11. Why were the US and the USSR best placed to help Europe rebuild after World War II?
O A. While other European nations had the resources to rebuild, only the US and the USSR were motivated to intervene
O B. As the only remaining superpowers, both countries had the resources to offer aid
O C. Both countries had existing alliances that were still intact at the end of the war.
O D. The US was able to access Western Europe by sea, and the USSR was able to access Eastern Europe by land


Answer 1


B. As the only remaining superpowers, both countries had the resources to offer aid

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What role did food and agriculture play in the rise of industrial capitalism? ​



hope it helps


Farmers started to benefit from the food prices going up so they can invest in their products.


What role did agriculture factor into industrial capitalism? Farmers started to benefit from the food prices going up so they can invest in their products. .. How did the British achieve an increase in agricultural productivity? Land would be reclaimed by landlords and privatize fields.

⬇️⬇️ Look down at the picture





Which challenges did newly independent countries face? Select six options.



little industrialization.

lack of national identity.

cash crop economies.

ethnic and religious differences.

little investment in education


little industrialization

lack of national identity

cash crop economies

ethnic and religious differences

little investment in education

economic inequality


edge 2022

Help me!!!!! 20 points



Correct; belief in one god


The prefix mono means one or single

anyone no links plzzzz help fast major test

Which was a cause of the French Revolution?


Voting structure in the Estates General

Answer: D voting structure in the Estates-General


The Third Estate represented the lower class, as such they were widely ignored, this led to common cause for change.

What was your least favorite topic in global history? Why?


Answer: none

Explanation: none

Which of the following sentences does NOT describe a result of World War II in Africa?

A.)Some colonies held popular elections.

B.))Many Africans did not want to continue being under European rule.

C.))Many African colonies wanted to be part of European nations.

D.))Nationalists increased and extended their influence throughout the continent.
Some colonies held popular elections.





After WWII, African nations experienced a huge wave of pan-Africanism and anti-Colonial sentiment due to the constant attacks during the war.

The following sentence that does not describe a result of World War 2 in Africa is Many Africans wanted to be a part of European nations.

What is World War 2?

World War II or the Second World War, often abbreviated as WWII or WW2, was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945.

In a total war directly involving more than 100 million personnel from more than 30 countries, the major participants threw their entire economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities behind the war effort, blurring the distinction between civilian and military resources.

The exact causes of World War II are debatable, but contributing factors included the Second Italo-Ethiopian War, the Spanish Civil War, the Second Sino-Japanese War, the Soviet–Japanese border conflicts and rising European tensions since World War I.

What is European nation?

Europe is a continent, also recognized as a part of Eurasia, located entirely in the Northern Hemisphere and mostly in the Eastern Hemisphere.

Europe can also be viewed as a subcontinent of Eurasia, and referred to as the European subcontinent.

European nation any one of the countries occupying the European continent

Hence, option C is the correct answer

To learn more about World War 2 here,



why did we ally with stalin instead of hitler?





According to Nader, what were three effects NAFTA would have on the United States?​


The North American Free Trade Agreement, am agreement between the US, Canada, and Mexico, that entered into force in January 1994

How did Sojourner Truth contribute to the women's suffrage movement


She constantly lectured about abolition and woman’s rights

can someone give me 2 themes in the book any small goodness



poverty family community
Yes exactly what they said above

Which would be considered an act of genocide according to the UN’s definition?

preventing members of a group from having children
having to wear an armband for identification
being banned from public places
losing citizenship



preventing members of a group from having children


Site: https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml

Article II

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

Killing members of the group; Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

If possible I would like a brainly thank you

The First Amendment uses the term "right to assemble" to describe a group's ability to come together in a public place. Consequently, the proper response is option (C).

What is a genocide, exactly?

The Genocide Convention, established by the UN in 1948, defines genocide as any of five "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group."

These five acts included: taking children from the group against their choice; killing group members; seriously harming them physically or mentally; imposing living conditions meant to split up the group; and halting births.

Instead than picking victims at random, the victims are chosen based on their actual or perceived participation in a group. The genocide is deemed worrisome by the Political Instability Task Force.

Learn more about act of genocide, from :



Why was it difficult for Britain to maintain ownership of the United States? Give two reasons please.



As more colonies were developed or established trading became an issue Colonists wanted to trade directly with Indians and other nations while Britain wanted to control the trade within the colonies and limit who the Colonies cold trade with. This resulted in the people of the colonies becoming more and more unhappy with Great Britain.

A second reason it became harder was the cost of the French and Indian War. The cost of the war put Britain in debt, this debt resulted in the need to raise funds. These funds were raised by placing harsh taxes on the colonist. This like the trading regulations caused unhappiness among the colonist.


To provide clean running water, Philadelphia

A. purchased clean water from other major cities
B. controlled the flow of its streams with underground pipes
C. built a water factory where people brought wastewater for cleaning
D. urged its residents to mix salt with water to destroy bacteria before drinking
i need this like ASAP



b or c

Explanation: makes the most since

What are 2 things that are good about Cambodia



Cambodia’s flag is the only one in the world to feature a building.

They have ancient ruins .

They celebrate the New Year in April


How did technology affect American society, economy and government in the 1990s?


Answer: Technology affected American society because   They strengthened the economy and improved the standard of living.Their developing economies threaten to become significant competitors.


I hope i helped . Have a great day or night. Xoxoxo.

What tactic did Ulysses S. Grant use successfully against the Confederates at Petersburg?



Ulysses S. Grant planned and successfully executed a siege attack against the Confederates Army at Petersburg. In the event know as "The Battle of the Crater" as part of The American Civil War, The Union Army of the Confereates under the direct supervision of the general-in-chief, Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant.

