9. Which of the following statements describes the social situation of the United States
before Jacksonian Democracy?
A. Hundreds of craftspeople were opening shops in the cities.
B. Small farmers were profiting from new technologies.
C. Power was in the hands of a few wealthy individuals.
D. Ordinary Americans were gaining a voice in government.


Answer 1




Related Questions

what are the accomplishments of James Cook?


James cook was a renowned explorere. Paving the way for British settlement. Mapped out the oceans including Austrillia and disproved the existance of Terra Australis, a fabled southern continent. Soved mysteries of the south Pacific Sailed Canada, Antaritica and the Bering strait with minimal loss of life. Fought in the seven year war where he captured and commanded a ship. Crossed the  Tasman Sea,  Coral Sea and the Torres Strait. discovered the northwest passage around Canada and Alaska or a northeast one around Siberia, between the Atlantic and Pacific.


James Cook was a British naval captain, navigator, and explorer who sailed the seaways and coasts of Canada and conducted three expeditions to the Pacific Ocean (1768–71, 1772–75, and 1776–79), ranging from the Antarctic ice fields to the Bering Strait and from the coasts of North America to Australia and New Zealand.

The formal process of confirming that
a document is valid is known as which
of the following?
A. drafting
B. sovereignty
C. ratification



c. ratification


the action of signing or giving formal consent to a treaty, contract, or agreement, making it officially valid.

A number of different paths and endings are included in the formal process. This is important in order to balance both participants' concerns and responsibilities.

The goal is to encourage a quasi method to reconciliation while also providing that a formalized method is important in the case that one is required.

C. ratification is termed as the formal process of confirming that  a document is valid.

Ratification is the acceptance of a principal's act by an intermediary who does not have the legal authority to sign the principal. Ratification is the international act by which a state expresses its willingness to be bound by an agreement if the party wants for such an act to be performed.

To know more about the ratification, refer to the link below:


Why might the Treaty of Versailles end up leading to another war?



By placing the burden of war guilt entirely on Germany, imposing harsh reparations payments and creating an increasingly unstable collection of smaller nations in Europe, the treaty would ultimately fail to resolve the underlying issues that caused war to break out in 1914, and help pave the way for another massive ...


What is one way these battles contributed to
w Napoleon's downfall?
O Napoleon lost many troops due to cold weather at
the Battle of Trafalgar.
O Napoleon faced his final defeat far from the French
O Napoleon's military was spread too thin as a result
of fighting across Europe.
O Napoleon was forced to build up his navy as a
result of his failed invasion of Russia.


Napoleons military was spread too thin as a result of fighting across Europe. This is because he chased the Russians too far back until Moscow and they closed in on him from the sides giving him time for just less than 100,000 troops to return. He had over 600,000.




Can you help please





why did general macarthur address congress after he was fired



C. He wanted to justify his recommendations for expanding the Korean War.


After France had surrendered, what leader vowed not to surrender or
quit to Germany?





Can you help wit this





ESPERA30  MnutosI

Claudette Colvin Arrested
Rosa Parks Arrested
MIA Started
Busses were Attacked
Busses were Intergraded
MLK Arrested

Hope this helps ;)

The following headline depicted which historical event?

A) The election of a 3rd party candidate
B) The election of a female candidate
C) The election of a minority candidate
D) The election of a candidate who did not win popular vote




According to the glossary, what are large meteors that enter the Earth’s atmosphere?


Active galaxy







Which Native American tribe was an enemy of the Wichita and an ally of the Spanish in Texas? A.Chickasaw B.Osage C. Apache D.Choctaw​





Some tribes the Wichitas frequently fought and consider their enemies were the Apaches. During the end of the Spanish rule, the Apaches staged constant attacks against the Spanish missions. But as the 1700s went on, they found themselves subject to attacking from the fearsome Comanches.

I may be wrong but this is what I got.




The Apache drove the Wichita away from their home, making the two tribes enemies. They also forged alliances with the Spanish.

