can someone plzzz help thank youu


Answer 1


The last one.

Answer 2




complete oxidation of glucose yield 34 to 38 ATPs

Related Questions

Which pair of slides contains cells that resulted from meiosis


Answer: slide 2 and 4


meosis= sex

suppose that the supply of fossil fuels were going to run out in 10 years. what would happen if we ran out without being prepared? what could be done to prepare for such event?



which school do you read please tell me

Which statement describes a difference between the nitrogen and carbon cycles?

The nitrogen cycle occurs entirely in the ocean.

The nitrogen cycle requires a process called nitrogen fixation that is carried out by certain bacteria.

The carbon cycle requires freezing temperatures.

The carbon cycle involves only plants.



The nitrogen cycle requires a process called nitrogen fixation that is carried out by certain bacteria

The primary distinction between the carbon and nitrogen cycles is that the former involves recycling carbon, whilst the latter involves recycling nitrogen. There are numerous ways for both systems to recycle carbon and nitrogen. With gases, both cycles begin and end. Thus, option B is correct.

What between the nitrogen and carbon cycles?

Both go through chemical changes that change the shape of the molecules they are contained in. All organisms that are living contain both nitrogen and carbon. Both entail releasing the element into the atmosphere in a molecular form. The cycles start and end as gases.

Therefore, The amount of nitrogen that can be absorbed into organic matter and then recycled rises as the flux of carbon does.Both involve releasing the element as a molecule form into the atmosphere. As gases, the cycles begin and finish.

Learn more about nitrogen cycle here:


help please
Two children and their dog are outside. The children are skating, and the dog is eating. It begins to rain, and the children and dog rush inside so quickly that it causes them to breathe more rapidly. When they are inside, the children dry their hair using towels, and the dog dries it's fur by shaking it's fur.
Look at the list of actions below:
1. The children skating
2. The dog eating
3. The children breathing more rapidly
4. The dog breathing more rapidly
5. The children using towels to dry their hair
6. The dog shaking it's fur to dry it's fur
Which actions best represent inherited behaviors?
A - 2,3,4,6
B - 2,4,6
C - 1,5
D - 1,2,3,4,5,6



The answer is A because the other actions the child thinks of doing or was taught to do


D - 1,2,3,4,5,6.

The what
system proyides structure to the body and protects
internal organs.



Skeletal System


The skeletal system works as a support structure for your body. It gives the body its shape, allows movement, makes blood cells, provides protection for organs and stores minerals.

What property of greenhouse gases allows them to maintain a suitable temperature on the Earth?
They allow heat emitted by the Earth to escape into space.

They allow heat from the Sun to reach Earth.

They allow light energy from the Sun to reach Earth, but block heat energy from the Sun.

They reflect heat emitted by the Earth, back down towards the planet.



They reflect heat emitted by the Earth, back down towards the planet.


What is a codon?
A. Group of 6 bases that codes for an amino acid

B. Group of 3 bases that codes for an amino acid

C. Group of 4 bases that codes for an amino acid

D. Group of 2 bases that codes for an amino acid


answer:a unit that consists of three adjacent bases on a DNA molecule and that determines the position of a specific amino acid in a protein molecule during protein synthesis.

The answer is B because if you want to make amino acids you can’t have more than 3 codon to find the amino acid in the codon chart

Cell division occurs in animal cells and plant cells. The illustration below shows an animal cell and a plant cell during the same phase of cell division.

Which of the following best describes this phase of cell division?

A. The cells are completing the growth phase and entering prophase.
B. The chromosomes in each cell have just replicated, and the cells are entering mitosis.
C. Mitosis is complete and the plant cell is forming a cell plate because plants have cell walls.
D. The cells are in metaphase, and the animal cell is drawing inward where chromosomes will line up for separation.





The membrane of the animal cell is beginning to pinch off indicating cytokinesis which is the final stage of mitosis in eukaryotes

The plant cell has entered telophase (the final stage of cell division for prokaryotes) as a cell plate has formed as well as two separate nucleus'

Which of the following is a feature of all cells?
O A. All cells have a nucleus.
O B. All cells have a rigid cell wall.
O C. All cells are spheres.
O D. All cells have a cell membrane.


