Based on lines 1 through 29 in "Excerpt from Little Cricket," how are Thek's and Grandfather's points of view about living in America different?


Answer 1

Hello. You did not submit the excerpt to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, using the full context of "Little Cricket" I'll show you how Thek and his grandfather's views are on America. I hope this answer can help you.

Thek has a more positive view of America than his grandfather. For Thek, America is a good place to live and settle down. He believes America is the land of possibilities and is ready to explore them all. He also loves how America has electricity, running water, taxis, meters and many other elements that he didn't have in his homeland. This vision is very different from the way his grandfather sees America. For Thek's grandfather, America is a dirty, noisy and dull place. He misses the nature and the outdoors that he had access to in Laos, he misses being able to see the mountains and eat delicious food, made at home with great care and affection.

"Little Cricket" tells the story of the Vang family, who had a peaceful life in Laos, even with few resources, but had their whole life turned upside down after the Vietnam War and the move to the USA.

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1. One and one….two
A. will be
B. is
C. are
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one and one is two

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Select all of the sentences with errors in the following paragraph.
1 While waiting for our plane to take off I noticed that one of my friends was a passenger. 2 Joe the passenger I knew
was someone that I met last summer at basketball camp. 3 The camp was held at Cleveland college, and it was a lot of
fun 4 Everyone learned how to shoot, pass and dribble the ball with more intensity and skill. 5. "How's it going Joe?" |
said. 6. "It's going great!" he replied. "I just got recruited to play for a great school!" 7 I was excited for Joe even though
I hadn't been recruited to play for anyone yet. 8. "I hope you have a great time but don't forget about all of us 'little
people' on your climb to the top!" I said. "I won't," Joe said, "but do you want to be my manager?" 10. I just smiled.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.



1. 2. 4. 5. 8.


Most of the errors are misplaced commas, so it´s important to remember that a comma should be placed be between independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction, and it can also be used to separate independent clauses inside a sentence.

Here are the sentences with the errors corrected:

1. While waiting for our plane to take off, I noticed that one of my friends was a passenger.

2. Joe, the passenger I knew, was someone that I met last summer at basketball camp.

4. Everyone learned how to shoot, pass, and dribble the ball with more intensity and skill.

5. "How's it going, Joe?" I said.

8. "I hope you have a great time, but don't forget about all of us 'little

people' on your climb to the top!" I said.

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A heart condition was hereditary in their mother's family. In the absence of Scout's mother, Calpurnia became a mother-like figure for the Finch children.




I'm so sorry for not getting this sooner! But yes, I believe you are correct. The correct way to say the sentence is indeed: "I like that boulder," Donkey exclaimed! "That is a nice boulder." However, you could also say it as: "I like that boulder," Donkey exclaimed. "That it a nice boulder." Unfortunately, after I read all the answer choices, I did not quite see one like this. Hope this helps!! :))

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Your answer is: "These orders were sufficient, I well knew, to insure their immediate disappearance, one and all, as soon as my back was turned."


Because Jeremy's arm was clearly injured, the play clock was stopped.

Which type of clause is underlined?

independent clause
noun clause
adverb clause
adjective clause



The correct answer is C. adverb Clause. First of all, you have to know that this is also known as dependent clause , meaning that it cannot stand on it's own ( the way independent clauses can), but rather it has to belong to another sentence

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a graveyard at midnight
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d. a nuclear power plant.
Nuclear power plant

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B. Explamatory





I feel like it's option D


Write a Limerick poem



It is just as I feared! Two Owls and a Hen, Four Larks and a Wren, Have all built their nests in my beard!


A limerick poem of animals building nests in an old man's beard.

Examples of Limericks in Poetry
Edward Lear wrote many iconic limericks. Among the most famous of these is the opening poem from A Book of Nonsense: There was an Old Man with a beard, Who said, 'It is just as I feared! Two Owls and a Hen, Four Larks and a Wren, Have all built their nests in my beard!

How does littering affect humans?



Littering can cause soil water and air pollution which can lead to many different health condition and threatens the life a many humans.