How did the Neolithic Revolution change social structures in early human


Answer:the shift of ancient people from a hunting and gathering society to one that was focused on agriculture which led to permanent settlements


The rate of world population growth is slowing down because nations are educating their citizens on the importance of having smaller families.


If you say so. Is not really question but okay.

In 1780, seven African Americans petitioned the state of Massachusetts for the right to vote. On what grounds did they do so?


The answer is 'taxation without representation'

true or false The following voyages were led by Europeans during the Age of Exploration: Spain: In 1492 Christopher Columbus set out to land in India but first found the Caribbean, and ultimately the United States Portugal: In 1500 Pedro Alvares Cabral travelled to South America and landed in Brazil England: In 1610 Henry Hudson sailed and found Canada Germany: In 1524 Verrazano sailed and found parts of Africa, Vietnam and parts of the United States



The answer is below


Spain: In 1492 Christopher Columbus set out to land in India but first found the Caribbean, and ultimately the United States - TRUE

Portugal: In 1500 Pedro Alvares Cabral traveled to South America and landed in Brazil - TRUE

England: In 1610 Henry Hudson sailed and found Canada - TRUE

Germany: In 1524 Verrazano sailed and found parts of Africa, Vietnam, and parts of the United States - FALSE: This is false because Verrazano sailed on behalf of France and not Germany. Also, he only found part of America which includes present-day areas such as Florida, New Brunswick, New York Bay, and Narragansett Bay.

Which group sought religious freedom in the New England colonies?


The first group of Puritans to make their way across the Atlantic was a small contingent known as the Pilgrims. Unlike other Puritans, they insisted on a complete separation from the Church of England and had first migrated to the Dutch Republic seeking religious freedom.


The Pilgrims

Based on the passage, what are two similarities between Buddhism and Hinduism


Where is the passage?
Can you attach the passage to your post?

Increasing feelings of naturalism among many groups led to which consequence after World War I?



Answer to the following question is as follows;


The development of fascism, or thereabouts national socialism, in nations such as Continental europe was one extremely bad result of increasing emotions of nationalism following World War One.

These regimes used nationalism to punish Jews for their economic difficulties in the late 1920s and early 1930s, and they also felt they had the right to occupy and rule other nations.

The Mattachine Society was more _______, while the gay liberation movement was more ________.
unacceptable; respectable
secretive; vocal
inclusive; exclusive
creative; popular


3rd one down, inclusive and exclusive

Who was involved in the Vietnam war



Vietnam War, (1954–75), a protracted conflict that pitted the communist government of North Vietnam and its allies in South Vietnam, known as the Viet Cong, against the government of South Vietnam and its principal ally, the United States.

Timeline: Vietnam War Timeline

Date: 1954 - 1975

Bastiat said that as a country moves from a proper form of government to a country that passes laws that are unjust it grows - but not in the right way. He compare the growth to a plant, and say it will move from Protectionism, to ___________ and then finally to Communism.


Hm knowing the role communism had in the world I'm going to guess, from Protectionism, to democracy/monarchism(either one I think) to Communism

¿Qué habrá sucedido con los metales preciosos qué fueron extraídos por los europeos en el continente americano?



Los metales preciosos que fueron extraídos por los europeos en el continente americano fueron destinados a engrosar las arcas de los reinos colonialistas en el marco de la teoría económica mercantilista, que propugnaba la acumulación de riquezas a través de metales preciosos como oro, plata o bronce, así como la acumulación de tierras para demostrar poderío. Así, la explotación minera de las naciones europeas se ve hoy en día en las enormes fortunas que las casas reales de estas naciones tienen en su poder.

Which part of the US developed the most cities?
o the east coast
o the west coast
O the South


Answer: i want to say the east coast


The east coast developed most cities.

