During World War II, the US government sent people of Japanese ancestry to internment camps based on
how long they had lived in the US.
whether they lived in an exclusion zone.
how long they had lived on the East Coast.
whether they had ever lived in Japan.


Answer 1


whether they lived in an exclusion zone.


Answer 2

During World War II, the US government sent people of Japanese ancestry to internment camps based on whether they lived in an exclusion zone.

Why did the US Government place Japanese in Camps?

The Japanese-initiated invasion of Pearl Harbor catapulted the United States into World War II. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, therefore, issued Executive Order 9066 about two months following the incident.

Executive Order 9066 authorized the removal of Japanese-Americans into internment camps in an attempt to prevent potential Japanese infiltration.

Initially, the relocations were done on a temporary basis. Because there were few volunteers to emigrate, the executive order prepared the way for the forcible evacuation of Japanese-Americans residing on the western coast.

Over a hundred thousand Japanese-Americans were put in internment camps within the United States in the six months after the issuance of EO 9066.

Thus, the US government sent people of Japanese ancestry to internment camps based on whether they lived in an exclusion zone.  

Learn more about World War II here:


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Explanation: i did the test


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A. Towns and industries grew near transportation centers.
B. High taxes made the new routes unprofitable.
C. Farmers suffered from higher shipping costs.
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A. Towns and industries grew near transportation centers


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in enpanish plis

I believe the answer is b

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Bread is a staple food prepared from a dough of flour and water, usually by baking. Throughout recorded history, it has been a prominent food in large parts of the world. It is one of the oldest human-made foods, having been of significant importance since the dawn of agriculture, and plays an essential role in both religious rituals and secular culture.


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Many Native American groups disappeared from Texas for all of the following reasons except:
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B. Native Americans could no longer find adequate food in Texas.


Ever since the arrival of the European in America, the Native Indians forced to leave their homeland. Many Native American groups disappeared from Taxes as they force to leave their land for the white settlers so, they occupy the land for farming and ranching. Natives Americans forced to move to reservations in Oklahoma was established by the government. Many of them died in Texas as they exposed to diseases brought by other settlers in Texas.

Jessica has an account with a credit union. Her account earns 2.4% simple interest yearly. Exactly a year and a half ago, she opened her account with $900.





Jessica has an account with a credit union. Her account earns 2.4% simple interest yearly. Exactly a year and a half ago, she opened her account with $900.

How much interest has she earned so far?

Interest = Principal × rate × time

Principal = $900

Rate = 2.4% = 0.024

Time = 1.5 years

Interest = Principal × rate × time

= 900 × 0.024 × 1.5

= $32.4

Interest = $32.4

evaluate the extent to which economic motives were the leading cause of japanese imperialism in the period circa 1880-1945



When the United States sends a naval delegation, led by Commodore Matthew Perry, to "open" Japanese ports in 1853, the Japanese are well aware of the "Unequal Treaties" that have been imposed upon China in the previous ten years (since the Opium War of 1839-42) as a result of the superior military power of the Western nations. The Japanese respond to the challenge of the West.

Reform-minded samurai, reflecting the enormous changes that have taken place in the preceding Tokugawa period, effect political change. They launch the reform movement under the guise of restoring the emperor to power, thereby eliminating the power of the shogun, or military ruler, of the Tokugawa period. The emperor's reign name is Meiji; hence the title, "Meiji Restoration" of 1868.

The Japanese carry out this modernization by very deliberate study, borrowing, and adaptation of Western political, military, technological, economic, and social forms — repeating a pattern of deliberate borrowing and adaptation seen previously in the classical period when Japan studied Chinese civilization (particularly in the 7th century to 8th century).

Economic, political, and social changes that have taken place during the preceding 250 years of peace under the Tokugawa shogunate (1600-1868) lay the basis for the rapid transformation of Japan into a modern industrial power, with a constitution, a parliament, a national, compulsory education system, a modern army and navy, roads, trains, and telegraph — in less than 50 years.


1- ¿Qué promesas hiso Cristóbal Colón, para obtener la autorización para emprender ese cuarto viaje?



Para encontrar el camino a Asia


Cristóbal Colón solicitó la autoridad para enviarlo en un último viaje, es decir, el cuarto viaje para que pueda encontrar un camino al continente asiático. Hasta entonces nadie ha encontrado un camino a la región asiática y este Colón estaba interesado en hacerlo.