Type your response in the box.
Read the following poem:
by William Carlos Williams
Subtle, clever brain, wiser than I am,
by what devious means do you contrive
to remain idle? Teach me, o master.
Now read it aloud. Try reading it aloud a few times.
Did the poem take on any new or different meaning when you read it aloud? If so, how? Did you prefer reading
the poem aloud or reading it to yourself?



When I read the poem to myself, I tried to understand the meaning of the poem. I discovered that the speaker is addressing his brain as something separate. He is asking his brain to teach him the art of remaining idle. I think this idea is funny and interesting.

When I read the poem aloud, I paused because of the punctuation. My voice changed when I asked the question in the poem. After reading the poem aloud multiple times, I discovered that punctuation in a poem helps convey meaning. Also, I found that the poem doesn’t rhyme. It reads like prose. I preferred reading the poem aloud because I gained more insight into its meaning.

Which statement best explains the situational irony that occurs in the passage?

The aunt expects the children to laugh at the story, but they do not.
The children expect their aunt to tell a funny story, but she does not.
The children do not like the story, even though it is very interesting.
The aunt tells a story with a moral, but the children ignore the lesson.



D the aunt tells a story with a moral, but the children ignore the lesson


Statement that explains the situational irony that occurs is the aunt tells a story with a moral, but the children ignore the lesson.

What is Situational irony?

Situational irony  serves as the irony that us been associated with something that is happening though different to what was expected.

The passage was how the aunty was telling story to the children and she was expecting them to find the story funny and interesting because of the morals there. but she was disappointed that the children doesn't find it funny.

The example of situational irony that us very common is fire station burning down.

The passage is about older lady, who was telling some children some story, and because of her personality, She expected that the children will find the story funny but she was disappointed before the children never find it funny, even with the morals of the story.

learn more about Situational irony at:

MARKING BRAINIEST!!!!! Help writing a SPEECH about : "Failure is a blessing in disguise"​



Every failure is a blessing in disguise, providing it teaches some needed lesson one could not have learned without it. Most so-called Failures are only temporary defeats.”


Hope it helpful

What does article reveal about the relationship between and publisher


Question: What does article reveal about the relationship between and publisher

Answer: The first introduces a subject and the second presents problems.

Explanation: I hope that this answers your question. If I got it wrong please tell me so I can correct it. But other than that, have a good day!

Select the correct answer.
Read this excerpt from Patrick Henry’s speech “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death.” What is the main idea of the text?

We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and Parliament. Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrances have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne! In vain, after these things, may we indulge the fond hope of peace and reconciliation. There is no longer any room for hope. If we wish to be free—if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending—if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained—we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight! An appeal to arms and to the God of hosts is all that is left us!

A. The Continental Congress should appoint Henry president of the colonies.
B. The king of England should stop taxing the colonists and should listen to them more.
C. The colonists have no other choice but to prepare for war if they want freedom.
D. The colonists should continue peaceful negotiations with the British king and citizens.



The main idea of the text is:

C. The colonists have no other choice but to prepare for war if they want freedom.


Patrick Henry was an important figure in the American Revolution. He lived from 1736 until 1799. In this excerpt of "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death," Henry claims that England has refused to listen to the colonists. The colonists have explained, asked, appealed, all to no avail. Now, according to Henry, since England will not treat them fairly, will not give them more freedom, it is time to fight. "If we wish to be free . . . we must fight!" War will be the only solution - as we know it indeed was - for America to gain freedom.

Which word is the best example of a specific verb?
a. say
b. talk
c. whisper
d. speak



the answer for this is WHISPER.

Answer: whisper

Explanation: whisper a more specific verb because it adds a description on how someone is speaking!

Hope this helps:))

Is it the answer “true”?





This is false because Parallel structure sentences do not include but instead it includes and.

Which question is grammatically correct?
1. What did you do at this time yesterday?
2. What were you doing at this time yesterday?


Number 2
Hope this answers your question

Why might a collaborative group use storyboards to develop a presentation?

A - There are many different types of storyboards to choose from.

B - Most teachers tell their students to use storyboards when collaborating.

C - Storyboards are used by filmmakers, videographers, and comic book creators.

D - Storyboards allow collaborators to share words, pictures, and ideas all at once.


Storyboards are used by a collaborative group to create a presentation because Filmmakers, videographers, and comic book creators all use storyboards.

