based on the map above, which of the following is the country in North America with the fewest state or province divisions?​






Answer 1




If you look at the american map there is not many states on canada.

Related Questions

When was world war 1 started



July 28, 1914  


my grand mom is a history professor for collage

july 28,1914-november 11,1918

Which is the proper order of genocides from earliest to most recent?

Holocaust, Cambodian, Armenian, Darfur
Armenian, Darfur, Holocaust, Cambodian
Armenian, Holocaust, Cambodian, Darfur
Holocaust, Armenian, Darfur, Cambodian


The proper order of genocides from earliest to the most recent is Armenian, Holocaust, Cambodian, Darfur.

What is Genocide?

Genocide is the intentional or deliberate act of killing a group of people living in a place, or country or state in order to destroy the country or the group.

Therefore, The proper order of genocides from earliest to the most recent is Armenian, Holocaust, Cambodian, Darfur.

Learn more about Genocide below.


C. Armenian, Holocaust, Cambodian, Darfur


Long essay question

Evaluate the extent to which the Renaissance changed European society.

Please use actual historical evidence.


How the renaissance changed early modern Europe Early modern Europe was an interesting and important time for all of Europe. From 1300 to 1800, many events were set into motion that would forever change Europe, and to extent, the rest of the world.

7 facts about Molly Maguire.......



The Molly Maguires were an Irish 19th-century secret society active in Ireland, Liverpool and parts of the Eastern United States, best known for their activism among Irish-American and Irish immigrant coal miners in Pennsylvania. After a series of often violent conflicts, twenty suspected members of the Molly Maguires were convicted of murder and other crimes and were executed by hanging in 1877 and 1878. This history remains part of local Pennsylvania lore and the actual facts much debated among historians.[1]

Some American Indian students went to boarding schools in the United States. Which of the following were these students forbidden from doing?



speaking in their native languages


Some of the American Indian students were forbidden of speaking in their native languages.

This was because of declaration of preservation and promotion of rights and freedom of Native Americans to develop  Native American Languages

*50 Points* Answer ASAP I thank you in advance. Thanks for taking the time and effort to answer this. No links plz

In the Trans-African slave trade, other things were traded besides human cargo. The Arab nations along the Mediterranean Sea and the tribal nations of Sub-Saharan Africa were dependent on each other for the commodities of gold and salt Which BEST describes why these two regions were dependent on each other?

A)They both disliked the Europeans, and because of that only traded with
each other

B) They shared a common religion and that made each region highly
dependent on the other

C) They each had one of the commodities but not the other, so they needed
their trading partner to provide it

D) They each had a surplus of those commodities, so the easiest thing to do
was to give that surplus to the other one.



C) They each had one of the commodities but not the other, so they needed their trading partner to provide it


The main reason why the Arab nations along the Mediterranean Sea and the tribal nations of Sub-Saharan Africa were dependent on each other for the commodities of gold and salt is that "They each had one of the commodities but not the other, so they needed their trading partner to provide it."

The Arab nations along the Mediterranean Sea could easily mine salt, but not the gold. Yet they want good as a means of treasure and luxury. While sub-Saharan Africa needed salts for many reasons including food preservations, and to give food tastes. Hence, the two regions needed trading partners to provide it.

what two reasons does Catherine the Great give for why she should have absolute power?


Husband couldn’t handle the country and she deserved power I’m not sure about the second

What role did President Theodore Roosevelt have in ending the Russo-Japanese War?



In 1905 President Theodore Roosevelt negotiated a peace treaty between Japan and Russia knows as the treaty of Portsmouth.


The Portsmouth peace treaty was signed on 5th September 1905 to formally bring to an end the 1904 to 1905 Russo-Japanese war. In which President Theodore Roosevelt mediated the peace treaty between Japan and Russia who had endured many wars over the control of Manchuria, North East China. In this regard, the Portsmouth treaty focussed on three major issues, the first being the access and the ports of Korea.  Second, the payment of the costs of war and, lastly the control of Sakhalin Island. Due to his role in the peace negotiations between Japan and Russia President Theodore Roosevelt was in 1906 awarded the Nobel Peace Prize winner. Since, his treaty brought nearly 30 years of peace between the two  nations.


B. He was a neutral party and played a key role in peace talks



What are Lincoln’s bodyguards doing right next to Booth before Lincoln is assassinated? Where does this take place?



sim eu também preciso desta respota

Why was Stalin convinced that Hitler would not attack Russia in 1941?