A petición suya, el monarca español le permitió un último viaje, es decir, el cuarto viaje para que pueda descubrir la ruta de Asia. En este viaje, Colón fue con su hermano y su hijo.

the main reason the cold war was fought was​



the ideological conflict between both the United States and the Soviet Union, the emergence of nuclear weapons, and the fear of communism in the United States.



Historians have identified several causes that led to the outbreak of the Cold War, including: tensions between the two nations at the end of World War II, the ideological conflict between both the United States and the Soviet Union, the emergence of nuclear weapons, and the fear of communism in the United States.


why were the peace makers at versailles war severe​



The first problem faced by the peacemakers at Versailles was the political and social instability in Europe, which necessitated that they act speedily to reach a peace settlement.

Hope this Helps!

Economics is focused on the problem of __________, which is created by a world with limited resources and people with unlimited needs and wants.


The answer is the society.

Economics is focused on the problem of the society which is created by a world with limited resources and people with unlimited needs and wants.


I think simple terms it's basically "supply and Demand. They may want a more detailed answer though.

Number the events in chronological order.
The French Revolution begins.
Napoleon Bonaparte invades Spain.
Mexico becomes an independent nation.
Simón Bolívar wins the Battle of Ayacucho in Peru.
Toussaint Louverture leads a successful revolt against French rule.
Miguel Hidalgo's el grito de Dolores marks the beginning of the Mexican rebellion.



The French Revolution begins (La Prise de la Bastille, July 14, 1789).

Toussaint Louverture leads a successful revolt against French rule (1804).

Napoleon Bonaparte invades Spain (Peninsular War, 1808).

Miguel Hidalgo's el grito de Dolores marks the beginning of the Mexican rebellion. (1810)

Mexico becomes an independent nation (Treaty of Córdoba, 1821).

Simón Bolívar wins the Battle of Ayacucho in Peru (1824).


How many senators represent each state?
O two
O three
O four
O five



The answer is two

Explanation: Hope this helps and gl :) give Brainliest if u like :)

Their is 2 senators represent each state

The greatest impact of the Spanish on the Native Americans was
A. The spreading of Christianity
B. The increase of Native American independence
C. An increased food supply
D. The spread of diseases





i think its b because they do increase of native American independence

Which characteristie of the Neolithie Revolution helped lead to the growth of
Party river valley civilizations?



Domestication of plants ocurred in the river valleys, as the agricultural revolution in the Neolithic enabled growth and control of crops. With a better system of water supplies, the plants, being the primary source of food for animals then led to domestication.

Which country joined the United States, the Soviet Union, and France during World War IIto form the Allied Powers?

Great Britain






Great Britain


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The act increased the price of all printed forms of paper.
The act increased the cost of sending mail to Europe.
The act made it difficult for colonists to move between states.
The act restricted trade between colonists and other nations.



A. The act increased the price...

How does President Lincoln's Gettysburg Address differ from his second
inaugural address?



sim eu também preciso desta respota

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Pat Battle and Marci Gonzalez

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An economic reform

List three historical issues that have been used to debate the different interpretations of the Constitution. There are two interpretations: Loose constructionism and Originalism.
Loose Constructionism - A document does not mean the same thing as when it was written for the purpose of keeping it up to date. The meaning of the constitution changes.
Originalism - A document means the same thing today as it did when it was written. It has not been changed to keep up with the times. Keep the “original intent”.


Three could be honestly what you want and the answers are very vague.

Select all the correct answers.
Imagine that a strong foreign navy had blocked the ports near Rome. What would have likely been the biggest concern to the people of Rome?

The city of Rome could run out of grain bought from across the sea.
The city of Rome would be defenseless because the Roman army was far away.
The trade in exotic goods from Carthage and Spain would be disrupted.
The soldiers in the Roman colonies in Spain and Gaul could desert the army.
The Roman government would run out of silver and bronze to make coins.



mabye the second answer the city of rome would be defenseless

can someone pls help?!



The answer is (d) NATO

The answer is A, Warsaw Pact

Which of the following was a technological advance made during the Zhou dynasty?
A. The use of bronze to make sculpture and statues
B. The development of advanced mathematics
C. The use of oracle bones to record events
D. The use of coins for the first time


I believe it’s A! Hope this helps


The Answer is option A. Hope this helps

Why is September 11, 2001, a significant date in US history?

Al-Qaeda carried out the largest terrorist attack against the United States on this date.
It is the date that Congress passed the Patriot Act authorizing sweeping surveillance powers.
It is the date that the US military launched a “war on terror” in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden was killed on this date by US military forces.