Thus Option C is correct.

What is the significance of collaborative groups?

A collaborative team is a group of people who have similar ideas and work toward the same objectives.

Collaborative team members spend time talking about what they want to achieve as a group and setting team and individual goals to get there.

Collaborative learning has been shown to boost students' self-esteem and confidence while also helping them build higher-order thinking skills.

By demonstrating the subject and enhancing social and interpersonal skills, group projects can enhance the educational experience.

For more information about Storyboards refer to the link:



D - Storyboards allow collaborators to share words, pictures, and ideas all at once.


rubina have played football change the voice​



Rubina played football...

Karina lives in a single-parent family with her mother. Her mother works full-time during the week and has another part-time job on the weekend but does not make enough money to cover all the family bills. Karina must also work a part-time job to help. Karina's family exemplifies how........
A. communication styles influence family
B. economics and education influence family
C. ethnic and cultural backgrounds influence family
D. genetics, health, and diet influence family



I think its A


the other answer choices dont go with the paragraph and A just makes sense.

Karina's family exemplifies how economics and education influence family.

What is economics?

Economics is that study which describes the way in which money, business and industries are organized.

What is education?

Education is the process of training and teaching to the people. It can be either primary, secondary, higher or adult education.

To know more about Economics, click on:


With which statement would Susan B. Anthony most likely agree



Meron ba picture

is there supposed to be a picture?

All my efforts to convince her for the tour were............


I think the answer choices are B and D but I would choose D
i believe it’s b cause it makes sense !

where did he speech take places? when did the speaker deliver the speech? how didvother participants react to the speech?

plss Answer Correctly I need It Now plss​


what is the name if the speech

The speech took place in Naval Station Felix Apolinario in Camp Panacan, Davao City on August 7, 2016.

What is public speaking?

This is known to be the act of informing the public about a key topic of interest.

Note that in the case above, the Public reaction to the speech was that they were enthusiastic and were also very "supportive,".

Learn more about speech from


In 500 words or less, explain why the Chorus is confused in the First Stasimon and about what they are confused.



They want to know who had killed Lauis. So they are asking the gods for conclusion since two men are fighting. They are confused on why Teiresias thinks that Oedipus would do such a thing. Since Oedipus is seen as a well known and great king.


Award-winning author Sonia Nazario is best known for her Pulitzer Prize-winning biography Enrique's Journey. The book brings to life the
very real and dangerous journey of a Honduran boy fleeing his home in hopes of finding his mother in America. In addition to the
biography, Nazario has written countless articles informing readers of the dangers children like Enrique face. While the biography and the
articles serve the same purpose and present the same ideas, they do so in different ways. You will be comparing and contrasting how
Nazario informs her audience through a biography and an editorial. You may access the editorial here (“the children of the drug wars: A refugee crisis, not an immigration crisis”) and the biography here (Enrique’s Journey)

Write a comparative essay in which you compare and contrast the way Sonia Nazario presents similar ideas in a biography and an
editorial Support your comparison with well-chosen, relevant, and sufficient evidence from both texts. Apply MLA guidelines to properly
cite the evidence used in your essay. Be sure your essay uses formal and objective language,

If anyone could hit me up with an essay on this that’d be great, I’ll give you brainliest or whatever, I just wanna make it outta summer school.


I need more explaining

1.TEMPO describes the __________ of the Music.
2.Slow, Walking Speed
3.Fast Tempo
4.Medium Speed
5.Gradually Slowing Down
Accelerando (accel)
Ritardando (rit)
6.Gradually Speed up
Accelerando (accel)
Ritardando (rit)
Accelerando (accel)
Ritardando (rit)
8.Very FAST
Accelerando (accel)
Ritardando (rit)
Accelerando (accel)
10.The synonym to Ritardando is



1. Speed

2. Andante



5.Ritardando (rit)







which sentence belongs in the summary between sentences 1 and 2.



You should really use a picture, this is just a sentence that nobody can have ana answer to .


On a time crunch, request of an answer as soon as possible

Read this summary of passage 1 where a person fits there family birth order probably determines that person character traits 2 birth order theory focuses on patterns which sentence belongs in the summary between sentences 1 and 2


enjoy thx pls give me the brainliest


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