According to historian Robert Service, Joseph Stalin was convinced that the overall military strength of the USSR was such that he had nothing to fear and anticipated an easy victory should Germany attack; moreover, Stalin believed that since the Germans were still fighting the British in the west, Hitler would be ...

In 1940, Mussolini ended Italy’s neutrality by declaring war on

the US.
the USSR and the US.
Great Britain and France.


Great Britain and France


D. Great Britain and France


Which person would be least likely to welcome globalization?

leaders in a communist nation with a command economy

a family living below the poverty level because of unemployment

a business owner looking to expand into new markets

bankers and financial consultants looking for profits from investments



family living below the property


leaders in a communist nation with a command economy


Which accurately compares democratic institutions in colonial Virginia and New England?


In New England, only church ministers could vote, while in Virginia voting was open to all male members of society.
In New England, all men could vote in town and colonial meetings, while in Virginia only indentured servants could vote.
In New England, all male members of Puritan churches could vote, while in Virginia all freemen could vote for the House of Burgesses.
In New England, men and women members of Puritan churches could vote, while in Virginia only the wealthiest members of society could vote.

The colonial comparison between democratic institutions in colonial ∨irginia and New England is, In New England, all males could vote in town and colony assemblies, but only indentured slaves could vote in ∨irginia. This is further explained below.

What are democratic institutions?

Generally, democratic institutions are simply defined as organizations that assist and promote democratic activities.

In conclusion, Men and women from Puritan churches were allowed to vote in New England, while only the richest members of society were allowed to vote in ∨irginia.

Read more about democratic institutions


help for 40 points pls real answers im begging you


Hey buddy this is teh answer!

In the wake of the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States, Telnaes asked Americans not to overlook the suffering of women in Afghanistan, who had endured severe restrictions since the Taliban took control of their country in 1996. In this cartoon she contrasts a famous World War II poster of Rosy the Riveter, which encouraged U.S. women's contributions to the war effort, with the Taliban's efforts to make their women invisible members of society.

When this cartoon was drawn, U.S. forces were preparing to attack Afghanistan in the wake of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Telnaes's cartoon addresses the particular vulnerability of Afghan women, whose movement and ability to be informed were severely limited. Telnaes comments, “At the time I was thinking, just be careful where you're aiming those bombs.”

Hope its helps!

Plz mark my answer brainliest

The fact that sinners in the hand of an angry god was popular suggests that the colonists



we're interested in Edward's ideas about religion


hope it helps

What was the agreement which called for a two-house legislature; one based on equal
representation and the other on states' population?
A. The 3/5th Compromise
B. The New Jersey Plan
C. The Great Compromise
D. The Virginia Plan




Which list does not describe what "Jacksonian Democracy"
Group A
Belief in the common man
O Group B
Appointing supporters to office
- Belief in the Union
O Group A
Willful disregard for legal authority
Group B
Opposition to slavery
Belief in strong federal fiscal authority
Military leadership
Creation of opportunities for women


Based on a historical perspective and the available option, the list that does not describe what "Jacksonian Democracy" is Group C: Willful disregard for legal authority.

What is Jacksonian Democracy?

Jacksonian democracy is a political term that is used to describe the 19th-century political philosophy in the United States that is defined by the expanded suffrage to most white men over the age of 21 and restructured several federal institutions.

The Jacksonian Democracy is characterized by the following:party of ordinary farmers and workers.special privileges of economic elites.affordable western land to ordinary white Americansthe two-party system and the spoils system, etc.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is Group C: Willful disregard for legal authority.

Learn more about Jacksonian Democracy here:


Answer: Group A is correct )

Explanation: I got a 100 on the test, the guy from the other answer was confused, his answer is under group a

what comes to mind when you think about revolution


When i think about revolution, i think about war and how it created our life today and we didn’t even know about it back then.


warWarRevolutionchangefreedom Freedomfightingdeathindependencegovernment rebellionpeopleWorld war IIprotestsbeetlesbloodno bueno.

Military leaders in Japan used nationlists propoganda to encourage Japenese people to take which actions?



To be productive in their lives , to serve in the military , and to support the emperor


what was the first battle of the civil war​



First Battle Of Bull-Run


People also call this the first battle of Manassas of two engagements fought at a small stream named Bull Run, in the American civil war (1st one)

which station would be more likely to occur in the modern era than earlier periods of human history


Beepty Beep Boop . . .Inserting Quick Answer . . . Code Green


Answer: Struggles in farms happen today and happened in the past as well, but they were most likely to happen in the past without the tools of our age. And violence has also been used as a way to obtain power since humans exist.