What primarily motivated the United States and the Soviet Union to provide
military assistance to Middle Eastem nations during the Cold War?
A. They wanted to gain allies in the Middle East, a strategically
important region.
B. They were each attempting to expand their colonial empires for
economic reasons.
OC. They wanted to establish military bases in the region in order to
Increase their own missiles' range.
D. They were aiding recently decolonized nations in the hope of
helping them develop economically.



The answer is A


They needed allies to undermine each others global influence.

The primary motivation of the United States and the Soviet Union to provide military assistance to Middle Eastern nations during the Cold War is that they wanted to gain allies in the Middle East, a strategically important region. The correct option is a.

What is the cold war?

The Cold War was a period of geopolitical tension between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies, the Western Bloc and the Eastern Bloc.

The term cold war is used because there was no large-scale fighting directly between the two superpowers, but they each supported opposing sides in major regional conflicts known as proxy wars. The conflict was based on the ideological and geopolitical struggle for global influence by these two superpowers, following their temporary alliance and victory against Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan in 1945.

Aside from the nuclear arsenal development and conventional military deployment, the struggle for dominance was expressed via indirect means such as psychological warfare, propaganda campaigns, espionage, far-reaching embargoes, rivalry at sports events, and technological competitions such as the Space Race.

Learn more about war, here:



In which form of government is power is passed down from generation to generation


the answer is «  Democracy »

openness definition Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition


According to the research, openness definition is associated with receptivity to new ideas and different opinions or points of view.

What is receptivity?

It is the process of receiving and understanding something, therefore openness is a term that is related to receptivity, flexibility and compromise with others, with their ideas and opinions.

This concept openness highlights the importance of receptivity, and of not hastily judging others, but accepting ideological and cultural differences.

Therefore, we can conclude that according to the research,  openness definition is associated with receptivity to new ideas and different opinions or points of view.

Learn more about receptivity here: https://brainly.com/question/3670649


Which sentence best explains the relationship between a government's political and economic ideologies?



The Government help the political and economic to make sure a peaceful place

Which of the following caused a dispute that led to the Mexican-American War? A. The right to vote in Texas B. The oil in Texas C. The borders of Texas D. The slaves in Texas​



in enpanish plis

I believe the answer is b

Why do you think the Whitmans stopped baking bread when
they reached buffalo country



Bread is a staple food prepared from a dough of flour and water, usually by baking. Throughout recorded history, it has been a prominent food in large parts of the world. It is one of the oldest human-made foods, having been of significant importance since the dawn of agriculture, and plays an essential role in both religious rituals and secular culture.


Bread may be leavened by naturally occurring microbes, chemicals, industrially produced yeast, or high-pressure aeration. In many countries, commercial bread often contains additives to improve flavor, texture, color, shelf life, nutrition, and ease of production.

Jessica has an account with a credit union. Her account earns 2.4% simple interest yearly. Exactly a year and a half ago, she opened her account with $900.





Jessica has an account with a credit union. Her account earns 2.4% simple interest yearly. Exactly a year and a half ago, she opened her account with $900.

How much interest has she earned so far?

Interest = Principal × rate × time

Principal = $900

Rate = 2.4% = 0.024

Time = 1.5 years

Interest = Principal × rate × time

= 900 × 0.024 × 1.5

= $32.4

Interest = $32.4

evaluate the extent to which economic motives were the leading cause of japanese imperialism in the period circa 1880-1945



When the United States sends a naval delegation, led by Commodore Matthew Perry, to "open" Japanese ports in 1853, the Japanese are well aware of the "Unequal Treaties" that have been imposed upon China in the previous ten years (since the Opium War of 1839-42) as a result of the superior military power of the Western nations. The Japanese respond to the challenge of the West.

Reform-minded samurai, reflecting the enormous changes that have taken place in the preceding Tokugawa period, effect political change. They launch the reform movement under the guise of restoring the emperor to power, thereby eliminating the power of the shogun, or military ruler, of the Tokugawa period. The emperor's reign name is Meiji; hence the title, "Meiji Restoration" of 1868.