HELP Which of the following is a decomposer in the food web shown above? A. bacteria B. tadpole C. grasshopper D. sunlight


the answer is here bro!


its a decomposer

tadpoles r baby frogs

grasshopper is an insect

sunlight is a natural resource

plz mark my answer brainliest


A. Bacteria


Decomposers break down organic material. One of the most common types of decomposers is bacteria.

How does fascist aggression lead to WW11?



Hitler announced that Germany would no longer obey the Treaty of Versailles.


Hope this helps!

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States . . . shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

According to Article II, what are the qualifications for the job of president? Check all that apply.

a natural-born citizen
at least thirty-five years of age
at least twenty-five years of age
a resident for fourteen years
a resident for thirty-five years



its A B D


According to Article II of the United States Constitution, the qualifications for the job of president are:

a natural-born citizenat least thirty-five years of agea resident for fourteen years

According to Article II of the United States Constitution, the qualifications for the job of the president are as follows: the individual must be a natural-born citizen, meaning they are born as a citizen of the United States; they must be at least thirty-five years of age, indicating a minimum age requirement; and they must have been a resident within the United States for at least fourteen years, establishing a residency requirement. These qualifications serve as constitutional prerequisites to ensure that the president possesses a certain level of experience, maturity, and commitment to the country.

Learn more about United States Constitution here:



Why was denying James Meredith
enrollment to the University of
Mississippi a controversial issue in
A. He was the first white person to attend an all black
B. It violated the Brown v. Board (1954) decision.
C. He lied about his citizenship status on his


On May 31, 1961, Meredith, with backing of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, filed suit in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi, alleging that the university had rejected him only because of his race, as he had a highly successful record of military service and academic courses.

Answer: His denial violated the Brown V. Board Supreme Court Decision

Explanation: (Acellus)

which action did George Washington take during his presidency to protect federal laws


D looks like the best answer there in all honesty

did president Polk internationally start the war with México?


Answer: On May 12, 1846 the United States Senate voted 40 to 2 to go to war with Mexico. President James K. Polk had accused Mexican troops of having attacked Americans on U.S. soil, north of the Rio Grande. But Mexico claimed this land as its own territory and accused the American military of having invaded  

answer correctly for brainliest


Answer: The people who were suffering were George Pullman's employees.


According to the document, Governor Altgeld believe George Pullman has a responsibility to his workers and the community because the people who were suffering were George Pullman's employees.

From the letter, we can see when the governor wrote that nearly six thousand people were suffering from the want of food and that those people were Pullman's employees and have worked for him for more than twelve years.

Which colonies have the largest population?


Answer: Virginia had the largest population of the 13 colonies in 1776 at 747,610. It was followed by Pennsylvania at 434,373, and Massachusetts at 378,787. The smallest colony by population was Delaware at 59,094, barely bigger than Rhode Island’s 68,825.


fire ants


Perhaps the biggest hurdle to the success of Reconstruction was the failure of whites to accept the new position blacks had in this country. Why would they have so much difficulty in accepting them?



It can generally be attributed to deep rooted racist ideals and White anger.


The failure of Whites to accept the new position Blacks had in the country can be attributed to deep rooted, long standing beliefs regarding the inferiority of African Americans as used to justify slavery. Ideas like the superiority of Whites and the inferiority of another race, White supremacy and racism, designated Blacks as below human in Southern, and in many instances, Northern society. In the South, with these ideals combined with a bitter defeat against the North and economic ruin, Whites were generally very angry. In their eyes, the Freedmen they had once owned as slaves did not deserve to stand on equal ground or vote as American citizens. Throughout the South, Freedmen also outnumbered White people in many instances. For this reason, voting Blacks held political power that Whites saw as a threat. Such harmful views towards Blacks and Black freedoms would severely inhibit their integration into American society as equals and continues to negatively impact America today.

A key principle of American democracy is that the majority rules but the rights of the political are protected



A key principle of American democracy is that the majority rules but the rights of the political minority are protected


Democracy has a duty to protect social minorities and this is one of the fundamental principles of this political aspect. In this case, it is correct to say that within democracy, the majority must make decisions and govern, but this does not mean that minorities must be marginalized and exploited, but rather helped, supported and protected, since minority groups are part of the society and are groups active in democratic processes.

Who killed the surveillance during ww2



In the aftermath of the 1970s Watergate affair and a subsequent congressional inquiry led by Sen. Frank Church,[3] it was revealed that the NSA, in collaboration with Britain's GCHQ, had routinely intercepted the international communications of prominent anti-Vietnam War leaders such as Jane Fonda and Dr. Benjamin Spock.[4] Decades later, a multi-year investigation by the European Parliament highlighted the NSA's role in economic espionage in a report entitled 'Development of Surveillance Technology and Risk of Abuse of Economic Information', in 1999.[5]


please mark brainliest.also don't copy word for word so it doesn't get marked as plagiarized.

How did the Berlin airlift event almost have led to another crisis



The Berlin Blockade was an attempt in 1948 by the Soviet Union to limit the ability of the United States, Great Britain and France to travel to their sectors of Berlin, which lay within Russian-occupied East Germany. 

In June 1948, the simmering tensions between the Soviet Union and its former allies in World War II, exploded into a full-blown crisis in the city of Berlin. Alarmed by the new U.S. policy of giving economic aid to Germany and other struggling European nations, as well as efforts by the Western Allies to introduce a single currency to the zones they occupied in Germany and Berlin, the Soviets blocked all rail, road and canal access to the western zones of Berlin. Suddenly, some 2.5 million civilians had no access to food, medicine, fuel, electricity and other basic goods. 

What was a provision of the USA Patriot Act?


Wiretap Statute (Title III):
Electronic Communications Privacy Act.
Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act.
Pen Register and Trap and Trace Statute.
Money Laundering Act.
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