The answer is a bc it’s the eight answer

All cells have a rigid cell wall is a feature of all cells. Therefore, option (B) is correct.

What are the characteristics of cell wall?

A plant cell's cell wall is its outermost covering. It is a tough, pliable, and occasionally rigid layer that provides the cell with structural support and protection. There is no cell wall in animal cells.

Plant cells' tensile strength and resistance to mechanical and osmotic stress are provided by the cell wall, which encloses the plasma membrane. Additionally, it permits the development of turgor pressure, or the pressure of the contents of the cell against the cell wall.

The cell's interior contents are kept separate from the outside environment by the cell wall. It also gives the cell and its organelles shape, support, and protection. However, only a few prokaryotic organisms, eukaryotic plants, and fungi contain this cellular component.

Learn more about cell wall:


Why is the elimination of feaces not an excretory process?​



Feaces is a product of egestion. It is not directly formed from the major organs responsible for excretion (liver, kidneys, lungs and skin) and hence is not a result of metabolic reactions. That is why, feaces are not an excretory product.


What is sprouting?
Why do we need to have calcium rich foods?



(i) Sprouting is the natural process by which seeds or spores germinate and put out shoots, and already established plants produce new leaves or buds or other newly developing parts experience further growth.

(ii) It makes up much of your bones and teeth and plays a role in heart health, muscle function and nerve signaling

TWO evidence of global warming in South Africa​



Observable effects of climate change on water resources in Africa include: flooding, drought, change in distribution of rainfall, drying-up of rivers, melting of glaciers and the receding of bodies of water.


thank me later

A steady increase in global temperature has been recorded
between 1900 and today. Before concluding that this rise in
temperature is the result of the increased burning of fossil
fuels since that same time, which of the following questions
would have to be answered?

A What is the CO2 content in one metric ton of fossil
B Which gases are released when burning fossil fuels?
C What, if any, temperature rise was occurring prior to
D How have humans adapted to temperature change?





C What, if any, temperature rise was occurring prior to 1900?

What gas in the atmosphere reacts with sulfur dioxide to create sulfur trioxide?
O nitrogen
o hydrogen
O acid rain


o hydrogen, hoped this helped!
Hydrogen:) I hope it help

In the carbon cycle, plants convert carbon dioxide from the air in to
a. proteins
b. nitrogen
c. carbohydrates
d. nucleic acids​





because form carbon is change to carbonhydrates

I'll give brainlist!! Please helppp‼️‼️

1. How many years does the table include, from the first species to the last?

2. From the fossil evidence shown, how did the forefeet change over time?

3. From the fossil evidence shown, how did the skills change over time?

4. How might the environment in which each of these species lived have affected the evolution of horses?



1: 50 million years

2: The forefeet changed over time by the bones merging into one to create the hoofed feet that we are used to today.

3: Their teeth and skull changed over time to better fit the environment and food they fed on. Their feet and hight changed based on the physical requirements of the environment like walking across dense forests vs open prairies and how they had to move to access food.

4: The environment affected the way the horses evolved because they had to evolve to better fit and survive/thrive the new environments they lived in.

[tex]what \: is \: cell \: membrane \: {?} [/tex]



The living layer of a cell is called cell membrane.

it is also called plasma membrane .

hope it is helpful to you


Hello There!!


Cell membrane is↬A thin layer outside of a cell and controls all the movements and functions into and out of the cell and it protects the cell.

hope this helps,have a great day!!


during which phase of meiosis does crossing over of chromosomes occur



prophase 1 and metaphase



Select the sequence that matches the following DNA sequence?!


c or the third option
It’s c because your converting DNA into RNA

What happens when an atom loses an electron



An atom that gains or loses an electron becomes an ion. If it gains a negative electron, it becomes a negative ion. If it loses an electron it becomes a positive ion (see page 10 for more on ions).


Las plantas transforman la luz del sol a través de unas células llamadas: a) Estomas. b) Cloroplastos. c) Raíces. d)Clorofila.