The Japanese carry out this modernization by very deliberate study, borrowing, and adaptation of Western political, military, technological, economic, and social forms — repeating a pattern of deliberate borrowing and adaptation seen previously in the classical period when Japan studied Chinese civilization (particularly in the 7th century to 8th century).

Economic, political, and social changes that have taken place during the preceding 250 years of peace under the Tokugawa shogunate (1600-1868) lay the basis for the rapid transformation of Japan into a modern industrial power, with a constitution, a parliament, a national, compulsory education system, a modern army and navy, roads, trains, and telegraph — in less than 50 years.


Other Questions
Read the information. Pick 5 of the most important ideas/facts from the information and bullet point them.1. We are all born free and equal. We all have our own thoughts and ideas.2. These rights belong to everybody, whatever our differences.3. We all have the right to life, and to live in freedom and safety.4. Nobody has any right to make us a slave. We cannot make anyone else our slave.5. Nobody has any right to hurt or torture us or treat us cruelly.6. Everyone has the right to be protected by the law.7. The law is the same for everyone. It must treat us all fairly.8. We can all ask for the law to help us when we are not treated fairly.9. Nobody has the right to put us in prison without a good reason.10. If we are put on trial, this should be in public.11. Nobody should be blamed for doing something until it has been proved.12. Nobody has the right to come into our home, open our letters, without a good reason.13. We all have the right to go where we want to in our own country and to travel abroad as we wish.14. If we are frightened of being badly treated in our own country, we all have the right to run away to another country to be safe.15. We all have the right to belong to a country.16. Every grown up has the right to marry and have a family if they want to.17. Everyone has the right to own things or share them.18. We all have the right to believe in what we want to believe, to have a religion, or to change it if we wish.19. We all have the right to make up our own minds and to share our ideas with other people.20. We all have the right to meet our friends and to work together in peace to defend our rights.21. We all have the right to take part in the government of our country e.g. vote.22. We all have the right to a home, enough money to live on and medical help if we are ill.23. Every grown up has the right to a job, to a fair wage for their work, and to join a trade union.24. We all have the right to rest from work and to relax.25. We all have the right to enough food, clothing, housing and health care.26. We all have the right to education.27. We all have the right to our own way of life.28. There must be proper order so we can all enjoy rights and freedoms in our own country and all over the world.29. We have a duty to other people, and we should protect their rights and freedoms.30. Nobody can take away these rights and freedoms from us.I just don't understand anything on here Why was the Battle of Coral Sea a victory for the United States? PLEASE HELP ME WHAT IS THE ANWSER I wanna read the manga series Chainsaw Man anyone read it before? is it good? any spam or irrelevant answers gets reported. 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The angle of elevation made by the ground to the top of an antena 25 How tall is the antena ?? Joe and Marty work for two different landscaping companies. Joe earns a base amount of $15 and $8 per lawn. Marty earns a base amount of $45 and $6 per lawn. Last week, they earned the same amount of money. How many lawns did they each mow? Can someone please help me with this? A=1/2 bh; solve for bI need help anyone help me with this Which evidence in the diagram above indicates that a gas wasproduced as a result of the reaction? Juanita is decorating for a birthday party. She buys more than 30 balloons and attaches 6 of them to the chair for the birthday girl. She also wants to attach balloons to each of the 4 tables, with the same number of balloons at each table. If n represents the number of balloons at each table, this situation can be represented by the inequality 6 + 4n > 30. What does the solution to this inequality represent? A. She must attach fewer than 6 balloons to each table. B. She can attach more than 6 balloons to each table. C. She must attach fewer than 9 balloons to each table. D. She can attach more than 9 balloons to each table Help me please!!! I really need it! For each 7 mm of coloured fabric Gavyn uses to make his curtains, he also uses 1 cm of whitefabric. Express the amount of white fabric to coloured fabric as a ratio in its simplest form. Why was it necessary to drop the atomic bomb to stop the war against the Japanese?