Al-Qaeda carried out the largest terrorist attack against the United States on this date.



Al-Qaeda carried out the largest terrorist attack against the United States on this date. or A.


good luck <33

Which Greek deity was honored with a towering gold-and-ivory statue inside the Parthenon?









is anyone willing to help me with some history essays i fell behind i just need help researching. its not too much its like a couple of essays and reports its like 6 total i think but the total words for all of them combined is 4,120, so they are fairly short. im also using evernote to take notes so if you have that that would be easier too. ill attach an image of all i have to do. thanks!



Hey mate.......


This is ur answer.....

Vietnam War

The Vietnam War and active U.S. involvement in the war began in 1954, though ongoing conflict in the region had stretched back several decades.

The Vietnam War, also known as the Second Indochina War, was a conflict in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from 1 November 1955 to the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975. It was the second of the Indochina Wars and was officially fought between North Vietnam and South Vietnam. 

The Vietnam War was a long, costly and divisive conflict that pitted the communist government of North Vietnam against South Vietnam and its principal ally, the United States. The conflict was intensified by the ongoing Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union.

The United States had provided funding, armaments, and training to South Vietnam's government and military since Vietnam's partition into the communist North and the democratic South in 1954. Tensions escalated into armed conflict between the two sides, and in 1961 U.S. President John F. The U.S. entered the Vietnam War in an attempt to prevent the spread of communism, but foreign policy, economic interests, national fears, and geopolitical strategies also played major roles.

The countries that were in this war were United States, China, Laos, France, South Korea, Soviet Union, North Korea, North Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Philippines.

More than 3 million people (including over 58,000 Americans) were killed in the Vietnam War, and more than half of the dead were Vietnamese civilians. Communist forces ended the war by seizing control of South Vietnam in 1975, and the country was unified as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam the following year.

In general, historians have identified several different causes of the Vietnam War, including: the spread of communism during the Cold War, American containment, and European imperialism in Vietnam.

Hope it helps!

Brainliest pls!

Follow me! :)

why did João Rodrigues Calbrilho and his crew abandon what is now California?



When João Rodrigues Calbrilho, a Portuguese explorer, arrived with his crew in California in the early 1500s (they were the first Europeans to do so), the crew abandoned the place, thinking it was too isolated from the world's other trade points.


1. Should the world still hunt former Nazis for their role during the Holocaust? 2. Should the men be found guilty or not guilty and why? 3. Were the sentences fair? Explain​


Answer:But while first- and second-generation Holocaust survivors are often no strangers to the public exposure that comes with educating their communities about the past, the same cannot be said for most former Nazis and the children of perpetrators, whose participation in or relationship with the Third Reich has not undergone the same level of public interest or scrutiny.

After the war, most ordinary Nazis—Gestapo agents, S.S. and S.A. auxiliaries, party members and government officials, as well as German citizens who embraced the party’s rhetoric—faded into relative obscurity and were able to create fresh false identities and make a clean break with their pasts. They were aided by a silence within families and within the polity that persisted for decades. When post-war trials against Nazis occurred, they generally ignored low-level functionaries and killers and aimed to convict only prominent members of the regime. Between 1945 and 1958, only 6,093 former Nazis were convicted of having committed a crime—a drop in the ocean when we remember that in 1945 the Nazi party had eight million members. Despite the swathes of people caught up in Nazism before and during World War II, most of us can, today, name only a handful of Nazis, almost always those who formed part of Hitler’s inner circle.


How did the Nazi's take away the rights of German Jews from the German Citizenship Law of 1935?



Hitler wanted to make Nazi Germany Judenrein(free of Jews). In the early years, the policy of Judenrein did not include genocide. Rather, anti-Jewish oppressive measures were slowly introduced to exclude Jews from all aspects of German life. Anti-Semitic laws went hand in hand with state violence and terror. By 1939, discriminatory laws and decrees grew longer and longer and included the following:

Jewish businesses were boycotted.

All Jews had to wear a yellow Star of David badge to make them easy to identify.  

Jews were dismissed from the civil service.  

Jews were expelled from all schools and universities.  

Jews were stripped of all citizenship rights.


Explanation: The Nazi's took away the rights of the Jews from the German Citizenship Law of 1935 by defining whom had converted to Christianity from Judaism as Jews. It defined people who were born and raised as Jewish, and even if they didn't follow that religion, their "race" and ancestry was still apart of it. Therefore they were stripped of all their rights, and deprived.

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