La respuesta correcta es: b) Cloroplastos.


Los cloroplastos son organelas que se encuentran en las células vegetales y son responsables de realizar el proceso clave para la supervivencia de estos seres vivos: la fotosíntesis.

La fotosíntesis consiste en la transformación de sustancias inorgánicas a materia orgánica gracias a la energía proveniente de la luz solar. Esta materia orgánica será utilizada para la producción de los nutrientes requeridos por las células de la planta.

Los cloroplastos constan de una envoltura conformada por dos membranas y por unas vesículas llamadas tilacoides donde se encuentran las moléculas que participan en la transformación de energía lumínica a energía química que ocurre durante la fotosíntesis, por ejemplo la clorofila (que es un pigmento verde que le da a la planta su característico color).

Sinkholes and caves are an example of:
A. Climate Change
B. Mechanical Weathering
C. Sediment Deposition
D. Karst Topography



I think it's D. Karst Topography


Karst is a topography formed from the dissolution of soluble rocks such as limestone, dolomite, and gypsum. It is characterized by underground drainage systems with sinkholes and caves. It has also been documented for more weathering-resistant rocks, such as quartzite, given the right conditions.

In no more than 150 words explain how we use our senses daily, (I did this one time and she marked as bad and she told me to do it again :/ please help )


We use our senses to gather and respond to information about our environment, which aids our survival. Each sense provides different information which is combined and interpreted by our brain. Which sense is dominant varies between different animals, as well as which is the most sensitive. Our five senses help us to explore the world around us. Our senses also protect us by warning of dangers in our surroundings. Information gathered by the sense organs is sent along nerves to the brain. The brain then sends messages to the body telling it how to respond. Senses Are our connection to the world around us so we need them to perceive our environment and to interact with other people.they Can help with everyday tasks such as driving, talking to people, or performing activities at work
Are essential for our enjoyment of many experiences such as eating a meal or listening to music.They Are closely connected to our emotions and memories so they can have a very dramatic impact on how we feel.

A cell can survive without its membrane intact.

A. True

B. False



false, a cell CANNOt survive

False, a cell cannot survive without its membrane intact

What is the measured output force of a pulley system if the Mechanical Advantage is 0.48 and measured input force is 10N?



Output force is 4.8 N


A pulley is a simple machine made of a grooved wheel with a rope or cable wrapped around it. Pulleys are used in the transmission of energy or motion.

The input force is also known as the applied force while the output force is the force exerted on an object by a simple machine.

The mechanical advantage of a pulley is the ratio of the output force to the input force.

Mechanical advantage = output force / input force


0.48 = output force / 10

Output force = 4.8 N

how is cholera more of a result of politics, socio-economic conditions and infrastructure than biology?


Answer: Vibrio cholerae is a natural inhabitant of the aquatic environment, which with ... infrastructures aiding in mixing of overflowing sewers with flood waters, result in an ... temperature and likelihood of an outbreak of cholera were then determined. ... Figure 4 shows that about 50% or more cholera outbreaks


Los organismos sencillos como las bacterias, los protozoos, las algas y los hongos no tienen sistema especializado para la excreción, la excreción se efectúa por difusión y transporte activo a través de



Por difusión.


Los organismos simples como las bacterias, los protozoos, las algas y los hongos no tienen un sistema de excreción especializado. Hicieron la excreción a través del proceso de difusión en el que los materiales se mueven de la región de alta concentración a la región de menor concentración. Debido a esta difusión, hay una gran cantidad de material de agua presente, por lo que el material de desecho se mueve desde el interior del cuerpo al entorno exterior a través de la membrana presente alrededor de su cuerpo y este proceso de difusión también se utiliza para la absorción de nutrientes.

what’s unpopular information or least know information about immune system??


Answer: Stress can affect the way your immune system works.

Explanation: Stress can lead to increased levels of cortisol

Ribosomes are only found in prokaryotes.





They're also found in eukaryotes.

true it only can be found in prokaryotes

Is lettuce a leaf plant?





Yes. Why? Because it is
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