clinical service providers, which group sees the largest number of people who are experiencing issues with mental health in Canada?
O clinicians
O psychiatrists
Ofamily physicians
O nurses


Answer: Nurses


Even though the psychiatrist is regarded as a physician who specializes in the diagnosis, prevention, and the treatment of mental disorders, in Canada, the nurses sees the largest number of people who are experiencing issues with mental health in Canada.

The main role of the mental health nurse is for the provision of care to the patients who has a mental health issue,

or a psychiatric disorder. Their job functions include diagnosis, and the prescription of medications.

is a muscle an example of an organ true or false​





the muscle is an example of an organ

Yes a muscle is an example of an organ.

Hyper- and hypo-
prefixes that refer to



D. amount

Explanation: Hope it helps ^w^

The answer is D amount

Should localities maintain energy reserves for their own use?





Suppose you are the HIM Director at a large medical center that offers inpatient, outpatient, and emergency care at several sites in one state. Your medical center has announced that it will acquire a facility offering similar services in a neighboring state. The laws and regulations governing the retention and destruction of health records differ between these states. Explain how does the lack of a consistent set of laws and regulations on these two matters affects the institution you serve, and outline the steps you would take to deal with the situation? Explain in full detail, the key legal aspects in this case.

Provide examples and at least two references to support your explanation.



Being a director, It is the responsibility of the directors is to be responsibe to make an institution or organization comply with each and every audit, law and regulations of the country.

The laws and regulations for retention and destruction of health records differ in two different states so there will be

Lack point

1. Online documentation is not mentioned as laws

2. Laws are not so strick to make all document in audit trail

3. All the document they are producing is not viewed by the auditor hence system become so loose.

4. As per timeline these laws are not revise due to which soohisticated system is not generated

5. All laws in such away that it can be easily breakup by the authority

6. Due to which one institute is within the set of compliance but other one is not.

7. Traceability is not there which creates a question on authority.

My steps

1. Training to an individual about the importance of documentation

2. Meeting with all experts

3. Periodic training to everyone

4. Implementation of audit trail software

5. Privileged group generation

6. Failure identification and analysis

7. Blockage on sharing of documentation without authority

You can be hydrated and have hyponatremia?
True or false



ans is yes (true)


My previous perspective focused on staying hydrated year-round, but this article addresses some of the current science and persistent misconceptions about hot weather- and exercise-associated dehydration and over-hydration, called hyponatremia. (So yes, you can drink too much water).

Which disease might be prevented by not sharing a water bottle?

a. mononucleosis
b. conjunctivitis
c. Salmonella poisoning
d. Tooth decay




A. Mononucleosis……………
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una proposicin puede ser verdadera o falsa pero no ambas a la vezverdadero o falso? True or False? Generally speaking, liberals are in favor of bigger government to provide a safety net for those who need it and regulations to ensure fairness. hellllp. c. c c jajagebskaiwuwbsodihemqlah due bw I need help with number 6 If 4 containers of yogurt cost $2.76, how many containers of yogurt can you purchase with $9.66? number of moles of sodium azide Both works describe a father who wakes up early in the dark. What do these two fathers have in common? (Papa who wakes the tired in the dark) (Those winter sundays)A Both are ambitious.B Both are restless and aimless.C Neither father wants to spend time with his family.D Both work hard and love their families. Regardless of its close proximity which religion or country does not trade with the United States because of a strained political history Joe works at a market. As part of his job, he counts the money left in his cash register and locks it in the store safe.Every night, he takes twenty dollars from the cash drawer when he leaves. In total, he has stolen over $1,000. He hides all of the money at his home.By the time Joe has accumulated $1,000, the store's owner notices that the register is missing money when Joe works. She reports the theft to the police. After an investigation, they arrest Joe.Use the drop-down menu to answer the question.What type of crime has Joe committed? PLZ ANSWER ASAP NEED HELP Which statement describe. good hypothesis ? Check all that apply writing ;write a letter to your friend about important of reading books? Accidentally add lemon juice to your milk, causing bubbles and solid clumps to form. is it chemical change or physical change Huprey Co. is the defendant in the following legal claims. For each of the following claims, indicate whether Huprey should (a) record a liability, (b) disclose in notes, or (c) have no disclosure. HELP Don't fail me now brainly!!!! 21. For each of the following, state the type of input energy and the useful output energy.a. batteryb. gas-powered weed-eaterc. bedside lampd. horn on a bicycleInput EnergyUseful Output Energy4BatteryGas-Powered Weed-eaterBedside lampHorn on a bicycle Can you u help me fine the definitions on number 1 or 2 5x3x2=0 by completing the square method How do we get heat on Earth? Does thermal energy travel directly from the sun? Tracking was Paul's favorite sport and no trail was too old or too dim for him to follow. He once came across the skeleton of a moose that had died of old age and, just for curiosity, picked up the tracks of the animal and spent the whole afternoon following its trail back to the place where it was born.The Marvelous Exploits of Paul Bunyan,W.B. LaugheadBased on the folktale, the people who told this story probably thought that was very important. a.understanding animals b.being a good hunterc.finding animal Skeltons d. locating a birthplace