What impact did Lewis Hine’s photographs most likely have? His photographs received little attention or interest from the public. His photographs caused factory owners to bring an end to child labor. His photographs discouraged labor unions from including child workers. His photographs attracted more support for the movement against child labor.



he wrong its    

                                                                                                                               His photographs attracted more support for the movement against child labor.


i had it and got it right

The impact Lewis Hine’s photographs most likely had was that His photographs attracted more support for the movement against child labor. Option B. This is further explained below.

What is photography?

Generally, Photography is an act today known as depicting an image on a sheet using pixels, but it actually means drawing with light.

In conclusion,  The impact of Lewis Hine’s photographs is his images drew additional attention to the anti-child labor campaign.

Read more about Photography


The FASFA4caster is used for:



The FAFSA4caster is a free tool from the U.S. Department of Education that provides an early estimate of your federal student aid eligibility. Like the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, the FAFSA4caster analyzes your household income and assets to determine your expected family contribution or EFC.


Please Mark me brainliest


get an estimate of expected federal financial aid


Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931 because

Manchuria had refused to make peace with Japan.
Japan wanted to take back lands that belonged to it.
Japan wanted raw materials and natural resources.
Manchuria had invaded Japan during World War I.



C. Japan wanted raw materials and natural resources.


The Japan  invaded Manchuria in 1931 because Japan wanted raw materials and natural resources.

Why Japan invaded Manchuria?

Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931 for an assortment of justifications. The almost crucial of which was a terrible deficiency of resources and the threat of embargoes.

In 1931, Japan occupied the Chinese administrative district of Manchuria in hunting for raw materials to fuel its expanding industries. By 1937, Japan had seized control of wide swaths of China, and war crimes against Chinese civilians were frequent.

Therefore, option C is correct.

To learn more about the Manchuria, refer to:


In the 1890s, ___ expanded his banking empire to colossal proportions. His bank houses were so large that they loaned money to other banks.

choose a word:
John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie


Answer: the answer: J.P. Morgan

Explanation: The term “robber baron” contrasted with the term “captain of industry,” which described industrialists who also benefitted society. Nineteenth-century robber barons included J.P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, Andrew W. Mellon, and John D. Rockefeller

In the 1890s, J.P. Morgan expanded his banking empire to colossal proportions. His bank houses were so large that they loaned money to other banks.

What is the meaning of Bank?

Bank, is a business that deals with money and its alternatives as well as other financial services. A bank lends money and accepts deposits as part of its function as a financial middleman.

The business of banking involves safeguarding other people's money. When banks lend this money, interest is generated that benefits both the bank and its clients. A financial entity with permission to accept deposits and issue loans is known as a bank. However, they might also offer additional financial services.

Since Italian merchants in the Renaissance formed agreements to borrow and lend money next to a bench, the word bank is derived from the Italian word banco, which means bench. They set the cash down on the bench. Simple financial records have existed since the dawn of time.

A financial entity that handles deposits and loans is called a bank. A bank enables someone (a saver) who has extra cash to deposit it there and receive interest. Similarly to this, the bank charges an interest rate when lending money to an investor or borrower.

Learn more about the Bank here:


Please help with this


Answer : B, ritual drinking of tea, hope this helped!!

What emerged in the United States in the United States during the Great Depression



When the United States finally emerged from the Great Depression during World War II, it had hundreds of new roads and public buildings, widespread electrical power, and replenished resources for industry.


spread of cold war. they fought. what? where? why?​


hello, I would really love to help you but I can’t. I’m not smart and I really just need points



Why: The Cold War started in Europe. From 1945 to 1953, the USSR expanded its influence by creating the Eastern Bloc across states like Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary. ... Both superpowers supported dictatorships that came to power through violence and repressed their societies—all to gain an edge in the global Cold War.

Where: This became known as a policy of containment. In the 1950s, competition had spread to the Middle East, Asia, and Latin America, with each side trying to establish control. By the 1960s, the Cold War reached Africa. Many former colonies achieved independence from European empires (decolonization).

What: The Cold War was an ongoing political rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies that developed after World War II. This hostility between the two superpowers was first given its name by George Orwell in an article published in 1945.

In a direct democracy, who votes on government policy?
all citizens
only democrats



All citizens.


the answer is B


Are john D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie robber barons or captains of industry?



What I think personal The term “robber baron” contrasted with the term “captain of industry,” which described industrialists who also benefitted society. Nineteenth-century robber barons included J.P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, Andrew W. Mellon, and John D. Rockefeller


They were robber barons, bought out smaller companies for their own fortune
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